Signs of lactostasis in a nursing mother: how to control lactation and breast size

Breastfeeding of newborns is a physiological process that benefits not only the infant, but also its mother. The formation of lactation takes several days and, with the right approach, quickly stabilizes. Sometimes there are symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother, which require a quick response. What signs should alert? Is it worth it to see a doctor or can you do with folk remedies?
Newborn sucks breast

Both mothers of first-born and experienced women are not equally protected from lactostasis. But in the second case, the symptoms of pathology may already be familiar, so the response rate will be higher, the risk of complications is much less.

Regulation of the formation and excretion of milk

The growth and development of the mammary glands occurs in stages. Since puberty, the mammary glands in girls increase in size due to the proliferation of ducts. Alveoli, in which milk subsequently forms, practically do not develop.

In women of reproductive age, a slight increase in the alveoli is observed throughout the menstrual cycle. But the greatest growth is expressed during pregnancy. This occurs both due to the ducts and the organ parenchyma (alveoli). After childbirth, this process does not stop, but continues for some time.

The development of mammary glands is affected by estrogen and progesterone, some placental hormones, as well as growth hormone and prolactin, which are produced by the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

The process of lactation includes the synthesis of milk and its allocation, their regulation is carried out in different ways.

  • Milk formation. Before childbirth and immediately after them, the production of the hormone adenohypophysis prolactin increases sharply. It stimulates the formation of milk in the alveoli of the mammary glands.
  • Milk removal. In order for milk to enter the milk ducts, oxytocin is needed. It affects the contractility of smooth muscle cells in the alveoli.

Breast milk goes through several stages before it acquires the properties of a complete nutritional product for a newborn.

  • Colostrum. This is a fluid secreted by the mammary glands during the second half of pregnancy and in the first two to three days after birth. In composition, it is very different from milk. It has significantly more protein, as well as carbohydrates and fats. It is superior in calorie content to mature milk. Colostrum is especially valuable in that it contains antibodies to the pathogens that the mother’s body met, as well as enzymes that help the baby’s digestive tract.
  • Transitional Milk. It is secreted from the fourth to fifth days after birth. In composition, it is already less caloric than colostrum, but still does not reach the concentration of substances that are found in mature milk. Outwardly, it is more transparent.
  • Ripe milk. It has an optimal composition for feeding a child. It still contains immunoglobulins and antibodies of the mother's body, but in smaller quantities. It contains a full range of amino acids, a sufficient amount of fat. Carbohydrates are represented only by lactose, which a newborn is able to absorb.

Not only prolactin and oxytocin are involved in the regulation of lactation. It is affected by the central nervous system, the medulla oblongata. Therefore, under stressful situations, frequent experiences, lack of rest, less milk becomes.

The most intense prolactin release occurs at night.Therefore, to maintain lactation, night-time feeding is very important. Prolactin blocks the restoration of the menstrual cycle. But despite the absence of menstruation, ovulation can occur. Therefore, after a month the field of childbirth is necessary to choose an effective contraceptive.

Why is the secret stagnating

The causes of lactostasis are more dependent on the behavior of a young mother. The mechanism of the development of the disease is a violation of the emptying of milk acinus. If this does not happen within a few days, then a milk cork is formed, which does not allow the milk to go outside. Stagnation of milk develops in one or more milk fractions. The following factors can lead to a violation of the outflow.

  • Insufficient emptying. Incorrect attachment to the chest leads to the fact that the child is tired and does not drink all the milk. Part of it remains in the ducts. A similar situation occurs when the mother holds the breast incorrectly, squeezing the areola with fingers in the form of scissors.
  • Irregular feeding. If you do not feed the baby on demand, replace natural milk with mixtures and ignore night feeding, then a secret will be collected in the mammary gland.
  • Tight underwear. As well as sleeping on the abdomen can lead to mechanical compression of the ducts and difficulty in the outflow of milk.
  • Big breasts. Owners of a magnificent bust during lactation will be surprised by a significant increase in size. But it is not always convenient during feeding. The lower part of the chest may sag, leading to incomplete emptying.
  • Cracked nipple. The child during the meal should not capture the nipple itself, but the halo around it. In violation of the feeding technique, painful cracks appear on the nipples. They will not allow normal feeding of the baby.
  • Dehydration. Lack of fluid leads to thickening of milk and a violation of its outflow. Therefore, the norm of fluid per day for lactating women is 1.5 liters.
  • Duct spasm. Such a reaction of muscle cells can cause stress, physical fatigue, hypothermia.
  • Chest injuries. Injuries by negligence lead to the appearance of local swelling of the tissues. This will squeeze the ducts and interfere with the excretion of milk.
  • Hyperlactation. Increased milk production is a rare cause of lactostasis.
  • Narrow ducts. It is possible to diagnose this condition in rare cases.
Lactostasis is isolated in a separate disease, which is a pathology of the postpartum period. In ICD-10, it is assigned the code O92.7.0.

