Castor oil application how to use in cosmetology

Traditional medicine gives this tool truly wonderful properties. Cosmetology is not far behind her. Castor oil for the face is perceived as a “panacea” for wrinkles, acne and dry skin. Is the action of the remedy so unambiguous? What is it like? And what are the reviews of cosmetologists about its use at home and in the professional industry?
Castor oil in a bottle

To obtain castor oil, the seeds of the castor oil plant are used. It is growing everywhere in warm regions, there is no shortage of raw materials in our country, so the final processing product is inexpensive.

Castor bean fruit is rich in vegetable oil, it takes up to eighty percent of the volume of each seed. It is not difficult to get it - in the pharmacological industry, the standard technology of cold pressing is used. Then the product is treated with steam with a temperature above one hundred and twenty degrees. As a result of heat treatment, toxic substances present in the seeds and leaves of castor bean plant are destroyed in it.

It is not allowed to harvest castor oil independently. At home, it is impossible to warm it up in the required way to ensure the destruction of toxins. Product without treatment is dangerous. Ricinin alkaloid causes severe damage to the body's systems even when inhaled. The consequences of poisoning are irreversible, since ricinin destroys the structure of the protein in the tissues.

Castor flowers

What is castor oil?

As a result of heat treatment, the toxin is completely destroyed, so castor oil can be taken orally. At home, it has traditionally been used as a laxative. Its medicinal properties, as a restorative composition, are based on the content of fatty acids.

Castor oil contains few components. It is almost a hundred percent a mixture of plant triglycerides. More than eighty percent of the composition is ricinoleic acid, the remaining components are linoleic and oleic acid.

Ricinoleic acid is viscous, consists of large molecules with an unstable structure. Only one unsaturated bond is retained by the molecules in a holistic state, and this bond is easy to break. Such a structure determines the basic properties of a substance. Castor oil is almost the only one that dissolves almost completely in alcohol and does not form a film on the surface of liquids.

Traditional medicine ascribes antiseptic properties and the ability to activate tissue regeneration. Castor oil is a common component of professional cosmetics for the care of oily, aging skin and hair.

Castor oil

Features of exposure to masks for cosmetic purposes

In professional cosmetology, cosmetic masks with castor face oil are often used. The ingredient is a common component of emollients. The principle of their action is to introduce the molecules of the drug into the space between the surface cells with corneocytes, which makes it possible to smooth even heavily roughened skin. In this case, castor oil is used in the form of an aqueous emulsion, its concentration in professional care products is from three to twenty-five percent, which is important for easy application of the composition and its sufficient absorption by the skin.

Too oily skin products are not absorbed, therefore, in its pure form, castor oil is not used in professional cosmetology.Only in the form of an aqueous emulsion does the agent provide a sufficient effect of clogging the space between skin cells.

As a softening component, castor oil is a part of day and night thick creams, combined anti-wrinkle products.

Young woman looking in the mirror

Use of funds

Useful properties of the product can be used to benefit the skin of the face, as well as for eyelashes, eyebrows, and fight against inflammation and rashes. The benefits of castor oil, consisting of fatty acids, will be appreciated by tired skin, with early manifestations of aging. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug, except for individual intolerance. When you can not smear with a remedy?

Indications, on the contrary, are many:

  • dry skin;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • warts;
  • freckles, age spots;
  • inflammation, acne.

But when using the product, it is important to consider its high fat content. Castor oil is heavy; it is not left on the skin at night. It is especially important to consider this when using castor oil for wrinkles under the eyes.

Eye and eyelashes

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Folk cosmetology has assigned this product the status of “first aid” to ensure eyelash growth. However, science does not share this opinion. “There are two types of products intended for the care of eyelashes,” comments Galina Kornienko, specialist in aesthetic medicine, author of articles in the portal of the beauty industry Professional. - They differ in principle of action. The former are designed to nourish, moisturize the hairs, and the latter activate their growth. ”

According to Galina Kornienko, there is a common misconception that castor oil can enhance eyelash growth. It is really useful for hairs, as it improves their structure, but nothing more. Castor oil does not stimulate the growth of eyelashes, does not make them more dense or dense. It moisturizes the hairs, compacts their cells, due to which the cilia look darker.

Apply the product on the hairs along the entire length. It is especially useful to do this in winter, when the eyelashes are exposed to the cold and become thinner. The application technique is simple: distribute the composition evenly over the eyelashes, leave for twenty minutes and blot with a napkin.

You can’t leave the product in front of your eyes at night. Castor oil can cause eye mucous membrane irritation, redness and swelling of the eyelids in the morning.

Castor oil masks can help improve the appearance of eyebrows, especially if you add vitamin E. The hairs will become shiny and stronger. It is enough to apply the composition to the eyebrows with a brush, evenly distributing along the entire line. You can make a massage by gently pressing or pinching your eyebrows with your index finger and thumb.

