Nettle broth for hair: what should be feared by blondes, and how to neutralize a green tint with lemon and chamomile

Nettle is the key to healthy, well-groomed and thick hair. The plant can be used in the most problematic situations, as it has many useful properties. It is widely used in the treatment of weakened, poorly growing curls. Knowing how to brew nettle for hair and apply it in home cosmetology, you can get luxurious hair. The green “healer” will provide quick recovery and effective care.
Nettle leaves

The value of nettle as a medicinal plant was discovered hundreds of years ago. Knowledgeable people claimed that she was able to replace many doctors. Possessing a rich chemical composition, a natural product creates a worthy competition for professional cosmetics.

Composition and action of the green “doctor”

The use of nettle for hair is due to its composition. Getting into the structure of curls, the elements quickly begin to act, so the result does not have to wait long. More information about the components of the plant can be found in the table.

Table - Nettle healing components

ChlorophyllPrevention of premature aging, gray hair
Formic acid- Moisturizing dry curls;
- cleansing the scalp of excess fat, dead cells
Tannins- Elimination of irritations;
- removal of inflammation;
- smoothing hair scales
Flavonoids- Strengthening the roots;
- normalization of growth of strands
Organic acids- Normalization of metabolic processes
CaroteneDandruff Removal
Vitamin A- hair restoration;
- activation of "frozen" follicles
Vitamin CBlood circulation improvement
Vitamin KNatural Pigmentation Control
The plant is able to activate the growth of strands, relieve dryness and brittleness. It strengthens the bulbs, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective in the fight against fatty roots and dandruff, baldness. Provides hair shine, smoothness. Due to its composition, the plant can even replace salon procedures.

Features of the collection of plants

The healing properties of nettle largely depend on how it was collected. First, be sure to protect your hands by wearing gloves. And then - five simple rules will allow you to stock up on quality raw materials.

  1. Collection period. We collect from May to June. We give preference to young bushes. It is better to choose warm and dry days. At this time, flowering occurs, which means that useful elements have accumulated in sufficient quantities.
  2. The quality of the leaves. Do not tear damaged nettle leaves. There is nothing useful in dead sites. And it will take time to remove the affected leaves.
  3. Drying of raw materials. Lay out the leaves on a paper surface. Dry in a dark but well-ventilated area. The plant is ready for use on average ten days later when its leaves begin to break.
  4. Storage. Finished raw materials are placed in paper containers. Store in a dark place.
In the drying process and during storage, we try to ensure that moisture does not get into the raw materials. Dampness will lead to the appearance of rot and damage to the collection. Subject to storage recommendations, we can use dry nettles for two years.

What to fear

In the preparation of home cosmetics, we can use both fresh and dry leaves. The type of raw material does not affect the quality of the procedures. But before they are carried out, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following nuances.

  • Risk of overdrying. Such therapy is mainly indicated for oily hair, as it is able to regulate the production of sebum. But for dry strands it can cause harm and make them very tough. To solve problems on dry strands, additional components are used.
  • Coloring effect. Nettle extract is able to change the color of curls. In most cases, this happens with blondes. Light strands can acquire a greenish tint. This can be avoided by adding lemon juice to the plant. It is able to neutralize the coloring ability of the plant. Honey, white clay or vinegar will also be beneficial.
Reviews of nettle for hair suggest that it is better to apply liquid formulations of cosmetics with a spray bottle. Otherwise, drips will leave marks on the skin, clothing. For a greater effect, we combine a folk remedy with professional products, selected taking into account the type of hair, the existing problem.

How to make nettle for hair: rinsing features

Rinsing hair with nettles can give results quickly enough. The effect is visible after several procedures, especially if the problem is not significant. It is important to make the process regular, only this way we will get a good result and consolidate it. We process hair in two ways.

  1. Rinse after washing. Wash shampoo wet hair with a home remedy. After the procedure, rinse off the infusion or decoction is not necessary.
  2. Spraying from a spray bottle. Using a spray gun, spray the liquid starting from the roots and along the entire length of the strands. We apply the product on clean and previously dried curls. We dry without a hair dryer and even towels, do not rinse.

Nettle greens in a colander


We take into account that preparing a nettle infusion for hair at home takes longer than preparing a decoction. This is due to the fact that the tool needs to withstand a certain time. We select the number of procedures on our own. Nettle hair strengthening is fast enough, so in most cases one month is enough. Ready infusion carefully moisten the strands and do not rinse them. You can repeat the process after each shampoo. Consider five cooking options.

  1. Without additives. Pour a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of hot water. Close the container and leave in the dark for 60 minutes. We filter and apply.
  2. Concentrated. Pour 500 ml of boiling water with five tablespoons of raw materials. We cover the container and put it in a dark place for 30 minutes.
  3. WITH coltsfoot and mint. Take four tablespoons of mint, coltsfoot and nettles. We make a liter of boiling water and insist 60 minutes. We use no more than two months.
  4. With burdock root. Burdock root and take dry nettle leaves, 100 g each. Pour with three glasses of boiling water. Cover the container and wait 30 minutes. We can use in tandem with your favorite healing shampoo.
  5. With a camomile. Take 20 g of dried chamomile flowers and mix with 40 g of nettle leaves. Pour boiling water over a liter, insist 60 minutes. We use the product even on strands of light tones. We will not get a green hue, since there is a camomile in the infusion.
Store natural tinctures is not recommended. We can make the tool for a maximum of a week. If you want natural cosmetics to be in stock, then choose alcohol tincture. Keep it in the refrigerator. How to cook it? We take any of the above methods and add vodka, alcohol instead of water.


