Instructions for use of L-carnitine (L-carnitine): fat burner with health benefits

Today, one of the main criteria for the external beauty of a woman is a slim figure. Therefore, girls are in constant search of mechanisms for “plumb”. On hearing - l-carnitine. However, not everyone has a clear idea about the effect of this substance on health, and how to take l-carnitine for weight loss.
L-carnitine tablets

Carnitine (aka l-carnitine, L-carnitine, elcarnitine, carnitin or levocarnitine) in Latin sounds like "blood, flesh." There is also an analogue of this drug, where the price is as low as possible. Like most natural substances, the carnitine molecule has two mirror forms, which are distinguished by the letters "l" and "d". L-carnitine is synthesized in the body. By its properties and origin, it is similar to B vitamins. It is often referred to as amino acids, although it is not. In its pure form, l-carnitine is a white powdery crystals, odorless and soluble in water. Outwardly, the substance is like sugar.

The "mission" of the substance

Why drink L-carotene and how does it work? It plays a significant role in the human body from the moment of conception: it enters the egg with the sperm and is involved in the development of the fetus. Reception of this substance is already useful when planning a pregnancy, and for both future parents. In the body, levocarnitine is produced mainly in the liver, kidneys, and brain as a result of a chain of biochemical reactions. It is synthesized from two amino acids: lysine and methionine. Vitamins B3, B6, C, iron, folic acid are still involved in the formation of molecules.

We get the main dose of l-carnitine from food: it comes with meat and dairy products. Most of it is in whey, red fish, offal, as part of raw beef, rabbit meat, chicken, lamb (the redder the meat, the more carnitine it contains). However, to a large extent, its molecules are destroyed by heat treatment, with repeated freezing. Plant sources of l-carnitine are scarce: in small doses, it is present in wheat germ, alfalfa, avocado, and soy. For comparison: in plants of carnitine, not more than 2 mg per 100 g, in serum - 40 mg, in beef - 85-95 mg per 100 g of product.

Mechanism of action

L-carnitine acts as the main nutrient that stimulates the metabolic processes in the body. It plays a dominant role in energy metabolism: in the breakdown of fats and energy production. The mechanism of action of the substance is as follows.

  • Fat transport. L-corvitin transports fat, or rather fatty acids, to the mitochondria, which are located in the cytoplasm of each cell. They are figuratively compared with the “battery”, “blast furnace” or “energy station” of the cell.
  • Fat breakdown. The next step is the utilization of nutritious fatty acids, that is, their combustion in the mitochondria. As a result, fats are converted into energy.

8 key features

In the course of numerous research experiments, the benefits of l-carnitine for the body have been proved. In the list of diverse functions of L-carnitine, eight are highlighted.

  1. Activity. L-carnitine significantly activates physical and mental functions. It improves well-being, mood, increases the tone of the body. It has an anti-aging effect.
  2. Detoxification. Eliminates toxins. The effectiveness of l-carnitine in alcohol poisoning, drug intoxication has been proven.
  3. Stress resistance. It has an adaptogenic and general tonic effect, significantly increases the body's resistance to stress, acts as a "protector" of the nervous system and a blocker of feelings of depression.
  4. Metabolism. L-carnitine is of great importance in maintaining metabolism, strengthens the immune system, helps the body resist disease.
  5. Regeneration and protection. Favorable for the heart and blood vessels, improves myocardial function, helps lower cholesterol, protects the body from atherosclerosis. Reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke.
  6. Prevention L-carnitine is a good prophylactic for visual impairment. Slows down the processes of transformation of the vessels of the retina. Up to 40% reduces the risk of cataracts.
  7. Productivity. Provides an increase in the effectiveness of sports training, increases the stamina of the body, increases the functionality of muscles.
  8. Fat burning. Helps maintain optimal weight. Influencing the metabolism of fats, l-carnitine helps to extract energy from them.

How much does the body need

A person’s need for carnitine varies with age. The table below shows the daily requirements of the substance. These figures are average indicative, since they depend on the living conditions of a person, the physiological characteristics of the body, physical activity, and concomitant diseases.

