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The drug optimizes metabolic processes and frees the body from toxic agents. Result - the internal causes of rashes disappear, and the use of external funds becomes more effective.
The composition of the drug
The drug is a medicinal product, but in Ukraine it is registered as a dietary supplement. It has a number of clinically confirmed positive effects on the human body. Therefore, it can be recommended by dermatologists and cosmetologists as the main or auxiliary means for improving the condition of the skin.
Lignin is called polyphepan - a special polymer component of natural origin. It is obtained by specialized processing of wood. The composition of "Lactofiltrum" introduced as a sorbent. In terms of adsorption abilities, it significantly exceeds Activated carbonthat the table clearly demonstrates.
Table - Antitoxic activity of sorbents
A drug | Toxin Absorption Index |
Polysorb | 68,2 |
Smecta | 40,2 |
Enterosgel | 32,5 |
Lignin | 22,6 |
Activated carbon | 0,1 |
Lignin outperforms other sorbents with its natural origin. It also does not violate the processes of synthesis of vitamins, which allows you to maintain their required concentration.
It absorbs substances indiscriminately and can absorb all the “litter” that has accumulated in the intestines. Often this:
- pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products;
- salts of heavy metals;
- allergens
- ethanol decomposition products;
- medicines.
It also removes excesses of certain substances formed as a result of natural and disturbed metabolic processes: cholesterol, bilirubin, histamine, urea. The listed compounds are capable of causing endogenous toxicosis - a condition that claims to be extensive rashes.
Lactulose, a synthetic compound from the group of disaccharides, domestic and European pharmacopeias are classified as probiotics. The substance acts as a substrate for the vital activity of beneficial bacteria. As a result, they are activated, multiply intensively and suppress pathogenic microorganisms that provoke rotting, fermentation, and produce toxic toxins.
With the hydrolysis of lactulose by useful bacteria in the large intestine, the concentration of organic acids increases:
- milk;
- vinegar;
- formic.
They create an unsuitable environment for the propagation of opportunistic bacteria, and also contribute to the attraction of water to the lower intestines. As a result, the osmotic pressure rises in his lumen, fecal masses soften, and the act of defecation is facilitated.
The result of the normalization of microflora is an increase in the level of production and absorption B vitamins in the intestines. They are important for metabolism and good skin condition. Bowel cleansing also helps to strengthen the immune system, the protective functions of the epidermis. As a result, skin microflora is normalized, the risk of infection penetration is reduced.
Initially, the drug was created to eliminate the symptoms of endogenous intoxication.A positive effect of the drug on skin condition was revealed later. Today, dermatologists prescribe "Lactofiltrum" with:
- acne;
- excessive oily skin;
- black dots;
- subcutaneous acne;
- dermatoses;
- dermatitis;
- urticaria;
- eczema
- psoriasis.
Also, the drug is prescribed for liver damage, chronic inflammation in the intestines, dysbiosis (including medication). It is used to cleanse the body, while losing weight, for the treatment and prevention of allergies (except seasonal).
Treatment regimens
Accept "Lactofiltrum" for acne is necessary for three weeks. At the time of therapy, the diet and lifestyle should be reviewed, intensive skin care should be provided, external products should be used, and hygiene should be observed. This is important to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.
You can drink the medicine in two ways - swallow the tablets whole or pre-grind them into powder. In the second case, the speed of action of the drug increases.
The average dosage for adults is two tablets three times a day. Take them an hour before meals. Drink plenty of water - at least one glass. Recommended doses of the drug for patients of different ages are presented in the table.
Table - Dosing of "Lactofiltrum" at different ages
Patient age | Recommended Single Dose |
Patients over 12 years old | 2-3 tablets |
Children from 8 to 12 years old | 1-2 tablets |
Children from 3 to 7 years old | 1 tablet |
Children from 1 to 3 years old | ½ tablets |
Extra intake of vitamins
With short-term courses of use of the drug, there is no need to additionally supply the body with nutrients. But with prolonged therapy (more than two weeks), this is relevant and directly affects the results of treatment. Plus, do not forget that vitamin deficiency is also manifested by dermatological problems.
You can drink a prophylactic (multivitamin complex) from the first day of taking Lactofiltrum.
If other sorbents (Polysorb or Enterosgel) are taken from acne, then vitamins are prescribed regardless of the duration of the course.
Categorically you can not use the tool in the following conditions:
- individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- intestinal obstruction;
- galactosemia;
- internal bleeding (gastric or intestinal);
- an ulcer or gastritis;
- intestinal atony.
The components of the drug rarely provoke allergies, however, it is better to start taking the drug with small doses, controlling the changes in the body. Side effects (flatulence, diarrhea or constipation) occur when the dosing regimen is violated. In these situations, drug withdrawal is needed.
The tool is considered safe, but use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood, should be agreed with the doctor.
Whether the drug will help or not depends on the causes of the rash and the correctness of the treatment chosen by the doctor. The medicine is unlikely to give a tangible effect in acne caused by hormonal disruptions, penetration of parasites into the epidermis, and violation of personal hygiene rules. The medicine is relevant if the rash is the result of intestinal obstruction, impaired liver function and metabolic malfunctions.
And it helped me, the intestines are now normal and there are no acne on the face. if rashes due to problems with the intestines, then this is an effective thing. Not only as a sorbent cleanses the body but also normalizes the flora and the intestines gradually begin to work well, and the general condition improves significantly.
a guest,
On the advice of a cosmetologist, she started taking lactofiltrum, drank 10 days. improvements were immediately noticeable. the skin leveled and acne became less. But unfortunately, after I stopped drinking them, acne came out on my face again ((I think to start taking this drug again.
The little,
I wanted to clean the body with the help of Lactofiltrum, (to get rid of acne), it did not help at all. Then I decided to try Polysorb. After Polysorb, acne became noticeably less and the skin became cleaner.
Alexey Shedenko,
How these acne got me, you would know, and with what I just did not try to treat them. The effect of the drugs was, but not lasting. I began to think that the cause of acne is inside, perhaps the intestines are junk. I went to the pharmacy, bought Lactofiltrum, drank the course, and I started diarrhea, weakened in the morning, and my stomach aches joined, I stopped drinking it. I had to go to the pharmacy again, the pharmacist advised replacing Lactofiltrum with Polysorb, said that it was more effective and side effects appeared in very rare cases.
Now I finished drinking the course, firstly, the diarrhea is gone, and secondly, acne began to dry out and disappear. Now I plan to take a break and drink the second course of Polysorb. I was satisfied.Anya Bondarenko,
Lactofiltrum chose for its problems for several hours, according to reviews on the Internet. Reviews, it must be said, are contradictory, but people often scolded the drug for inexperience, not knowledge. These pills helped me a lot and help me to survive the gastrointestinal surprises!