Kremlin diet: menu for the week, reviews, a full table of ready meals

What principles is the Kremlin diet based on? How effective and safe is it? Can a diet harm the body? Table of the Kremlin diet (full version for print), reviews of nutritionists and doctors.
Piece of fish

Is it possible to lose weight by eating hearty meat products? Is it possible to eat fillings and not starve during the “diet”? What about delicacies in food, alcohol and sausages? The famous Kremlin method of losing weight affirmatively answers all these questions. He refutes the well-known canons of weight loss and makes the body rapidly lose weight.

Features of the Kremlin

Incredible results and an original name draw attention to this weight loss system. "Kremlin", the diet of the Kremlin "inhabitants", "diet of astronauts" has been popular for several decades.

About how to eat hearty and lose weight, published books and practical manuals. She is told about by those who, adhering to such a nutrition system, said goodbye to being overweight. They do not say one thing about her - who invented this method of losing weight? And what does he have to do with the Kremlin or astronauts?

Products of the Kremlin diet

History and fiction

Diet refers to food systems without an author. Despite its popularity, high interest from the population, not a single doctor put its “signature” under it. The name “Kremlin” also looks doubtful. Obviously, she had no direct relation to the party leadership of the USSR, there is no evidence that doctors of the Soviet Union prescribed protein-rich and fat-rich foods to someone from the party elite.

Probably, the name “Kremlin” arose in response to the interest of the country's population in everything related to the life of the party elite. Perhaps this was someone’s “tricky marketing move” to draw attention to a diet transformed from Atkinson’s weight loss system principles, taking into account Soviet and then Russian realities.

There is another opinion. The menu for the week of the Kremlin diet is made up of delicious products, often delicacies, including meat, seafood, cheeses. In the past, such food was available only to the top elite, which is why associations arose with the Kremlin, the diet of “leaders” and “astronauts,” whose nutrition was always balanced, satisfying, and high protein.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

Diet principles

Be that as it may, Kremlin weight loss has become widespread in the CIS countries. The following factors attract attention to it.

  • No need to deplete the diet. “Doctors always told us that to lose weight you need to eat as few eggs, butter, meat as possible,” comments a diet fan, author of a book on Kremlyovka, journalist Yevgeny Chernykh. - But this paradoxical food system does not force to abandon them. You need to eat a lot of meat, especially at first, not to limit other protein foods. But the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced. There are results, and they are proven by dozens of my readers. Weight actively goes away in the first days of the diet. ”
  • Fat burns out. The author considers the secret of intense weight loss to be the process of converting internal adipose tissue into energy. The body loses its main source of energy - carbohydrates, and in their absence is forced to find its own reserves. And they are in abundance in the form of fats.
  • You can alcohol. Alcohol prohibited in all diets is allowed here. You can drink dry wine, and vodka, and brandy.But Evgeny Chernykh clarifies that when drinking alcohol, appetite increases and it becomes very difficult to fight the desire to eat something “tasty” from banned foods.
  • You can’t eat uncontrollably. Despite the fact that the nutrition system encourages the use of meat, fish, and other protein products, they are not allowed to be eaten without restrictions. “Look at your palm,” comments Eugene Chernykh. “That should be your portion of meat.”
  • Exercise is important. Kremlyovka does not call for spending hours in the gym, but it is necessary to increase physical activity. Losing weight is recommended to walk more, perform a set of exercises at home, swim, ride a bicycle. The lower your daily workload, for example, when sedentary work, the more intense should be additional.

The first results are noted already on the fifth day of the diet. Weight starts to go away with volumes. During the first week, you can lose up to four kilograms. The pace of weight loss persists until the second week, then decreases. With a long diet, you will continue to lose weight, but more slowly than at the beginning.

Girl pours juice


The essence of the Kremlin diet is to give each product a value in arbitrary units or points (points). They are determined not by calorie content, but by the level of carbohydrate content. Cu system conditional, it does not specify the actual energy value of a particular product, but only its position on the "ladder of permissible products" in this diet.

Having familiarized yourself with the table of the Kremlin diet, the full print version of which is presented below, you will see that all kinds of meat and offal (from zero to two cu) have a minimum value in points, and the value of sausages, cheeses, and dairy products is low. The maximum score in points of dried fruits, preserves, sweets.