Table - The daily norm of l-carnitine for children and adults

Categories, age of person, indicationsThe need for l-carnitine
Children up to a year10-30 mg
Children from one to three years old30-60 mg
Children from four to six years old60-100 mg
Children from seven to 18 years old100-300 mg
Adult (average)200 to 500 mg
Adults engaged in hard physical labor500 to 2000 mg
Adults with weight loss1200 to 3000 mg
Heavy Duty Athletes1500 to 3000 mg and higher
In order to strengthen immunity1000 to 1800 mg
For therapeutic purposes as prescribed by the doctor (in the treatment regimens for the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, acute infections).1000 to 1500 mg

Adults who regularly consume red meat and other livestock products receive about 60-180 mg of carnitine per day. Vegetarians - significantly less (average 10-15 mg). That is, the usual menu covers the need for carnitine by 25-50%. The internal synthesis of l-carnitine is about a quarter of the body's needs. With additional loads (psycho-emotional, mental, physical, diets), the body of this substance needs several times more.

Levocarnitine deficiency is manifested by general weakness and loss of strength, fatigue, a sharp decrease in performance, impaired heart function, weakened immunity and a low level of body resistance to infections and viruses. Effectively solving the problem and eliminating the lack of carnitine with food alone is unrealistic. Therefore, the additional use of l-carnitine in short courses is recommended after consultation with specialists.

Who is appointed ...

Indications for the use of l-carnitine extend into three main areas.

  1. Losing weight. However, without sports training and physical activity, it is useless.
  2. Athletes. In order to achieve high performance, improve professional results.
  3. People with reduced immunity. Also, the substance is used to concentrate attention and memory, slow down the aging of the body, and prevent a number of diseases. It is shown to vegetarians. Levocarnitine is often prescribed as part of complex treatment.

... and who is forbidden

Levocarnitine is being actively studied, while the doses are specifically overestimated dozens of times. However, scientific evidence of harm from use is not found. Security
L-carnitine also confirms the fact of its practical use in pediatrics for the care of premature infants. Nevertheless, for patients with a number of diseases, there are contraindications to its use. It is wiser to refuse to take l-carnitine without first consulting a doctor under the following health conditions:

  • high blood pressure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • peripheral blood vessel diseases.
According to studies, during pregnancy and in the lactation period, the body's need for l-carnitine increases at least five times. However, natural sources of the substance are welcome. Uncontrolled use of l-carnitine by pregnant and lactating women is prohibited. The additive is prescribed according to indications and only after agreement with the doctor.

Insomnia, unpleasant odor and other possible “side effects”

L-carnitine rarely causes side effects. However, in some cases, the following may appear:

  • allergic reactions;
  • muscle weakness;
  • digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting);
  • problems falling asleep (l-carnitine is not recommended at night).

Possible diarrhea caused by an overdose. Also, if l-carnitine is used at 3 g per day or more, a specific “fishy” body odor may appear.

Some reviews of L-carnitine tablets contain information that taking levocarnitine for weight loss is accompanied by increased anxiety, excessive irritability and nervousness. Most likely, such symptoms are explained by the stimulating effect of the substance. If during the course of taking you notice these side effects, reduce the use of other drugs that stimulate the nervous system. First of all, caffeine.

L-carnitine packaging

Ways to use

In the form of a finished drug, l-carnitine is produced by many companies, is freely available in pharmacies (without a prescription). The drug exists in several dosage forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • drinking ampoules;
  • ampoules for injection;
  • powder for dilution;
  • liquid concentrate, syrup.

Therefore, take the drug in two ways.

  1. Orally. Liquid l-carnitine begins to act most quickly: ten minutes after ingestion. The drug should not be diluted with water or combined with food. Manufacturers most often "in one bottle" combine liquid levocarnitine with other vitamins and minerals. L-carnitine powder is diluted with water, according to the manufacturer's instructions, until completely dissolved. Carnitine in capsules or tablets does not contain other "ballast" components, dyes, sweeteners, flavorings (such as, for example, syrup). Therefore, many prefer this "pure" form of levocarnitine without impurities. The tablets are washed down with water without chewing.
  2. Injection It is possible to administer the drug both intramuscularly and intravenously. In the form of injections and droppers, it is used only for medical purposes: for cardiological, neuralgic indications, as a replacement therapy for carnitine deficiency in the body. For weight loss, these options are usually not used.

The release form does not affect the effectiveness of levocarnitine, but only on the speed of its effect on the body.

