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Kefir is an exclusively domestic product. It is the result of the work of “kefir fungi” in whole or skimmed cow's milk. "Kefir fungi" are not of the same type. This term refers to the whole symbiosis of microorganisms, including yeast, lactic acid bacilli and streptococci, acetic acid bacteria. In total, about two dozen bacteria "work" to create a fermented milk drink.
The fat content of the product is standardized by GOST. It should be one or two and a half percent. For diet food, it is recommended to choose a drink with the lowest fat content, but “zero” kefir is not an ideal choice. It has too high starch content, which minimizes the dietary effect. Therefore, a one percent drink can be considered the optimal product that is useful to you for a kefir diet for weight loss.
Features of kefir diet
How to quickly lose extra pounds? Kefir is an affordable product and is often used in the diet. Therefore, there are a lot of diet options on it. Most of them are similar. According to therapist and nutritionist Tatyana Fialkova, each technique combines three features.
- Short duration. There is a kefir diet for 3 days, its increased analogue for 5 days. The optimal efficiency is considered a seven-day course of dietary nutrition. That is, each option is short-term. And in a short period, you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight.
- The main product is kefir. In each case, it is considered the basis of nutrition. With a minimum duration of the diet, for example, for three days, only kefir and still water or herbal tea are allowed. If the diet is drawn up for seven or more days, other products are present in it. They can be chosen at discretion, it is not necessary to sit, for example, only on a kefir-buckwheat diet. Supplement can be meat, and fish, and cottage cheese, but with minimal fat, low calorie content.
- Periodic Meal. During the day, you can drink one and a half liters of kefir and eat a certain amount of non-nutritious foods. The total volume should be divided into six receptions. And eat them in equal parts during the day. A final meal should be planned at least two hours before bedtime.
The abundance of reviews and the sufficient orderliness of the method attract attention to it. But it is important to consider the pros and cons of such a weight loss system.
The diet on kefir is extremely simple. It belongs to the most budgetary methods of losing weight. If you stick to it for three days, your expenses will be no more than three hundred rubles, which you will have to spend on the purchase of the main ingredient. Seven-day will not cost much more.
Other positive aspects of the method are also attractive.
- Express weight loss. Like most types of monodiet, kefir ultimately reduces the number of calories in the diet. Because of this, rapid weight loss is achieved: the body has to use its own fat reserves in order to replenish the necessary energy scooped earlier from food. How much can you lose weight by eating a kefir diet? According to reviews, the results are from three to five kilograms in seven days.
- Improvisation opportunity. The main component of the weight loss system is kefir, but you can add other products to it to reduce food and psychological discomfort. This can be buckwheat, cucumber or apple, low-fat bird fillet, baked potatoes. Each diet has its own version of diet, but fundamentally they are not much different.
- Body cleansing. Achieved by the use of large quantities of fluid. It is important to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, preferably two liters. The digestive organs at the same time work with a minimum load, which allows you to cleanse the intestines and get rid of toxins.
However, these advantages do not mean at all that a kefir diet for a week is able to bring an unambiguous benefit to the body. It is important to consider the disadvantages of the diet and its potential harm.
The danger of such a system of weight loss, said therapist, nutritionist Tatyana Fialkova.
“Normalization of the intestines when using a large amount of kefir is nothing more than a myth,” the expert notes. - After all, kefir is a dairy product of double fermentation. It is obtained by fermentation of sour-milk and yeast organisms. Once in the body, such a product does not stop fermentation. Moreover, the concentration of alcohol from yeast fermentation in the intestine can reach three percent. "
Nutritionist Natalya Ashikhmina spoke about other shortcomings of the method.
- The result is short-lived.. “Any mono-diet gives a result, but only temporary. The human diet becomes unstable, and in order to maintain normal weight, constant nutrition is necessary, ”said Natalya Ashikhmina. It is highly likely that the kilograms lost during the diet will return. This is also confirmed by the reviews of those who have tested the method on themselves. So the expert of the medical portal "Be Healthy" Elena Uvarova adhered to the diet for seven days. During this time, she lost four kilograms, but already on the third day after the end of the course she noticed an increase in weight. Kilograms begin to return with a return to the usual diet.
