Treatment of Bartholin's cyst: an operation after which you can forget about the problem

Bartholin gland - a paired formation in the lower third of the labia majora, is responsible for the secretion, through which the vaginal vestibule is moistened. If there is a violation of the outflow of contents, a cyst is formed. It may not deliver any complaints and be like a “ball” in the labia. An inflamed Bartholin gland cyst makes itself felt with sharp pain, swelling, and fever. How to get rid of the problem forever and is it necessary to remove the cyst along with the gland?
Gerbera in the hands

Over the years, a cyst may not bother its owner. When the "bomb" explodes, it is impossible to say. Women who have experienced inflammation of the cyst recall with horror the pain that had to be endured. What operation to choose and whether it is possible to be saved by folk methods? According to ICD-10, all diseases of the Bartholin gland are classified under the code N75.

What kind of education

Bartholin gland is not very large, not more than 1.5 cm in diameter. It is impossible to detect it in a healthy woman - she “merges” with the surrounding tissues. The gland has ducts (tubules) through which the secret goes out. They open at the entrance to the vagina between the labia minora and hymen (or its remains).

Due to a mechanical obstacle or compression from the outside, the patency of the tubules is impaired, as a result, the resulting secret stagnates. Often, cysts form on the background of chronic bartholinitis - constant inflammation in the structures of the gland provokes the formation of adhesions in the tubules, which leads to stagnation of the secret. Gradually, a cyst is formed - a cavity filled with viscous liquid contents.

For a Bartholin gland cyst, the following is characteristic:

  • can be of different sizes - from 1 cm to 9-10 cm, it all depends on the intensity of secretion production and the prescription of education;
  • one sided - Bartholin cysts are simultaneously rare at the same time at the base of both labia majora;
  • benign - the cyst never degenerates into cancer, although a malignant process may occur in the gland itself;
  • is acquired in nature - the cyst is not inherited, it does not affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • not associated with hormonal disorders - a cyst is a consequence of inflammation that has nothing to do with the level of estrogen or androgen;
  • occurs even in girls - education is found even in girls who do not live sexually, in this case, inflammation is caused by non-specific flora.

Inflammation of the cyst can occur at any time: immediately after its appearance or after many years. The following microorganisms cause it:

  • non-specific flora - E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, Proteus;
  • specificchlamydiaTrichomonas gonococci.

Who is more likely to have

Every woman has a Bartholin gland, however, only 10% have inflammation and only 5-7% form a cyst. The following factors contribute to this:

  • immunodeficiency states - SARS, flu, hypothermia;
  • wearing synthetics - tight underwear and tight clothing;
  • neglect of personal hygiene - washings should be once or twice a day, and during critical days more often;
  • regular use of lubricants - they clog the ducts;
  • genital infections - erratic communication without the use of a condom, as well as infection from a regular partner;
  • endocrine pathology - diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction increase the likelihood of cyst formation and inflammation.


Depending on whether inflammation is present in the cyst, the clinical picture of the pathology and its possible consequences develop.

In the "cold" period

If the cyst is small and not infected, the woman is practically not worried about anything. She may discover her by accident. The cyst is palpated at the base of the labia majora as a roundish soft formation, mobile, painless.

If the cyst is large, the external genitalia are deformed from its side, the genital gap has an irregular shape. Appears "mound" - the rise of education over unchanged skin. With an increase in size, the neoplasm interferes with a normal sexual life and even walks.

In the “acute” period

With the addition of inflammation, the symptoms of the Bartholin gland cyst are more pronounced. The following is noted:

  • sharp or even throbbing pain in the cyst;
  • a painful roller is detected under the skin;
  • The labia may swell;
  • hearth hot to the touch;
  • there is a fever, chills, weakness, lethargy.

With the progression of inflammation, a false Bartholin gland abscess may form. In this case, the contents of the cyst is filled with pus. The temperature rises, the woman notes a throbbing pain in the labia, due to swelling and pain it is impossible to walk.

Often a false abscess opens on its own, after which the woman becomes noticeably lighter. It can also develop into true, in this case, the gland tissue directly undergoes active inflammation.


