Candles (capsules) "Laktozhinal": features of application for restoration of flora

Violation of the vaginal flora is a companion of the inflammatory process. Any antibacterial drug does not act selectively on the pathogen, but inhibits the growth of beneficial microorganisms. Therefore, after a course of treatment, it is important to “populate” vacant places with lactobacilli in a timely manner, which will further maintain health. Instructions for use "Laktozhinal" claims the complete safety and effectiveness of the drug. Is it so?
Lactozhinal packaging

The drug is available in the form of capsules, and the concept of “Lactozhinal suppository” is popular only because many people consider any form of the drug to be suppository, if implantation into the vagina is implied. What does the drug treat?

Composition and principle of action

Vaginal sterility will immediately lead to bacterial vaginosis or vaginitis. Normally, to maintain a healthy balance on the mucosa, Dederlein sticks should be present, they are also lactobacilli. Creating an acidic environment, they inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogens. Each Lactozhinal capsule in its composition contains 341 mg of microorganisms - lactic acid bacteria, which in terms of quantity - 1 * 108. Moreover, lactobacilli are in a lyophilized state.

This means that they underwent a special type of drying under the influence of extremely low temperatures. After lyophilization, they retain their properties when they fall into favorable living conditions (in particular, on the mucous membranes of the vagina), but have a reduced rate of all biological reactions. In the vagina, lactobacilli contribute to the following.

  • Create an acidic environment. This leads to the activation of their own lactobacilli. Their intensive reproduction leads to the displacement of conditional pathogens (for example, E. coli, epidermal streptococcus, Proteus) and a decrease in the likelihood of recurrence of inflammation not only in the vagina, but also in the urinary system (for example, with chronic cystitis).
  • Prevent Candida Growth. Lactobacilli enter into an antagonistic relationship with candida fungi, which leads to a decrease in the growth rate of the latter. They also secrete special antifungal (anti-fungal) substances that destroy candida. Therefore, vaginal capsules "Lactozhinal" are widely used to prevent relapse thrush after the main course of treatment.
  • Boost local immunity. The acidic environment in the vagina provides protection against external pathogens. The infection lingers here, without going further into the cervical canal and uterine cavity.

Benefits of the drug

The medicine is convenient and effective for the prevention and treatment of inflammation in the vagina. The main advantages include the following points:

  • can be used simultaneously - with antibiotics and antiviral drugs, combine with immunomodulators;
  • increases sperm activity - in the vaginal secretion, which is important for conception when planning pregnancy;
  • during pregnancy and lactation - its use is safe;
  • overdose cases - not fixed;
  • side effects - from taking "Lactozhinal" rarely develop and do not pose a danger.

In addition, “dry” capsules provide minimal leakage of medication from the vagina.

When appointed

Indications for the use of Lactozhinal are as follows.

  • After treatment for colpitis. Vaginal capsules are prescribed during the treatment of inflammation or after the completion of the main scheme, as well as with gardnerellosis.
  • On the eve of operations. To improve the subsequent healing of sutures. This is especially true of vaginal operations, when removal of the uterus, appendages or manipulations on the cervix is ​​performed by this access, and not through an incision on the abdomen.
  • During pregnancy. With borderline smears from the vagina, as well as on the eve of childbirth, it is important to minimize any inflammation in the vagina to prevent tearing.
  • For the prevention of thrush. After stopping an acute attack of candidiasis, Lactozhinal is prescribed to restore microflora and prevent relapse.
  • In menopause. To reduce the manifestations of dryness, burning and similar unpleasant sensations.

Restrictions on use

The use of Laktozhinal candles in gynecology and obstetrics is unacceptable in the following cases:

  • with increased sensitivity - in addition to lactobacilli, the composition contains compounds of magnesium, sodium, lactose, gelatin;
  • in girls and adolescents - the drug is safe, but due to the lack of clinical trials in this age group, officially young age is a contraindication;
  • acute candidal colpitis - the use of capsules at the time of exacerbation of thrush will aggravate burning, itching;
  • menstruation restrictions - capsules should not be used during menstruation, since the effect of treatment will be slightly lower than stated, it is better to skip “critical days” and then continue therapy.


Usually the drug is well tolerated, reviews of Laktozhinal prove this, you can read them by visiting the forum. Do not combine alcohol with the drug. Of the side effects, the following can be distinguished:

  • itching of the vulva;
  • burning sensation in the vagina;
  • swelling of the external genitalia;
  • an increase in the amount of vaginal secretion.

