How to get pregnant after a miscarriage: 5 components of success

A miscarriage is not a reason to forget about the happiness of motherhood. But rather a warning about the problems of your body. How to cope with them, avoid them in the future and become pregnant after a miscarriage, we will tell in this article.
Girl looks at a pregnancy test

According to statistics, exactly half of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. And often a woman does not even suspect that a child was developing inside her. Involuntary abortion occurs in the period from several days to several weeks from the moment of conception. Several factors contribute to this.

Causes of Miscarriage

  • "Natural selection". The mother's body expels the embryo, which develops with defects incompatible with life. This usually occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Venereal diseases. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpetic infection - these and other genital diseases cause severe inflammatory processes. During pregnancy, they worsen, melt the mucous tube of the uterus and activate inflammation of the uterine endometrium, on which the fetal egg is attached. Sexually transmitted diseases entail not only an involuntary termination of pregnancy, but also situations when it is not possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage.
  • Abortion and genital surgery, mechanical damage to the uterus, its deformation, adhesions. The cause of the miscarriage is the weakened cervix, which is not able to hold the fetal egg inside. Sometimes bend of the uterus can interfere with pregnancy due to abnormalities in the structure of the organ.
  • Hormone imbalance. The hormones produced by the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland influence the course of pregnancy. They can cause a miscarriage at any time.
  • Chronic diseases These include problems of the cardiovascular system, metabolism, and weight loss. The probability of becoming pregnant after a miscarriage is higher in women who are not suffering from anorexia and obesity.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

How long after a spontaneous miscarriage and cleansing can I get pregnant? To plan a pregnancy, you need to consult an obstetrician. According to obstetrician-gynecologists, planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage is possible after 3-6 months. Some experts talk about the need to wait a year.

But only a doctor who knows about your problem should help you answer the question of how to get pregnant better and faster. After all, it’s important not how much you became pregnant after a miscarriage, but whether you were able to endure a new pregnancy.

In order to prevent a recurrence of the situation, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the miscarriage. To do this, you and your spouse will need to undergo an examination. As a rule, it includes the following.

  • A woman's blood test for hormones, and urine for ketosteroids. The object of the study will be the concentration in the body of the future mother of male sex hormones. You can notice their overabundance visually by excessive hairiness of the legs, arms, the presence of "antennae" on the face and dark hair in the lower abdomen.
  • Analysis of the adrenal gland and thyroid gland of a woman. Pregnancy after an early miscarriage is possible only in the absence of their dysfunction.
  • Examination of both parents for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Upon detection - mandatory treatment.
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, which allows you to see anomalies in the structure of the organ, growing neoplasms, the state of the endometrium.
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How to get pregnant after a miscarriage, if everything is fine

If a disease is detected, your doctor will prescribe treatment. And after a few months you can become pregnant and successfully bear a child.But if the doctors didn’t find anything? Then focus on your lifestyle.

  1. No nerves. After a miscarriage, you can immediately become pregnant, subject to an important rule: “I am calm. I am absolutely calm. " Eliminate everything that causes nervousness from your environment. Go with your husband to the resort, change the scenery. Your state of mind has a direct impact on the physical state. If nerves continue to be naughty, drink soothing leaf teas lemon balm and peppermint.
  2. No bad habits. Moreover, both parents need to give up alcohol and nicotine. They worsen the quality of male sperm, which is why pregnancy may not occur for a long time, and the fetus may form with defects.
  3. A minimum of drugs. Reduce all medications to the minimum possible. Be sure to consult your doctor if you are taking any of them constantly. Perhaps something can be replaced with dietary supplements, or even without them.
  4. Proper nutrition. You must eat fully. If you have a thin physique, eat more protein foods and proper fat (valuable fish, flaxseed, olives, avocados). It is protein-fat metabolism that has a direct effect on the production of sex hormones. If you have problems with excess weight and it is not a matter of hormonal disorders, include as many vegetables and fruits as possible in the diet. They should make up more than half of your daily diet, and 60% of them must be consumed raw.
  5. Intake of vitamin E and folic acid. These substances will prepare your body for pregnancy and help the proper development of the fetus in the first, most dangerous weeks at risk of miscarriage.

So, is it possible to become a mother after a miscarriage? Sure you may. Approach your future pregnancy responsibly. And the second time you will surely succeed!

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