How to make cranberry juice: antipyretic and decongestant

Cranberries are a plant from our latitudes, used both in domestic cooking and in traditional medicine. The ability to conquer fever and inflammation at a time when antibiotics did not exist made cranberries so popular that at least one cranberry juice recipe was at hand with the hostess. And now it is already known that the medicinal properties of cranberry juice almost completely form a record concentration of food acids in it, including rare ones, like benzoic.
Cranberry juice

It is the food acids that form almost the entire chemical composition of the drink that make cranberry juice a good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, which can also reduce blood viscosity. However, food acids, such as ascorbic acid, differ from non-food acids (for example, hydrochloric) only in the concentration in which they can be taken orally without tragic consequences. And the essence of their effect on body tissue is the same.

In other words, the popular "ascorbic" can also be dangerous. The use of fresh cranberries or fruit juice from it for therapeutic purposes is also a double-edged sword. That is, to the reception of this tool, like any other, there are limitations and contraindications.

The benefits of the drink

This dark red berry, sour to the edge of the nose, is most often found in swamps or along river banks. It is believed that the use of it or any drinks prepared from it (with the exception of alcoholic drinks) helps with a number of diseases.

Cranberries help not only with flu and colds - cranberry juice is useful for patients after surgery with anesthesia. Pay special attention - not the berry itself, but the fruit drink! It is not necessary to brew it from fresh berries, ice cream is also suitable. Will cranberries help improve the condition of the patient with other diseases, if so, with what? Let's watch.

  • With cystitis and urethritis. And also with other pathologies of the urinary system, for example, with pyelonephritis - due to the sanation effect, which makes cranberry juice especially useful for the kidneys.
  • From cardiac and renal edema. Due to the high potassium content, which regulates the acid-base balance of all organic fluids, including blood (it is involved in the distribution of fluid in the tissues and bloodstream), and the tone of the heart with blood vessels.
  • With dyskinesia of the gallbladder. Due to the pronounced acidic taste of cranberry juice, stimulating digestion in general.
  • At high temperature. Since it seems that all acids contribute to its reduction, and not just the acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of Aspirin.
  • For colds and tonsillitis. For the same reason (disinfecting effect plus antipyretic properties of cranberry juice).
  • With food poisoning Due to the ability of cranberry juice to destroy pathogenic microflora, the drink is a good remedy for diarrhea. But for severe poisoning such as rotten meat, and helminthic infestations, its effect does not apply.

Thus, traditional medicine gives a fairly wide range of indications for the use of cranberries and fruit drinks from it, using them not only for diseases, but even for weight loss.


Cranberry berries are most abundant in the following substances.

  • By water. Like all vegetables and fruits, as well as the human body.
  • Carbohydrates. Mostly in the form of pectins (the main “elastic” component of fiber). Such compounds are completely not absorbed by the human body, and therefore it does not recognize them as sugar.So if you want to replenish the glucose supply with it, it’s better to drink cranberry juice with honey or sugar.
  • Ascorbic acid. The famous vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance to viruses (however, slightly and indirectly). He also acts as a strong allergen. Its concentration in cranberry juice is comparable to that in any citrus fruit.
  • Vitamin E. Which are most rich in vegetable oils, but not only. Vitamin E or tocopherol is one of the foundations of healthy skin, hair and any tissue formed by horn cells. But its effect on connective tissue or the work of the heart and blood vessels is not as great as is commonly believed.
  • Vitamin K. Developed in the liver and playing a key role in the formation of blood coagulation factors. That is, plasma proteins, providing its coagulation if necessary. Simply put, an organism with a healthy liver does not need external sources (unless at a minimum - up to 10 mg per day). But its deficiency is able to provoke hemophilia or similar phenomena.
  • Calcium A component of mature bone tissue, without which it is impossible to provide either their strength and growth, nor a qualitative contraction and muscle tone.
  • Magnesium An indispensable stabilizer and “sedative” for the cardiovascular system. Magnesium is indicated for use in all stages of atherosclerosis, starting with hypertension. Normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels is unattainable without its norm in the diet.
  • Phosphorus. Chemical "partner" of calcium for the formation and renewal of bone tissue. In addition, there is a lot of phosphorus in cells of all types, since it serves as part of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), a universal catalyst for metabolic reactions that occurs in cellular mitochondria during the breakdown of sugar. It is because of the participation of phosphorus in the synthesis of ATP by cells that it is considered a stimulant of mental activity.
  • Potassium. On the one hand, potassium balances the calming effect of magnesium on the heart and blood vessels, increasing their tone and increasing contractility. On the other hand, it is his blood level that rises sharply before a heart attack. So, potassium is a dual element in its action. It is able to not only reduce the risk of vascular collapse by regulating the fluid exchange in the body along with sodium chloride, but also provoke vascular spasms and an increase in heart rate. And just it in cranberry juice more than any other elements, including vitamin C - almost 100 mg per 100 g of berries.

