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Calendula officinalis (marigolds) belongs to the Astrov family. By the strength of the anti-inflammatory action, it is equated tocamomile, but in terms of antiseptic effect - the flower even surpasses its popular "relative".
Marigold flowers have a rich chemical composition:
- essential oil - eliminates microorganisms, stimulates the production of bile, relieves inflammation;
- carotenoids - prevent vitamin deficiency, participate in metabolism, regulate oily skin, stimulate regeneration;
- slime- envelop damage, reduce irritation, prevent inflammation;
- organic acids- neutralize bacteria, regulate acidity, normalize metabolism;
- flavonoids - neutralize radicals, stimulate renewal, prevent aging;
- vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, regulates the adrenal glands, normalizes the state of blood vessels;
- tannins - relieve inflammation and swelling, accelerate healing, cleanse the body.
In addition to these substances, sterols, resins, coumarins, anthocyanins, saponins, and bitterness are revealed in calendula.
Healing properties
Active components give raw materials choleretic, diuretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When preparing extracts from plant materials, the active substances pass into the liquid fraction, therefore they are used:
- to strengthen immunity;
- cold prevention;
- prevention of stagnation of bile;
- with vitamin deficiency;
- with internal inflammation;
- for the treatment of oncology;
- to restore the body after serious illness;
- after chemotherapy;
- for gargling with sore throat and pharyngitis;
- for the oral cavity with periodontal disease and stomatitis;
- with inflammation of the middle ear;
- for douching with gynecological pathologies;
- for the regulation of hormonal levels;
- to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids;
- after poisoning;
- for the treatment of herpes;
- with increased oily skin;
- from purulent wounds and abscesses;
- for regulating oily hair and preventing baldness.
Skin Benefits
Plant extracts act on the skin as follows:
- narrow pores;
- regulate fat content;
- reduce inflammation;
- prevent abscesses;
- injuries heal;
- abscesses dissolve;
- warn post-acne;
- stimulate renewal;
- rejuvenate.
A special role in the composition of the plant is assigned to carotenoids. These substances act as regulators of the sebaceous glands. They treat acne, smooth the structure and color of the skin. Compounds also stimulate exfoliation of keratinized epithelium, gently smooth wrinkles.
Essential oil of a flower is active against heterogeneous bacteria, fungi and viruses. Hoods help fight a rash of infectious origin, prevent its spread. In addition, calendula stimulates local immunity and helps restore the natural protective functions of the epidermis. Makes it more resistant to microorganism attacks.
Also, their flower medications stimulate cell renewal, regulate the level of skin moisture.All this is necessary to maintain youthfulness and attractive appearance.
We cannot exclude the risk of individual sensitivity of the patient to biologically active substances of the plant. Before using extracts from flowers, you must definitely do an allergy test. Apply a small amount of extract to your wrist skin. If allergies do not occur, then the solution can be used.
Calendula tinctures are contraindicated for external use in children under six years of age. Ingestion is prohibited for up to 12 years. Also, the medicine is not recommended for pregnant and lactating.
Harvesting raw materials and homemade tincture recipes
The easiest option is to purchase a pharmacy tincture on the nails. The concentration of the funds is 10%. A preparation is being prepared for alcohol using dried flowers. The tool is used to treat damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
Pharmacies also sell dried flowers, suitable for the preparation of water and alcohol extracts at home. But you can also independently prepare raw materials or make medicines from fresh baskets in the summer. Plant mass is stored as follows.
- Collection. In dry weather, flowering, well-opened baskets are collected. Bright orange should be preferred - they have more useful substances.
- Training. The flowers are sorted for impurities, insects, the remains of the pedicels are cut off.
- Drying. They are laid out in a thin layer on a pallet. Put to dry in the shade with good ventilation. Before complete drying, the raw materials must be regularly turned over.
- Storage. Raw materials harvested at home are best stored for no longer than a year. Use for this should be a dense multilayer container of paper or hermetically sealed glass, porcelain containers.
