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Calorie consumption can vary significantly depending on the time of day, type of activity and human biological rhythms. In this regard, metabolism is usually divided into five categories.
- Basal level. The rate of metabolic processes at rest or during sleep. Energy is spent only on breathing, palpitations, blood circulation and brain work.
- BX.Minimum energy consumption to maintain normal functioning of the body. It accounts for up to 75% of calories in the body with food.
- Thermal effect of digestion. It makes up 10% of the total energy consumed. It is spent on food processing. This indicator has the highest value in the morning, within a few hours after waking up. Therefore, it is breakfast that should account for the lion's share of the daily calorie intake (35%).
- The thermal effect of exercise. The number of calories that are burned during sports training.
- Exchange of daily activity. Energy burned during all physical activities, except sports training. This is walking, and household chores, and mental work, and a static position.
What is metabolism?
The normal operation of all body systems largely depends on the metabolic rate. The vital activity of each internal organ is accompanied by energy consumption, so resources must be ingested regularly, and spent uninterrupted.
Key factors
To understand how to speed up the metabolism, you need to figure out what factors affect it. It is worth highlighting nine key points.
- Age. The older a person becomes, the slower are calories consumed in the body. That is why the vast majority of older people are overweight.
- Muscle mass. Muscle growth is accompanied by increased energy expenditure.
- Body parameters. A person with a large physique has more calorie consumption than people with miniature parameters. According to statistics, undersized people are more likely to be overweight than tall.
- Air temperature. Being in the cold, the body spends more energy to maintain normal functioning.
- Lifestyle. The more active a person is, the more energy he needs during the day. This is not only about physical activity, but also about mental activity.
- Food culture. The main source of energy for the body is food. Depending on its quality and frequency of receipt, the rate of metabolic processes can vary significantly.
- Genetics. As a rule, children inherit the metabolic rate from their parents. The rate may vary by approximately 10%.
- Hormonal background. Deviations can cause a slowdown in metabolism and, as a result, an increase in body weight. First of all, this applies to thyroid hormones and the reproductive system.
- Floor. In women, unlike men, the body is more prone to the accumulation of resources. That is why the fair sex is more often faced with the problem of excess weight.
3 myths and their debunking
Around the specifics of metabolic processes created a lot of myths. Three misconceptions, which have no foundation, are most widespread.
- Starvation promotes weight loss. Indeed, the first few days you will rapidly lose weight. But as you return to a normal diet, weight will increase at double speed. In addition, strict diets are a sure way to anorexia and bulimia.
- Lazy stomach - poor metabolism. Digestion should not be confused with metabolic processes. If you feel that your stomach is slowly processing food, just adjust your diet to lighter foods.
- You cannot change the metabolic rate. In most cases, a person can independently metabolize. Enough to eat right and move more.
Physical activity
To increase motor activity is the surest way to improve metabolism. The fact is that any movement is accompanied by the consumption of calories. Therefore, it is necessary to begin to fight stagnation in this direction.
Everyday tips
The phrase "physical activity" in most people causes associations with the gym. In fact, this concept combines any physical activity during the day. It is worth highlighting four tips on how to disperse metabolism at home.
- Walk more often. If possible, refuse public transport and elevators. In between work, be sure to walk around. In your free time, do not miss the opportunity to take a walk in the fresh air.
- Do housework. Make it a rule to arrange spring cleaning every weekend. Or distribute the processes evenly throughout the week.
- Move without moving. If you have to sit a lot, ensure at least minimal activity. For example, tap your fingers on the table, shake your leg, twist your head.
- Work while standing. Write, print, read, watch TV, cook - do everything in a standing position. This will allow you to spend almost 200 kcal more than if you carried out similar activities while sitting.
5 exercises
If you seriously aim to restore metabolism, you can not do without training. In this regard, the most effective strength exercises and cardio. Overclock low metabolism is possible thanks to five methods. The number of repetitions of ten or more, depending on how you feel.
- Squats With your feet wide apart and arms extended forward to balance, slowly squat and also slowly return to starting position. Focus on the heels. People in good physical shape can squat with weight (for example, with dumbbells).
- Push ups. Put your socks and palms on the floor, keeping the body level. Bending your elbows, press your chest against the floor and come back. If your muscles are weak, push up from the wall.
- Press. Lying on your back, put your hands under your head, and bend your knees. Raising your head and shoulder girdle, reach for your knees.
- The rise of the body. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, raise your hands, head and body from the floor, locking in position for five seconds. Hips and feet should remain on the floor.
- Running on the spot. For three to five minutes, run in place, working with bent legs. If the physical form allows, do the exercise, lifting your knees as high as possible.
To lose weight and improve well-being, do not install hard frames in the diet. Just adjust the menu adjusted for wholesome food.
Activator Products
Metabolism boosting products are probably on your menu. Just now they should become the basis of the diet, and not a complement to it. Nine key activators are identified.