Instructions for use "Laktozhinal"

Standard patterns of drug use are as follows:

  • first circuit - one capsule at night for two weeks;
  • second circuit - one capsule in the morning and evening for a week.
Before laying the drug in the vagina, it is enough to conduct basic hygienic procedures. Douching and similar manipulations without a doctor's prescription is not necessary. The capsule must be moistened under running water and placed deep into the vagina with the middle finger of the hand. You can do this while lying down, standing or in a semi-squat position.

Smiling girl is lying on the bed


To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is useful to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • give up sex - while using Lactozhinal, you should refrain from any type of sex and, if necessary, treat your partner;
  • use sanitary pads - the discharge after Lactozhinal is not abundant, but it can be disturbing;
  • do not use spermicides - many couples practice spermicides as contraception, the drug can reduce their effect.


There are a large number of analog drugs on the market based on lactobacilli, the price may be different. Popular and effective are presented in the table.

Table - How can I replace the medicine

A drugComposition of a single doseThe form
"Acylact"107 lactobacilli Candles
"Lactobacterin"107 lactobacilli- Pills;
- candles;
- solution
Lactonorm108 lactobacilliVaginal capsules
Vagilak109 lactobacilli- Vaginal capsules;
- gel

The widespread use of Laktozhinal candles in gynecology and obstetrics is due to their effectiveness and safety, including during pregnancy and lactation, which is confirmed by reviews of doctors and women. The drug does not act as a medicine for inflammation of the genitals, it only helps to increase the number of beneficial bacteria on the mucosa and reduce the likelihood of recurrence of vaginal inflammation.

Reviews: “I felt improvement in five days”

Capsules contain powder. When using the capsule flows in the morning from the vagina in the form of a little water. It is advisable to use gaskets. When taking the drug there was a feeling of comfort. There were no exacerbations of thrush.The pathogenic discharge after treatment with this drug has decreased and almost disappeared. According to the general smear on the flora handed over after a 2-month treatment prescribed by the doctor, the smear entered my normal range. Lactoflora has recovered. White blood cells are back to normal.


This is a pretty intimate problem for women only. After giving birth, I encountered bacterial vaginosis. I put the diagnosis on my own and for several months while I was at the cottage I tried miramistin. chlorhexidine, but it was used without special benefit, although I conscientiously douched several times every day. The result is zero. When I returned to the city, the problem remained quite acute, but I could not immediately get to the doctor. The doctor confirmed my diagnosis and, after analysis, prescribed this drug and Vagilak. 1 box was enough. These are fairly small capsules for vaginal use. Easy to enter, then the shell came out. It so happened that the cycle had just recovered and after the first monsters I began to be healed. After administration, everything became smaller, but did not disappear. Completely everything (smell, discharge) is a thing of the past after the second monsters. I think the drug helped, but the main thing, probably, is the restoration of suppressed immunity during pregnancy. So I regard it as "crutches for immunity." At least it is completely safe.


Hello, I used this medication as prescribed by a doctor. There were no side effects, it helped perfectly, after several used analogues, which did not give a result.


Never wrote reviews. But I use strangers. And here for the first time I can’t help but write, because I have not yet felt such terrible pain and irritation of the mucous membranes. and therefore I want to warn others that possible side effects are not commensurate with the treatment itself. Although I took the drug after terginana. It’s better to take lactobacilli through the inside than through such a weak spot. The drug is very expensive, so I thought it was good ...


Microflora recovery after antibiotics - French eubiotic “Lactozhinal”. It was treated with bacterial vaginosis with antibiotics - it seems to be successful, and the tests were normal, but dryness and itching did not go away even after the course was completed. Although they have become smaller. The gynecologist said that this is normal, because the antibiotic destroyed the entire microflora in the vagina: both pathogenic and healthy. It is necessary to restore. And she advised Laktozhinal. Not cheap, but a lot of research has already been done on it, so there is confidence that it works. And he also has prophylaxis for thrush in his testimony, which is also important after vaginosis. I bought it. It was made in France, for that and the extra charge, probably. In a bottle of 14 transparent capsules with creamy filler. Capsules are small, comfortable. The instructions say that, in addition to excipients, the capsule consists of a huge amount (1x108 CFU) of bacteria L. casei rhamnosus Doderleini. These bacteria "improve local metabolic processes and help restore natural local immunity." It is not surprising that the treatment is not quick - not synthetics for immunity, but live bacteria, slowly and slowly. It was treated for 14 days, put one capsule at night. I felt improvement in five days. A good tool, carefully and naturally restores our microflora.

Khazova Marina Sergeevna,

Other medications

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