How to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth: a safe diet and exercise, massage options

After giving birth, many women have a sagging belly. Standing on the scales, they note the addition of extra pounds. And so I want to be slim, fit and beautiful ... How to return to its previous forms?
Woman performs exercises for the abdomen.

Caring for a baby does not allow newly moms to be distracted by a visit to the pool, gym. During lactation, strict diets are completely unacceptable. And yet, there are ways to find harmony and tighten sagging belly. To quickly remove the stomach and sides, doctors recommend acting in an integrated manner: follow a healthy diet, do massage and gymnastics.

Features of the figure of the newly minted mother

After giving birth, it’s very difficult to put your stomach in order. And even dropped kilograms do not always guarantee the return of an aspen waist. Such features of the postpartum period are dictated by the following reasons.

  • Uterus enlargement. She had to accommodate the baby, and even 1.5-2 liters of water. Gynecologists say that during pregnancy, the body increases 500 times! And this process takes nine months. It will take time for it to return to its original size. Therefore, do not expect the abdomen to become flat immediately after birth. This usually takes at least a month.
  • Diastasis. Doctors describe this term as muscle divergence. To place the fetus, the rectus abdominis begin to shift from the middle - the white line. After birth, muscle tissue may not immediately and not completely return to its original state. As a result, a sagging stomach appears.
  • Skin stretch. During gestation, not only the uterus and muscles are stretched. Significant changes undergo skin, which then also need to restore elasticity. That is why approach the solution of the problem comprehensively.
  • Strategic Reserve. The female body was originally programmed for bearing and giving birth to children. Therefore, in the abdomen, he necessarily begins to accumulate fat, to provide, if necessary, a decent diet for the baby. For this reason, the body spends “strategic reserves” in the abdomen very reluctantly.

A complex approach

To get in shape, it is necessary to tighten the skin of the abdomen, lose a few extra pounds, restore muscle elasticity and force the body to burn subcutaneous fat. To achieve this, experts recommend resorting to the following activities.

  • Proper nutrition. Nursing mother is strictly forbidden to use strict dietary diets. But a healthy, properly composed menu will help not only to find beautiful forms for a woman, but also will positively affect the health of the baby.
  • Massage. This procedure provides effective muscle recovery and activates fat burning.
  • Wraps. These activities are not contraindicated if you do not use heavy chemistry. Pay attention to folk remedies.
  • Physical activity. Without sports, getting a wasp waist will not work. However, do not rush to be upset, knowing that there is no time for fitness. There are many exercises for which you do not need to run to the gym at all. Such a charge will effectively tighten the stomach and will not take much time.
Doctors do not advise resorting to the help of a tightening belt or bandage. They will not help to lose weight, but with prolonged wear they can lead to muscle atrophy.

Step by step instructions

When developing a technique for losing weight and lifting the abdomen, remember that even the slightest oversights or mistakes can affect the health of the baby. Therefore, completely exclude the effects of chemical components on the body. Do not even consider strict diets. And do not exhaust yourself with exercises until the "seventh sweat", otherwise milk will be lost.


The mother's diet during lactation should be as healthy and balanced as possible. Do not forget that everything that you get from food enters the body of the baby. Therefore, this is not about diet, but about proper nutrition. It is this diet that contributes to weight loss and tummy tuck. However, all processes will be slow. Follow these guidelines.

  • Protein-vegetable food. Try to build a diet on protein foods: diet meat, low-fat fish, eggs. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits. They are rich in vitamins and contain fiber, which helps cleanse the digestive system and helps reduce weight.
  • Junk food. Refuse fatty, fried foods, exclude fast food. This food will certainly affect your waist and increase your stomach. In addition, it can harm the baby.
  • Drinking mode. To activate metabolism, consume 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Lack of fluid slows down metabolic processes.
  • Excess calories. Sweets, pastries, flour products - this is the food that can be dispensed with.
  • Salt norm. Try to eliminate excessive salt intake. The daily dose is 4 g. Exceeding the norm leads to fluid retention. And this is swelling, puffiness and, as a result, bulging of the abdomen.
  • Mode. Eat five to six times a day. But at the same time in small portions. Starvation or a single meal is a direct path to the breakdown and development of gastrointestinal diseases.

The table describes the products that help fight weight gain.

Table - Fat Burner Products

Pure water- Accelerates metabolism;
- cleanses the body;
- dulls the appetite
Lean meat and fish - Start the process of splitting fats;
- nourish and strengthen muscles
Sea kale- Normalizes the endocrine system;
- restores hormonal levels;
- saturates with iodine
GrapefruitLowers appetite
Green tea- Activates the metabolism;
- eliminates the feeling of hunger
Skim milk productsBurn fat
Spicy spices- Accelerate metabolism;
- burn fat

Be sure to drink water on an empty stomach, 15 before eating. Eat grapefruit very carefully, as the product can provoke an allergy in the baby. Green tea also requires moderate intake - may contribute to insomnia or overexcitation of crumbs. Spicy spices are allowed only after folding lactation.

Dreaming of losing weight quickly, women begin to strictly count calories - they eat no more than 1200 kcal per day. Experts say that this is not worth it. So you create a stressful situation for the body in which the latter begins to accumulate fats with lightning speed in case of a hunger strike. And he accumulates these reserves in the abdomen.