- Coffee and green tea. These drinks are characterized by a high content of caffeine, which, in turn, can increase the metabolic rate to 11%.
- Whole wheat bread. The assimilation of such a product requires a lot of energy. In addition, it contains many trace elements and dietary fiber.
- Red beans. B vitamins accelerate the course of biochemical processes in the body, and zinc takes part in the formation of muscle fibers. Also, the product has a beneficial effect on the intestines.
- Poultry meat. This is the main source of protein, which, in turn, acts as a building material for muscles.
- Seafood. Suppress leptin synthesis. This hormone plays a key role in the formation of adipose tissue.
- Citrus. Ascorbic acid in the fruit stimulates digestion and has a fat burning effect. Citrus fruits also tend to neutralize cholesterol and strengthen immunity.
- Fruits and vegetables. This is a valuable source of vitamins. But most importantly, the fruits are an indispensable source of fiber, which naturally cleanses the body.
- Spice. Hot peppers, ginger, cinnamon and other spices warm the body from the inside, forcing all its systems to work faster.
- Milk products. Saturate the body with calcium, which, in turn, acts as a catalyst for the breakdown of fats.
3 smoothie recipes
Smoothies are an ideal option for breakfast or a snack, which will help satisfy your hunger without having to fill your stomach and normalize your metabolism. Just beat all the components in the blender until smooth. The table shows three recipes for those who want to lose weight, build muscle and accelerate the metabolism.
Table - Smoothie Recipes for Metabolism
To start the metabolism | For muscle growth | For weight loss |
- A glass of low-fat milk; - 4 tablespoons of oatmeal; - large ripe banana; - 10 strawberries (both fresh and frozen); - half a teaspoon of vanilla extract; - a tablespoon of honey | - Half a glass of yogurt without additives; - the same amount of nonfat milk; - 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese; - large ripe banana; - a tablespoon of honey; - 3 tablespoons of oatmeal; - a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon | - Glass of water; - as many pitted cherries; - large ripe banana (pre-freeze); - a tablespoon of honey; - a teaspoon of cinnamon; - half a teaspoon of nutmeg |
About meal mode
Neglecting the rules of a healthy diet, a person harms himself. Important is not only the diet, but also the mode of food intake. Six tips will help regulate metabolic processes.
- Refusal of a low-calorie diet. You should consume as many calories as your body asks. If he feels a shortage of energy for several days, the “economy mode” is activated. The body will reduce energy consumption and accumulate resources in the form of fat deposits.
- Reduce breaks between meals. Do not let the body feel hungry. Even if you can’t eat well, provide at least small snacks. If you leave the body without food for five or more hours, the metabolism will slow down in order to save energy resources.
- Do not neglect breakfast.It is the morning meal that sets the tone for metabolic processes and the work of the whole body, and therefore it should have a high content of carbohydrates. In addition, the food eaten in the morning is absorbed best.
- Eat and drink cold. If the product does not lose taste, being cold, you do not need to heat it. So you make the body spend more energy on processing food.
- Drink the liquid.It is best to do this before eating. Firstly, water will trigger the digestive process. Secondly, the liquid will partially fill the cavity of the stomach, reducing the feeling of hunger.
- Eat at the same time. Erratic nutrition is stress for the body. Without a clear schedule of food intake, metabolism begins to work in accumulation mode.
6 More Rules for Good Metabolism
A quick metabolism is the result of a whole range of measures that relate to nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle. For the last point, follow the six rules.
- Get enough sleep. Constant lack of sleep is fraught not only with chronic fatigue, but also with metabolic disorders. If you sleep less than seven to eight hours in five days, the metabolic rate will drop by 5%. And this is not the limit. Remember that full sleep is especially important. The optimal time is from 23:00 to 7:00.
- Do not be nervous. In a state of nervous tension, the body synthesizes cortisol. It is a hormone that destroys muscle tissue. In addition, stress increases appetite.
- Do not take dubious drugs. After examining the reviews of doctors, you will understand that there are no medications or dietary supplements that can normalize the metabolism without additional effort. Moreover, they can further slow down the metabolism.
- Do a massage. The procedure tones the body and speeds up blood circulation. This is not only about professional therapy, but also about self-massage.
- Take a contrast shower. Change the water temperature every 30 seconds. At the end of the procedure, rub well with a hard towel.
- Have aromatherapy sessions. If you are not allergic, turn on the aroma lamp with esters of orange, cypress, rosemary, cinnamon, grapefruit or juniper daily for 15-20 minutes. Inhaling fumes, you increase blood circulation, speed up the lymph flow and eliminate stagnant processes.
After 20 years, all people, without exception, metabolism begins to slow down. This is due to the completion of the stage of active cell growth and a decrease in motor activity. In addition, the cellular mass of internal organs is gradually decreasing, which reduces energy consumption for maintaining their vital functions. If you want to maintain harmony and well-being for many years, you should do everything possible to speed up the metabolism in the body for weight loss.