Ways of tying long shoelaces: what weaving is recommended by shoe makers on shoes, boots, sneakers

Most people, when buying sneakers, sneakers or boots, for all the time, socks never touch the factory lacing. Many leave it in its original form due to the inability to originally lace up shoes. Meanwhile, knowing how to tie shoelaces beautifully, you can emphasize your personality, attract the attention of passers-by and make friends and colleagues enthusiastically ask: “Show me how you do it?”
Father tying shoelaces for his son

Connoisseurs say: “Shoes that are correctly matched to the outfit are 50% of the image’s success.” A spectacular pair is able to turn ordinary casual clothes into an evening toilet. But tasteless shoes, on the contrary, will devalue even a very expensive and stylish designer dress. Original shoe lacing will help enhance the effect of a well-chosen pair and will set you apart in the crowd.

A true master in lacing is considered a resident of the Australian continent named Jan Figen. The lacing guru has his own website on which he lays out every day more and more new ways to turn factory lacing into an original shoe weave. Here's who really needs to learn the patterns of tying shoelaces and creating intricate knots. It turns out that this is a whole art!

5 simple and original ways to lace up

In fact, there are a lot of methods for lacing shoes. Part of the invented methods to the ordinary person seems intricate and difficult to implement. But there are 5 ways to tie shoelaces that everyone can do. They are simple, fast and very original. With their help, everyone can revive the traditional face of their sneakers or sneakers. Below, each of these methods is described in stages.


Features Having completed just a few manipulations, you can decorate the shoes with the grill created on the lacing. This, by the way, is one of the most popular answers to the question of how to lace up long shoelaces. To create a lattice, you need long pieces of thin rope. From short segments to create such beauty will not work. One of the features of this method is that at the end of weaving, tightening the lacing will not work. To create it, shoes with six or more pairs of holes are suitable.

Execution algorithm

  1. Cross the laces at right angles, effectively weaving one into the other.
  2. First weave the grate with one string.
  3. Then complete the weaving with another lace.
Surprisingly, before the beginning of the twentieth century, lacing was not at all popular. Instead, the shoes were fixed on the foot with special buttons and metal buckles, which at times had a very bizarre appearance.

Hidden node

Features A hidden knot is the best way to lace up shoes so that no laces are visible. This method is especially popular among runners and cyclists. And also among those who are annoyed by the bow dangling from above. The hidden node opens the gaze of passers-by (and yours too) an exceptionally external picture, without showing what is happening inside. Using this method for lacing a sneaker, it should be remembered that the method is relevant only for shoes with an even number of holes. Lacing a pair with 3 holes or 5 holes with a hidden node will not work.

Execution algorithm

  1. We put the rope in the lower hole on one side, letting the lace inward.
  2. Next, we screw its other end into the hole above - in the same row.
  3. After these two actions, the cord should form a straight line that will be parallel to the line of holes.
  4. We skip one horizontal row of holes.
  5. At one end of the rope we exit into the hole above, without changing sides.
  6. All subsequent empty holes in this row are filled in exactly the same way.
  7. In a similar way, the second vertical row of holes is filled.
The second name of the method is closed or straight lacing. It is a hallmark of Oxford shoes - the “antagonists” of the derby. In the first, unlike the second, the vamp is sewn on top of the berets, and not under them.


Features Ideal shoes for weaving "stairs" are high boots. And if in your shoe arsenal there are also multi-colored ropes, you can get a bright and unusual lacing masterpiece. It is important that these strings are not short.

Execution algorithm

  1. Using the bottom row of holes, we fill the ropes from the inside of the shoe.
  2. We insert their ends into the second row of holes.
  3. We cross the ends: the end of the left rope should go under the right and fall into the right hole in the third row, and the end of the right - exactly the opposite.
  4. Following the algorithm, we continue to lace up our boots to the very top.
  5. Having reached the top row of holes and lacing them, the ends of the ropes must be parted in opposite directions.
This method is often called the army. The second name is due to the fact that the described method is popular with US Army soldiers, who often lace up boots or berets in this way.


Features Each of us has been familiar with this method of lacing since childhood. It can be safely called traditional and familiar to our hands and eyes. However, this “Display” method does not get worse or more boring. On some shoes, he looks the most neat and profitable. Important: the “display” is suitable for lacing shoes with an even number of holes - with 4 holes, with six, eight and so on.

Execution algorithm

  1. We put the cord into the bottom hole on the left.
  2. Skipping one row of holes, make a kind of zigzag and thread the rope into the second hole from below on the opposite vertical line of the holes.
  3. We continue in the same spirit to the very top from one side and the other.
A display is the most suitable way to lace up your boots in a classic style.


