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Over the years, red or blue veins on the face often begin to appear in an adult, and as a result, the question arises - what constricts the blood vessels? Can dilated vessels be cured once and for all? Is phototherapy effective in this regard? Is the removal of blood vessels harmful?
Against the background of a healthy body, rosacea stands out as a separate section of the visible network of blood vessels, depending on the stage - from reddish to maroon or purple, most often on the nose or cheeks.
Science claims that rosacea is not an independent disease. True, this depends, again, on the stage of pathology. Individual dilated capillaries do not significantly affect blood circulation and do not have a negative effect on health. Unless, they can negatively affect the psychological comfort of a person.
Causes of the appearance of dilated vessels
The causes and methods of treating rosacea on the face are different, they are congenital and acquired, depending on them, methods of dealing with this defect are selected. Most often, rosacea appears due to the weakening of blood vessels against the background of genetic, hormonal disorders or a number of external factors.
Congenital rosacea is the most severe and rare form of the defect, it is almost incurable, except that it lends itself to slight cosmetic adjustment. The following serious diseases can provoke it:
- Louis Bar syndrome;
- genetic vascular pathology, manifested in their constant bleeding (Randu-Osler disease);
- tumors resulting from an increase in capillaries.
- Heredity, it’s a genetic predisposition. If the next of kin has “spider veins” on the face or body, then it is likely that you cannot avoid their appearance.
- Hormonal disorders. If the vessels on the face appeared simultaneously with a significant change in weight (you have recovered or lost weight for no apparent reason), and you also suffer from sleep disorders or mood swings, this is an occasion to contact an endocrinologist and gynecologist. Provoking factors can be - taking contraceptives, pregnancy, menopause.
- Hypertension. If you have high blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg. Art.), Or it "jumps" during the day, and the tonometer shows different data on both hands (the difference is more than 10 divisions) - you need to visit a therapist and cardiologist. Even if you feel normal. Normalization of pressure will reduce the manifestation of the rosacea network, as well as reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.
- Sinus inflammation. If the net on the face appeared after a cold, a cold, your nose is very stuffy, or you snore - the otolaryngologist will help you.
- Diseases of the internal organs, especially the liver. The appearance of the vascular network and diseases of the digestive system are quite closely interconnected.In this case, rosacea acts as an external symptom of an internal disease.
- Genetic vascular weakness. When the walls of the vessels are prone to low elasticity, the likelihood of rosacea increases several times.
- A number of skin conditions (e.g., dermatomyositis or lupus). Autoimmune ailments provoke the development of inflammatory processes on the inner membrane of small vessels.
And yet, the most common causes of an ugly capillary pattern are external factors. To defeat rosacea on the face, first protect yourself from these factors.
- Bad habits. Smoking and drinking, especially red wine. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, which sooner or later leads to external manifestations of the corresponding defect.
- Significant temperature fluctuations. Long stay in extreme cold or in direct sunlight. Under such conditions, blood vessels can even appear on male skin.
- Abuse of tanning, including tanning beds. Aggressive exposure to sunlight always negatively affects the condition of the skin, and can also provoke rosacea.
- Malnutrition. Abuse of fatty, spicy, salty foods, gas drinks, sweets, lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet.
- Stress. Frequent experiences and worries, depression. Increased pressure entails a violation of the normal functioning of the vessels.
- Incorrect care. Alcohol lotions, scrubs, hard washcloths and towels made from coarse cloth. They provoke thinning of the epidermis and its dehydration. Redness can be a sad consequence of such aggressive care.
Unwanted Flush Measures
Proper care
Caring for rosacea should be proper and gentle.
- Give up hard scrubs. Coarse towels, washcloths and the like are also contraindicated.
- Do not use alcohol-containing cosmetics.. First of all, pay attention to the composition of lotions and tonics. It is best to prepare the lotion yourself. Do not use cosmetics containing eucalyptus, menthol, peppermint, cloves, aloe or honey.
- Do not wipe your face after washing.. Just blot gently with gentle movements. Buy a towel made of natural material, synthetics are unacceptable.
- Do not wash your face with hot water.. To the question whether it is possible to wipe the face with ice in case of rosacea, the answer will also be negative - remember that any aggressive temperatures are contraindicated to you! Under the ban of inhalation, contrasting cleansing and compresses - in short, everything that is associated with heating, steaming the skin, and temperature drops.
- Stop using sponges and brushes. Apply creams and masks with light movements, fingertips (previously thoroughly washing your hands).
- Pick up special masks. Regular use of self-made masks using folk remedies will help you maintain healthy facial skin and significantly reduce the appearance of vascular pattern.
- In winter, use nourishing creams to protect your skin from frost.. During the active sun season, be sure to use cosmetics with SPF.
- Remember that manual facial cleansing is contraindicated for you. The same applies to manual massage, the use of vacuum nozzles. You can conduct gentle ultrasonic cleaning with a professional cosmetologist.
- Baths and saunas are undesirable to visit. Reduce your stay in the sauna to the minimum possible, cover your face with a damp towel.
- With rosacea, any peels are contraindicated. They have an overly aggressive effect on the epidermis.
7 homemade anti-courose recipes
It is not difficult to prepare anticuperose face masks at home. They will be an excellent help in the process of getting rid of the vascular net and improving the condition of the skin.
- Mask of potatoes. Peel medium raw potatoes, grate finely. Apply the resulting mixture on your face, you can cover it with a thin layer of gauze so that all the juice is absorbed into the skin. Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes and wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile.
- Oat mask. 1 tbsp. l oatmeal and 1 tbsp. l chop the chamomile flowers in a coffee grinder into flour. Add some olive oil to the consistency of gruel. Apply to face, rinse with cool water after 15 minutes. Such a mask can be used daily until the veins on the skin completely disappear.
