Decoction of burdock root for hair and other products based on it: try forgotten recipes

Not one, even the most expensive and “super” makeup of professional hair cosmetics can compare with what nature gives us. A striking example is the root of the banal burdock. He is able to provide hair with a vitamin charge and quality care. A simple and affordable tool has healing properties and is effective in the prevention of certain diseases. The main thing is to know the subtleties of how to use burdock root for hair. Properly prepared home remedies will become indispensable assistants in caring for problem curls.
The roots and leaves of burdock

The root of the burdock is a real "first aid" for weakened and rapidly thinning strands. On domestic shelves in the bathroom you can find the most common product from the plant - oil. Hair cosmetics manufacturers add burdock root extract to shampoos, rinses, masks. The benefits of the product are manifested not only in professional and pharmacy products. The root has found application in dozens of folk recipes.

In Russia, a burdock was hung in the baths. It was used in a steam room along with birch, oak brooms. It was believed that the plant helps in the prevention of skin diseases, has a good effect on the respiratory tract.

What you need to know about natural raw materials

You can stock up on the ingredient by going to the pharmacy. The root is sold both in pure form and in collections with other plants. We pay attention to the composition of the product. Carefully choose the fees, since some of the components may not be suitable for the type of hair, will be ineffective in eliminating a specific problem.

Collection and storage

Small thickets of burdock can be found on the sidelines, near fences, in vegetable gardens and in other places. In order to procure raw materials for future use and use it all year round at home, you need to take care of this in advance. Four tips will help you collect quality material.

  1. Digging time. The best time for collecting is considered to be early spring or late autumn. In these seasons, the concentration of beneficial elements is the highest. We dig it up in the morning using a shovel, hoe or other tool.
  2. The age of the plant. It is recommended to give preference to plants no more than one year old. By this time, their root system is already well developed, and nutrients are present in full.
  3. Habitat. It is better to choose thickets outside the city, away from highways and roads, large industrial facilities. Medicinal plants, including burdock, are able to "absorb" and accumulate harmful elements, exhaust, gas.
  4. Raw material preparation. After extracting the roots, wash them thoroughly. We air dry for no more than one day, protecting from precipitation. Grind dry raw materials with a knife, on a grater or in a food processor. Dry again in a dry, well-ventilated area for a maximum of two to three weeks.
For storage, choose a container of paper or cardboard, a canvas bag, a glass jar. Be sure to close the raw materials well so that moisture does not get into it. Otherwise, there is a risk of mold. We store the product no more than a year.

Active composition and benefits

The use of burdock root for hair is due to its rich and valuable composition.It acts as an antiseptic, is able to heal small wounds and relieve inflammation. Raw materials have the following composition:

  • B vitamins, A, C - provide shine, improve the appearance of strands;
  • tannins - slow down the loss of strands;
  • essential oils - moisturize, saturate the skin;
  • protein - eliminates the effects of stressful situations;
  • inulin - promotes hair restoration;
  • bitterness - disinfects, eliminates irritations;
  • stigmasterol - restores dead cells;
  • mineral complex - contributes to the normalization of the metabolic process.
Having decided to evaluate the healing properties of raw materials, we first check the body's response to its effect. We smear the skin on the elbow with the home remedy based on the root from the inside and wait 10-15 minutes. There is no reaction - we boldly use cosmetics.

Indications and contraindications for use

How to treat and rinse hair with burdock root? Means based on burdock root can cope with problems that are associated not only with curls, but also with the skin of the head. The following problems may signal the start of home therapy:

  • weakening, brittleness, dryness of the strands;
  • lack of natural shine and radiance;
  • moderate oily roots, dandruff;
  • cutting tips;
  • hair loss;
  • predisposition to alopecia.

It is not recommended for use with increased root grease, severe oily seborrhea. You can not use the root for individual intolerance to the burdock. The use of raw materials during pregnancy is undesirable. The potent healing components of the plant can negatively affect the baby. If you really want to try the remedy while expecting a baby or while breastfeeding, be sure to consult a doctor.