Lactostasis in a nursing mother: symptoms ...

Diagnose lactostasis at home is not difficult. The initial stage is manifested in the form of a lump or local compaction on the mammary gland. There is a feeling of fullness. Later in this place there is redness. It can be hotter to the touch than the rest of the gland.

An increase in body temperature is not characteristic of lactostasis. With the progression of the condition, the allocation of milk is disrupted - it is difficult to decant, it leaves drop by drop. Lactostasis is manifested in a nursing mother by a gradual worsening of the condition, body aches may appear. If untreated, it can go into mastitis. The difference and difference between mastitis and lactostasis in the accession of infection:

  • swelling in the mammary gland increases;
  • general condition worsens;
  • symptoms of intoxication appear.
Lactation mastitis is a serious complication that requires the rational administration of antibiotics and surgical removal of purulent foci. You can distinguish lactostasis from mastitis using ultrasound.

... and how to deal with the problem

Treatment of lactostasis in a nursing mother implies mandatory breastfeeding. You need to put the child on a sore chest, but do not forget about healthy.

Woman breastfeeding a baby

Official medicine

It is possible to independently treat lactostasis only with initial changes. Significantly limit the flow of fluid is impossible. This will lead to thickening of the milk and only worsen the situation. But you should not get too carried away with water.

Be sure to express milk at least three hours later.First, healthy breasts are decanted, and then they go to the patient. Mom’s assistant in this is the child. To develop a fraction of the mammary gland in which the outflow of milk is impaired, a small massage should be performed before expressing. It is made with light movements in a circle and in the direction of the nipple. You need to act as carefully as possible, otherwise you can further damage the ducts.

Some help decoupling under a warm shower, a small stream can massage the chest at the same time. And warm water relaxes spasmodic ducts. Effectively help warm dry compresses that are applied to the sore spot before pumping.

If it was not possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms within 24 hours, then medical assistance is needed. The treatment regimen for lactostasis involves the use of the following drugs.

  • Drotaverinum. This is an antispasmodic that eliminates spasm of the smooth muscles of the milk ducts. It is prescribed intramuscularly in 2.0 ml three times a day for three days. The drug is administered 20 minutes before feeding.
  • Oxytocin. It is a natural hormone that improves the excretion of milk. It is prescribed five minutes before feeding, 0.5 ml per muscle.
  • "Novocaine". Perform retro-mammary procaine blockade. Antibiotics for lactostasis in a nursing mother are mixed with 100-150 ml of Novocaine. It is injected with a long needle behind the mammary gland. The pain subsides, the return of milk is facilitated. Expression begins 20 minutes after the blockade. Topical use of a broad-spectrum antibiotic improves treatment effectiveness.
  • Antihistamines. Used to desensitize (reduce the sensitivity of the body and the severity of inflammation). They are also administered intramuscularly to quickly achieve the effect.
  • Vitamins. During treatment, vitamins C and group B are necessary. They improve the condition of cells, blood vessels, protect against infection.

Half-alcohol dressings can be used. But various warming ointments are prohibited. A day after the appointment of drug therapy, treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures can be supplemented: ultrasound and ultra-high-frequency therapy.

This approach to treatment can only be used at body temperatures up to 37.5 ° C. If within two days there is no positive dynamics, the picture of inflammation increases in blood tests, and pathological changes occupy more than one quadrant of the gland, then surgical treatment is necessary.

Folk methods

The use of alternative methods of treatment is auxiliary. Official medicine has not confirmed their effectiveness. Most women who resort to such methods rely only on the feedback of friends or relatives. How to cure lactostasis during breastfeeding using available means? You need to use the most proven methods.

