"Clotrimazole": will an inexpensive antimycotic help with thrush, mycosis, and lichen

Representatives of the kingdom of mushrooms are unique microorganisms. They are ubiquitous, easily found on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, but do not always manifest themselves as an infectious process. To do this, weaken the immune system. Frequent localization of the fungus is nails, interdigital folds, and in women - the vagina. For treatment, local agents, such as Clotrimazole, can be used. The drug is available in different forms, and the instructions for use of Clotrimazole will tell you how to use each of them correctly.
Clotrimazole Packaging

Fungal infection does not always occur on its own. Often it is a sign of a severe course of other diseases. Sometimes people take mycotic lesions for cosmetic defects, for example, peeling of the toes, curvature and cracked nails. But in most cases it is a fungus. With vaginal candidiasis, this may be a combination of a fungus with a bacterial infection. Therefore, self-diagnosis is unacceptable and may be inaccurate. It is important to visit a specialist doctor for the examination.

Those who are faced with the manifestations of thrush, and who are prescribed Clotrimazole, are of course interested in how long the gynecology has been using this medicine, whether clotrimozole ointment helps, how to smear correctly, how often to use, whether it can serve as a preventative measure, if used as intimate lubrication, is there a better medicine?

How does fungus infection occur?

Mushrooms are allocated in a separate kingdom, which occupies an intermediate position between plants and animals. They are not able to move like plants and do not have chlorophyll, but they are able to produce nutrients from water and carbon dioxide. Metabolism in many ways resembles that of animals, but fungi lack muscles and nerve cells. The outer shell is formed by chitin, resembling a protective carapace of insects.

In difficult conditions, fungi can form spores. They can be in a dormant state for a long time, until the conditions allow them to go into active form.

A person may develop the following forms of fungal infection:

  • candidiasis - affects the mucous membranes of the vagina, digestive tract, skin folds;
  • trichophytosis - develops on the skin, nails and mucous membranes;
  • cryptococcosis- localized in the lungs and internal organs;
  • aspergillosis - mainly pulmonary infections.

Fungal infection can occur in various ways.

  • Alimentary. The oral cavity becomes the entrance gate to infection by eating contaminated food. But in children it is also the mammary gland of the mother, on the nipples of which there are cracks and candidiasis. The newborn does not yet have the protective properties of immunity, so they quickly develop candidal stomatitis.
  • Dusty air. In this way, systemic mycoses are transmitted. But immediately after getting aspergillus or cryptococci, the disease does not occur. A critical decrease in immunity is needed first, as in HIV.
  • Contact. In this way, any surface infection can be transmitted. Wearing infected shoes, public baths and swimming pools can lead to foot and nail fungus.
  • Sexual. There is a place for the spread of candidiasis.Moreover, men rarely get sick with them, but act as a carrier. In women, the clinical picture is very characteristic, but it may not develop immediately, but with malfunctions of the immune system.

Mushrooms of the genus Candida are opportunistic human flora. In the form of spores, they are located on the mucous membrane of the vagina, in the form of single cells in the intestine. Any fungi are parasites. If the mycelium (the body of fungi) and spores are in a favorable environment, then begin active growth. Nutrition occurs due to the substances of the host organism. In this case, toxic metabolic products are released, which can cause allergic reactions, local inflammation and intoxication.

Treatment is carried out with local drugs, and with inefficiency - systemic. But they are very toxic, have a large number of serious side effects. Not always treatment guarantees complete disposal of the fungus. Often, vegetative forms are destroyed, and spores persist, so that when the body weakens, new fungi grow.

Features of the drug

Mushrooms differ in structure from bacteria. Therefore, antibiotics against them are ineffective. Antimycotic drugs have been developed that act specifically against fungus. "Clotrimazole" refers to imidazole compounds. Its effect is associated with a violation of the synthesis of the main component of the cell wall of the fungus - ergosterol. This leads to an increase in the permeability of cells to liquid and ions, and lysis (destruction) of fungi occurs. The effect depends on the concentration of the substance:

  • in small doses - acts fungistatically - inhibits the reproduction of the fungus;
  • in large doses - fungicidal, kills microorganisms.

At high concentrations, the effect is not only on dividing cells, but also on the rest. The drug acts on peroxidase enzymes, which leads to an increase in free hydrogen peroxide. It enhances the toxic effect on fungi.

Clotrimazole is available in several forms:

  • vaginal cream;
  • ointment and cream for external use;
  • external solution;
  • vaginal tablets and suppositories;
  • skin paste;
  • spray.

