Treatment table No. 7: characteristics and varieties of the "kidney" diet

The kidneys are the main part of the excretory system. Everything that enters the body is partially or completely processed by it - it is excreted through the kidneys. The food that a person eats also affects the state of the urinary system. This fact was taken into account by Manuel Pevzner, who developed a whole range of medical diets in the middle of the last century. Therapeutic diet No. 7 is able to correct the load exerted on the kidneys, to ensure the normal well-being of people with chronic and acute diseases of this organ.
Italian vegetable soup in a pot

A kidney diet should provide the body with all types of nutrients in the required amount. It is important to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the load on the organ filter. An additional requirement is to maintain the full functions of the systems affected by the disease so that the body is promptly and efficiently cleaned of processed products. The power system according to Pevzner No. 7 allows you to solve these problems. And its varieties take into account the features of the course of various kidney diseases.

Who is it designed for?

Diet No. 7 (dietary table No. 7), as well as its subspecies, implies a certain degree of gentle effect on the kidneys by reducing the amount of extractive substances of animal and vegetable origin in the diet. This approach can dramatically reduce the burden on all renal structures, providing the excretory organs with the opportunity to more fully cope with their tasks.

In addition, depending on the severity of the disease and the condition of the patient, a greater or lesser restriction in the diet of protein substances is implied. Diet options allow for an increase or decrease in the load on the excretory organs. Regulation also occurs due to the correction of the amount of fluid consumed per day, including in the form of drinks, as well as liquid dishes. By reducing or increasing the daily intake of table salt, balancing the water-salt balance in the patient’s body is achieved.

Indications of diet No. 7 and its subspecies:

  • chronic nephritis;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • renal failure;
  • renal hypertension;
  • stay on hemodialysis;
  • recovery after exacerbation of renal disease;
  • clogging of the body with nitrogenous substances;
  • elevated uric acid levels;
  • detection of protein in the urine (proteinuria).
First, the doctor recommends maximum sparing of the kidneys. Then the patient is transferred to a milder regime of the seventh diet. If kidney function returns to normal, the complex treatment process ends with a gradual transition to the usual way of eating. If it is not possible to achieve full recovery, the doctor may prescribe long-term compliance with a specific diet.

What is useful medical diet number 7

Medical diet No. 7 reduces the intake of substances into the body, during the breakdown of which nitrogenous products are formed. This allows:

  • relieve stress on the kidneys;
  • create optimal conditions for the action of medicines;
  • achieve a reduction in inflammation.

Reducing nitrogen pressure allows organs to better purify blood and remove decay products, excess salt inclusions, excess fluid. This leads to the elimination of puffiness, a decrease in the symptoms of hypertension.

There is also a variant of the seventh table, aimed at eliminating protein deficiency in various nephropathies with a simultaneous decrease in renal load.The principle of operation of this diet option is to completely eliminate salt from the diet, with an increased content of protein compounds.

The main purpose of the appointment of treatment table No. 7 is to optimize the excretory function of the kidneys, providing an appropriate level of cleansing the body of decay products. This suggests that nitrogenous substances, toxins, toxins, under-oxidized reaction products, and excess water will leave the patient’s blood.

general characteristics

How to develop a menu for a week? Is it suitable for pregnant women? The seventh table in standard variation is assigned to the patient about the fourth day from the onset of exacerbation, that is, in the recovery phase. It can be used outside the acute phase - in the chronic course of nephropathy, as a prophylaxis of acute inflammation. The purpose of the appointment of clinical nutrition:

  • create optimal conditions for treatment;
  • improve excretory function;
  • improve metabolism in the tissues of the kidneys and other organs;
  • achieve an anti-allergic effect;
  • restore the balance of water and electrolytes;
  • achieve antihypertensive effect;
  • provide sparing of renal function for its optimal recovery.

For this, extractives are removed from the diet, the amount of protein food is reduced, and table salt is completely eliminated. At the same time, a six-fold nutritional scheme should provide the body with the proper amount of nutrients and nutrients due to the normal consumption of carbohydrate foods and fats.

Food processing in the form of boiling, baking, stewing, stewing, frying, steaming is allowed. A small amount of servings will ensure a uniform and moderate intake of nutrients. There are no special requirements regarding the temperature regime of dishes. Calorie intake is about 2500 kcal. Energy products should be evenly distributed throughout the day. The ratio of BJU is as follows:

  • 35 g of animal proteins;
  • 35 g of vegetable proteins;
  • 65 g of animal fat;
  • 15 g of vegetable fat;
  • up to 360 g of carbohydrates.

