Kefir masks for hair: how to wash off the bad color after dyeing and whether the drink will help against dandruff

Kefir is considered a valuable lactic acid drink, which positively affects the functioning of the digestive system. But it also has an unspoken cosmetic purpose. They are saved from sunburn, nourish dry skin, and also take care of hair and scalp. Kefir hair mask promotes the treatment of dandruff and supplies the epidermis with vitamins. But it does not suit dyed brunettes, as it brightens hair and rinses coloring substances.
Brown hair girl

The cosmetic properties of the drink have earned many positive reviews from owners of a variety of hair types. Kefir is “consumed” not only in its pure form, but also create composite natural masks from it, which have a more versatile, deep effect. Masks from a sour-milk drink attract with its simplicity and affordability. But in order to prepare a high-quality natural remedy for curls, you need to consider many factors, including the quality of the product and the individual characteristics of the hair.

Kefir hair mask: 8 reasons to try

What nutrients in kefir are good for hair and scalp? You can select at least eight components - eight reasons to try the tool.

  1. Lactic acid. This component is part of many store shampoos, conditioners and hair balms. It promotes the breakdown of dirt and grease on the surface of the hair, and also reduces their electrification. Thanks to lactic acid, kefir has a brightening property.
  2. Yeast. They are rich in trace elements important for hair, such as selenium, iron, manganese. Help in treatment seborrhea and dandruff.
  3. Protein. It serves as an important building material for the hair shaft and all body cells.
  4. Calcium. It makes hair strong and healthy, is a building material for the hair shaft.
  5. Vitamin E. It enhances blood circulation, due to which the supply of the hair follicle with useful substances improves. It has a positive effect on the scalp, participates in protecting the skin from UV radiation, improves barrier functions. This vitamin is often purchased in ampoules to increase the density of hair.
  6. Vitamin PP. It activates the processes of cell regeneration, promotes cell renewal of the hair bulb. It activates blood circulation, thereby stimulating growth and saving hair from falling out. Helps eliminate dandruff.
  7. Vitamins of group B. They have a complex effect, strengthen the hair follicles, improve their nutrition and cell renewal.
  8. Vitamin A. It controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces oiliness and eliminates dry hair. Strengthens the hair shaft, protects it from exposure to sunlight.
Together, these components have a complex effect on both the scalp and the hair rods. The amount of each element in kefir is balanced, therefore the product has a soft effect on the hair, and kefir masks for hair have a minimum number of contraindications.

Kefir in a glass

When kefir is “assigned” to strands

Kefir hair mask is a universal way to improve the condition of any hair, which is easy to apply at home.Kefir mixture nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, strengthens hair follicles. But he also has specific indications in which the remedy will be most effective and useful. Kefir masks are used in the following cases:

  • treatment of dandruff and seborrhea;
  • increased grease;
  • dry, dull hair;
  • very slow hair growth;
  • brittle, thin, weak hair.
The effect of kefir masks can be called cumulative - with each procedure, hair follicles get more nutrition and moisture, blood microcirculation improves, stronger and healthier hair begins to grow from hair sacs.


Kefir has very few contraindications, even for internal use. But for a home mask to be safe, you need to eliminate any undesirable consequences. Kefir can not be included in the mask in the following cases.

  • Allergy or individual intolerance. To find out if you are allergic to a mask, just apply a small amount to the sensitive skin of your wrist or elbow. After half an hour, you can check the result - if the skin remains clean, there is no itching or discomfort, then the mixture suits you and you can safely apply it on the scalp.
  • Rashes, injuries, or serious scalp diseases. In such cases, you can not use any cosmetic products without first consulting a doctor.
  • Dyed hair. Kefir is able to wash paint from the surface of the hair, so it can have a strong brightening effect on dyed hair.
It is believed that kefir masks should not be made for people with lactose intolerance. However, this applies only to severe forms, when it is impossible to eat not only milk, but also curd products, yoghurts, fermented baked milk.

Beautiful girl

10 subtleties of application

Each home remedy has its own cooking rules. In order for the kefir hair mask to bring as much benefit as possible, follow ten tips during kefir treatment.