Diagnosis of an onboard cyst, is it necessary for patients? The diagnosis is established on the basis of the examination and history of the woman. Additionally, a vaginal material is taken for a smear, as well as for subsequent bacteriological studies in order to prescribe adequate antibacterial therapy. How to distinguish bartholinitis from other conditions is described in the table.

Table - Diseases similar to bartholinitis

StageDisease or conditionFeatures
In the "cold" periodVaricose veins- Appear in the labia;
- more often during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester;
- expressed cyanosis, tortuosity;
- there are no clear boundaries and the feeling of "ball"
Gland cancer- Determines the formation of irregular shapes and any sizes;
- it is “fused” with the skin and surrounding tissues
In the “acute” periodAcute Bartholinitis and Bartholin Abscess- It is necessary to take into account the history of a woman in which she has not noted cysts earlier;
- the clinical picture is almost identical to inflammation of the cyst
Boil or carbuncle- Not so pronounced symptoms of intoxication;
- can be located anywhere on the labia, often in the area of ​​hair growth;
- no pronounced swelling of tissues

How are Bartholin gland cysts treated during pregnancy?

The cyst of the Bartholin gland during pregnancy does not affect the process of gestation, if not complicated. The most pressing issues are as follows.

  • When to remove. If the cyst is small and without inflammation, surgery during gestation is not necessary, it is only necessary for infection. If the cyst is more than 4-5 cm, it is better to remove it before planning the conception.
  • Will not burst during childbirth. People often wonder if a cyst under pressure during a baby’s birth can burst. If you follow all the recommendations of a doctor and a midwife, this probability is minimized.
  • Can I remove during childbirth. Some women want to immediately solve two problems, and in the case of natural birth, remove the cyst at the same time. However, without indications, this should not be done due to the increased risk of complications (bleeding, infection).
  • Does it affect the baby. A cyst in the "cold" period does not affect the growth and development of the baby.In case of inflammation, conservative or surgical treatment is necessary (the doctor chooses).

Surgical treatment

Treatment of Bartholin gland cysts is not always operational. Indications for surgical intervention are the following points:

  • recurrent inflammation or abscess;
  • the cyst is large (more than 3 cm) and interferes;
  • a cyst aesthetically excites a woman;
  • there are concomitant oncological diseases of the labia and vulva.
If once a woman had an inflammation of a Bartholin's cyst, it is recommended to think about performing a surgical procedure, since the probability of a relapse of the infection is high. The option of the operation depends on the desired result and the capabilities of the doctor and medical institution.


It is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. A cyst is punctured with a syringe and a needle, purulent contents are removed. Manipulation takes five to seven minutes, but does not lead to a complete cure. This is rather a temporary measure for those who for some reason cannot go to hospitalization and more serious manipulation.

After the puncture, it is necessary to carry out dressings on your own, do sedentary baths, and also take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs as prescribed by the doctor. However, even in this case, the likelihood of relapse will soon be high.

Instead of puncture, sometimes an incision is made over the cyst and all its contents are removed. But if additional drainage is not carried out and the operation is left on this, the incision site will soon “stick together” and the cyst will relapse.

Cyst and gland removal

This is one of the radical treatments. Such an intervention is carried out in the "cold period" to minimize the number of complications. The main advantage of the method is reliable protection against relapse - “no gland - no problems”.

This technique can be performed with any size of cysts, unlike other modern techniques. But there is also a “flip side of the coin”, in connection with which such an operation is rarely used in European countries:

  • blood loss - Bartholin gland is surrounded by a large number of vascular plexuses, which are almost always affected when it is removed;
  • frequent complications - in the postoperative period there are various degrees of severity of hematoma, which sometimes have to be additionally drained;
  • change in the quality of intimate relationships - some women after removal of the gland note insufficient moisture in the vulva and vagina during sex;
  • hospitalization required - removal of the gland is carried out in the conditions of the operating unit, it is required to be in the hospital for at least two to three days.

The operation is carried out in three stages.

