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The official name of the plant is forgotten penny or tea. Also, Siberian healers define its underground part as a male or bear root.
The species is considered rare. Most common in northwest China. There are reserves in the east and west of Siberia, as well as in the Altai Territory. The plant is much less common on the European continent, in North Africa and America. The procurement of raw materials is strictly limited; This is important in order to preserve the prevalence of culture, even within its natural habitat.
Botanical characteristic
It grows in coniferous forests (often cedar), as well as in river valleys and mountain meadows. It is believed that the male root strengthens the slopes well thanks to its powerful underground part. You can recognize the plant by the following morphological characteristics.
- The roots. A separate long ligneous root leaves from the many-headed rhizome deep into the soil. The penetration depth can reach 5 m. The surface is red, which reflects the main popular name of the plant.
- The stalks. Repeatedly depart from the root. They reach a height of 80 cm, and in a favorable climate - 150 cm. Because of this, the plant is often confused with shrubs. The furrowed surface may be bare or have pubescence in the form of short pressed hairs.
- Leaves. On each plant, up to ten pairs of oppositely arranged ellipsoid leaves are formed. A characteristic feature is the bare surface and the presence of pubescence from below along the central vein.
- Flowers. It begins to bloom in June. The flowers are small, purple-violet. Loose brushes are formed on the apical pubescent peduncles.
- Fruit. Feathered beans, consisting of several segments. Inside are olive-brown seeds up to 3 mm in size. The fruits ripen in late September.
Harvesting raw materials
Harvesting takes place in two stages. Flowering grass is collected on the first, and roots on the second.
Aboveground part
The aboveground part is prepared as follows.
- Collection. With the help of a sickle or secateurs, they cut the grass, stepping back from the soil 20-30 cm. Tie in small sheaves.
- Training. Sort the raw materials for faded and damaged parts by pests.
- Drying. Dried plant mass in the open air, regularly turning over.
- Storage. After complete drying, the grass should be processed - to separate the leaves and flowers from the stems. The latter have no medicinal value. Then the raw materials are packed in linen or paper bags. Store in a dark and dry place for two years.
Underground part
The second stage of harvesting begins in late autumn. After the fruits ripen or the development of the cut plant is completely stopped.
- Collection. It is unlikely that it will be possible to dig up a plant qualitatively, since it penetrates very deeply. The older the grass - the more suitable for harvesting. You can dig out roots only at 1/3 of the depth, leaving the lower part directly in the soil. It is recommended to sprinkle the fracture with charcoal.
- Training. Raw materials are cleaned of soil residues. It is easier to do this with a soft brush if the root is previously dried up in the air. Next, the underground part is cut into long strips.
- Drying. The raw materials are laid out on a pallet. For drying, it is better to choose a shaded, but ventilated place. Canopies fit. In wet weather, you can dry in the attic or veranda.
- Storage. Raw materials are packed in bags, sacks, wooden or glass containers. Store in a dark and dry place for no longer than three years. Better to use in the first two years.
Due to the limited natural resources of the red root, botanists often do not recommend collecting it. In one place, re-harvesting can be done no earlier than ten years after the previous one. This ensures the safety of the species.
The aboveground and underground parts of the grass are rich in vitamins and minerals. The tonic effect of culture is based on this. Also included are the following valuable substances.
- Flavonoids. Grass and roots contain a whole complex of flavonoids. They strengthen blood vessels, neutralize free radicals, stimulate immunity, regulate blood formation, prevent cancer, and normalize blood circulation.
- Tannins. They are important for their astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. They activate the body's defenses, help to cope with internal inflammatory processes.
- Saponins. Saponified during enzymatic processing with the formation of foam. It irritates the receptors of the stomach and intestines. Due to this, the herb has a secretory, choleretic, laxative effect. Bronchial receptors are also stimulated. As a result, sputum, purulent masses are removed from the lungs. Since ancient times, the plant has been used for consumption for the prevention of pulmonary hemorrhage. Hemostatic properties are also relevant for gynecological pathologies. Also, the grass has an antianemic effect.
- Alkaloids. Expand blood vessels, eliminate vascular spasms, regulate the excitability of the nervous system, eliminate insomnia, normalize the thought process, improve blood circulation in the periphery.
- Organic acids. Stimulate the formation of bile and urine. Protects the body from edema, helps to remove excess fluid and cleanse lymphatic tissue.
Substances from the group of catechins, pectins, coumarins provide the antitoxic effect of the plant. This helps prevent premature aging and the development of atypical cells.
All parts of the plant have antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal properties. The action is systemic and local - it depends on the method of use. Antimicrobial activity explains the febrile effects of the herb.
Healing properties
The main indication for the use of herbal medicine is considered to be "male" diagnoses. For example, impotence, infertility, prostatitis. However, the therapeutic possibilities of tea penny are much wider.
- Andrology. The plant normalizes trophism of the prostate and the outflow of its secretion, prevents the degeneration of cells and the formation of adenoma. The tool increases vitality, physical endurance. Aligning the hormonal background, establishes sexual function, fights age-related changes in the vascular system. Also prevents atherosclerosis.
- Gynecology. Extracts from the plant are used in the treatment of fibroids, to prevent malignant tumors in the chest, mastitis. In combination with hormone-active herbs, the red root can cure infertility. Hemostatic properties of the plant are relevant for heavy periods.
- Nervous Disorders. In addition to enhancing mental activity and increasing endurance, the plant evens out the psycho-emotional background, prevents nervous breakdowns and depressive disorders.