Extract from fresh raw materials
- Flowering baskets of marigolds are cut without pedicels, loosely stacked in a glass container to the neck.
- Completely filled with high-quality pure vodka, tightly corked.
- They put in a dark place for ten days. Shake the container daily.
- After filtering, use externally. Be sure to bred: take a teaspoon of the drug in a glass of water.
The analogue of a pharmacy drug
- A couple of tablespoons of dried marigold baskets are placed in a glass container with a tight lid.
- Pour with 70% alcohol (200 ml).
- Put the container for two weeks in a dark place, shake it regularly.
- After filtering, the inflamed areas are treated. More often also dissolved in water.
Chatterbox Options
Pure tincture on the orange flowers of the marigold is instilled in the ears for otitis media, treated with a rash with chickenpox, herpes. Spot application is possible on inflamed tubercles. The product will dry, relieve redness and pain. Already on the second day of use, the "enemy" will decrease in size and will be almost invisible. In this way, acne scars can also be prevented, since the antiseptic stops the suppuration and regenerates the skin in an inflamed place.
The combination of calendula with other antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs is popular:
- streptocide;
- chloramphenicol;
- acetylsalicylic acid;
- tea tree oil.
Auxiliary components are injected directly into the tincture bottle. The result is a kind of talker enhanced action. Dosage of solid components in one bottle (50 ml) - four tablets.They are pushed until a fine powder is obtained, after which they are poured into a container. Close it tightly, shake it until smooth. This manipulation should be repeated before each use of the product.
Tincture of calendula with chloramphenicol requires careful use. An antibiotic can cause the development of resistance to rash-causing bacteria. An extract with aspirin relieves inflammation and dries well, is not addictive. However, it may cause irritation.
Girls praise the combination of the drug with tea tree: eliminates inflamed, white and internal acne in just two days.
Infusion and ointment
With dry, sensitive skin, acne, dermatitis, the plant can be used in milder forms. For example, an ointment is prepared on the basis of a flower extract and petroleum jelly. The tool is considered non-comedogenic, but has a fairly dense structure. For this reason, it is better to apply directly to inflamed areas, avoiding healthy ones. You can use the drug at night or repeat acne treatment several times during the day.
They also make an infusion of two tablespoons of flowers and a glass of boiling water. The raw materials are steamed, allowed to cool, and then filtered. The resulting tool is used in different ways.
- Irrigation. So you can finish the morning and evening washing procedures. It tones the skin, moisturizes, and also regulates the sebaceous glands.
- Ice rubbing. Ice from the infusion of marigolds can be used in the morning after washing. In addition to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, such a procedure will contribute to the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin.
- Compresses In the infusion, a gauze napkin is moistened, after which it is applied to sore places for 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out up to three times a day.
Another way to treat a rash is to apply steamed plant material to acne. Calendula in filter bags is brewed in a small amount of water, the bag is squeezed, applied to the affected skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off any remaining product. You can wipe your back, neck, and décolleté with the same bag after hygienic procedures.
The opinion of experts
Beauticians and practicing dermatologists are skeptical of herbal marigold medicines. Water extracts, according to experts, can still be used as an adjunct to occupational therapy. (The latter involves the use of medications for rashes and special cosmetics). But the tincture is harmful. There are several reasons for this. Herbal remedy:
- very dry skin;
- provokes hyperkeratosis;
- increases the number of rashes;
- reduces local immunity;
- destroys the hydrolipidic barrier, opening the cells of infection;
- provokes premature aging.
Such effects are explained by the content in the composition of high concentrations of alcohol. It is he who makes the skin defend itself, producing excess fat, dries and thickens the dead layer.
Yes, you can dilute the medicine in more water. (People make a light lotion by mixing a teaspoon of the drug with two glasses of liquid). Dermatologists agree that such manipulation really reduces the destructive effect of alcohol, but at the same time nullifies all the beneficial properties of the plant. The result is not a healing agent, but a “dummy”. Therefore, let’s say the only effective and safe option for using the medicine is exclusively pointwise and situational.