How to use burdock root for hair: 3 mask recipes

On average, any course is 12-15 procedures. If treatment is carried out, then prepare a hair mask with a burdock root two to three times a week. For preventive purposes, we carry out one procedure in seven days. After the course, it is recommended to take a break of at least two to three weeks. Choosing recipes, we make sure that all components are suitable and there is no allergy to them.

For fast growth

Features. There are many reasons for slow growth - improper care, unbalanced nutrition, constant stress and much more. We strengthen the bulbs with an additional ingredient - flaxseedcastor, sesame or olive oil. Products can awaken the activity of hair follicles, which will ensure normal growth.

What do you need:

  • dry or fresh burdock roots;
  • healing oil.

Action algorithm

  1. We take raw materials and oil in a ratio of 1: 3.
  2. The crushed dry roots are steamed with a small amount of boiling water for 15 minutes. If we take fresh, then just chop.
  3. Add oil to the pulp, mixing thoroughly. We heat it a little on a fire or in a microwave.
  4. We apply the composition starting from the roots and along the entire length of the strands.
  5. We warm our heads with cellophane, a towel.
  6. Wash off after 30 minutes.
We carry out the procedure twice a week. Burdock root for hair growth will be useful if you spend at least ten sessions. Effect - thick hair, elimination of dandruff. If necessary, you can repeat the course. Between the approaches we take a break of 14 days.


Features. The tool is especially useful for those who very often use cosmetics and styling devices. The chemical composition of varnishes, sprays, hair gels and heat treatment have a detrimental effect on the strands. Complicates the situation and precipitation, direct sunlight, cold.

What do you need:

  • four tablespoons of burdock root oil;
  • two egg yolks;
  • a teaspoon of cocoa butter;
  • on an ampoule of vitamins A and E.

Action algorithm

  1. Rub the yolks, warm the butter a little. Mix the ingredients.
  2. The mixture is applied to the basal zone, along the entire length of the curls.
  3. Wrap your head in a plastic hat and a towel.
  4. After an hour and a half, wash off with warm water with your favorite shampoo.
The maximum benefit will bring a course of two months. We do the procedure twice a week. If the result comes faster, then you can reduce the rate to one month. For washing, it is advisable to choose a special shampoo designed to eliminate dryness. In combination with a home remedy, a professional product will be more effective.

To strengthen fatty strands

Features. Trichologists recommend using burdock root for hair loss only if it is not intense. The problem arose as a result of oily seborrhea - we get advice from a doctor. Eliminate it by self-medication and without medications does not work.

What do you need:

  • two tablespoons of roots;
  • one medium-sized onion;
  • teaspoon of tincture calendula.

Action algorithm

  1. First you need to brew the root of burdock for hair. We take half a glass of water, pour the chopped roots. After boiling, keep on low heat for 15 minutes. The resulting composition is filtered or crushed in a blender.
  2. Rub onion.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Apply the mixture to the roots and strands.
  5. We warm the head.
  6. After 30 minutes, wash off with shampoo.
Reviews of the root of the burdock for hair in an onion mask warn that after the procedure a specific smell of the vegetable may remain. If the shampoo did not remove it, then apply a balm to the strands with a couple of drops of your favorite ether. The duration of the course depends on the particular case, so be sure to look at the reaction of the scalp and curls.

Burdock roots

3 more ways to treat hair

At home, masks, infusions and decoctions are widely used. Not so popular, but no less useful creams and ointments based on the roots of burdock. It is not necessary to use dry raw materials - we stock them for the winter. The rest of the time, you can add fresh roots to cosmetics.

Rinse broths

Rinsing with burdock root is carried out to strengthen hair, restore, activate growth. A distinctive feature of decoctions is that they do not need to be washed off. They are able to consolidate the effect of masks. The cooking process looks about the same for all formulations: pour the ingredients with boiling water, keep in a water bath or low heat for about 15 minutes, insist until cool and filter. The table shows several effective formulations.