Following a diet, the patient can consume about 800 ml of pure water per day. The total amount of liquid along with drinks and first courses should not exceed 1.2 liters. About 5 g of salt is allowed in the absence of symptoms of hypertension in the patient. At the same time, a doctor must give permission to add it to ready-made dishes. The chemical composition of food should ensure the intake of:

  • retinol (vitamin A) - 0.3 mg;
  • carotene (provitamin A) - 8.5 mg;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1) - 1.7 mg;
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 2.5 mg;
  • nicotinic acid - 20 mg;
  • ascorbic acid - 150 mg;
  • potassium - 4.5 g;
  • sodium - 2.3 g;
  • calcium - 1 g;
  • magnesium - 0.5 g;
  • phosphorus - 1.6 g;
  • iron - 0.06 g.

Diet is most often "seven" is prescribed to patients to switch to a normal diet. In the early days of the exacerbation of the disease, a more stringent variant is used - diet No. 7b.

Fresh fruits and vegetables on the table

What can I eat ...

The patient who observes the seventh table should receive high-calorie, but protein-free foods. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of protein supplied to plant sources, replacing them with amino acids of animal origin. Freshly squeezed fruit juices will help provide the body with easily digestible energy. Alignment of the water-salt balance occurs due to the rejection of salty products and control the amount of fluid used. In more detail the composition of the diet displays the table of products presented below.

Table - What does diet No. 7 consist of

CategoryList of allowed dishes and productsFeaturesFrequency of use
First mealVegetable soups with cereals and pasta, which have a reduced protein content- Cook without salt;
- you can add greens, lemon juice and butter
Daily at lunch
Meat and fishUp to 120 g of lean meats or fish per dayCook in any way, but with the necessary preliminary boiling and without saltDaily
Milk and eggs- Dairy and fermented milk products up to 300 g per day (taking into account those added to the finished meal);
- up to 2 eggs per day
- Refill dishes with milk, sour cream and cream;
- make casseroles and puddings from cottage cheese;
- boil soft-boiled eggs or use to make a protein omelet
Pasta and cereals- Ordinary cereals (in limited quantities);
- sago;
- low protein pasta
Boil in water or with milkFew times a week
Vegetables and fruits- potatoes;
- carrot;
- beets;
- dill;
- parsley;
- cauliflower;
- salad;
- tomatoes;
- cucumbers;
- all fruits and berries (melon and watermelon are especially useful)
- Bake, boil, eat raw;
- make jelly and starch jelly
Daily (dietary basis)
Bakery productsUp to 200 g of white, bran or wheat breadChoose protein-free and salt-free breadDaily
Snacks- Vegetable and fruit salads;
- fish aspic;
- non-sharp varieties of hard cheese
- Cook with a reduced amount of salt or without it;
- season with vegetable oil, a small amount of cream
Salads can be daily, the rest is moderate
Among the recommended foods are light fats of vegetable and animal origin - butter, sunflower, corn, olive. From drinks all kinds of fruit and vegetable juices are allowed, weak tea and coffee made with milk. You can also use half diluted rosehip decoctions and blackcurrant.

... and what not

Excluded Diet Foods No. 7 are all foods high in fat and salt. It is forbidden to eat:

  • salted meat;
  • sausages;
  • smoked products;
  • salted fish;
  • smoked fish;
  • any types of canned food.

You should be especially careful with dairy products. Cheeses and cottage cheese can be used as an additional source of calcium, however, subject to a reduced content of protein and salt. Also, cereals require control due to the impressive amount of nitrogenous compounds in them.

Due to the nitrogen content, all legumes are excluded from the diet. Diet contraindications include mushrooms and mushroom broths, sauces, snacks.

On diet number 7, you can’t eat pickled, salted, canned vegetables. According to doctors, most products of the modern food industry contain too much salt and flavoring additives, so sausages and cooked sausages should be excluded for the duration of the diet.

Seven Options

Diet options are used for various types and degrees of nephropathy and are based on the general principles of the "seven". Significant differences consist only in the amount of allowed protein, water and salt per day. By this criterion, diet options can be called strict and non-strict. The standard version of the seventh table is assigned after its more rigid subspecies. A brief description of the varieties of diet.