We prepare the simplest broth of nettle for hair. For him, we take herbal packs purchased at the pharmacy. We make them according to the instructions. And you can also use the following two methods.

  1. Direct boiling. We take a liter pan and pour ten tablespoons of raw material into it. Pour water to the edges of the container. After boiling, simmer for 60 minutes. We filter and use.
  2. In a water bath. This will save more useful elements. For half a liter of water we take 200 g of crushed leaves. Cook for 30 minutes. Filter, add another half liter of warm water. Rinse the hair.

We increase the effectiveness of broths by adding other elements to them. For example, burdock oil with nettle for hair is an effective and effective tool in the fight against dandruff. Just add a few drops of oil to the broth. The composition will dry the roots and normalize the production of sebum. We study the table for cooking options and their composition.

Table - Nettle broth with additional components

CompositionCooking time, minutesEffect
- 3 tablespoons of dry nettle;
- a glass of sea buckthorn juice;
- 2 cups boiling water
30General strengthening
- On a spoonful of nettle, coltsfoot, calamus root;
- 3 glasses of hot water
10-12- Elimination of dandruff;
- excessive fragility of the tips;
- root fat
- 400 g of dry raw materials;
- 100 g of marigolds;
- 3 cups boiling water
10-12Normalization of metabolic processes
- A spoonful of hop cones, fresh nettle leaves, burdock;
- 3 glasses of hot water
60- Elimination of the first signs of seborrhea;
- moisturizing
Before use, be sure to filter the mixture. For this, it is most convenient to use a piece of gauze or bandage. Do not apply hot, as we can burn ourselves. We dilute the product with the required amount of water. You can speed up the effect of the product if you apply it with massage movements. After rinsing, an additional rinse is not needed.

The power of masks

Nettle-based products are indispensable for itching, peeling of the scalp. They help to fight with loss, dryness, section. Prevent weakening, normalize blood flow. In the table, we consider the most popular recipes for all occasions.

Table - Masks and their effect on curls

To strengthen the roots- 2 tablespoons of juice or nettle extract;
- 30 g of sea salt
- Massage movements applied to the roots;
- we insulate the head;
- hold 35 minutes
For dandruff- Two spoons of sage and nettle;
- 30 ml of oil (burdock, castor)
- We apply the composition to the roots and scalp;
- create a greenhouse effect;
- hold for 20 minutes and rinse off
Dryness- 50 berries of sea buckthorn;
- a spoon of honey;
- 3 tablespoons of nettle broth
- Grind sea buckthorn in a blender;
- connect with other products;
- apply the composition to dry curls;
- hold for 15 minutes;
- wash off
For nutrition- 100 ml of natural yogurt;
- 5 tablespoons of nettle leaves;
- a spoon of mint leaves
- The mixture is infused for 8 hours;
- apply to wet strands;
- hold for 20-25 minutes;
- wash off without balm, conditioner
For split ends- 2 tablespoons of nettle;
- 2 egg whites;
- 2 tablespoons of chamomile
- Apply the mixture to wet, clean locks;
- hold for 10 minutes;
- wash off without shampoo
From fat- 3 spoons of decoction of oak bark and nettle leaves;
- a spoon of olive oil
- We put on the roots and strands;
- hold for 60 minutes and rinse off
Cooking masks at once. If you keep them in the cold for a long time, they can “bloom”. Pre-prepared mixture is checked for tolerance. There are no contraindications regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding. To make sure that the natural “doctor” is safe, we go for a consultation with a doctor.

Girl takes a shower

2 more ways to use

In addition to rinsing and applying masks, there are other effective ways to care for the strands. Strengthen dull, lifeless ringlets, eliminate dandruff and excessive fat can be two more ways.

  • Butter. About 100 g of dried leaves pour 300 g olive oil. Keep in a dark, cool place for no more than 20 days. The use of nettle oil for hair is necessary in the presence of itching, peeling of the skin, loss of curls. Add it to home or professional masks, shampoos. We use as an independent tool.
  • The juice. Grind fresh leaves, squeeze the liquid from the pulp. Rub the finished juice with massage movements into the skin and roots. Be sure to warm your head with a bag of polyethylene or with a cling film. Wrap a towel on top. Hold for 60 minutes and rinse with warm water without soap. We can also add some juice to shampoos and masks.
For very greasy strands nettle oil in its pure form is not recommended. It can enhance the production of sebum, clog pores. It is best to add a few drops to professional cosmetics.

Before turning to artificial means, we will try to correctly use what nature gives us. Nettle from hair loss and other problems is a natural product that will surprise skeptics with its effectiveness. Recipes for caring agents are quite simple to use. They can be cooked even in the absence of a large amount of free time. You just need to allocate an hour and a half on weekends or evenings on weekdays.

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