- Anticuperose tonic. Brew 20 g of chamomile flowers in 500 ml of warm water, cool the resulting infusion, strain, and dissolve 2 Ascorutin tablets in it. Wipe the problem areas 2 times a day with a cotton pad dipped in tonic.
- Mask of berries. Take 1 tsp. potato starch, mashed apple, lingonberry, raspberry, strawberry, sea buckthorn. Mix well. Apply for 20 minutes on a cleansed face, then rinse.
- Anticuperose Cream. Take the usual cream for sensitive face skin that you like and suit most. Add the Ascorutin tablet powdered into it. Apply to face as usual.
- Anti-courose oil. Take thyme oil, rosemary, grape seed, Japanese mint, mix in equal proportions. Apply such a mixture only on redness, after 15 minutes, remove residual oil with a damp cotton pad.
- Apple Cider Vinegar Mask. 4 tbsp. l vinegar slightly warm, add 2 tbsp. l oatmeal, a little honey. Apply to clean and dry skin, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. Such a mask not only strengthens blood vessels, but also smoothes wrinkles.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove rosacea on the face with proper care and folk remedies alone. Proven medicines come to the rescue. Buying a cream for rosacea on the face in a pharmacy is the first thought that comes to mind is simple, inexpensive and affordable. What means will help get rid of the vascular pattern on the skin?
- A drug "Troxevasin». Its main component is rutin, which strengthens blood vessels, eliminates their fragility, and allows blood to circulate better. Reviews of the treatment of rosacea on the face with Troxevasin prove that this medicine is most often prescribed to patients in complex therapy. If small areas are affected, it is applied 2 times a day, rubbing slightly, for 3-4 weeks. If the problem is more serious, Troxevasin is additionally prescribed in the form of tablets for oral administration (1 capsule 300 mg per day for 2 weeks). The course of treatment can last a month, if necessary, the doctor prolongs it. "Troxevasin" from rosacea on the face will give a greater effect when combined with ascorbic acid.
- Heparin ointment. The medicine is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day with a thin layer, gently rubbing into the skin, used for 1-4 weeks, the course duration depends on the degree of rosacea.Before treating rosacea on the face with this drug, we recommend that you read the reviews on heparin ointment for rosacea on the face, and then seek medical advice. Remember that this is a fairly serious means that you can not appoint yourself.
- Calendula Ointment. Budget and effective remedy for rosacea based on natural ingredients, strengthens capillaries. Method of application - 2-3 times a day, apply to affected areas and gently rub, use 2-4 weeks.
- Avene Diroseal ("Dirozeal"). Cream produced by a well-known French brand, is intended for the care of sensitive face skin affected by rosacea. If “Troxevasin”, “Heparin” and calendula ointment are cheap enough medicines, then you will have to pay a tidy sum for this cream (depending on the pharmacy chain - 800-1000 rubles). The French promise to tighten the surface layer of the skin, activate cellular metabolism, restore circulation (and prevent the spread of the "net"), "mask" the existing "stars", the skin should become more tender and soft.
- Cream "Bark". If you prefer to support the Russian manufacturer, pay attention to this remedy, it is significantly more expensive than pharmacy ointments, but also much cheaper than Dirozeal. Cream "Bark" is intended for skin care with weak and fragile vessels, rejuvenates, evens out the relief, improves complexion.
Modern methods of aesthetic medicine
How to get rid of rosacea completely? After all, drugs mainly reduce the visible manifestations of the vascular pattern, but do not completely remove it. Modern cosmetology offers the following measures.
- Laser therapy and phototherapy. Laser removal of rosacea on the face with the laser is the most common and effective method, which, however, has its drawbacks. The laser removes even the most neglected rosacea, while with a slight skin lesion it is impractical to use, it is better to choose a more gentle method. Complications are possible - the appearance of age spots or partial discoloration of the skin. To minimize the risk, carefully choose the clinic and specialist. The doctor should conduct a skin sensitivity test and determine its phototype.
- Electrocoagulation. Removing rosacea on the nose, cheeks and other small areas of the skin using this method is most justified, because with a wide area of lesions, the procedure will be too long and cause the patient inconvenience. With electrocoagulation, the dilated capillary will be destroyed by an electrical impulse.
- Ozone therapy. Using an ultra-thin needle, an oxygen-ozone mixture is introduced into the diseased vessel, which saturates the cells with oxygen, enhances their functioning, and the deformation disappears. The method is gentle, effective, safe, that is, it will not leave any spots or micro scars.
Nutrition and diet for rosacea on the face
Knowing how to get rid of rosacea of the skin of the face, you can easily adjust your diet. It is recommended that you include the following products daily:
- buckwheat;
- parsley;
- asparagus;
- carrot;
- fish fat;
- green tea;
- eggs
- turkey or chicken;
- hard low-fat cheese;
- legumes;
- linseed oil.
The diet for rosacea does not tolerate the presence in the diet of products such as:
- Black tea;
- semi-finished products;
- red meat (beef, pork, lamb);
- pastes, smoked meats;
- any products containing flavor enhancers and preservatives;
- chocolate;
- citrus;
- alcohol.
Proper nutrition will not only strengthen the blood vessels and reduce the risk of the reappearance of the capillary network, but in general will have a positive effect on the body.
Although the vascular mesh on the face is just a cosmetic defect, it can hide a number of diseases. You should not ignore the appearance of rosacea, if possible, consult a doctor or a cosmetologist, you will be prescribed a course of treatment, depending on the causes of rosacea, the treatment regimen will be different. And proper nutrition, proper care and a healthy lifestyle will help to forget about this problem and defeat rosacea on the face.