  1. A skin incision is performed. And the casing of the Bartholin gland is husked, it is advisable not to open the formation, since the likelihood of postoperative complications is less.
  2. The iron itself is removed. Often this period is complicated by bleeding.
  3. The bed of the former cyst is sutured in layers. The anatomy of the genital organs is restored, if necessary, drainage is established for the outflow of secretions.
The healing period is at least a month. At this time, a woman needs to be washed after each visit to the toilet, sex, physical activity should be abandoned. This is the only way to avoid complications after surgery.


One of the most effective methods with a relapse rate of not more than 20%. It can be performed in the “acute phase”. The operation is carried out as follows:

  • tissues above the cyst are cut - the contents are removed, the cavity is intensively washed with antiseptics;
  • cyst walls stitch with skin - so that a new path is formed for the outflow of secret.
  • if necessary, drainage is installed in the wound - for a better outflow of content.
Marsupialization of a Bartholin cyst requires serious anesthesia, more often it is intravenous administration of drugs for general anesthesia. It is performed only in a hospital, requires observation of at least two to four hours and high-quality wound treatments.The recovery period is also about a month. Limitations are similar to those for removing the gland.

Laser vaporization

Laser vaporization of the cyst is one of the effective methods. The procedure is largely similar to the usual opening and drainage of the cyst. With the help of laser energy, the cyst itself, part of the ducts, is bloodlessly removed. The Bartholin gland remains intact, so the likelihood of relapse or the presence of soreness, a small swelling after exercise remains.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • less painful - local anesthesia is used;
  • no bleeding - The laser coagulates blood vessels;
  • quickly - the operation takes no more than 20 minutes, hospitalization is not needed.

Cons of vaporization of the cyst:

  • expensive - not every clinic can afford an apparatus for laser treatment;
  • healing period - in spite of the advertised “quick recovery”, tissues completely regenerate only after two to three weeks;
  • relapses - their frequency after such treatment is about 60-70%.

Gynecologist examination

Word (Word) catheter

The most promising technique, which has long been widely used in foreign countries, but still rarely seen in the post-Soviet space. The operation takes place in four stages.

  1. An autopsy of the abscess or cyst of the Bartholin gland is done.
  2. All contents are removed, rinsed with a cavity.
  3. A catheter is inserted inside the chamber.
  4. Its end is inflated to fix and ensure the outflow of content.

The operation is performed under local or general intravenous anesthesia in an inpatient setting. The necessary observation in the postoperative period is two hours. Then the woman leaves and independently performs dressings at home.

For a month, the catheter is in the cavity of the former cyst. During this time, a new channel is formed for the outflow of secret. At the next appointment with the doctor, the catheter is removed. The Bartholin gland remains intact, therefore, the operation does not affect the quality of the woman’s intimate relationships. The risk of relapse is not more than 10% and is associated with careless handling of the catheter and its prolapse.


Similar in essence to the Word catheter is a cyst piercing. Two outlets are formed to drain the contents. Most often carried out in the "cold period". The woman’s reviews are contradictory - for some, this technique helped to get rid of the problem, while others again relapsed.

Suture care after surgery

After any surgical intervention on the Bartholin gland, a woman has to independently look after the seams for some time. It is useful to know the following:

  • to reduce swelling and pain - ice should be applied to the wound;
  • seam processing - carried out at least twice a day with an antiseptic;
  • underwear - only from natural material, it must be free;
  • exclusion of sexual contact - Helps reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Conservative therapy

If the cyst is small (up to 2 cm) or there are slight signs of inflammation, try surgical treatment of the disease before surgical treatment. It is not worth hoping that a Bartholin gland cyst can resolve itself with its large sizes.


In the treatment of inflammation of a Bartholin cyst without surgery, the following groups of drugs are used.

  • Antibacterial agents. Appointed at the discretion of the doctor. Often used are Metronidazole, Cefazolin, Cefotaxime, Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Ciprofloxacin. Usually, two drugs are combined for greater effectiveness.
  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory. Any woman’s discretion may apply - analgin, Ibuprofen,Nise».
  • Antihistamines. To reduce tissue swelling, itching, antihistamines are used, for example, “Loratadine”, “Suprastin”.
In addition, local therapy is prescribed, especially if there is a slight tissue tightening. Most often used Vishnevsky ointment, "Ichthyol", "Levomekol"As dressings for the night. The area of ​​the cyst can be treated with antiseptics - "Miramistin"," Chlorgescidine. "Physiotherapy, for example, magnetic exposure or UHF, increases the likelihood of recovery.