Young woman holding a bottle of oil


Castor face oil for wrinkles is used as a component of age-related cosmetics. It effectively softens and moisturizes the skin, reduces daily loss of moisture. But to hope that with its help deep wrinkles disappear is not worth it.

The cause of deep wrinkles are deep changes in the structure of the skin, the usual facial expressions, a natural violation of the density of collagen fibers. Castor does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis, it only works on the surface. The oil composition clogs the areas between cells through which the epidermis loses moisture.

Loss of fluid leads to dire consequences - from loss of skin tone to the appearance of fine wrinkles. Evidence that wrinkles are caused precisely by dry skin, is their appearance. They resemble crumpled paper, and the skin looks like transparent thin parchment. If you encounter such a problem as a result of improper skin care, violation of the rules of its moisturizing and nutrition, castor oil compresses will be useful.

According to reviews, castor oil for the face from wrinkles should be used subject to certain nuances.

  • Not in its pure form. The composition is very oily and poorly absorbed, so it should be used in the form of an aqueous emulsion or in combination with another natural oil.Effectively nourishes the skin and saturates it with valuable substances olive oil. Mix it with castor in equal proportions and apply with a cotton pad to areas where there are wrinkles.
  • Long course. With regular use, the composition will improve the condition of the skin and reduce the severity of wrinkles. The net of fine wrinkles that has arisen due to the dryness of the epidermis will disappear. To achieve the effect, it is important to apply oil compresses twice a day for a month.
  • Use warm. When touching the skin of cold surfaces, its pores close, microcurrents circulate more slowly. To ensure high-quality penetration into the caring composition, it must be warm. Warm the oil in a water bath before use.
  • Combine with other components. Regardless of the type of skin in winter and summer, a mask with castor oil, honey, banana and sour cream will be useful. It can be confidently called a universal remedy for dry skin, early and facial wrinkles, prevention of aging from exposure to external aggressive factors. One application will require half a banana, three drops of oil, a teaspoon of honey and sour cream. The components should be mixed, applied to cleansed skin and left for twenty minutes.

Castor oil should not be added to the finished professional wrinkle cream. The compositions of high-quality cosmetics are carefully designed, verified, each ingredient complements the other, and in the complex they work most effectively. A couple of drops of castor oil on a jar of cream will not improve its properties, on the contrary, it can reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Initially, choose caring for wrinkles with castor oil in the composition.

An effective way to combat wrinkles will be a massage with castor oil. Warm it, apply on the massage lines of the cleansed face. Use your fingertips to follow them, making light tapping movements. Leave the product on the skin for an hour, then remove with a cloth.

Castor oil and seeds

From age spots, scars

The ability of castor oil to soften the skin allows you to recommend it for the treatment of scars. It softens the densified layers of the epidermis, improves blood microcirculation at the site of exposure, thereby stimulating the resorption of scar tissue. According to a similar principle, castor oil treats other skin seals and growths - from corns to warts.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of castor oil for the face from age spots. Its lightening effect has been proven with regular application to hyperpigmentation sites. With the help of the product, you can get rid of pigmentation resulting from tanning, from freckles.

Castor oil in a bottle

Use the tool in this case should be in its pure form.

  • Do not breed oil. Apply it warm on problem areas. Leave on the skin for up to ten minutes, then rinse. To disinfect warts, scar tissue can be used to remove residual oil infusion of chamomile.
  • Apply dot. The oily substance forms a dense film on the skin. With a fatty type of epidermis, this can cause clogging of pores and an increase in the intensity of rashes. In order not to harm, apply the product only to problem areas: scar tissue, freckles with a cotton swab.
  • Use often. The more often the composition is applied, the more noticeable the result will be. For the treatment of scars, a emollient emulsion should be applied at least twice a day. The course of treatment will be two to three months, with compacted, old scars, treatment is recommended to continue for up to a year. Lightening of age spots occurs within a month when applying the product up to five times a day.

Beauticians point to the ability of castor oil to remove toxins from the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This increases its regenerative properties.

Butter in a spoon

For acne

Castor oil for facial acne is often used in folk medicine. However, cosmetologists do not consider this practice safe.The ricinoleic acid contained in the product, in fact, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity, the ability to inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora. But when applied to healthy areas of problem skin, the opposite effect may occur: tissue tightening as a result of clogging of pores, the inability to remove sebum to the surface of the epidermis, its preservation in the pores, and stimulation of acne and inflammation.

To treat acne, apply pure castor oil to the inflamed areas pointwise. Pat patches with fingertips and leave for two hours. After that, remove the castor that has not had time to soak in with a napkin.

Each recipe for castor oil for the face is based on its ability to soften the skin. The composition has a high fat content, as it is a mixture of fatty acids. It does not penetrate the dermis, works in the upper layer of the epidermis, and softens it well by blocking areas between structural cells.

Castor retains moisture in the skin and has antimicrobial activity. Therefore, it is able to cope with small wrinkles caused by dry epidermis and inflammation in its surface layer.

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