Narrow-leaf lavender: medicinal properties, application for physical and mental health

In ancient times, lavender was considered a royal plant. Decorated the gardens of the nobles, filling their estates with a special aroma. Today, culture is appreciated not only by gardeners, but also by doctors and cosmetologists. The flower exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound healing effects. It helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and also scares away malicious insects.
Lavender field

It was the characteristic strong aroma that helped to discover the healing properties of the plant. It confirms the presence of essential oil in raw materials. Unlike other representatives of the flora, the culture accumulates aromatic substances in its flowers.

In medicine, narrow-leaved lavender (real) is used. Compared to the broad-leaved garden species, it contains more aromatic compounds.

Botanical characteristic

The plant prefers moderate latitudes. On the territory of Russia, it is grown on the Crimean peninsula and the South Caucasus. Actively cultivated in most European countries. World reserves are in Italy, France, Portugal. Also leading China and Japan.

The plant gives an impressive amount of essential oil from 1 ha of thickets - about 150 kg. A flowering field is an unforgettable sight, because the grass itself looks very attractive. Its morphological characteristics are as follows.

  • Underground part. It is represented by numerous thin roots forming a fibrous type of root system. Reliably attached to the soil due to the active growth of the impressive soil area.
  • The stalks. One plant is a few branchy erect leafy stems. The lower part may become stiff. At the top, the stem turns into a peduncle.
  • Leaves. Placed opposite. Sedentary, obovate, with the edges bent down. The color is gray-green. Young leaves velvety to the touch due to dense pubescence.
  • Inflorescences. Appear on stems in mid-July. They have a spike shape, consist of six or more two-lipped bright purple flowers. Intense spicy flavor.
  • Fruit. Dry, a flowering field is formed, they contain many yellow-brown seeds with a shiny surface.
The narrow-leaved lavender belongs to semi-artisan perennials. Height can reach 100 cm under favorable conditions. Young plants rarely exceed 30 cm. It grows well. Since the harvest does not require digging the entire plant, it is quickly restored, and inflorescences can be collected several times during the warm season. From household plots and fields, it often migrates into the wild.

Harvesting raw materials

The plant is especially appreciated for its essential oil content. Almost all of it is concentrated in inflorescences. Maximum concentrations are observed at the very beginning of the blooming of flowers. After the spikelets are fully opened, the ether disappears, and the value of the inflorescences decreases. Harvesting lavender should be correct.

  • Collection. Begin from mid-July. Harvested in dry weather. It is better to cut inflorescences in the morning after the dew has dried. They seek to cut off inflorescences while only two or three flowers have blossomed on them. To collect use secateurs or sickles. The upper flowering part is harvested, however, in folk medicine there are recommendations for drying and stems.
  • Training. Raw materials sorted. Remove insects, fully opened spikelets, spoiled parts.
  • Drying. Drying should be strictly in vivo, placing pallets with raw materials in the shade. In the process, the plant mass is turned over several times, providing a complete and uniform elimination of moisture.
  • Storage. Dried flowers are removed from the peduncle. They are placed in containers made of glass, porcelain or in cans. It is important that the container is tightly closed. This will prevent the ingress of moisture and insects.
Linen or paper bags should not be used for storage. Essential oil is unstable, easily oxidized and evaporates.


About 5% of ether is concentrated in the flowers. The main (about 60%) and its most valuable component is linalyl acetate. Other known volatiles are linalool, borneol, cineole, lavenderulol, pinene. The content of the essential oil determines the following plant properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • restorative;
  • immunostimulating;
  • regenerative;
  • painkiller.

Most aromatic substances have phenolic residues in the structure, which turns them into bitterness. They activate appetite and stimulate the secretory functions of the stomach, digestive glands.

Also included are the following important compounds.

  • Triterpene saponins. They have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which positively affects the process of digesting food, secreting bile, intestinal motility, and removing gas accumulations from it. Reflexively saponins stimulate the activity of bronchial epithelium - an expectorant effect is manifested.
  • Organic acids. Ursolic, kapron, acetic, valerian, oil. Positively affect metabolic processes, optimize the processing of nutrients. Regulate the activity of enzymes, stimulate blood circulation, strengthen immunity.
  • Tannins. Thanks to them, preparations from phyto-raw materials have a slight astringent effect, accelerate the regeneration of epithelial tissue, normalize the permeability of the vascular walls and strengthen them.
  • Flavonoids. Act as active antioxidants, protect the body from the harmful effects of radicals. Hoods slow down the aging process, increase resistance to viral and bacterial agents.
  • Phytosterols. They regulate lipid metabolism, relieve internal inflammation, have an anti-febrile effect, optimize the ratio of hormones in the body, and prevent the appearance of blood clots.