Menu for the month should be based on the following principles:

  • up to forty points per day - there is active weight loss;
  • up to sixty points per day - the weight remains stable;
  • more than sixty points a day - weight is growing.

Thus, you can include in the daily diet any products based on their "cost", but with the condition that the total number of points is not "sorted out" during the day.

When forming an individual diet, consider the following points.

  • Content points in one hundred grams of the product. The table indicates how many points are contained not in a serving, but in one hundred grams of a specific product. That is, drinking a glass of pasteurized milk with a fat content of 2.5%, a capacity of 250 ml, you will receive not 4.8 points, but 12 points.
  • Activity throughout the day. People engaged in active work or accustomed to intense sports loads can increase the "cost" of the diet to eighty or even a hundred points, and will not recover. When sedentary work, adhere to the maximum recommended indicators strictly.
  • Compliance with a three-time diet. You can not starve on a diet, it is important to eat at least three times during the day. If you want a snack late in the evening or some time after breakfast, do it.
“When you reach the desired weight, eat whatever you want, but for a total“ amount ”of sixty points per day,” continues Evgeny Chernykh. - Watch your weight, if it remains stable, you can allow yourself sweets on holidays. But if the weight starts to increase, reduce the number of points per day to forty. "

Products for the Kremlin diet. Detailed table

A complete table of prepared meals for the Kremlin diet includes meat, fish, poultry, cheeses, and dairy products.


Enlarge, download the table (printable version) for free

  • First meal. The maximum value in points of pea soup, the minimum - meat and chicken broth. Preferred first courses are meat and mushroom hodgepodge, cabbage soup from sorrel, fresh and pickled cabbage, borsch, okroshka meat and kefir or kvass, milk soups with cabbage, rice, pasta, pumpkin. The cost of these dishes is up to seven points. The maximum “cost” of first courses is from fifteen to twenty points for mushroom, tomato, and pea soups.
  • Meat dishes. Fried, boiled, stewed meat has zero “value”. Such dishes include entrecotes, steaks, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, cooked in any way. Adding cereals significantly increases the scores of each dish, so the "cost" of the meatballs with rice is already 18 cu, like pilaf. The highest "price" of dishes with flour: pies with meat and onions, meat pies are estimated at thirty-six points.
  • Porridge. All types of cereals have high nutritional "value" in this diet. So the minimum "price" of liquid "Hercules" is ten points per hundred grams, andmilletrice andbarley cereals are already twenty three - twenty six points. Since the weight of the average portion is about two hundred grams, one serving of porridge provides a daily “cost” in the diet. For this reason, cereals are completely excluded from the menu of the Kremlin diet.
  • Vegetable dishes. With vegetable dishes, too, not everything is clear. At first glance, they are low-calorie, but vegetables are rich in carbohydrates, so in all versions of the Kremlin diet menu every day weekly vegetable dishes are used in limited quantities. “For the first time, you will have to forget about vegetables, especially sweet ones,” says the Kremlin theoretician Eugene Chernykh. “But then it will be possible to return to them.”
  • Bread, flour dishes. Diet eliminates the possibility of eating all dishes, which include flour. They have the highest “value” in the score table. So the minimum price of soya nonfat flour is 22 points, while products made from ordinary flour are approximately doubled. The minimum "value" of thirty-four points is characterized by rye bread, the maximum - wheat, fifty points.
  • Cereals. Cereals contain the maximum amount of carbohydrates. Nutritionists attribute them to “long” carbohydrates, which distinguishes them from simple or “short” carbohydrates found in sweet pastries and white flour products. In the body, such carbohydrates do not cause a sharp jump in insulin, while providing a long-lasting feeling of satiety. But in the Kremlin’s method of slimming cereals under a strict taboo, since they all have a high “cost”.
  • Canned food. Compared to cereals, canned foods have a lower "cost", so their use in the diet is allowed. This applies to canned fish, meat, and vegetables.
  • Meat, fish offal. They can be used as the main products of this diet, as they are included in the list of protein dishes. It is allowed to use them in fried, boiled form, salted, dried.
  • Cheeses Kremlin diet recipes often include cheeses. You can safely use them, and absolutely different types, since according to the layout of the points, most of them have zero "cost". These include the cheeses Biysk, Holland, Kostroma, Latvia, Poshekhonsky, Baltic, Roquefort, Russian, Uglich, Cheddar, Yaroslavsky, Swiss. The maximum "cost" of cheese does not exceed four points.
  • Milk products. The Kremlin diet table, the full print version, pays great attention to dairy products. Out of more than thirty items, only a few “value” in points exceeds thirty conventional units. These include cream, glazed curds and all kinds of condensed milk. Normal milk is estimated at 4.9 points, butter - 0.8 points, feta cheese - 0.5 points, sour cream - 3.9 points.
  • Sausages. "Kremlin" is almost the only diet that does not exclude, but rather recommends the use of sausages. All popular sausages are allowed, including cooked, boiled-smoked, half-smoked, sausages, sausages. The maximum “cost” of sausages in the diet is only 2.5 points.
  • Jam. The diet excludes sugar-containing foods from the diet, so all types of jam are rated too high in it - from sixty-five to seventy-five points. An exception is applesauce without sugar, its “price” is nineteen points.
  • Vegetables. "Kremlin" does not exclude the use of vegetables, however, it is noted that melons, legumes and other types of vegetables contain a large amount of carbohydrates, so you need to consume them sparingly and not regularly. The minimum number of points endowed with all varieties of cabbage, lettuce, green beans, all kinds of greens. The maximum is potatoes cooked in any way.
  • Sweets. There is no diet that allows you to eat sweets. The Kremlin is no exception. The taboo on the use of sweets is imposed due to the high content of fast carbohydrates in them, which cause a sharp release of insulin into the blood, stimulate appetite, and contribute to the storage of adipose tissue. The most “expensive” product in the diet is sugar, it is rated at 99 points. The “cheapest” is ice cream, its value is within thirty points.
  • Dried fruits. Another product, the "price" of which does not fit into the diet of losing weight. Dried fruits are rich in natural sugars, respectively, and carbohydrates. They are estimated from fifty-three points for apricot to sixty-six points for raisins.