Gynecological instrument

Folk methods

Traditional medicine in the treatment of Bartholin's cyst removes signs of inflammation, reduces pain, and also uses recipes to increase immunity.
For sitting baths, you can use the following compounds.

  • Salt solution. For a liter of hot water should take three large tablespoons of salt, stir. Use two to three times a day.
  • Chamomile and calendula. 10 g of chamomile and calendula flowers pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Strain and dilute with warm water to 2-3 liters. The same recipe can be used with a combination of eucalyptus leaves and chamomile flowers.
  • Elderberry, Yarrow and Nettle. Take three tablespoons of each ingredient. Pour a liter of hot water and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain and dilute to 2-3 liters.

It is possible to supplement therapy with strengthening immunity.

  • Nuts, dill and honey. You should take 100 g of walnuts, add three large tablespoons of dill seeds and a few cloves of chopped garlic. Mix, add 300-500 ml of fresh honey. Let it brew for two or three days. Take two to three teaspoons three times a day.
  • Aloehoney and wine. It is necessary to take about 10 leaves of aloe, chop, mix with 200-300 ml of honey. Add 200 ml of red wine. Soak in a water bath for 50-60 minutes. Take two to three teaspoons three times a day.

It is possible to use dietary supplements for the prevention of relapses, homeopathy preparations, however, their effectiveness has not been proved and is questioned by many.

Treatment of a Bartholin gland cyst largely depends on its size, the frequency of inflammation and how a woman treats her. Of the existing operational methods, the installation of a Vord catheter should be distinguished as the least traumatic and most effective, with a low relapse rate. Complete removal of the Bartholin gland cyst is not always acceptable due to possible complications during and after the operation.

Reviews: "For those who do not know what it is - I wish you do not know"

To everyone who wants to try hirudotherapy for this sore, I want to say that, firstly, it is not painful and should not be afraid, and secondly, it is very effective in our case. In three sessions the gland inflammation completely went away, the doctor says three more are needed for the cyst to resolve and there will be no more relapses. Girls all who suffer from bartholinitis, do not rush to cut, try. The main thing is to find a good hirudotherapist. I was lucky I found this (Kiev).


I did marsupialization, very satisfied. The cyst was large enough and deep. After the operation, the hole almost did not bother. It took a month to strictly observe hygiene (each time after the toilet to wash). It’s a little unpleasant when the seams are removed. I could walk calmly in the evening after the operation.


I am 19 years old. A week ago, a gynecologist diagnosed me with a Bartholin gland cyst, said that the bump is very deep, and if the operation is done, it will be very bloody and will disfigure the genitals. She also said that while the cyst is in a “cold” state, it makes no sense to operate it. She prescribed Vishnevsky ointment and dimexidum 4/1, with this she let go, “reassuring” that there are women who have been living with these cysts all their lives. I didn’t live sexually and can’t imagine how I could earn this sore, I don’t even know what to do ... live with this bump all my life and be afraid of abscesses? really a cyst can not resolve itself. After reading the forum, I realized that no. It's horrible


Good day to all! I don’t know what I have ... 3 years ago I saw at my entrance to the vagina (not from the side, but below) a pea-sized ball (such a transparent one).
The doctor said that it was a blocked time and that there was no need to make a puncture. I don’t even know when I got it, because Before, doctors never told me about him.
It does not bother me, it does not hurt, it does not increase, and I don’t know what to do with it.

Dimkina Svetlana, % B8% D1% 82 /

Those who do not know what it is - I wish you did not know. Today I had a doctor, she refuted my suggestions that I have a varicose node at the entrance to the vagina (at least thanks God), but she said that it was an inflammation of the bartholin gland, acute bartholinitis. Pregnancy 12 weeks. The cyst is large enough, but it doesn’t bother me much, I groped by chance.

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