- Monodiet is heavy psychologically. One of the most significant difficulties of a mono-diet is to get out of it correctly. Tight food restrictions for several days make the body want everything in a row. A person begins to eat more actively, believing that he has already lost enough weight. This leads to even more weight gain than before entering a diet. Self-discipline is essential to maintain the result.
- Dangerous for health! “Mono-diets should be used only for medical reasons and must be supervised by a doctor,” says nutritionist Natalya Ashikhmina. - If during a limited diet you have stomach pains, you feel weak and dizzy, with such a diet it is time to end. You can’t joke with health, it can cause serious harm to the body. ”
Dietitian Tatyana Fialkova advises those who still trust the reviews and results of the kefir diet, and want to try it, replace the main product. “Although I’m not a supporter of express weight loss methods, but if you urgently wanted to get a beautiful figure, replace kefir with yeast or yogurt based on only sour-milk bacteria,” the expert said. “The composition should not contain milk fungus.”
Types of diets on kefir
There are several varieties of diets, the basis of which is kefir. Consider the features and techniques of the most popular of them.
For a three days
The probability of weight loss is two to five kilograms. The maximum limit is achieved by severe restriction of the diet. It includes only kefir in the volume of one and a half liters, which is divided into equal portions and drunk during the day.
A less rigid option allows you to add unsweetened berries, fruits (except bananas and grapes) to the diet. Up to a kilogram of additional ingredients is allowed per day.
For seven days (weekly)
Kefir diet for 7 days is the most common option for losing weight on kefir. It allows you to lose up to five kilograms. The diet includes baked potatoes, low-fat cottage cheese, fruits, meat.
The menu for each day of such a diet is as follows.
Day | Diet |
1 | kefir - 0.5 liters, baked potatoes - 400 g; |
2 | kefir - 0.5 liters, fat-free cottage cheese - 400 g; |
3 | kefir - 0.5 liters, fruits - 400 g; |
4 | kefir - 0.5 liters, boiled chicken - 400 g; |
5 | kefir - 0.5 liters, fruits - 400 g; |
6 | mineral or purified water without gas - 1.5 liters; |
7 | kefir - 0.5 liters, fruits - 400 g. |
For nutrition, you should choose kefir with a fat content of one percent. From fruits, eat anything except bananas and grapes. Before boiling chicken, remove the skin from it. Divide all foods into an equal number of snacks throughout the day.
Approximate options for a seven-day diet allow you to include additional foods in the diet.
- "Protein". The diet remains the same, but instead of eating fruit for two days, eat lean meat, chicken in the same amount.
- "Hungry". Servings of food are reduced to one hundred grams per day. The volume of kefir increases to two liters.
- Kefir Apple. It is allowed to drink one glass of kefir and eat one green apple. Such snacks are repeated six times during the day. Nutrition is contraindicated for people with impaired digestion, high acidity of the stomach, gastritis and ulcer.
- Kefir cucumber. The diet for the day is one and a half liters of kefir, a kilogram of cucumbers, one hundred grams of boiled fish. Foods are eaten in six approaches. Daily lost to half a kilogram of weight.
In each case, the diet is quite uncomfortable. It is recommended to enter it in the hot season, since due to a lack of calories the body will feel the need for warmth. In addition, in the heat, appetite decreases naturally. Drink plenty of fluids between meals. It can be plain water or warm herbal tea.
The “striped” kefir diet got its name for the presence of “dark” and “bright” days.
- "Dark days". It is allowed to use low-calorie foods: low-fat fish, lean meat, vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products. The total calorie intake per day should not exceed 1500 kilocalories. Under the ban alcohol, salt, sugar, sweets and flour. It is important to eat only healthy food - boiled or baked meat (fish), vegetables and fruits to the maximum fresh.
- "Bright days". These days only kefir is allowed. During the day, you can drink up to one and a half liters of a drink with a fat content of one percent.