Woman goes in for sports with an instructor

Physical activity

During the first month after childbirth, the figure of the mother changes, the weight gradually leaves on its own. This is due to contraction of the uterus, restoration of muscle tissue and hormonal levels. Lactation makes its contribution: breastfeeding causes the body to spend a lot of energy. But actual results may not exactly match what you want. Therefore, it is necessary to help the body with sports.

To reduce the size of the abdomen, and not to torment yourself with meaningless training, adhere to these rules.

  • Regularity. Exercise regularly. Try to allocate several minutes daily to do simple gymnastics or introduce morning exercises into your life.
  • Heart rate control. The most effective burning of subcutaneous fat occurs at a heart rate of 120 beats / min.At a higher heart rate, muscles begin to burn.
  • Right breathing. During exercise, you must monitor your breathing and not hold it. Inhale through the nose while relaxing, and you need to exhale through the mouth at the moment you exert effort. Compliance with this recommendation will allow you to burn fats more during exercise.
  • Quality gymnastics. Do not try to do many approaches right away. It is better to pay attention to several exercises, but to do them qualitatively.
Start sports from the fourth week after childbirth, if delivery has passed without complications. If you have problems (tears, bleeding, etc.), proceed to exercise after a month and a half. And if they suffered a cesarean - only after three months.


Just five exercises are enough for the extra pounds to gradually go away, and the stomach to tighten and gain elasticity. But before you play sports, eliminate contraindications. To do this, consult a doctor. For example, with hemorrhoids or poor healing of sutures on the abdomen, it is better to refuse exercises. In this case, daily walking or breathing exercises are more suitable.

  1. Pelvic lift. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Shoulders and feet firmly pressed to the surface. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your pelvis. Hold it for ten seconds. Then slowly lower it down. Complete ten lifts.
  2. Crunchy. Keep lying on the floor with your knees bent. Hands should not participate in the exercise, so they are crossed on the chest. Raise your shoulders and reach for your knees, without lifting your back from the surface and working only with the abdominal muscles. Then drop back down to the floor. Need 20 of these twists.
  3. Body lift. Perform the exercise while lying down, arms crossed. Feet catch on any stationary object (furniture). Tear yourself off the floor and try to reach your knees with your nose. During this exercise, keep your back straight and your stomach tense. Complete ten lifts.
  4. Strap. Roll over on your stomach. Bend your elbows at right angles and rest on the floor, lifting your chest and stomach. Tighten your muscles. In this case, the back, pelvis and legs should be a straight line. Start from 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing the standing time in the "bar" position.
  5. Squats. Stand near the wall. Press the back firmly against the surface. Take a step forward. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Without taking your back off the wall, start to squat. The stomach is tense. When the buttocks touch the floor, begin to rise. You need to sit down 15 times.
Having mastered this complex, you can add new exercises. For example, download the press. To strengthen the lower abdomen, raise straight legs, forming an acute angle with the floor, so that a strong tension is felt in the stomach.


You can start massage only 20-30 days after the birth. Such an effect enhances blood flow, strengthens muscles. It helps not only lose weight and tighten the stomach. It affects the internal organs, providing stimulation of the intestine, the restoration of the reproductive system. Despite the significant benefits, massage has strict contraindications:

  • blood diseases;
  • fever, colds;
  • skin rashes, ulcers, furunculosis;
  • thrombosis, varicose veins;
  • pathology of the peritoneum;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • heart diseases.

A suitable type of massage may be recommended by a specialist.

  • Professional. It is performed by a qualified masseur. The procedure includes stroking, rubbing, kneading, patting, chopping, vibration. Manipulations are carried out on the back and abdomen. They strengthen the abdominal muscles, eliminate sagging skin, improves peristalsis, tighten the stomach.
  • Plucked. Start near the belly button. Fingers grab a patch of skin and pinch, moving clockwise. Gradually increase the speed and range of exposure. When the stomach turns red, the procedure is completed. Wipe the skin with a damp towel.Thus, the tone improves, the stomach is tightened, the severity of stretch marks decreases, and elasticity increases.
  • Cold and hot shower. Use warm water, then change the stream to cool. Rub the skin with a hard mitten. So muscles are strengthened, blood flow is increased, the stomach is tightened.
  • Vacuum. It is carried out by vacuum banks. Start from the navel. The skin is captured 1.5 cm with a can. Drive the bank clockwise. After warming up, you can drive in any direction: arrows, zigzags, wavy lines. Thus, blood flow increases, fat burning is activated, skin elasticity increases, sagging goes.
Your assistant can be a gymnastic hoop. This is a great exercise machine for home cardio loads. But you can use it only three months after the birth without complications. Newly made mothers need to opt for light classic accessories, and massage, heavy hula hoops must be abandoned.

Woman doing exercises at home with baby

People's councils

The following folk methods for correcting waist volume are recognized as effective.

  • Honey wraps. Honey helps to accelerate metabolism, breaks down subcutaneous fats, smooths stretch marks. Two tablespoons of the beekeeping product are combined with the same amount of cream and one tablespoon of dry yeast. Three drops of oil are added to the mixture. geraniums. The resulting mask is applied to problem areas of the abdomen. The skin is well massaged. The body is wrapped with cling film. Wash off after 30-45 minutes.
  • Herbal teas. Metabolism accelerators are considered infusions. daisies, yarrow, peppermint. They are not contraindicated during lactation.

Do not forget about cosmetics. Many manufacturers are developing special lines for nursing women. Such cosmetics will allow you to tighten the skin, make the stomach supple, enhance fat burning and will not harm the baby.

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