- Respiratory system. With the help of the red root, you can pacify the symptoms of fever, facilitate the elimination of sputum, and prevent complications of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in the lungs. The tool prevents hemoptysis and normalizes the work of the bronchial epithelium, diluting purulent or too thick sputum.
- System action. Phyto-raw materials increase the body's resistance to infectious agents. It also stimulates the formation of red blood cells, normalizes hemoglobin levels. With regular use - cleanses the body of toxins, improves the liver and spleen.
- Kidney disease. Kopeynik acts as a mild diuretic, reducing the manifestations of edema and even ascites. Anti-inflammatory properties are appropriate for pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis.
- Failures in the digestive tract. The plant improves secretory function, promotes the absorption of nutrients, relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes. Effective for diarrhea.
Contraindications of the red root include the following conditions:
- individual sensitivity - It is possible the development of allergic reactions of an immediate type;
- allergic tendency - coloring and specific compounds in the composition of the plant can provoke allergic reactions in sensitive people;
- childhood - undesirable tonic effect of the drug on the nervous system;
- pregnancy- no studies have been conducted regarding the penetration of biologically active substances through the placental barrier;
- lactation- tonic substances can pass into breast milk, causing anxiety in a baby;
- hypertension- the stimulating effect of the plant can provoke a crisis;
- myocardial infarction - vasodilation and activation of blood circulation can lead to repeated necrotization of tissues;
- tendency to cramps - reception of stimulants of plant origin can aggravate the situation with muscle hypertonicity.
Pharmacy Products Overview
In pharmacies, ready-made herbs are sold. There are two of the most popular.
- The Red Root of Evalar. These are tablets for internal use. In their composition, the red root is enriched with zinc and tocopherol. These compounds, along with a plant extract, relieve inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, normalize the male hormonal background, and provide restoration of sexual and reproductive functions. Women can take the drug as an antioxidant, to prevent gynecological ailments and premature aging.
- Alcohol extract. Tincture is recommended precisely for pathologies of the prostate gland, however, men can drink the drug to solve the above problems.
Prescription Drugs
Also, directly dried root can be distributed through various pharmacies through pharmacies. It is used for the preparation of drugs at home. Extracts are usually red - this should not be scared.
Features The drink invigorates, tones. You can brew in a cup or in a thermos. To avoid sleep disturbances, it is better to drink in the morning and not to combine with other natural tonics - coffee, green tea.
Preparation and use
- Vegetable raw materials are brewed with boiling water under a lid directly in a glass (a teaspoon of the root in a glass of boiling water) or in a thermos (four teaspoons of the raw material per 1 liter of boiling water).
- Insist 15 minutes.
- Filter, add honey or milk to taste.
- Drink no more than two glasses a day.
Features Accepted to normalize metabolism, eliminate inflammation, swelling, depression. A microclyster with a decoction for local elimination of inflammation can be prescribed to a man.
Preparation and use
- A tablespoon of the raw material is placed in a container suitable for a water bath.
- Pour the root with boiling water in a volume of 0.5 l.
- They put the capacity in the bath, they heat it for a third of an hour.
- After two hours of infusion, filter.
- Take two tablespoons inside three times a day.
Features Prepared using 40% ethanol. In order not to dilute alcohol, you can use vodka. But it is important to buy pure and high-quality alcohol. It is better to take a container of dark glass. The transparent container must be wrapped with thick paper so that light does not get.
Preparation and use
- 25 g of the root is placed in a vessel for infusion.
- Pour raw materials of 0.5 liters of vodka.
- Cork the container, shake it, put in a dark and cool place for two weeks.
- The tool is filtered into a storage container. She is kept in the refrigerator.
- Take 30 drops three times a day before a meal.
The results of therapy are noticeable after the first week. A monthly course brings an improvement not only in psychological but also in physical condition; symptoms of disturbing diseases are eliminated. Sometimes, to consolidate the result, you need a second course.
Hello to all! I want to say right away that everything is in order))) I just somehow stumbled on a page on the Internet about the red root, read about it, well, and I think let me try for fun. By the way, red root is a tea penny in another way, it increases sexual activity, cures prostatitis and even there, the course of the month (as it is written in the instructions) I decided to try for the sake of interest (well, for prevention), they say how the root can do such things.
I drank it for a week, as it seemed incomprehensible, then the second, with a third it all started to appear and on the fourth I’ll tell you something went wrong, drugs like Vuka-Vuka are resting, all night long)) and I’m strong as in the beginning. So the week flew by, I began to sleep a little, because I had a constant desire)). Honestly, my dear and I didn’t recognize me, ”this“ I want ”thought didn’t leave me) worked as they say without a break, in days off, in humid conditions, in a dark room, etc.)). At the end of the fourth week, I refused it, because I was afraid that I would tear or tear))
This is not advertising, but rather a small hint.Chucky
I would like to recommend this drug. It can be taken not only for the treatment of male strength, but also for preventive purposes. I drank this drug for only two weeks and noticed a positive result. There is no discomfort from this medicine, since it contains only natural components. I advise you to drink this drug to improve the quality of the reproductive system.
The drug with penny is really an effective tool for potency, or at least maintaining male libido. The drug can be used, I think, and without problems with men's health, prevention has not harmed anyone. I drank the red root in the form of tablets, for prevention, there were no indications, the doctor gave advice, I listened and did not regret it. The wife is pleased and embarrassment does not happen.
The drug is standing, I drank a course of pills, just a month, and the result is just wow, sexual attraction as I was 17 years old, my relationship with my wife got better, there were problems that I didn’t tell anyone about - pain during urination (not constant, but only sometimes) and painful sensations in the abdomen and lower back. After pills, the body returned to normal, everything is OK and there is no problem with potency. So you can take the drug, there is a result)