How to remove a greasy stain from clothes: we erase the traces of a delicious dinner at home

Fried cutlets in a hot skillet, dropped a ham, leaned against a dirty part in the workshop - hard-to-get stains here. There would not be so many ways to remove a greasy stain from clothes if they were all truly effective. Alas, most methods are a waste of time. How not to miss the choice of a fat-removing agent and what nuances should be taken into account so that the procedure gives the desired result?
The woman at the washing machine looks at the laundry with horror

As a rule, the severity of the problem is detected after washing. Since the first thing that is usually done in such cases is washing clothes in hot water using ordinary powder. If this did not have an effect, then it is worth resorting to more radical methods in order to remove fat from clothes.

There are general recommendations that are suitable for all cases, without exception, and make it easier to remove a greasy stain from oil on clothing. There are only six of them.

  1. Visual control. Carefully inspect clothing; there may be more than one stain. Especially if you managed to fold the soiled dress, then the oily "blot" may well be imprinted on the other hand.
  2. Insulation. If you decide to stretch dirty jeans or a sweater first, and only then decide on additional cleaning products, do not put them with other things, but scroll separately.
  3. Test. Before applying the cleanser to the fabric, it is necessary to conduct a test on an inconspicuous area or on a patch that comes with the tag. To do this, apply the selected product and leave for 30 minutes for exposure. Then rinse and evaluate the result. If the color of the fabric does not fade, then you can use the selected stain-removing composition directly on the contaminated area.
  4. Protection. Before treating the stain with a stain-removing compound, it is necessary to put a clean white cloth on it from the wrong side. This will protect other areas from unnecessary exposure to chemicals.
  5. Treatment. The product is applied to the stain, starting from the edges to the center. This is necessary so that the "blot" is not blurred. Remember what happens when you drop a dishwashing liquid in the center of a greasy baking sheet? Fat "runs up" around. It can also happen with a stain.
  6. Rinse and wash. Before deciding how to clean a grease stain (with your hands or in a washing machine), you must thoroughly rinse and completely remove the cleaning agent from the fibers. For greater efficiency, you can first stretch it with your hands, and then send it to the drum of the washing machine.

First Order Tools

As with any other spots, time does not play on our side. Therefore, the faster the measures are taken, the higher the chance to save your favorite dress or even white pants. Before removing a greasy stain from clothes at home, carefully study the composition of the fabric, since the “behavior” during washing, and especially with the use of aggressive detergents, can differ significantly depending on what the clothes are made of. However, the operational measures taken to cleanse clothes from oily stains without washing are very similar.

The more fat is absorbed into the tissue fibers, the more difficult it will be to remove it. That is why experienced housewives, before staining the stain, try to minimize the amount of oil trapped on the fabric.For this, in no case should you use a napkin or substitute a thing under a stream of hot water. It is necessary to use substances that absorb fat due to its structure. For example, salt, starch, soda, or a slice of bread.

Laundry soap

How to wash grease stains on a shirt from borsch? Banal laundry soap is an excellent tool for getting rid of all kinds of stains and is suitable for any fabrics. Silk, chiffon and even an oily bologna jacket can be washed with it without fear. The texture of the fibers will not be damaged and the color will not come off.

The stain area is moistened and rubbed abundantly with household soap, in this form the thing should be left for five to six hours, after which it should be washed in warm water. To speed up the process, the thing is placed in a plastic bag. Then the exposure time is reduced to three hours.

In most cases, this is enough so that the question of how to get rid of a greasy stain on clothes disappears by itself. Even if this did not happen, then the greasy “blot” will definitely become more harmless and easy to clean further.

Baking soda in a jar and a toothbrush

Salt and soda

Often, fat drips onto clothes that are not recommended to be washed. In order not to bring the matter to dry cleaning, you can try to sprinkle a fresh stain, for example, on a leather jacket or down jacket, salt or soda. These substances, like a sponge, absorb excess fat, and if you act quickly, they can prevent the appearance of a greasy spot in principle. For the method to work, you need to take three actions.

  1. Pour a spot with salt or soda.
  2. Rub it thoroughly into the fibers with a brush (you can take an old toothbrush).
  3. Wait ten minutes and brush off the salt, which has already absorbed the fat.
If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. If we are talking about clothes that cannot be washed in the usual way, then after salt-soda, it is worth wiping the treated area with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.


If you believe the people's advice, then against fat it is worth using absorbent substances. Starch, talcum powder or ground chalk can be used on delicate and colored fabrics.

Starch, baby powder or chalk are abundantly poured onto the stain. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Then brush off the fat-absorbing substance with a brush and, after thorough rinsing, send the item to the wash.


The usual ammonia from the first-aid kit can save any tissue from stains of this kind. He is able to even remove the old greasy stain from colored clothes, not to mention fresh dirt. You need to do the procedure in four steps.

  1. Ammonia is mixed with normal water 1: 2.
  2. The mixture is applied to the contaminated area and left for 20 minutes.
  3. A cotton napkin is placed on the stain and ironed with a hot iron.
  4. After these manipulations, the thing is erased, as stated on the manufacturer’s tag.

Plastic bottles with detergents


The principles of exposure to fat on clothes and utensils are quite similar. After all, he is afraid in both cases of the same thing - hot water and strong detergents. The latter are found in abundance in the “Fairy” or cheaper means found in the kitchen.

We apply the detergent to the contaminated area, easily rub it in and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. After that we erase, as usual. The method is well suited as a prophylaxis. If you doubt that the powder removes suspicious stains, then feel free to treat them with Fairy before washing.

