How to get pregnant quickly - folk remedies, time-tested!

Despite the absence of disease, many young people cannot conceive a child for a long time. Why is this happening, science still does not know the answer. But traditional medicine has useful recommendations on how to get pregnant quickly, if it does not work. So, remember how to get pregnant quickly with folk remedies!

What should a couple do if pregnancy does not occur after several months of active attempts? First of all, it is necessary to visit specialists and undergo an examination for the presence of pathologies of the reproductive system and diseases. If the examination reveals that everything is in order with both partners, attempts should be continued. Only make them more fruitful.

Why can't I get pregnant the first time?

No doctor will give you a definite answer. So how is it faster to get pregnant? As a rule, several negative factors coinciding in one pair are to blame for this.

Frequent drinking, smoking

It is proved that harmful substances entering the body adversely affect the functioning of the reproductive system. In men, they practically immobilize sperm. And even being in a woman’s body, they cannot move in search of an egg. In women, alcohol and nicotine can completely stop the production of eggs for several menstrual cycles. Doctors recommend a complete cessation of alcohol and smoking. Or, as a last resort, reducing alcohol consumption to a couple of times a month.


If young people often quarrel or a woman experiences negative emotions at work, her body may include natural protection against procreation. It is known that during the war period, when women, on a par with men, worked for wear and tear, for many menstruation stopped and temporary infertility occurred. Therefore, before trying how to get pregnant quickly with the help of folk remedies, take a deep breath, leave in the past all the negativity, get only positive emotions and enjoy every day.

Wrong clothes for men

Yes, even clothing affects the quality of male sperm and the number of active sperm in it. Forget about synthetic swimming trunks, boxers and thongs. Wear only cotton family briefs in which your genital organs feel best. Do not overheat or overcool your pelvic area.

Attempts to get pregnant at the wrong time

Want to learn how to get pregnant the first time? Accurately determine the day of your ovulation and actively have sex on this and the next day. Oddly enough, the female body is almost not able to conceive. A happy event can happen only within 48 hours after the ovum leaves the ovary while it makes its way through the genital tract to the uterus. Use the measurement method to calculate your ovulation day. basal temperature body, buy a couple of ovulation tests at the pharmacy or monitor your well-being. If somewhere in the middle of the cycle you have increased the volume of vaginal discharge and the lower abdomen is sick, this day has come.

How to get pregnant after your period: tips and best postures

How to solve the problem of pregnancy at home, so as not to take medical measures. After eliminating all the negative factors, proceed to the most pleasant thing - sex, which will definitely make you mom and dad in 9 months. But you also need to deal with it correctly.

  • Poses from behind or from above. Nothing personal, simple physiology. In the “behind” poses, the man’s deepest penetration and ejaculation are ensured with maximum proximity to the cervix. You will improve the pose “from above” with a pillow under the woman’s hips to raise the pelvis higher. So sperm will not leak.
  • Raise your legs up after sex. Try this method, how to get pregnant quickly, if you can not. Do not immediately get out of bed, raise your legs on the wall and lie down for half an hour. Let all the active sperm cells make their way to where at least one of them must meet an egg.
  • Do not take a shower for 2-3 hours. Do not rush to the bathroom immediately after sex. Water with soap actually immobilizes sperm, and contact with soap foam within 40 seconds completely kills them. Set aside a shower for later.

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How easy it is to get pregnant if you can't. Folk Method No. 1

Herbs will be excellent helpers in the matter of pregnancy. What to drink to have an effect? Here are the most popular and helping folk ways to get pregnant quickly.

Fertility uterus

Can I drink it without the knowledge of a doctor? Yes! Used for centuries and proves its effectiveness. The broth eliminates the inflammatory processes of the genital organs and paths, stimulates the activity of the eggs. For its preparation:

  1. 2 tablespoons of dried grass pour 0.5 liters of water;
  2. bring to a boil, remove from heat;
  3. put in a dark place for 30 minutes;
  4. strain and pour into a clean bowl;
  5. use 1 tablespoon before each meal.


The plant contains natural phytoestrogens similar to female sex hormones. Activates the reproductive system of women. To prepare a decoction:

  1. 1 tablespoon of sage pour 0.2 liters of boiling water;
  2. put in a dark place for 1 hour;
  3. take 2 times a day for 1 tablespoon for a month. Stop taking menstruation. If pregnancy does not occur, take a break for 1 month and continue taking it.

Red brush

A plant to combat female infertility and diseases of the genital area. Contains a large amount of phytohormones. To prepare a decoction:

  1. grind the root red brush;
  2. 1 tablespoon pour 0.2 liters of boiling water;
  3. put in a water bath, cook for 15 minutes;
  4. remove from the stove, insist in a dark place for 45 minutes, strain;
  5. take 1 tablespoon of the broth daily for 30-40 days before each meal. Take a break for 10-15 days and continue taking it.


Plantain seeds are effective in infertility, reviews confirm this. However, they need to be taken by a man. Prepare the broth in this way:

  1. 1 tablespoon of seeds pour 0.2 liters of boiling water;
  2. put in a water bath, simmer for 10 minutes;
  3. remove from the stove and insist in a dark place for an hour;
  4. take 2 tablespoons 2 times a day before meals.

Now you know how to get pregnant - folk methods will become your best helpers. Forget about worries, eat well, use our tips. And you will succeed!

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