In addition to all of the above, the healing properties of cranberry juice may be due to the presence of rare food acids (benzoic, chlorogenic and others, which make cranberry juice the best preservative in the world). It also contains some B vitamins, iron, sodium, manganese, nicotine, zinc, copper and so on.

The actual composition of cranberry juice is more diverse than what is indicated here. Another thing is that the concentration of most of the elements included in it has biological significance only in case of their acute and prolonged deficiency (say, in conditions of chronic malnutrition) or the use of cranberry juice in a volume of more than two liters per day.

Indications and contraindications

The sounded composition of cranberry juice really gives many therapeutic effects noticed by our ancestors. Among them:

  • antipyretic;
  • disinfecting;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • improves the distribution of fluid in tissues and its excretion;
  • stimulating digestion.

In addition, it allows you to eliminate a number of diet deficiencies, being a good nutritional supplement. And the ability to reduce swelling, judging by the reviews, makes cranberry juice during pregnancy one of the drinks indicated for taking.

When recommended to drink

Cranberry berries or cranberry juice can really serve well in different conditions.

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. But - only inflammatory, caused by infection.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Also caused by infection, poisoning or dyskinesia (impaired peristalsis).
  • Vitamin C vitamin deficiency (scurvy). This disease is widely known among sailors, but is extremely rare on land. And cranberry juice helps to overcome it no worse than lemons.
  • Respiratory disease. As well as febrile conditions of an unclear cause, accompanied by fever / chills.
  • Edema of various origins. In particular, caused by hormonal failure, circulatory disorders during pregnancy and cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Joint inflammation. Including aseptic, age-related (caused by osteochondrosis) and traumatic. Acids accumulate well in the synovial fluid, leading to a shift in its balance to the acid side, which reduces inflammation. But there is evidence that the constantly acidic environment of the joint (and normally the balance of the synovial fluid should be slightly alkaline) prevents the regeneration of cartilages damaged by inflammation.
It is believed that the benefits of cranberry juice from frozen berries are not inferior to those of a fresh berry drink. The fact is that food acids, including vitamin C, are excellent natural preservatives, and they are unstable only to heat. So, freezing does not harm the original composition of cranberries and fruit drinks prepared from such raw materials.

Who is not allowed

The main contraindication to the use of cranberry juice is associated with a record amount of food acids in its composition. There are a number of diseases caused by a violation of their metabolism, in which the use of cranberry juice is fraught not only with a sharp deterioration in well-being, but also with a number of side effects. Among the pathologies in which the harm of cranberry juice will be greater than any possible benefit from it, the following can be distinguished.