Due to the combined action of essential oil and coumarins, the flower has sedative properties, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, prevents overexcitation and neurotic disorders, and regulates sleep. Also, herbal remedy relaxes muscle tissue.

Scientifically proven that the flower acts as an antidepressant, relieves anxiety. Studies were conducted in which they compared the effectiveness of chemical psychotropic drugs and herbal remedies from lavender. It turned out that the latter act softer, but stronger.

Healing properties

In official medicine, the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of the herb are appreciated. Extracts from the plant are used to treat suppuration, trophic ulcers and even gangrene. Essential oil is used to prepare solutions that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity. Used for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, laryngitis, glossitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

Also proved to be effective in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. The benefit is noted with bronchial asthma, however, the most important condition is the patient's normal tolerance of the plant. Otherwise, the frequency of bronchospasm may even increase. Herbal remedies treat pneumonia, bronchial obstruction, dry cough.

Doctors also recommend the plant with:

  • neurosis;
  • Depression
  • melancholy;
  • loss of strength;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • inflammation of the nerves;
  • heart pain of neurogenic origin;
  • cramps
  • sleep disorders.

Interestingly, they use culture not only inside. Oil is added to bathtubs, aroma lamps, introduced into the composition of massage products. Inhalations are effective for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Flowers are more widely used in folk medicine, as well as in cosmetology and cooking.

Kidney disease

Lavender can act as a mild diuretic - remove excess fluid from the body, prevent and eliminate swelling. It is used to treat infectious and inflammatory lesions of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract.

Pathology ODA

Baths with vegetable raw materials, aromatherapy sessions and internal use are relevant for diseases of muscles and joints. The plant normalizes peripheral blood flow, improves trophism of articular elements, eliminates inflammatory processes. Rubbing act as a local irritant and can be used for dislocations, bruises, sprains, to improve joint mobility. Lavender preparations are also used for myalgia, as well as neuralgia. Actively plant from rheumatic joint damage, gout.

Disorders in the digestive tract

Helps to get rid of increased gas formation, stomach and intestinal cramps. Normalizes digestion, increases appetite, promotes the full absorption of nutrients. The plant is indicated for eating disorders provoked by nervous tension. It is also able to increase the secretory activity of gastric cells, and, accordingly, the acidity of gastric juice.

Vascular disease

The plant activates coronary and peripheral blood flow, improves capillary patency for blood, normalizes cerebral circulation and nerve cell nutrition. People use it in post-stroke conditions, as well as to eliminate paralysis.

Women Health

In the post-war period, lavender was advised to women to increase the chances of conception. The plant is indicated in the premenopausal period. Helps to eliminate mood swings and pressure, relieve anxiety and tension, gently tolerate the onset of menopause. Baths and douching are prescribed for infectious diseases of the female genital organs.

Cosmetological problems

Ether is introduced into the composition of perfumes and fragrances for cosmetics. Oil is added to solutions, lotions, tonics and creams intended for skin prone to dryness, excessive fat content, and increased sensitivity. The remedy treats acne.

Use from hair loss, to eliminate dandruff and excess fat. The plant deodorizes, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Its extracts and ether are added to shampoos and conditioners.

Insect bites

Lavender products are used as a natural but powerful repellent. The plant protects against mosquitoes, bugs, mosquitoes. They can handle bite sites - this will accelerate healing, eliminate puffiness and itching.

You can use essential oil or sachets from moths, carpet fleas. Flavored products are placed in places of storage of clothes and products. Dried grass is placed under carpets, baseboards. Helps in the fight against human lice.

Bunches of lavender


Contraindications plants include individual hypersensitivity reactions. Also, herbal medicine can not be used in children under 12 years of age. Even external use should be agreed with the pediatrician. Use with caution in bronchial asthma and a tendency to bleeding.