Fancy ways

If at hand there is none of the above means, then you can resort to the original solutions to the problem.

  • Mustard. But, of course, not sauce, but powder. He also has the ability to flush fat. Previously, they even washed dishes with mustard. Simply mix the dry powder with water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to the desired place for 15 minutes. After brush away.
  • Bread crumb. It acts like a sponge, absorbs any liquid, so you can try to get it wet with fresh contamination.
  • Shaving foam. If you lubricate a stain with it, it will stop the process of penetration of oil into the tissue fibers.
  • Shampoo for oily hair. As well as washing gel for problem skin. It is necessary to apply and hold for 20 minutes.

How to remove dried grease stain from clothes

In the fight against fresh spots, it is necessary to follow the principle of "do not let soak." But if time is lost and the stains appear after washing and ironing, how then to remove the old greasy stain from the clothes?

Before wiping off a greasy stain from clothes, again determine the type of fabric - this will solve the problem not only quickly and efficiently, but also safely. After all, you will have to use aggressive substances that not every thing transfers. Not only the remedy is important, but also the mode of exposure. For example, cotton T-shirts or sweatpants can be soaked with a cleaner. But velvet or suede trousers are best handled with brushes.

Gasoline and turpentine

A traditional and time-tested remedy helps against any kind of pollution, but before use it requires a test on a small shred, because it can leave streaks or reduce color.

Under the contaminated area, several layers of a white cotton napkin are placed and a cotton swab dipped in gasoline is treated with a “blot” from the edges to the center. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and wash in the usual way. Several washings may be required.

Turpentine is applied according to the same principle, and gives very noticeable results on fabrics with a strong color. Be sure to wear gloves.

Coca Cola

If Coca-Cola, when taken orally, is more likely to help grow fat, then when applied topically, it fights well with it. However, any highly carbonated sweet drink can handle this. Just fill it with a stain and leave for three hours, and then rinse and wash.


Not everyone keeps gas at home, and they are treated in a rather desperate way, and the smell does not allow it at home. Whether it’s glycerin. It not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also helps to defeat oily spots, because it refers to alcohols. In addition, it is well tolerated by capricious and delicate fabrics, even knitwear. There are several ways to use it to clean clothes. You can simply apply it to the fabric and leave for half an hour, or you can enhance its effect with liquid ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. In both cases, the ingredients are mixed at a ratio of 1: 1 and applied to the fabric for the same amount of time.

Specific greasy drips

The most offensive is to spoil the elegant dress on the long-awaited evening. After all, one often has to choose what specifically to save: clothes or a date. Keep calm and enjoy communication: remember that the spot can be “defeated” afterwards. Here are options for removing stains typical after dinner in a restaurant.

  • From engine oil. Imagine that the gentleman came after you, you are in an elegant long dress, preparing all evening. He also prepared and greased the doors of his car with engine oil, which immediately migrated to your hem. These stains are well removed by Fairy or a special tool for cleaning hands from the car shop. Also, turpentine mixed with ammonia is applied to the stain and left for 20 minutes.
  • From ketchup. Meat with tomato sauce looks good during a romantic dinner, but strives to drop it on a tie or on the hem. The first thing to do is remove the ketchup. For example, assemble it with the blunt side of a knife. It is better not to use a napkin, because it will only grease the stain and make it bigger. The site is covered with salt, left for ten minutes, and then washed off under running water. If the stain remains, then it is removed using hydrogen peroxide (moisten the area and leave for ten minutes).
  • From wax. A romantic candlelit dinner can cause paraffin or wax stains to appear on things. These are quite specific contaminants that require a different approach. If the candle was without dyes, then the clothes can be packed in a plastic bag and sent for 12 hours to the freezer. After that, carefully wipe the drops with your hands.If the wax was colored, then after this procedure, industrial bleaches can be used, including for colored fabrics.

There is simply no definite advice on how to get rid of a greasy stain on clothes. Reviews of the hostesses say that greasy spots do not always wash off the first time. But after a few washings, they become less and less noticeable. Therefore, before intensively rubbing the contaminated place with a cleaner, try washing your clothes several times in the usual way. Then, if the stain has not receded, you can experiment, each time picking up various stain-removing products.

Satisfied housewife with a stack of clean laundry

Reviews and experience experienced

Surprisingly, the simplest remedies are sometimes the most effective. True, I didn’t try gasoline (there’s nowhere to get it — don’t run to the nearest gas station with a small bottle), but a cheap dishwashing detergent (from those sold in five-liter canisters) used to help out. And with this tool you can wash the floor.
However, I have in my arsenal a strong (and not cheap) German remedy. But you can work with it only with gloves - it is very aggressive for the hands.


Vanish. Washes and oil stains and fruit and blood. Pour the stain on DRY clothes with Vanish for 15 minutes, then into the washer, in any mode suitable for the fabric (at least 30 * C, at least 40 * C).

a guest,

I had a long-standing greasy stain on a white jacket made of polyester, tried to remove it with ammonia, and ferry, and in many other ways, which did not help. But only 75% household soap and hot water saved me. Wet the spot with hot (almost boiling water) water, soaped households. soap and rubbing, and ... the stain began to disappear, although the procedure had to be repeated 3 times, but the stain disappeared completely and it took me 10 minutes. Then she rinsed in the typewriter and the thing was like new. I would be glad if my method helps someone. Good luck.


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