How to take cinnamon for weight loss: recipes for fat-burning cocktails and blends for wraps

Every third person in the world to one degree or another suffers from excess weight. Women are most concerned about this issue. Sometimes, following strict diets and taking dubious drugs, ladies do not even think that they have an effective and safe fat burner in the kitchen in the spice box. It's about cinnamon. Of course, adding fragrant spices to baking does not negate the negative effect of flour on the figure. But some recipes with cinnamon for weight loss bring quite positive results.
Dry cinnamon and sticks

Before you drink cinnamon for weight loss at home for burning fat, take a little time to study theoretical information. The fat burning mechanism works due to three factors.

  • Decrease in glucose level. If the substance is present in the body in excess, it is converted to body fat. The substances that make up cinnamon contribute to the normal absorption of glucose and the neutralization of its harmful excesses.
  • The acceleration of metabolism. Cinnamon stimulates the stomach and intestines to work actively. Thus, the process of processing food and removing toxins from the body is much faster.
  • Substitution. Seasoning food and drinks with cinnamon, you give them a new original taste and aroma. Thus, you do not have to look for gastronomic pleasure in harmful and high-calorie foods.

Drink options for plumb

Fresh, tasteless and unappealing-looking food - that’s what comes to mind when it comes to losing weight. But even the struggle with extra centimeters at the waist can take place with pleasure. For example, you can make a flavored cinnamon slimming drink.

Plus kefir

Features Taking kefir with cinnamon, you have the double benefit of the body. A fermented milk product satisfies hunger and normalizes digestion. Every morning, drink a flavored cocktail before breakfast or instead.


  1. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of low-fat kefir.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Drink in small sips.
You can also prepare a tasty, healthy and fresh cocktail, which is recommended to be drunk on an empty stomach. Grate a large apple on a fine grater and add the puree to the kefir-cinnamon drink. If you drink the composition on an empty stomach, it will replace a full breakfast.

Plus honey

Features After reviewing reviews of cinnamon with honey for weight loss, you will see that this tool not only helps to find harmony, but also strengthens the body's protective barriers. The beekeeping product helps fight infectious and inflammatory diseases, and in combination with cinnamon it speeds up metabolic processes at times. Therefore, once a week, drink honey-cinnamon mixture after each meal.


  1. Mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  2. Pour the mixture with half a glass of hot water (but not boiling water).
  3. Cover the beverage container with a lid and wrap in a towel for 40-60 minutes.
In the period when colds are rampant, add a teaspoon of pepper tincture or a pinch of ground pepper to the honey drink. Cinnamon with pepper for weight loss has a dual function, killing pathogenic microbes and burning extra pounds.

Plus tea

Features Slimming cinnamon tea is a healthy, tasty, and incredibly aromatic beverage. Of course, you should not hope that by drinking sweets with such tea, you will neutralize their harm to the figure.Desserts will have to be at least partially discarded. In compensation, you will receive new taste facets of the usual drink.


  1. In a teapot, put a tablespoon of green tea and two cinnamon sticks. Spice can also be used in powder form. Enough of a teaspoon.
  2. Pour the raw materials with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about an hour.
  3. Drink the drink in diluted form. Two parts of hot water will be needed for a part of the tea leaves.
  4. Before use, add a slice of lemon to tea.
The taste of cinnamon tea may seem a little harsh. If you have sensitive receptors, add a couple of tablespoons of boiled milk to the drink. This will greatly soften its severity.

Plus coffee

Features Inveterate coffee lovers love to experiment, trying new varieties of a fragrant drink. Various additives can also open up new facets of coffee. Cinnamon will not fundamentally change the taste of coffee, but its aroma will be simply amazing.


  1. In a small Turk, put a teaspoon of natural coffee and a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  2. If you prefer a sweet drink, add cane sugar to taste.
  3. Pour the raw material with cold water and set on fire until it boils.
Interestingly, cinnamon neutralizes the stimulating effect of caffeine. Thus, you can drink your favorite drink at night, without fear of insomnia.