To expectant mothers, especially in the first trimester, lavender is absolutely contraindicated. When breastfeeding, phytotherapy should also be abandoned because of the risk of developing asphyxia in the child.

Prescription Drugs

From dried phyto-raw materials, medicinal water and alcohol extracts are prepared at home. There are recipes for oils. The following grass processing and application techniques are most popular.


Features It can be used internally and externally for any indications characteristic of lavender. Also used as a hair mask, thoroughly rinsing with shampoo.

Preparation and use

  1. 100 g of dried inflorescences are placed in a glass container.
  2. Raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of good quality vegetable oil. (Suitable for both olive and refined sunflower).
  3. The mixture is tightly corked, put in a dark place for at least a month.
  4. Shake the vessel regularly.
  5. After straining, they are used externally in pure form or diluted with alcohol. To be taken orally, diluted with water.


Features It has a relaxing, calming, soft sleeping pill, as well as cold and antiviral effects. As a sedative, they drink drugs at night, anti-febrile - in several doses throughout the day.

Preparation and use

  1. Two teaspoons of flowers are placed in a brewing bowl.
  2. Pour raw materials with a glass of boiling water, immediately cover.
  3. After ten minutes of infusion, the resulting extract is filtered.
  4. Take orally in small sips in a warm form.


Features It is used for edema, cramps, digestive disorders, bloating, abdominal cramps, joint pain, colds, and insomnia.

Preparation and use

  1. Three teaspoons of raw materials are steamed in a thermos of 0.5 l of boiling water.
  2. Insist half an hour.
  3. Filter through several layers of gauze.
  4. Take inside a quarter cup three times a day. Used for washing, rinsing, lotions.


Features Prepares for the treatment of all the above ailments. Use diluted alcohol (40%) or quality vodka.

Preparation and use

  1. 100 g of flowers are placed in a container for infusion.
  2. The raw material is poured into 0.5 l of vodka or alcohol, the vessel is tightly corked.
  3. Put her in a dark cool place for a week.
  4. Shake the mixture regularly.
  5. It is taken orally by 20-30 drops three times a day or only at lunchtime and evening.

The use of essential oil

Essential extract from the plant is sold in a pharmacy. It has the same healing power as the grass itself. The concentration of nutrients in the preparation is an order of magnitude higher than in home water extracts. With abuse, deterioration of health is possible. Therefore, ether should be used sparingly, only when necessary, strictly observing the recommended dosages. Scopes of application:

  • bathtubs - a few drops are added to the mixture with a tablespoon of salt in warm water to achieve anti-inflammatory and sedative effects;
  • aroma lamps - used for anxiety, apathetic and depressive mood, fatigue;
  • ointments - a drop of oil is added to a single dose of ointment or rubbing for joints;
  • compresses - one or two drops are added to the solution intended for compress on the joints and wound surfaces;
  • shampoos - one or two drops are administered in a single portion, used to cleanse the roots;
  • inward - A drop of oil is taken three times a day for the treatment of neurosis and anxiety.
Symptoms of an overdose of lavender ether: lethargy, drowsiness, nausea and stomach pain. With such manifestations, therapy (including external procedures) should be discontinued and sorbents should be taken.

Before using the grass, a text should be posted on the sensitivity. Put some ether on your wrist, smell the packaging with the raw materials. If there are no negative feelings (for example, dizziness or redness on the skin), the tool can be used. It is also important that the aroma of flowers does not cause disgust in the patient.

Lavender for spa treatments


I fell in love with lavender recently when I purchased Belvedere cuticle and nail wax. Oh, that smell! Then the doctor advised her husband to add ef. Lavender oil into the ointment and apply to the bruised area. And I did him rubbing with pleasure.
Now this oil is not the last place on my shelf. (and earlier only recognized an orange!)


I really like the properties of lavender essential oil, it perfectly removes irritations and heals wounds, but I can’t put up with its smell! It stinks to me so much that I just can't stand it! And so I can’t use it


I can’t say that after a month of using the oil, the hair structure has become better, that they are moisturized and full of health, but they certainly cannot be taken away from softness and mirror shine!

In addition, I noticed that the promise of the disappearance of dandruff after using lavender oil was not a myth at all, but a fact I confirmed. Not only dandruff disappeared, but the itch that bothered me from the previous shampoo.

Beautiful Ariel,

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