Features This method of lacing can be safely considered the most feminine and artistic. It is not worth lacing men's shoes with the Lightning method. But on high boots or boots, belonging to the fair sex, “Lightning” will look great.

Execution algorithm

  1. We start the process from the bottom row of holes.
  2. Pass both ends of the lace into the lower holes on the inside.
  3. Wrap each end in its own stitch.
  4. We get each end through the opposite holes located in the second row.
  5. Pull each lace under your stitch again.
  6. We proceed in this way to the next horizontal row of holes.
You can also lace up with “lightning” figure skates. It is not only beautiful, but also functional: the “lightning” qualitatively fixes sports equipment on the leg.

We select weaving for shoes

Of course, any of the lacing options described above can be applied to any shoe pair. But a real shoe perfectionist must have the rules of conformity and skillfully choose the method depending on the type of shoe. The following table will help you figure it out.

Ttable - Correspondence of lacing methods to shoe types

Lacing methodSneakers, sneakersDerby (Open Lace-up Shoes)Oxfords (lace-up shoes)Sports shoesWomen's boots, over the knee boots, high-top shoesBrogues (shoes with perforation)Bertsa, military boots
Hidden node++++-+-

How to tie shoelaces beautifully: knots

If mastering the artistic methods of lacing is a whole art, then their banal tying is a skill familiar to us from early childhood.And the situation with the untied shoelaces is a parable at all. And not only for babies, but also for adults. Like tightly tied, checked, pulled. But he took only a couple of steps - and now both ends are already hanging out in free flight. You may be surprised, but the methods for tying shoelaces can be very different. There are a great many of them, like the methods of lacing sneakers and sneakers. Below are just a few of the most popular options.

Classic bow

Features The usual bow that our parents taught us to tie since childhood is a traditional knot called Ian. In practice, any adult can easily show it. But not everyone can tell in theory.

Execution algorithm

  1. We make a loop at the end of the right lace.
  2. We make a loop at the end of the left lace.
  3. At the same time, we skip both loops made into each other.
  4. Tighten the loop to form a knot.
The name Ian received the most popular and most often found on shoes node, thanks to its inventor. The man who figured out how to tie a bow on shoelaces correctly and quickly was called Yang.

Ian’s Secure Knot: registered

Feature. The Ian’s Secure site is distinguished from its brethren by an aesthetic appearance. Its highlight is symmetry, and the main advantage is strength.

Execution algorithm

  1. We form a loop on one rope, and then the exact same loop on another.
  2. We pass both prepared loops through the middle loop.
  3. Tighten.
Translated into Russian, the name of the site sounds like “Jan’s safe site” - after the name of its inventor.

Double Knot: Double

Features The name of the site is translated into Russian as "double." It is rude in appearance, slightly bulky.

Execution algorithm

  1. We form a regular, standard node.
  2. We make the loops slightly longer than usual.
  3. We tie another exactly the same knot.

Two Loop Knot: children

Features It is believed that this particular method of tying boots or sneakers is the easiest for the younger generation to master. The second name of the node is “hare ears”.

Execution algorithm

  1. We make a loop on one rope, and then a similar loop on the other.
  2. We pass one prepared loop through the middle loop.
  3. Tie and tighten.
Common phraseology among young people “shoelaces in a glass” means that parents are at home.

Two Stage Knot: Intricate

Features This node can be called beautiful only with a big stretch. The reason is the lack of symmetry. However, with it you can really tightly tie the laces on the sneakers so as not to tie them again after a while.

Execution algorithm

  1. We form a loop at one end of the rope.
  2. We gird the formed loop with the second end of the lace.
  3. Pass the automatically formed second loop into the middle.
  4. Tighten.
  5. We gird the first end with the second end of the lace.
  6. We pass the first end into the resulting loop.
Stage Knot - a way to make sure that the laces do not untie. Even if you pull on one lace, the knot will remain strong. Only one part of it will be untied, and not the entire unit.

Surgeon’s Knot: Surgical

Features The knot is simple in execution and very strong.

Execution algorithm

  1. We form a standard node.
  2. Repeat the left end in the loop.
  3. Tighten.
Surprisingly, on average, over the course of a lifetime, an average person ties a knot on shoelaces more than 12,000 times.

Lace up without tying

If the knot on the shoes interferes with life, you can use the lacing method without a bow. Gum shoelaces can cope with the task as well as possible. This is a simple and secure foot fix for lacing running shoes without tying. Just insert the strips into the holes and adjust to the volume using special fasteners.

Theoretically, a pair of shoes with 12 holes can be laced in two trillion different ways. Turning ordinary shoelaces into a bright accent of the image is easy. The main thing is not to be too lazy and spend a little time on the development of dexterity and dexterity in the formation of knots and patterns.The original lacing of shoes carries in earnest, and the result makes passersby enthusiastically round their eyes.

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