Laser teeth whitening: efficacy and contraindications. Doctors reviews

One of the latest techniques for achieving whiteness of a smile is laser teeth whitening. Reviews about it from the side of doctors demonstrate high efficiency and almost complete painlessness. But can this technique be considered the only true solution to the fight against yellowness of enamel? We understand the details!
Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening is designed to quickly and painlessly solve the problem of yellow teeth. But since there are many reasons for yellowness, the effectiveness of the technique is different. It will not have a clear effect in eliminating the tetracycline yellowness of enamel, but can incredibly productively deal with the effects of obsolete plaque and deep pigmentation.

Description of procedure

The technology has much in common with other methods of enamel clarification using means containing hydrogen peroxide (urea). Laser teeth whitening is carried out by applying a special composition to their surface and further exposure to it with a laser beam. The latter releases oxygen, which penetrates the dental tissues and destroys pigment substances. Thanks to this effect, enamel brightens at a deep level.

Features of the technique

  • The exposure time is up to 2 minutes per tooth. This is the minimum period that modern dentistry offers, while with other methods, the total impact is from 60 minutes or more.
  • Lack of heating - during photobleaching, the tissues are heated, which creates discomfort for the patient. The laser works differently. Modern installations with infrared and diode lasers emit waves with a length of 810 nanometers. They provide such a quick effect. For example, in the first devices, the wavelength was 488 nanometers, and in order to lighten the teeth had to visit the dentist repeatedly.
  • Lightening at 7-10 tones with laser whitening. Patient reviews confirm that this effect can be achieved within 1 procedure. And with proper care, keep the result up to 10 years.

Laser Teeth Whitening

The enamel surface is previously cleaned of plaque and tartar. For this, the specialist uses an ultrasonic device or AirFlow technique. Professional diagnostics allows you to avoid the destruction of dental tissues in the presence of enamel defects and other injuries, to exclude the development of caries. The latter in active form is a contraindication to laser tooth whitening. Other contraindications:

  • young age - doctors do not perform the procedure on thin enamel of adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • diseases of the gums, mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • increased sensitivity of enamel associated with the presence of cracks or an individual reaction to gel components;
  • many fillings, the color of which is impossible to change.

Advantages of the technique

Reviews on laser tooth whitening allow you to highlight the following advantages of the technique.

  • Fast results in minimal time - if we exclude the preparatory stage (rehabilitation of the oral cavity), then the whole procedure takes 40 minutes.
  • No negative effects on gums, mucous membranes and enamel. It is proved that after the procedure, the acid-base balance of the oral cavity is maintained at a neutral level. Enamel does not undergo heating and does not dry out, does not change the mineral composition.
  • Enamel Strengthening. When asked whether laser tooth whitening is harmful, one should answer: it is not harmful, but even useful. The fact is that during the laser period the enamel is compacted by about 40%, it becomes stronger. Thus, we can call this technology the only one that makes the smile not only snow-white, but also healthy.
  • Lack of tooth sensitivity after the procedure, which is almost always observed with other techniques.

The only drawback of the method is its high cost, which is why patients often resort to more painful and aggressive, but less “valuable” technologies. How much does laser teeth whitening cost in your city, they will tell you at the nearest dental center. But on average, the price is 10-25 thousand rubles.

Dental care after laser whitening

Proper care becomes a guarantee that the results of whitening remain for a long time.

  • Daily oral hygiene without the use of abrasive products. A toothbrush with soft or medium hard bristles, a rinse aid and dental floss is enough. The latter will allow you to safely remove plaque from the interdental cavities.
  • Refusal to consume dyeing products in the first 7 days after the procedure. At this time, enamel is most susceptible to discoloration, so you should wait with strong tea and coffee, for a week "forget" about a glass of wine and pomegranate juice, beetroot salad.
  • To give up smoking, as the main factor in enamel darkening.
  • Regular cleaning in the dental office. It must be performed once a year so that plaque does not form into stone. And to keep your teeth healthy, you should visit your doctor every 6 months.

Teeth after whitening

According to doctors, if you have a choice of enamel clarification procedure, you should focus on laser whitening of teeth. Before and after pictures posted on our website will allow you to visually evaluate the effect. And absolute painlessness, the absence of harm to the oral cavity and a long-lasting result make it the optimal choice for a person who needs a beautiful and healthy smile.

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