  1. Choose kefir. If you buy a product in a store, you need to pay attention to the label. Natural kefir should be called only kefir, not a kefir product. The drink should have a minimum shelf life of only a few days. Less is better. In real kefir, the composition should not be infinite, it should contain only whole or skim milk and kefir fungi. The percentage of fat should be chosen based on the state of your curls - 1% kefir is taken for oily hair. And, of course, the product should be the first freshness.
  2. Make kefir with your own hands. It will take 3 liters of milk and one tablespoon of ordinary kefir fungi (sourdough). They can be purchased at the pharmacy. Before mixing, milk must be boiled. Boiling prevents the development of harmful microorganisms in the product. Then you need to cool the milk to room temperature and add fungi to it. Cover with a thick cloth and leave in a dark, warm place. In a day, kefir will be ready.
  3. Preheat before use. To do this, use a water bath. Kefir should be just warm, with strong heating, it will curl up and turn into cottage cheese.
  4. Do not use balm before the procedure. The mask is applied to clean strands. But this time after washing your hair, do not use balm - it leaves a microfilm on the curls and epidermis, which can interfere with the absorption of substances from the mask.
  5. Apply to wet hair. Before use, the curls can be slightly moistened with water, but not much - otherwise the mask will drain along with water.
  6. Rub into the roots. This should be done with gentle massage movements so as not to damage the hair structure. Massage additionally helps strengthen hair. The length must be applied from top to bottom, but you can not rub strands in the palms of your hands. To evenly distribute the mask over the hair, you can use an ordinary wooden comb with frequent teeth.
  7. Cover the strands with cling film and a terry towel. This is done after applying the mask.Thus, metabolic processes and blood microcirculation in the skin are activated, the mask is better absorbed.
    8. Withstand time. Keep one hour. However, there are recipes with burning ingredients in which time is reduced.
  8. Wash off with regular shampoo. You can use the conditioner or balm after washing.
  9. Adhere to the course of application. The course is approximately one procedure per week for two to three months. Then you need to take a break for a month. After it, if necessary, you can conduct the course again, or make a mask once a month to nourish the roots.
Kefir, like most other products, has a major effect on the epidermis and hair follicles. The protective film that kefir can leave on the hair shaft is immediately washed with shampoo. A natural mixture is applied to the curls in order to "close" the cuticle flakes - the upper layer of the hair shaft. Due to this, the hair immediately after the procedure looks smoother and more shiny.

Additional cosmetic features

For hair, kefir is useful not only as a source of nutrition and hydration. There are several non-standard prescriptions of kefir procedures.

Washing off hair dye

Kefir “knows how” to wash off coloring substances. You need to treat each strand with a copious amount of warm drink and hide the hair under a cling film or a sealed shower cap. Wrap a terry towel over the cap. The whole procedure lasts no more than one or two hours, at the end the mask is washed off first with water and then with shampoo. The effect is noticeable immediately, but to completely wash off the paint, these measures must be performed daily for one to two weeks.

Natural Lightening

Kefir is able to lighten both colored hair and the natural color of the strands. He is not able to make a blonde a brunette, but he can beautifully lighten brown curls and give them a golden hue.

You can also lighten strands with pure kefir. But there is a way to enhance the effect. You will need to mix half a glass of warm kefir, the juice of half a lemon and a couple of spoons of brandy. To thicken the mixture, you need to add chicken yolk to it. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency and how it should be treated with hair. Then cover them with a film or hide under a shower cap, and insulate with a towel on top. Keeping the mask longer than two hours does not make sense - kefir dries quickly. The product is washed off first with water, then with shampoo. The effect of lightening the hair is visible after one procedure.

White shampoo in hand

5 prescription variations

The most obvious recipe for a kefir hair mask is to use a drink without any additives. For more intensive and nutritious care, you can prepare compound mixtures by choosing the products most suitable for you. To do this, take only fresh ingredients that will not harm your hair type.