Table - Recipes for effective decoctions

CompositionNumber of treatments in 7 days
- 2 tablespoons of roots;
- glass of water
- A tablespoon of roots and bark of oak or white willow;
- glass of water
- On a tablespoon of nettle, fixed assets, millennia, calamus root, hop cones;
- liter of boiling water
After rinsing, it is recommended to dab the strands with a cotton towel. Best if drying is natural without styling devices. Decoctions are good in that they benefit not only curls, but also scalp. They prevent loss, eliminate itching and dandruff.


The main purpose of the infusion is to eliminate dandruff, regulate the production of sebum, and strengthen the bulbs. Here is a list of four effective recipes.

  1. For active growth. We make two tablespoons of roots with two glasses of boiling water. Stew on low heat until the liquid is half as much. Add a tablespoon of dill seeds and infuse the mixture for two to three hours. We filter the broth. Rub into the head every day or before washing your hair with shampoo.
  2. For fatty roots. Pour a tablespoon of roots and two tablespoons of calendula with a liter of water. Bring to a boil. We insist for several hours. We filter. Rub into the roots every day or before each head wash.
  3. For general recovery. We take the roots and vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Pour the crushed root with alcohol, close the container well. We insist 12 days. Rub into the skin no more than one to two times a week. Leave warm for 15 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
  4. Anti-dandruff. Take three tablespoons of the main component and calamus root. Fill with water and boil for 20 minutes. We insist at least eight hours. Before each shampoo, we wipe the roots.
It is better to prepare infusions before the next procedure.They can be stored only if they contain alcohol. Then such tinctures sometimes act as lotions. In addition to alcohol and vodka, you can add cognac. But this drink should be without preservatives and other artificial additives.

Brunette is smiling

Ointment and cream are not for the lazy

The preparation of creams and ointments requires more time. Dexterity and minimal experience are also needed. Compliance with the recipe is the key to success. Cooking home cosmetics on vacation, weekends.

  • Dry and brittle cream. About 300 g of freshly chopped raw materials are poured into 100 ml of water. Boil the composition and cook another 15 minutes. Grind with a blender. Add 100 ml of mustard oil, 50 g of butter to the pulp. The homogeneous mass is left in the cold for seven hours. Apply the cream twice a week. Rub massage for 20 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
  • Ointment for moisturizing. Fill two or three tablespoons of roots with a glass of water and cook until half the liquid evaporates. Filter, add five tablespoons of melted fat to the mixture. We warm the composition. Rub into the roots no more than twice a week for 15 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
Time will not be wasted - the hair “will thank” with a beautiful radiance and healthy appearance. Creams and ointments are also effective if the strands are overdried after numerous stains. Means do not affect the color of curls. Cook so that the servings are enough for a maximum of two weeks. Keep in the refrigerator.

Whether it's a mask or a decoction of burdock root for hair, it takes time to prepare the product. If it is sorely lacking or just laziness, you can use the simplest option. Burdock root juice is an effective solution in the fight for healthy hair. Just need to grate the roots and squeeze the resulting mass. Apply juice to the roots and scalp twice a week before bedtime. We fight in this way with dandruff, prolapse, dullness.

Reviews: “After 2 weeks, the hair came to life and became like silk”

My grandmother always used burdock when washing her hair. Since they had water from the well, she always softened the water with various decoctions of herbs, including a decoction of burdock. Sometimes she took burdock juice and added linseed oil there and rubbed it into her hair. The effect was amazing. Burdock is the simplest and most common plant, and oil can be purchased. You will have the cheapest and most useful hair mask.


Previously, they did not use balms, masks - the hair was gorgeous. Now everyone is buying such funds. They are helping. Yes! But then the hair gets used to the masks .. and that’s all - the effect is zero. I use only shampoo at the moment and rinse my hair with a decoction of burdock root. Two weeks later I saw an excellent result! The hair came to life! Smile :) They became like silk. Easy to comb, do not fall out. Ahh shine ... mm ..


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