L-carnitine powder

How to take l-carnitine for weight loss

The primary steps towards gaining harmony are to “convince” the body to burn more fat. If you combine the intake of l-carnitine with exercise, you can achieve a high result. According to reviews, in combination with training, l-carnitine will help get rid of extra pounds faster and more efficiently. Nutritionists advise for this period to switch to six-fold fractional nutrition, enriched with protein, fresh vegetables and fruits. Calorie intake should be in the range of 1600-1800 kcal per day (no more and no less). Alcoholic drinks, sweets are completely excluded. In a comprehensive way, these activities and your knowledge on how to drink l-carnitine for weight loss will help you say goodbye to fat.

In order to start losing weight, the dosage of l-carnitine for fat burning should be at least 1200 mg per day.If the weight is significantly higher than normal, you should increase the recommended dose in one and a half to two times. Fat burner is taken as follows:

  • between tables - half an hour or an hour before meals;
  • with sweet juice - better grape, pomegranate or with water;
  • daily rate divided - for four to five servings.

When combining fat burner with gym classes, follow these guidelines.

  • Drink before class. Reception of l-carnitine before training should be distributed so that the maximum proportion of the substance entered the body before exercise. A “shock” dose of l-carnitine (600-1000 mg) is recommended to be taken once a day approximately half an hour before training. In this case, liquid carnitine is more often used: for women, this form of the drug is more convenient. You can drink it in the locker room, preparing for the start of classes.
  • Correctly choose the load. Training for the effective action of l-carnitine should last at least 25-30 minutes. The following types of physical activity are optimal: active walking, running, dancing, cycling, yoga, aerobics, swimming, classes on cardiovascular machines, Pilates.

The traditional course of taking levocarnitine is four to six weeks. Next is a two-week break. If necessary, a repeat of four to five courses of taking l-carnitine is possible during the year.

In order to lose weight, l-carnitine can successfully cooperate with other sports supplements, for example, with protein. Opinions vary regarding their use, but most reviews suggest that l-carnitine is used before exercise, and protein after exercise. A single dose of protein (900-1500 mg), diluted in low-fat milk or water, is taken.

L-carnitine, harmoniously combined with training and a balanced diet, is able to surprise, eliminating extra centimeters at a good speed. Its advantage is also that it is safe for health as an additive. However, there are frequent cases when the instructions for the use of l-carnitine are violated by improper conditions and shelf life. You can not drink expired levocarnitine, and also store it in warmth or in conditions of high humidity.

Reviews: “It helps if you exercise”

I’ll tell you my opinion before I read El Carnitine I read, which in my eyes rippled from articles and other things ... I didn’t find anything bad, only good, I decided to try it myself. It really works, the feeling of energy does not pass during the workout and subcutaneous fat is burned, the figure improved for 1.5 months, lost 3 kg and tightened, there is no addiction, I drink only three times a week before training for 15 minutes. in liquid form with chrome! If you do not mind the money for your beloved, I recommend it! And there you decide)))


I drink carnitone, I go to fitness, you can’t imagine how much energy I have now, I just can’t sit still, I want to constantly run, jump, rush, the effect exceeds all expectations. Naturally, the weight is lost very noticeably, for those who are ready to make some efforts for their weight loss, this drug will be very useful)


I saw that el carnitine is taken before each workout by my friend of mine, with whom we go to fitness. I felt good, but my excess weight was in no hurry to leave. Seeing her slender forms, I also began to take this drug. But before the reception, of course, I began to find out what it is. I learned that carnitine is the substance that is produced in our body. So it’s harmless. Took 2 weeks, 4 times a day. Before training, I tripled the dose. During this time, I lost 3 kg. At the same time, I went to fitness only 2 times a week for an hour. I did not limit myself much in food. Sweets and buns, of course, did not eat. I think, due to the acceleration of metabolism caused by the drug - the weight began to decrease.

Anastasia, 22 years old,

L-Carnitine only helps if you exercise. Better to take twenty minutes before training. If you drink it and continue to eat for pleasure, then you do not need to wait for the effect.The drug is ideal for those who eat little, but do not lose weight. In other words, the drug speeds up the metabolism. He is definitely not harmful, drank many times, nothing happened. In training, it helps to sweat.


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