The menu should include allowed products. You can familiarize yourself with what the Kremlin diet allows, and what should be discarded, in the table. Here is a list.

What can and cannot be with the Kremlin diet

Benefits and contraindications

Reviews of the Kremlin diet demonstrate its effectiveness. Adhering to this system of weight loss, many people managed to cope with being overweight. This is indicated by the author of the book about the Kremlin, Evgeny Chernykh, who himself got rid of excess weight with its help.

There are other advantages of this system of weight loss.

  • A lot of foods in the diet. Unlike most diets that limit the range of products, the Kremlin allows you to eat a huge number of dishes. Among them are meat, fish, dairy, first, vegetable, canned food, sausages. You can create a varied menu for 10 days, a month and a longer period.
  • Not hungry. Diet eliminates the need to starve, moreover, indicates the need to eat appetite.
  • Familiar and familiar products. There are no unfamiliar or expensive foods in the diet. The menu is composed of ordinary dishes with the exception of baking, bread, sweets, some types of vegetables.

Turning to this diet, its contraindications should be taken into account. It is not allowed to observe it during pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is not recommended to adhere to a low-carb diet for kidney diseases, a tendency to constipation, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Centimeter and plug

Nutritionist Recommendations

“In our time, only the lazy did not write about the Kremlin’s diet,” comments dietitian Lyudmila Denisenko. “But among these people there is not a single doctor who would recommend this nutrition system to reduce excess weight.”

Of course, such a diet has advantages.

  • Real weight loss. Most people manage to lose weight without restricting themselves in the consumption of meat products.
  • Attention to your own diet. Following this diet makes you pay attention to what you eat and evaluate the impact of food on your health. The benefit in this case is the complete exclusion from the diet of sweets, carbonated drinks, chips, pastries and other high-calorie foods. The diet forms eating habits, to which our body adapts over the course of twenty-one days. We get used to not eating sweets and starchy foods, and this is a big plus.


“But the harm that the Kremlin’s diet does to the body is far greater,” notes Lyudmila Denisenko.