Such a diet is safer than all previous ones. Firstly, it contains all the basic foods that the body must receive in order to maintain health. Secondly, it accustoms to the correct diet, allows you to find new facets of tastes in products with a minimum content of animal fat or the usual vegetables (cabbage, beets, tomatoes), cooked a little differently.
But the method also has disadvantages. According to nutritionists, one "fasting" day is not able to give the body a signal about the need to burn calories from "fat reserves". The alternation of well-fed and hungry days will not bring harm, but you are also unlikely to get a result of minus 10 kg in a short time. Adhere to such a food system is recommended 7 or 21 days.
From Larisa Dolina
It is believed that the famous singer lost on such a diet more than twenty kilograms, which is why the weight loss system was named after her. Larisa Dolina herself never confirmed this information, and is not the author of the methodology. Created a "kefir diet Larisa Dolina" psychotherapist Dmitry Saykov.
Using a special approach to nutrition and additional techniques for influencing the body, including psychological, weight loss is achieved. The technique is distinguished by several features.
- Positive attitude. “If you want to be beautiful, be her,” says the author of the methodology. Without a positive attitude, starting a fight with weight is unacceptable.
- Physical exercise. It is important to maintain tone, give the body extra energy and the ability to burn calories correctly. Physical exercises are extremely important, they supplement dietary nutrition and make the body healthy. Dmitry Saykov notes the need for daily classes at home or in the gym. At home, you will be able to jump, swing, squat and bend. Gradually increase the load as your weight begins to decline. Fitness, running, walking, swimming and water aerobics are effective and useful.
- Proper food. Follow a limited diet for seven days. Stick to it twice a month. Take a two-week break between the “approaches”. Stop limiting your diet when you reach your desired weight.
Doctor Dmitry Saykov offers the following diet. Divide the indicated amount of food into 5 equal meals.
Day | Diet |
1 | baked potatoes - 5 pieces of medium size; |
2 | boiled fish fillet or cottage cheese - 500 g; |
3 | fruits and vegetables - 1 kg; |
4 | boiled low-fat chicken - 500 g; |
5 | fruits and vegetables - 1 kg; |
6 | refusal of food or repeating the diet of any day; |
7 | fruits and vegetables - 1 kg. |
A complete refusal of food on the sixth day is recommended for obesity and the need to lose more than twenty kilograms. Fruits and vegetables are preferably fresh.
In addition to the diet, it is important to adhere to other recommendations of Dmitry Saykov.
- Do not drink more than you should. Biting thirst will help biting the tip of the tongue and massage the auricles.
- Do enemas while dieting. Within seven days, make a cleansing enema of two liters of water with the addition of two tablespoons of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Enema can be replaced with a daily intake of a laxative plant nature (fiber, oat bran).
- Control weight. The minimum weight loss on such a diet is four kilograms per week. If you lose less, increase physical activity. Weighing is necessary before the start of the diet and after its completion, as well as at the end of each month.
- Do not drink alcohol. It is prohibited during the diet. On other days, use it in limited quantities.
- Complete the stage correctly. When leaving the diet, eat often and little by little. Optimal six-time nutrition, which includes vegetables, fruits and lean meat. If possible, do not consume salt, flour and sweet foods. Do not get hung up on your appetite.
- Praise yourself. Losing extra pounds makes you more attractive. Feel free to tell yourself about this when approaching the mirror. You really become better, more beautiful, sexier. Speak to yourself more often to avoid the temptation to stop dieting.
- Help digestive organs. A good support for the stomach and intestines will be the herbal collection, which should be taken both during the diet and between courses. Mix in equal parts calendula, chamomile and St. John's wort. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture daily with a glass of water. Divide the infusion into four doses and drink fifteen minutes before eating.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits should become familiar to you after reaching the desired weight. Follow your habits so that unnecessary kilos do not return to you.
The kefir diet is effective, but not all of its types give a long-term result. After quick weight loss, the weight returns, so when you exit it, you should form the right eating habits and make sport the norm. Eat fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of fluids, reduce the amount of fat in the diet and alcohol. This will help to reduce, stabilize weight and keep it unchanged for a long time.
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