Table 15, diet general list of products

The phrase “therapeutic diet” sounds scary. And not in vain. After all, usually a medical diet requires the abandonment of a number of favorite foods, salt, sweets. However, therapeutic diet number 15 is not like that. It is designed to accustom the patient to a balanced diet and show that not all healthy dishes are tasteless.
Dietary food on a plate

Manuel Pevzner in the middle of the last century developed 15 diets. 14 of them have a specific purpose, are designed to correct the functioning of various organ systems or metabolic processes in general. The last, 15 diet, contains a minimum of contraindications and restrictions. Her appointment in a hospital indicates an emergency discharge of the patient. If the doctor recommends a diet at home, a person will soon be able to switch to the usual diet. Unlike other Pevzner diets, table No. 15 can be used without a doctor's prescription. This nutrition plan is as close as possible to the diet of a healthy person who seeks to remain so for many years.


Diet table number 15 in medicine is prescribed if the treatment of any disease is progressing well, there are no hints of complications. The diet should provide the body with a normal amount of energy, nutrients, vitamins and minerals in order to maintain favorable dynamics.

Reduced calorie content (2800 kcal) indicates the use of the diet in an inpatient setting or with outpatient treatment, if the person is on a “sick leave”. In this case, the energy value of food will cover the body’s costs of moderate physical and mental activity. If a person works hard, such a calorie will not be enough. Medical indications diet number 15:

  • transition time from a specific diet to a common table;
  • diseases in which dietary restrictions are not used;
  • the final stage of inpatient therapy;
  • diseases without complications from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the period of remission of chronic pathologies (not related to the digestive tract).
If the patient spends more energy (for example, doing mental work during inpatient treatment), the doctor may advise him to increase the calorie intake on an individual basis.


Correcting the body is the main purpose of appointing a medical table. Diet number 15 in the hospital is designed to:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • prevent vitamin deficiency;
  • relieve weakness after treatment;
  • exclude relapse of the disease.

The main purpose of the appointment of treatment table No. 15 is to restore the patient's strength and help him return to normal life after treatment. It is important that a person eats with pleasure, therefore, when developing a menu, individual taste preferences are taken into account. The nutrition scheme is complete, provides the body with a sufficient amount of the necessary substances. Moreover, their content in the menu is balanced.

At table 15, the amount of carbohydrates and fats is increased, and the proportion of proteins is reduced, which is not typical for most diets.

Diet soup

BJU ratio

With calories within 3000 kcal, the chemical composition of the daily diet of diet No. 15 is diverse. We need all the nutrients, liquid, salt. If we talk about proteins and fats, then the division is:

  • squirrels - 60 g of animals, 35 g of vegetable;
  • fats - 65 g of animals, 35 g of vegetable.

For carbohydrates, the requirements are as follows:

  • complex (cereals, vegetables, fruits) - 450 g per day;
  • simple (sugar, jam, honey) - 100 g in knocking.

Subject to these recommendations, the body will not be deficient in lipotropic compounds, amino acids, enzymes. It will be possible to maintain optimal biochemical blood parameters and acidity of the body’s media. This distribution of BZHU will also allow:

  • prevent jumps in insulin and blood sugar;
  • reduce the risk of diabetes;
  • prevent weight gain and the development of vascular diseases;
  • ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract.
An important element of the diet is fiber. Her sources at table No. 15 are raw vegetables, which the patient needs to eat daily as part of several meals. This will provide an early feeling of fullness, prevent overeating. In addition, fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.


Unlike other Pevzner diets, the diet of table No. 15 involves three main meals per day. Snacks are available on request. Food can be prepared according to any recipes, salt it, sprinkle with fragrant spices, serve baked with a crust, pour over sauces. The optimal daily amount of sodium chloride is 15 g.

The distribution of calorie content of food by time of day and individual indicators of activity during this period is very important. According to doctors, a fivefold diet with such a distribution of food value is considered optimal:

  • breakfast — 20%;
  • lunch — 10%;
  • dinner — 35%;
  • afternoon tea — 10%;
  • dinner — 20%.

If a person is used to eating or drinking something just before bedtime, the calorie content of the product should not exceed 5% of the daily calorie content. Serving size is determined individually, but a person should get up from the table as soon as he senses the first signs of satiety. Overeating is unacceptable.

The total amount of fluid consumed per day should not exceed 3 liters, 2 of which are pure drinking water without gas and sweeteners. The remaining volume may be tea, coffee, drinks, liquid dishes.

Rice with meatballs

The optimal set of products

Diet number 15 (table number 15) allows you to eat deliciously. You can eat everything that meets the general principles of a healthy and rational menu. The following table shows the main lists of recommended and prohibited foods.

Table - What you can and cannot eat on diet No. 15

Featured ProductsExcluded Products
- Bread of any grades;
- any cereals;
- pasta of good quality;
- dairy and dairy products;
- greens, vegetables, fruits, berries;
- lean meat and fish;
- eggs;
- cheeses and sausages;
- tea, coffee, juices
- Pork, mutton, beef fat;
- goose and ducklings;
- fatty pork, beef, lamb;
- pepper, horseradish, mustard, wasabi;
- purchased sauces and semi-finished products
Restrictions on diet time remain on alcohol and industrial confectionery. The latter may contain hidden harmful fats and flavors.

Therapeutic diet number 15: sample menu

Menus for dieting do not have to be prepared in advance. The usual food for a person is suitable, just without the excesses of fat, sugar, pepper. An example diet menu number 15 may look like this.

  • First meal. Oatmeal with dried fruits, nuts, butter. Toast with mild hard cheese. Tea with lemon.
  • Snack. Fruit smoothie and yogurt.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup on chicken broth with slices of boiled breast. Beef stroganoff from veal. Vegetables.
  • Snack. Cottage cheese based banana pudding. Compote.
  • Evening meal. Fish casserole of fillet and vegetables. Green salad of cabbage and arugula. Tea with milk.
As desserts, fruit or berry jellies, jelly, candy, marmalade, marshmallows can act. You can also eat a handful of nuts.

Medical table number 15 can be called a diet only relatively. The exclusion of harmful foods and irritants from the diet will benefit even a healthy person. Severe restrictions should be temporary, but the basic principles of the diet are best taken as a basis for maintaining good health and shape.

Cottage cheese in a bowl

Reviews: “There was a desire to live”

I adhere to diet 15 after a ten-day detox on vegetable and fruit juices, when a smooth transition to normal nutrition is also needed. Usually, three weeks of such a diet is enough for me. For breakfast, I definitely have milk porridge (oatmeal or buckwheat), for lunch - vegetable soup (I put the maximum number of various vegetables), for dinner - a dairy product (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or cottage cheese). I introduce boiled meat and fish in small portions. I return to morning coffee after about a week of such a meal, then add a little baking. Such nutrition also helps to consolidate the result of losing weight.


My girlfriend got into an accident. Her arm and leg were broken. The general condition was weakened. The doctor said that in order to quickly get on your feet and recover, you need to eat balanced. It is advisable to use different, fresh products. She prescribed a medical treatment table 15. And, after eating on this diet, after 10 days a friend began to feel better. Strength appeared, mood improved, desire to live appeared.


Other diets

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