  • Scoring At first glance, there is nothing complicated in calculating them, because you can use the table of ready-made dishes.But it is important to take into account that in this table points are given for one hundred grams of the product’s weight, that is, before eating, you need to weigh the products, calculate points, understand how much you can eat this or that dish, and how much you can’t. “Many people, tired of the constant hassle with weighing and counting, simply switch to meat products,” comments Lyudmila Denisenko. “And they stop eating not only bread and cereals, but carbohydrate-rich fruits and vegetables.”
  • Fiber deficiency. Lack of sufficient fiber in the diet, the source of which can only be vegetables, leads to disruption of the intestines. The composition of the microflora changes, constipation occurs, bloating and flatulence disturb.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper actively promoted the Kremlin diet in Russia. In a series of articles describing the principles of nutrition, the need was noted to include minerals and vitamins in the diet, as they are critically insufficient in the daily menu.
  • Intoxication of the body. All low-carb or protein diets are aimed at intensive burning of body fat. It is provoked by the lack of intake of carbohydrates with food, necessary for the mental and physical work of the body. Fat masses begin to break down, but due to metabolic disorders during their combustion, new compounds are formed - ketone bodies. These substances are aggressive towards our own cells, can cause damage to the liver and brain, but are especially aggressive on the kidneys. A sign of the formation of ketone bodies in the body is a general malaise of a person on a protein diet. Headache, nausea, weakness occur.
  • Lack of nutrition for the brain. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body and brain. By excluding foods containing carbohydrates from your diet, you are depriving yourself of energy for work, both physical and mental. That is why such a diet cannot be recommended to people engaged in mental work and active physical work.
In addition to the fact that Kremlyovka recommends protein-rich nutrition, it does not limit fats in the diet. The fattest foods, such as lard, beef tallow, butter, have, according to the score table, zero “value”. Unlimited fat intake is dangerous for the cardiovascular system, as it causes an increase in cholesterol, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

“There is a common truth,” Elmira Khaibulina, endocrinologist-nutritionist, continues to analyze the topic. - When losing weight, the body should only lose fat. Within a week, the mass of fat may decrease by 500-700 grams. If, as a result of a diet, you lose more, then you lose more than fat. ”

A piece of fish on a plate

What else can lose our body with intense weight loss?

  • Liquid. Low-carb diets deprive us of muscle glycogen stores. This substance not only serves as a source of fast energy, but also stores water in the muscles. Just one gram of glycogen can hold almost three grams of water in our body. Losing glycogen, the body is actually dehydrated, “dries out,” which is associated with the effect of rapid weight loss on a low-carb diet. The effect of "shrinkage", by the way, is used by bodybuilders before competitions to more clearly highlight the muscle pattern. But they cause short-term dehydration of the body, literally for two days, while on a diet you provoke intercellular and cellular dehydration for several weeks and months.
  • Muscle mass. “The body brutally avenges experiments on itself,” continues Elmira Khaibulina. “Loss of muscle mass is much faster than fat loss.” At first glance, the weight goes away, but in reality you lose tissue, which is primarily interested in the energy consumption in your body. Muscles are the most “gluttonous” in relation to carbohydrates; they draw out seven times more energy than fats.But our body partes with them much more willingly than with fat, therefore, with a sharp change in diet, a decrease in carbohydrate intake, muscle tissue volume decreases much faster than fat.

“Another important point,” says Elmira Khaibulina, endocrinologist and nutritionist. - Carbohydrates are necessary for the pancreas to produce insulin. The absence of carbohydrates excludes the possibility of normal production of insulin, and without this hormone, the food in our body cannot be absorbed correctly. There is a high probability of endocrine system disorder, and this is already very serious violations. ”

The results of the Kremlin diet are short-term and long-term. At the first stage, you really notice a decrease in weight, which will go away not only with fatty tissues, but with water and muscle mass. The longer you stay on a low-carb diet, the more harm you will cause to your body in the form of digestive upset, deficiency of minerals and vitamins, and disruption of the endocrine system.

Before starting a diet in which the protein and fat content is extremely high, and the presence of carbohydrates is limited, consult a dietitian. It is unlikely that the specialist will approve such a solution, but will recommend a completely different menu, including a balanced composition of carbohydrates and protein, the correct fats.

Other diets

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