The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes: how to use and 3 recipes for growth

Fluffy thick eyelashes - jewelry that can make a woman's eyes expressive, and her face more attractive. However, not everyone has such a treasure. How, using castor oil for eyelash growth, achieve the desired result, read on.
Sun girl with big eyes

Principle of action and benefits

The nature of the origin of castor oil is a plant called castor oil. It contains vitamins A and E, as well as acids:

  • recinoleic - up to 90%;
  • linoleic - 4%;
  • oleic - 3%;
  • palmitic - 1%;
  • stearic - 1%.

What is useful castor oil for eyelashes and how to use it? The healing properties of castor oil help strengthen and restore broken-off cilia, as well as stimulate the growth of frozen hair. Regular application of the product on the eyelashes allows you to accelerate their growth. Hair grows even in those places of the eyelids where "gaps" were previously observed.

Oil is well absorbed into the eyelashes and has a triple effect:

  1. actively saturates bulbs with nutrients and microelements;
  2. sticks together the smallest scales of hairs, making them smoother and shinier;
  3. “Awakens” sleeping bulbs, activating the growth of hairs.

The result of the application is regrowth hairs stronger and shinier, and their color is darker.

Vitamin E contained in castor oil is simply indispensable for eyelash growth. It has a beneficial effect on the eyelids. Getting on the skin, it allows you to get rid of small wrinkles around the eyes and the so-called "crow's feet".

Castor oil is especially effective for women who regularly use cosmetics. Daily use of mascara and other products has a negative effect on the cilia - they become thin and dull, and also begin to fall out more intensively.

Flowers, Seeds and Castor Oil

How to apply

Castor oil is sold at any pharmacy. Its cost in comparison with other means for strengthening eyelashes is quite low. The application procedure is very simple.

  1. Apply oil for 15-45 minutes daily before bedtime.
  2. Before using castor oil for eyelash growth, thoroughly rinse your makeup off your face with water, without using toners or lotions.
  3. For application, use a cotton swab, swab, or previously washed and dried mascara brush.
  4. Having dipped a brush in oil, squeeze it out a little and run along the cilia, making smooth combing movements.

In order to avoid the formation of edema and other troubles, it is very important to know how to smear eyelashes with castor oil.

  • After applying, be sure to remove excess by patting the eyelashes with a tissue.
  • Try not to get oil in your eyes when you lubricate your eyelashes. If this happens, rinse thoroughly with water.
  • To achieve the desired effect, manipulation must be carried out every day for a month. After taking a break in 2-3 weeks, repeat the spreading again for another month.

Application features

If you smeared eyelashes with castor oil and feel itching and burning, and redness and swelling appeared on the skin around the eyes and along the line of hair growth, then the application should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

Despite the fact that castor oil is an absolutely natural product, the likelihood of allergic reactions is still possible. According to the instructions, castor oil for eyelashes should be used after a simple sensitivity test. Lubricate with a castor a small area on the inside of the hand, if redness and rashes do not appear, the product can be used on the eyelashes.

Another “minus” of castor oil is its specific smell.Thick and slightly sticky, it can cause a few unpleasant sensations when used.

Castor oil must be carefully applied with a special brush.

3 effective recipes

Numerous reviews of castor oil for eyelash growth indicate high efficiency. It can be used alone or as part of masks. Here are some simple recipes.

  1. Mask of castor oil and fish oil. Mix in equal proportions castor oil and fish oil. Apply the mixture for 60 minutes, then rinse. The effectiveness of such a mask is much higher due to the addition of fish oil rich in vitamins and fatty acids.
  2. Aloe Juice Mask. Castor oil and aloe juice mixed in the same proportion are applied only to the eyelashes. After half an hour, the mask is removed. The result is long silky cilia.
  3. Mask with carrot juice. Mix three drops of oil and freshly squeezed carrot juice and apply the resulting mixture to the cilia. The presence of carrot juice in the mask helps to improve pigmentation and restore the natural tone of the hairs.
The use of masks for the growth of cilia based on castor oil has practically no restrictions. Such procedures are contraindicated only to people with a pronounced allergic reaction.

How often can I use

The frequency of castor oil for eyelash care depends on individual sensitivity. Experts do not recommend using it more than once a day. The course of use is no more than 60 days. Next, you need to take a break of 4 weeks. If the result met your expectations, take another course of masks.

You can make sure whether castor oil helps for eyelash growth by following the tips given in our article. A little patience, and the result will exceed your expectations!

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