Cinnamon Tea

Plus ginger

Features Both cinnamon and ginger are excellent fat burners and catalysts for metabolic processes. If you want to quickly lose weight, try to combine the beneficial properties of these products. Reception of ginger with cinnamon for weight loss is carried out before each meal to start digestion. At one time you need to drink half a glass of drink.


  1. Peel and chop the small ginger root into small pieces.
  2. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  3. Pour a liter of boiling water.
  4. Cover the beverage container with a lid, wrap with a towel and leave to cool completely at room temperature.
  5. Strain the liquid and store it in the refrigerator.

Plus Lavrushka

Features Fragrant bay leaf cleanses the body of toxins and helps lower blood cholesterol. These properties are extremely important for those who are struggling with excess weight. Therefore, a drink based on laurel and cinnamon is quite common.


  1. Four bay leaves and a stick of cinnamon (or half a tablespoon of ground spices) pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. Let the composition brew for about two hours.
  3. Drink half a glass of drink every morning before breakfast.

Cinnamon Smoothie

Outdoor exposure

In some parts of the body, the fat layer is especially difficult to remove. Perhaps the most problematic place is the waist and hips. For quick weight loss of the abdomen and buttocks, as well as for weight loss, wraps are recommended.


Wrap is an effective and pleasant procedure that acts on the fatty layer, as well as improving the condition of the skin. The session is held in four stages.

  1. Preparation of funds. First you need to prepare a mixture with cinnamon for weight loss. Just mix all the ingredients in one container.
  2. Skin preparation. Take a hot shower to steam your skin. Rub the problem areas with a washcloth.
  3. Application Gently massaging the skin, distribute the previously prepared composition over it.
  4. Warming. Wrap treated areas tightly with cling film. Wear a bathrobe or warm pants on top. To make the greenhouse effect more pronounced, wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
To increase the effectiveness of cinnamon wraps, it is recommended to resort to physical activity during the session. Instead of gymnastics, you can do the cleaning.

Cinnamon with honey

Recipe Table

Getting on the skin, cinnamon has an irritating effect, helping to improve blood circulation in problem areas. Combining spice with other products can significantly enhance the effect. The table shows cinnamon-based fat burning products.

Table - Cinnamon Wrap Blends

The foundationAdditional componentsTime
A tablespoon of cinnamon- A tablespoon of olive oil;
- 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil
30 minutes
- 2 tablespoons of liquid honey;
- a teaspoon of turmeric
- 2 tablespoons of blue clay;
- water (to dilute clay to the consistency of sour cream)
- A tablespoon of ground coffee;
- the same amount of vegetable oil;
- half a teaspoon of red pepper;
- warm milk (dilute the composition to the state of sour cream)
To achieve a visible reduction in volume, you need to take a course of 15 procedures. Use a cinnamon compound every other day. Daily use can cause severe skin irritation.

Cinnamon sticks

Opinion of experts about cinnamon for weight loss

Reviews of doctors about the ability of cinnamon to burn fats are rather skeptical. If you regularly resort to physical activity and adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, eating spices will help you get closer to the desired results much sooner. But if you continue to lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat unhealthy high-calorie foods, even prolonged intake of cinnamon cocktails will be ineffective. In addition, admiring the taste and benefits of cinnamon, do not forget about such contraindications to its internal and external use:

  • diabetes;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • poor blood coagulation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • disturbances in the liver.
You can drink cinnamon for no more than five to seven days in a row. Long-term use can cause an allergic reaction, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Before taking cinnamon for weight loss, you should find out that such a technique does not carry any scientific justification. No studies have been conducted regarding the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Nevertheless, the presence of phenolic compounds in cinnamon is encouraging. These substances are able to accelerate carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, regularly consuming cinnamon, you will come closer to the dream of a slim figure.

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