  • Diet number 7a. Strict option. Belongs to low-protein and salt-free. For a day, the total amount of protein substances in food should not exceed 20 g. Salt is allowed in an amount of up to 2.5 g per day, which can be achieved by completely eliminating its use in cooking, since in each food the minimum amounts of sodium chloride are already contained. Allowed up to half a liter of fluid per day. A general list of products applies, with the exception of meat and fish. Therapeutic diet No. 7a completely prohibits coffee, tea, alcohol, and chocolate because of their irritating effect on the kidneys.
  • Table number 7b. Strict diet with an expanded diet for a smooth transition to the standard version of the seventh table. All prohibitions of the previous diet are preserved. The exception is the use of meat and fish products. They can be eaten up to 50 g per day, but only in boiled form. When cooking, you can not use salt. The daily amount of protein on the medical diet No. 7b increases to 40 g per day.
  • Diet number 7v. Designed for patients with large protein losses due to impaired renal function. It is also used to eliminate edema.Diet involves the use of an increased amount of protein substances (up to 120 g per day) with a reduced fat content of the diet (up to 80 g). Products are pre-boiled in water without salt. The latter is completely excluded from the diet, and its natural content in products is acceptable at the level of 2 g. The therapeutic diet No. 7c saturates the diet with lipotropic substances and phospholipids due to the introduction of vegetable oils.
  • Table No. 7 g and No. 7r. These are two options for Pevzner diets, designed for patients with the need for regular hemodialysis. In the first embodiment, about 60 g of protein and 110 g of fat are allowed, in the second - 70 g of protein and 80 g of fat. Products that can be eaten on diet No. 7 are also suitable for these table options. For recipes, diet No. 7g uses foods rich in potassium, and for No. 7p, sodium is used. With a complete limitation of salt, it is important to ensure a normal daily calorie intake (about 2000-2500 kcal), as well as optimal intake of vitamins and minerals. The aggressive irritants of the kidneys are completely ruled out.
The diet option and the peculiarities of its observance are always selected by the attending physician. He does this taking into account the patient's condition and the severity of the disease. An important role in the selection of a diet is played by the presence of concomitant ailments. In particular, the health of the cardiovascular apparatus.

We plan the menu

The approximate diet menu No. 7 may vary radically depending on the individual needs of the patient. A general option is provided in the case of a chronic course of pathology or for patients in the recovery stage. The menu for the day may be like this.

  • Breakfast. Boiled sago with butter or apple pudding with apples. The addition will be a vegetable salad and a glass of weak milk tea.
  • Lunch. A side dish of vegetables cooked with butter. Boiled meat in the form of meatballs or a piece. Baked also fits well. pumpkin as a snack.
  • Dinner. Vegetarian soup. Well-boiled veal with vegetable dressing. Apple compote or jelly.
  • High tea. Fruit salad with a little cream. Another option is toast from proteinless bread with sliced ​​avocado and thinly sliced ​​boiled meat.
  • Dinner. Potatoes fried in a small amount of vegetable oil with herbs. Or pilaf from sago on fruit. Sweet black tea of ​​moderate strength.
  • For the night. A glass of skim milk product. Or fruit juice (vegetable).

The treatment table number 7 is considered quite diverse, but its basis is vegetables and fruits. But you should avoid including onion and garlic, radish, celery, ginger in the dishes. These ingredients can irritate the excretory system.


I have bilateral nephroptosis and bilateral hydronephrosis (hydronephrosis was done a long time ago), today I completed the examination, was discharged, the doctor recommended that this diet be followed.

Romanhess, http: //www.aif. com / food / diet / dieta_dlya_pochek_principy_i_menyu_lechebnogo_stola_nomer_7

I met diet number seven during pregnancy, when I discovered a very unpleasant kidney disease - chronic glomerulonephritis. Basically, this diet is designed to reduce edema, lower blood pressure, to facilitate the work of the kidneys, and also on this diet, excess weight is excellent, if everything is properly observed. Weight is lost due to the fact that:
1) you can not eat salted, smoked, fatty, fried;
2) the method of cooking - boil or bake in the oven;
3) four to five meals a day, in small portions.

For those sitting on this diet, a limited intake of protein, water, salt is necessarily given in portions, salt should not be eaten while cooking, but a ready-made dish. You can not eat meat, mushroom and fish broths and soups on them, cook soup on vegetable broths. You can’t have dark chocolate, as pressure rises from it. While sitting on this therapeutic diet, I got used to dispense with salt, replaced it with lemon juice - in soup, cereals, meat, I added lemon and greens everywhere.This diet helped me control the pressure, I had practically no swelling, and also control the protein in my urine (and I had it very high, I had to break the diet for at least a couple of days and the protein immediately went up.) Therefore, I recommend this diet for people suffering hypertension and impaired renal function. Do not be sick, be healthy!


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