Activity spectrum

The main purpose of various forms of the drug is the treatment of fungal infection. But "Clotrimazole" acts against pathogens of many diseases:

  • yeast-like mushrooms;
  • dermatomycetes (causative agents of trichophytosis and microsporia);
  • causative agent of multi-colored lichen;
  • bacteria (pathogens of erythrasma, staphylococcus, streptococcus);
  • genital infections (trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis).
Mushrooms rarely have natural resistance to the drug. But if often and not completely complete the course of treatment of candidiasis, then its pathogens can develop immunity to the drug. For treatment to be effective against Trichomonas, a maximum concentration of the drug is needed.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine acts at the place of application. Clotrimazole is poorly absorbed through the skin or mucous membranes. But it is able to accumulate in the stratum corneum, forming there doses sufficient to suppress the fungus. It can also be used to treat nails.

In women using candles fromthrush3-10% of the drug is absorbed. Its metabolism occurs in the liver, while the microsomal oxidation system is accelerated. Disintegration products are excreted through the intestines. In the vagina, a high concentration persists for 48-72 hours.

When can I use the medicine

Antimycotic is available in several forms. Each of them is specially selected for ease of use. Indications for use of "Clotrimazole" depend on its form. The table will help you to find out in what cases and what can be used.

Table - The main indications for the forms of "Clotrimazole"

Form of medicineDosageIndications
Ointment1% in a tube of 30 g- Fungal diseases of the skin, folds, feet;
- pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma;
- mycoses with secondary pyoderma (skin lesions)
Cream2% in a tube of 50 g- Vaginal candidiasis infections;
Candida vulvitis
- superinfection of the vagina caused by sensitive bacteria
Vaginal tablets100 mg in 1 tablet- Treatment of vaginal candidiasis;
- prevention of recurrence of candidiasis or the occurrence of a disease;
- sanitation of the genital tract before gynecological procedures
Vaginal suppositories100 mg in 1 candle- Candidiasis vulvitis;
Candida vulvovaginitis
Solution1% in 15 ml droppers- Infections of the oral mucosa;
- mycoses of the feet, nails or palms;
- trichophytosis;
- dermatomycosis of the head, trunk, groin area;
- pityriasis versicolor and erythrasma
Some skin pathologies are able to manifest their atypical course. May be disguised as a fungal infection. psoriasis. With a pronounced decrease in immunity, candidal vaginitis can be complicated by an outbreak of genital herpes.

Instructions for use "Clotrimazole" for various forms of release

Each form of the drug has its own characteristics of use. But before you begin treatment, you need to visit a doctor. The choice of a specialist depends on the symptoms of the disease. If itching and burning appeared in the vagina, then the woman should visit a gynecologist. Those who are concerned about the folds of skin between the fingers or suspect a nail fungus need a dermatologist. If a man has signs of urethritis - the initial stage of inflammation, which can go into balanitis and balanoposthitis, you need to see a urologist. The doctor will make the choice of the most suitable drug.

Beautiful girl with a white cape

Vaginal medication

For the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis or colpitis, suppositories, tablets and cream are used. A medicine in the form of candles or cream differs only in the composition of excipients. In suppositories, there is solid fat, which at body temperature begins to melt and envelop the mucous membrane. Tablets should be dissolved in the genital tract.

Suppositories (tablets) are administered one at night deep into the vagina. The course of treatment lasts six days. Treatment should be carried out as soon as possible before the onset of menstruation. It is impossible to use "Clotrimazole" during menstruation. Sometimes, with a severe infection, the doctor may recommend laying candles twice a day.

To carry out the rehabilitation of the birth canal, one tablet or suppository, laid at night, is enough.

Clotrimazole for pregnant women is allowed in vaginal form, but only in the second and third trimester. The active substance is practically not absorbed and is rapidly metabolized. Therefore, it is allowed to use candles for breastfeeding, but after consulting a doctor.

Vaginal cream can be used along with suppositories. Care should be taken in the dosage of the drug. 1 g of cream contains 20 mg of active ingredient. To create a sufficient concentration in the vagina, you need to enter at least 5 g of the product. The duration of the course is one to two weeks. Women are recommended to treat thrush with Clotrimazole once a day, and men with candida balanitis apply cream two to three times a day.

Side effects develop in the form of local reactions:

  • itching
  • redness;
  • swelling of the mucous vestibule;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • pelvic pain.

Manifestations of side effects are an allergic reaction, individual intolerance to the drug. An overdose of suppositories or tablets does not occur. Possible erroneous ingestion, which is accompanied by:

  • stomach pain;
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • impaired liver function;
  • hallucinations;
  • drowsiness.
In case of poisoning with Clotrimazole, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy are performed. But if unpleasant symptoms appeared with the correct use of the drug, then this is an individual intolerance, you will have to refuse such treatment.


"Clotrimazole" in liquid form is used only as an external agent. For this, a few drops of the medicine are applied to the skin affected by the fungus and rubbed thoroughly.This is best done two to three times a day. The course lasts about four weeks. It is important to continue treatment even when the first signs of the disease have disappeared.

If mycosis has developed on the feet, then the solution is used after each washing of the feet. Interdigital spaces are carefully treated. It is forbidden to apply the product under an occlusive (sealing) dressing.

