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A runny nose is an abundant discharge of mucus from the nose that occurs due to irritation of the mucosa. The cause of irritation may be ARI (acute respiratory illness) or an allergic reaction. Therefore, before starting to look for a cure for the common cold for children, it is necessary to find out what exactly caused its development.
How to find out the cause of a cold in a child
Watch the baby. If rhinitis (the so-called runny nose in medical practice) is accompanied by fever, general malaise, the baby’s refusal to eat, redness and sore throat, swelling of the tonsils, then the virus was most likely the cause.
Doctors consider the symptoms of allergic rhinitis to be clear, watery discharge from the nose, shortness of breath and regular sneezing attacks due to itching of the mucous membrane.
However, treatment should not be started without consulting a doctor, because with a viral rhinitis, other symptoms may not be pronounced, and it is extremely difficult for a specialist to notice them. And with allergic rhinitis, the participation of both mom and an allergist is required, who will recommend medications.
How to cure a runny nose in a child with acute respiratory infections
- Humidify the room. During the heating season, the air humidity in apartments decreases to almost 0, while for the normal state of the mucous membranes, humidity of 50-70% is required. Dry air will cause the mucus to dry in the baby’s nose. And instead of flowing out, it will collect in the sinuses, causing further inflammation and swelling. The result may be sinusitis or acute otitis media. To prevent this, turn on the humidifier in the children's room, regularly ventilate and do wet cleaning daily.
- Provide cool air. The temperature in the room of a sick child should not exceed 20 ° C. Dress your baby well or cover with a warm blanket. With an increase in body temperature, do not confuse the child - these you will violate his condition even more.
- Use runny nose drops for children. They will help relieve nasal congestion. But you can do this no more than 3-5 days. As a rule, on the sixth day, even severe swelling of the mucous membrane disappears, and the question of how to cure a runny nose in a child becomes less acute.
- Drink plenty of water. With an increase in body temperature, the human body actively loses fluid. Your task is to make up for it, for which any drinks are suitable: weak warm tea, compote, juices.
- Do not experiment. Your mom may have used inhalation for the common cold for children. But can you be sure that aromatic oil will not provoke even more swelling of the mucous membrane? Or that inhalation of hot potatoes will not cause a burn in the upper respiratory tract? Inhalation does not relieve nasal sinus congestion. But they can help to remove stagnation of mucus from them. For this, soda inhalation over warm (not hot!) Water is suitable.
- Give immunity a boost. Do not rush to send your child to kindergarten or school, as soon as he feels better. The fact is that the restoration of the mucous membrane occurs within about two weeks. The immunity needs the same amount of time in order to return to the state of “combat readiness”. If a fragile child encounters a new virus, he will fall ill again.And after a couple of such "experiments" on health, you will most likely be worried abouttreatment of adenoids in a child.
How to cure a runny nose in a child with allergies
To get rid of allergic rhinitis, you need the help of an allergist. It will help identify the allergen that causes rhinitis, recommend medication and a hypoallergenic diet.
Common pathogens of allergic reactions:
- pollen of plants and trees during flowering,
- pet hair
- dust mites
- mold.
For the treatment of the common cold, it is necessary to completely eliminate the contact of the child with the allergen. But if this is impossible to do, try to limit it as much as possible: sit at home during the flowering of poplars or ragweed or go for a couple of weeks to the grandmother in the village. If you are allergic to dust, remove carpets and soft toys, clean bedding, blankets and pillows, often ventilate rooms and arrange for wet cleaning.
And finally, remember the famous expression: if a cold is treated, it will pass in a week, and if not, then in 7 days? It is not entirely correct, since doing nothing during an allergy period can lead to the development of chronic rhinitis, adenoids, and bronchial asthma. And with acute respiratory infections - inflammatory processes. If the mother knows how to help her child cope with a runny nose, it will pass quickly and without consequences!