Why bleeding gums during pregnancy? And how to deal with it

Why does bleeding gums occur during pregnancy? How dangerous is this condition? How to treat bleeding? What drugs can be used?
Pregnant brushes her teeth

It is believed that the main factor why gums bleed during pregnancy is hormonal adjustment. Indeed, starting from 3-4 weeks of fetal development, the level of hormones estrogen, prostaglandins and progesterones in the body increases dramatically, which, in turn, stimulate softening of tissues. “The body is preparing for childbirth, be patient,” they say to the expectant mother. But in no case it is impossible to tolerate, since the hormonal background, according to dentists, is only a positing factor. The main reason for bleeding gums during the period of expectation of the baby is completely different.

Causes of bleeding

Absolutely every person has a soft coating on his teeth every day. He calmly brushes off his toothbrush in the morning and evening. But there are areas where it penetrates, but it can not be cleaned out, for example, between the teeth. Here the plaque is compacted, gradually transformed into stone.

The same processes occur during pregnancy, but expectant mothers, especially in the first trimester, develop toxicosis. When every morning she feels sick and regular toothbrushing causes vomiting, women tend to reduce the intensity of oral hygiene procedures or avoid them altogether, replacing them with rinses. As a result, a soft coating grows even more, causing inflammation of the gum tissue, and then bleeding, scientifically - gingivitis.

Is gingvinite dangerous?

Yes, in the normal state, it poses a threat of complication. In particular, the lack of proper treatment contributes to the transition of gingivitis to periodontitis, when it is not the gums that inflame, but the denser tissues surrounding the teeth. This may cause them to fall out.

Girl eating pear

If gums bleed heavily during pregnancy, it is doubly dangerous. In soft plaque, microbes multiply. They secrete toxins and the so-called inflammatory mediators that enter the bloodstream, which then pass through the placenta to the fetus. In addition to the direct negative effect on the baby, the substances stimulate another dangerous process - the synthesis of prostaglandin E2. Because of it (this is a scientifically proven fact), the likelihood of premature birth or involuntary abortion increases by 6-7 times. And the more intense the inflammation, the greater the risk of such an outcome of pregnancy.

Treatment and prevention

So what to do if gums bleed during pregnancy? To begin with, it is imperative to consult a dentist who will determine the intensity of the development of the disease and select the appropriate course of treatment. Depending on the form, gingivitis is distinguished:

  • catarrhal - it is characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy and is manifested by bleeding of the gums, their edema from the marginal part, soreness when cleaning and a gradual discoloration of the gums: from pale pink it becomes red and then cyanotic;
  • hypertrophic - it doesn’t just bleed the gums during pregnancy. The gingival tissue increases, becomes loose, and in the absence of treatment, its enlarged parts become denser. In the latter case, the consequences of gingivitis can be eliminated only by prompt removal.

After making a diagnosis, the specialist determines the tactics for eliminating bleeding gums during pregnancy. Treatment of catarrhal gingivitis includes the following procedures.

Treatment at the dentist

  • Cabinet brushing - plaque deposits are removed using a hand tool. The use of ultrasound and other hardware techniques is prohibited, since they stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus and can cause arbitrary childbirth. The teeth are polished with special brushes and pastes.
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy. It includes antiseptic rinses for 10 days and applications of anti-inflammatory gels. Among the funds, mainly prescribed by specialists for rinsing, a solution is isolated Chlorgesidine (0.05%), non-alcoholic infusions of medicinal herbs such as sage, chamomile or eucalyptus. Rinses with fluoride solutions, but without the content of antibacterial components, are also recommended. Such treatments must be performed 2 times a day, rinsing the mouth for at least 1 minute. Anti-inflammatory gels, the use of which is possible in pregnant women as prescribed by the doctor, are represented by drugs Metrogil Denta and Holisal. They are applied to the gums 2 hours before a meal.
  • Thorough oral hygiene. It is impossible to exclude snacks for pregnant women, but it is better to remove high-carb foods, such as sweets or cookies, from them, replacing them with fruits and vegetables. If you still ate a cookie, go brush your teeth, as the remnants of such foods are the best place for the development of bacteria.

Treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis is carried out in a similar way, but taking into account changes in the anatomy of the gums. If surgical removal is required, it is transferred to the period after childbirth.

Now you know the causes of bleeding gums during pregnancy, how to treat this condition and its danger to the development of the fetus. Therefore, do not disregard the symptoms of gingivitis and be sure to consult a doctor for help when they appear.

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