  • Cabbage compress. For it, use a fresh leaf of white cabbage. It is separated from the head, washed with cool running water and applied to the sore chest after feeding for three hours.
  • Decoction daisies. A warm compress is prepared from it, which can be done before pumping. For preparation, three tablespoons of the mixture are poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to infuse for 20-30 minutes. After filtering, a napkin is immersed in the liquid, which is then applied to the sore spot. The procedure is recommended to be performed three times a day.
  • Vodka compress. Pure alcohol should not be used. It can be absorbed and reduce the sensitivity of cells to oxytocin, which disrupts the secretion of milk. Therefore, vodka or alcohol is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 2. In the resulting warm solution dipped gauze and applied to the sore spot. Vodka compress with lactostasis is put on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Honey cake. To prepare for honey, you can add: cottage cheese, flour, chopped onions and egg yolk with juice aloe, flax seeds. The resulting cake is applied to the sore spot.
Use folk methods with caution and only as an auxiliary method.If you can’t decant the piles within two days, you need medical help.

Tight bra


Prevention of lactostasis during breastfeeding begins with the proper feeding of the baby. Even 20-30 years ago, the practice of feeding newborns according to a schedule was widespread. In the maternity hospital, they were in a separate room from their mothers and brought back at the time of feeding. But this approach turned out to be wrong. A more natural way is on-demand feeding.

The child is always with his mother in the ward. When signs of anxiety appear, it is applied to the chest. Typically, the interval between feedings in the first month is one and a half to two hours. Necessarily need night feeding. It can not be replaced with a mixture or expressed milk from a bottle. At night, prolactin production is enhanced. If you ignore feeding, then gradually the production of milk will decrease. Also, prevention includes the following points.

  • Lingerie. You must choose a special bra for nursing mothers. In extreme cases - take without hard bones.
  • Liquid. It should be remembered about the period of formation of lactation. On the fourth or fifth day, colostrum is replaced by the first milk. It can surge abruptly. Therefore, by this time, you need to slightly limit the amount of fluid, but not less than 1.5 liters per day.
  • Sleep. He will sleep correctly on his back so as not to squeeze the mammary glands. You also need a full night's sleep, which is interrupted only by feeding. If possible, an hour should be allocated for daytime sleep.
  • Security. The mammary gland should be protected from bruises and injuries, as well as hypothermia.

If there are signs of lactostasis in a nursing mother, immediate action is needed. The consequences of untreated milk stagnation for two days are the addition of infection and the development of mastitis. It is impossible to correct this condition medically, therefore they resort to surgical treatment.


I ran into this problem on Friday night, so I couldn’t go anywhere except to the Internet. Nobody told me that after feeding it is absolutely necessary to express milk until the end, so when I found out about it, it was too late. One breast became 2.5 times larger than the other. hard as a brick, the temperature rose to 38.9, that part of the chest where lactostasis was formed turned red. After applying alcohol compresses, massage and using a breast pump, things went smoothly. Although the redness still holds, and the soreness has remained. But I hope that everything will work out. Now I am interested in the question: can the whole period of feeding a baby be produced more in one breast of milk? Since its size has not decreased and the amount of milk is incomparably larger than in the other.


It is absolutely necessary to place this place so as not to provoke mastitis. you can drink no-shpu before expressing, so that the outflow is better. best suck baby. it must be attached so that the chin "looks" at the sore spot. Well, the cabbage leaf. Well, let the husband help the last one :)


Open your chest after no-shpa under a warm shower for a long, long time, carefully kneading all the lumps (just gently and delicately try) I had such a case, I was decoupling, decoding, but the chest pain remained, as it seemed to me and the lumps were in the chest, I was afraid that mastitis might have gone to the maternity hospital, and there the doctor looked, felt and said that I’m smart and everything was fine .. I say: it still hurts !! and here and here lumps .. and she: it can still hurt a couple of days, maybe you crushed your breasts too much, and lumps are already glands you feel just, you can say half paracetamol to drink, put cabbage leaves, on top a plastic bag and a bra (walk all day, change often, and even the sheets need to be beaten with a knife handle, so that they let the juice out) gradually passed really.


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