Side effects of “Clotrimazole” are rare, but it can be:

  • dermatitis;
  • hives;
  • rash;
  • erythema;
  • peeling;
  • itching
Among the features of the application is a ban on use in the eye area. Even with severe itching, the affected area can not be scratched and scratched. This leads to the spread of infection. After washing, affected skin should be thoroughly drained. Clothes that come into contact with the foci should be changed and washed daily at a temperature of 90 ° C.


The use of ointment "Clotrimazole" is possible only externally. Skin areas affected by the fungus are pre-washed with neutral soap or washing gel and thoroughly dried. Ointment is applied two to three times a day.

With lichen, pigmented spots are treated for one to three weeks. For other dermatomycoses, it takes up to four weeks for the treatment to appear effective. If the feet are affected, ointment is continued for two weeks after the symptoms disappear.

In order for the treatment of onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail) to be effective, you need to make sure that the nails are cut short and their surface is rough. This increases the permeability to the drug.

Who is not allowed

"Clotrimazole" refers to drugs, contraindications to which are represented by a minimum list:

  • individual intolerance;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

Women who are breast-feeding should consult a doctor before starting treatment. Patients with hepatic insufficiency should be periodically taken a biochemical blood test to monitor its work. If worsening occurs, treatment is discontinued.

"Clotrimazole" is not used for the oral cavity, especially in infants. For this, applyNystatin", Which dissolve, and in children - treatment with soda solution.

Carefully you need to approach the combination of different drugs. Other antifungal drugs, such as Nystatin, Amphotericin B, Natamycin, reduce the effectiveness of Clotrimazole. According to doctors, while using the Tacrolimus immunosuppressant with a vaginal antimycotic, an increase in the concentration of the first in the blood is possible, which will require a dosage change.

Finger cream


Clotrimazole is a widely used antifungal drug. But there are its analogues in the active substance:

  • Candide - cream, solution, powder;
  • Canesten - cream, spray;
  • Candibene - cream;
  • "Clotrimazole Hexane" - cream.

There are also analogues on the principle of action. These include:

  • Bifunal - cream;
  • Mikospor - cream;
  • «Zalain» - cream;
  • Mikogel - gel.

For many fungal diseases, prevention is important. This is especially true for people who have a predisposition to a fungal infection. Diabetics who are overweight, in places where diaper rash appears, notice a white coating. This is a fungal infection. To prevent it, it is necessary to carefully select the treatment of the underlying disease.

It should also be remembered that infection with the fungus of the feet can occur in public places and from other people's shoes. Therefore, you should not go barefoot in the pool, bath or shower.

Reviews on suppositories "Clotrimazole" talk about the effectiveness of the drug. But for women it is important to refuse sexual contact during the treatment period, use natural cotton underwear and follow a diet with a low content of carbohydrates and a large number of dairy products. With frequent relapses, you must consult a doctor to prescribe anti-relapse treatment, which lasts at least six months.

Reviews: “The price is very reasonable”

Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories are the most effective way to treat fungal diseases for women.And besides, accessible and affordable for everyone. Thrush is one of the most common, and at the same time unbearable diseases of women. It’s not easy to get rid of. Nowadays, there are many means to cure this disease. We are constantly faced with advertising on television, which advertises many drugs against this unpleasant problem for us. But ... everything that “aunts” advise us on the screen is not so cheap, and not everyone can afford well-advertised, miraculous means. And I, too, “pecked” at an advertisement when I ran into a problem that many thrush women knew. This feeling of constant itching below does not allow you to live peacefully and enjoy life. In order to get rid of this unpleasant incident, a woman is ready to do anything. I bought a cheap drug from thrush at the pharmacy, there were only a couple of tablets in the pack, and they turned out to be far from effective. And then my friend advised me the drug "Clotrimazole"! I found a way out of the situation! I advise all women to use this medication. It equally copes with its main function, the fight against fungal diseases, and besides, it is completely inexpensive. Vaginal suppositories are sold in 6, sometimes 10 pieces in a pack. Each box of this drug costs about 50 rubles. Candles are easy to use: every night before dreams you need to push “there” 1 piece, and so on for ten days in a row. I was very glad to help you. I hope that now all of you will use only this tool, like me. I’m not cheating on him!

Swatme http://otzovik.com/review_308243.html

An excellent drug in the fight against fungus! When diagnosing a fungal disease on the genitals in the form of an ointment, it works great! The price is very reasonable!
It spreads very much after application, it can leave marks! Well, this is important, probably only for urological patients, since application during the day is extremely inconvenient!

Semendyaev R.I., urologist, https://protabletky.ru/clotrimazole/#otzivi

Injured the toenail. Nail candidiasis has begun. I tried to treat myself using iodine and hydrogen peroxide. The effect was, but minimal. After starting to use clotrimazole, rotting and decomposition of the nail stopped and slowed down. However, there is no need to talk about a 100% treatment effect.

Andrey P., https://protabletky.ru/clotrimazole/#otzivi

Other medications

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