  • Gout. That is, deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints. This acid is one of the decay products of purine bases - components of meat (especially red) and meat offal. That is, it does not exist in cranberry juice, but with gout all other food acids are contraindicated - along with it. The reason is that they also accumulate in the synovial fluid, especially when taken in large quantities.
  • Hyperacidosis. Or, more simply, the increased acidity of the stomach. It can be both an independent phenomenon (a certain level of acidity is congenital), and a consequence of gastritis and some other pathologies of the stomach. One way or another, taking additional portions of cranberry juice acids with hyperacidosis will not only not improve the condition of the digestive tract, but may also lead to erosion.
  • Gastritis. That is, inflammation of the walls of the stomach that can be caused by a host of causes, including infection with the carcinogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori. In any case, gastritis often precedes an ulcer, since it leads to a thinning of the layer of mucus that covers its walls and prevents living tissues from directly contacting with hydrochloric acid. In addition, he himself may be accompanied by an increase in acidity. With the use of cranberry juice, all pathological processes already taking place will go only faster.
  • Stomach ulcer. Reception of cranberry berries, cranberry juice, fresh citrus fruits and other foods rich in food acids provokes pain and deepening of existing erosions. Persistence in such an inappropriate treatment can lead to bleeding and perforation of ulcers located in the stomach.
  • Stones in the kidneys. Urate or oxalate. Urate is formed in the kidneys with gout from crystals of uric acid, and this disease leads to disruption of the metabolism of any acids in the body, including those found in cranberries. Oxalates occur due to congenital or acquired inability of the body to absorb another acid - oxalic. Despite its name, not only sorrel is rich in it, but also many other products with a sour taste. Among them is cranberry juice.Thus, each glass of it will only increase the size of the kidney stones that are already in the kidneys.
Cranberry juice is not indicated for children under one year of age and for mothers with breastfeeding. In the first case, the intake of any third-party substances into the child’s digestive tract can once and for all bring down the digestive “program” to him. In the second - you should not drink it because food acids penetrate into breast milk as easily as in the joint fluid. You can not discount the risk of developing allergies, especially in a child, since all food acids are strong allergens.

Basket with cranberries

Classic Cranberry Juice Recipe

Features To get acquainted with the drink itself and its effect on the digestive and excretory organs, it is better to learn how to cook cranberry juice from fresh berries. And leave the experiments for the future, when it comes to understanding what effect it is necessary to achieve from it, and how concentrated it should be.

You will need:

  • a glass of fresh cranberry berries;
  • one and a half liters of hot drinking water;
  • non-metallic cookware.


  1. Fold the cranberries in a colander and wash under running water. Then transfer to a food processor and puree. If it is not, you can use a fork, a beater for potatoes and so on.
  2. Put the mashed potatoes in a cookware, fill with water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the flame to a minimum and cook without covering for ten minutes.
  3. Then set aside, cover and leave for two hours. To taste and desire at this stage, you can add star anise, cloves, other spices to the fruit drink - in the amount of a third of a teaspoon per specified volume of the drink and in any combination.
  4. Strain the whole mixture through a double layer of gauze, add sugar or honey (but you can not add them).
You need to take a drink three glasses a day, after meals, for a week. If there is no allergy, it is permissible to extend the intake for up to a month.

Cold compote

Features Due to the instability of fruit acids to heat, many housewives wonder how to prepare fruit drinks without boiling. In fact, to “execute” it at home is even easier than in industrial production.

You will need:

  • a glass "with a hill" of fresh or frozen cranberry berries;
  • two liters of drinking non-hot water.


  1. Wash the cranberries in running water and rinse with boiling water to a minimum.
  2. Puree it in a food processor using a submersible blender or a regular potato fork / beater.
  3. Fold the resulting slurry in a glass or enamel dish, fill with water, cover and leave for half an hour.
  4. Stir again and strain the pulp through cheesecloth.
You can add sugar or honey to the resulting fruit drink (the latter will make the drink not only sweeter, but also more aromatic). You need to take it two to three glasses a day after meals. If necessary, the course can be continued for up to two weeks.

Cranberry Compote and Berries

Cooking in a thermos

Features Hot drinks, of course, are not drunk - they are simply cooked with boiling water (with the exception of the above recipe, which helps to keep more valuable acids in it). And here is another version of its preparation, which differs from the “strict classics” in its richness, as the method of its manufacture is more suitable for infusions.

You will need:

  • a glass of fresh or frozen cranberry berries;
  • 300-350 ml of hot water;
  • non-metallic thermos.


  1. Wash, pour boiling water over and slightly crush cranberries with a fork.
  2. Fold them in a thermos, bring the water to a boil, and immediately fill it with berries.
  3. Close the lid and let it brew for eight hours.
  4. Strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth.

You need to take it in its pure form or with honey / sugar, two to three glasses a day after meals. Reception continues for a week. If there is no allergy, the course can be extended to two weeks. Then at least a month's break should be taken and repeated. This version of the recipe, how to cook cranberry juice, is best planned for the night: if you put it to brew in the evening, it will be ready for awakening.

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