Classic mask with honey and olive oil

How does it work. These components have the strongest nutritional potential. Bee “nectar” has an anti-inflammatory effect, oil nourishes the skin, “smoothes” the hair shaft. The hair mask made from kefir and honey is universal and suitable for use at any age and for any condition of hair.


  1. Measure out half a glass of kefir.
  2. Put in it one small spoon of honey and a large olive oil.
  3. Combine everything in one consistency and apply to hair.
  4. After an hour, complete the procedure by washing the hair.

Nutritious with egg and burdock oil

How does it work. Provides epidermis with nourishing elements, refreshes and smoothes hair, tightens hair scales.


  1. Measure out half a cup of kefir, pour it into the bowl and add the beaten egg.
  2. Put a small spoonful of bee nectar and half a large spoonful of burdock oil there.
  3. Mix everything to a single consistency.
  4. The duration of the procedure is one hour.

Hair coloring

With yeast for hair growth

How does it work. Yeast improves blood circulation and supplies hair follicles with a multitude of “building” elements.A mask of kefir and yeast is intended not only for hair growth, but also for the effective elimination of dandruff.


  1. Fill half a glass with a high-fat fat drink.
  2. Stir in a small spoonful of raw yeast, shake and place in a warm place to insist.
  3. After an hour, re-shake the fermented mixture and apply on the roots and the length of the hair.
  4. The procedure lasts about an hour.

With castor oil for damaged hair

How does it work. Castor oil tightly envelops the hair shaft, making it smooth and silky. Lemon juice enhances lightening, and also helps to eliminate dandruff. Suitable for greasy strands.


  1. Combine the whipped yolk with half a glass of fermented milk drink.
  2. Complete the mixture with a large spoon of castor oil and a small spoon of lemon juice.
  3. Thoroughly brush the scalp and the entire length of the strands with the mixture. A towel warmed up on the battery is suitable for wrapping.
  4. Finish the procedure in half an hour.

Nuclear with onions

How does it work. Onions are used to stimulate the blood supply to the follicles. Due to this, cell renewal is accelerated, their supply of nutrients is improved, and the strands become stronger and move faster to the shoulders.


  1. Grind the onion with a blender or grater. Put onion gruel on cheesecloth and squeeze juice out with force.
  2. Pour half a cup of kefir into the prepared bowl, add onion juice.
  3. Pour in one large spoonful of burdock oil and a fresh egg for “binding”.
  4. Apply the product and rinse off no later than half an hour later.

Circulatory-stimulating “nuclear” mixtures like onion, with mustard or pepper should be used very carefully. They can not be kept for longer than half an hour, otherwise a small burn may remain.

Kefir is famous for its moisturizing properties, it is not for nothing that it is used to treat sunburn. It has the same effect on curls, saturating their base with moisture, so that subsequently the strands grow thick and healthy. Therefore, a hair mask with kefir is especially indicated for people with overdried hair and those who suffer from dandruff, because very often the “snow” on the scalp appears precisely from a lack of moisture.

Reviews: “In an hour of the procedure, kefir washed off black paint from his head”

Of course, the mask dried the hair, since kefir is an acidic product and therefore it has a brightening effect. He opens the scales of hair and leaches pigment, comparable in action with a lemon. The smell washed off twice and then it is still advisable to make a moisturizing mask.
Conclusion: it makes sense to use it on dry hair only for the purpose of lightening, and it is still advisable to add a little oil.


I advise you to take kefir not fresh, but at least yesterday or the day before yesterday. It was recommended to keep this mask from an hour to eight - I tried both, and so - the effect is the same, so you can limit yourself to an hour! In general, I went to wash kefir from my hair - girls, black paint dripped from my head! I did not believe my eyes at first, but it is a fact! The paint, which was kept on my head for almost 4 months, began to peel off after an hour of sitting with kefir!


Kefir nourishes and moisturizes dry hair, eliminates hair loss. Hair after kefir mask becomes very soft)
Masked castor oil and honey for greater hair nutrition. I add cinnamon for a tasty smell, and it also causes a rush of blood to the scalp thereby stimulating growth.
All this I mix and warm. I put on the hair from the roots to the very ends of the hair, put on a bag and a winter hat.


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