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The main causes of cheeks in men and women
With age, all women notice obvious changes in the shape of the face. The muscles responsible for facial expressions begin to weaken, the skin loses its elasticity, and sagging cheeks appear. This problem is observed during sharp weight loss, the skin just does not have time to tighten. Therefore, you need to lose weight gradually, so that extra pounds disappear proportionally. There are a lot of factors influencing the appearance of sagging cheeks and a second chin.
- Facial skin aging. Age-related changes are the primary cause of sagging cheeks. With age, by about 35-40 years, the skin wears out, loses its elasticity and resilience, sagging, creating the effect of a “gloomy clown”.
- Excess weight. The face skin of a full person is characterized by a loose structure. Fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers, filling the contour lines of the cheeks and chin, because of this the oval of the face looks ugly.
- Fluid accumulation. Improper nutrition, hormonal disruptions and other health problems can cause water retention in the body. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of edema.
- Ultra-violet rays. Constant exposure to the scorching sun leads to a loss of elasticity of the epidermis. Ultraviolet accelerates aging and causes unwanted pigmentation. Therefore, be sure to protect the skin using high-quality creams with SPF filters. Limit your exposure to the scorching sun and wear wide-brimmed hats.
- Genetic heredity. If you have chubby cheeks, or your skin sagged at a young age, perhaps one of your relatives has had the same problem, and you inherited these shortcomings. In this case, more thorough systematic care will be required.
- Wrong way of life. If a woman smokes, drinks alcohol, eats junk food and leads a sedentary lifestyle, she should know that her face will age prematurely.
- Improper care. Poor-quality cosmetics entail the appearance of wrinkles at a young age. Moisturize, nourish, scrub your face and use only light foundation and makeup foundation.
Proper daily care
How to remove saggy, sunken and thick cheeks at home? It is necessary to approach this problem comprehensively, only targeted actions will help to achieve a great effect.
- Cosmetics. Anti-aging serums and creams are just additional means, and they will not be able to independently remove the problem of sagging cheeks. It is better to choose daily cosmetics for care from one series and apply the course. You can achieve maximum results by periodically changing funds, then the skin will not get used to the active components. Every week you need to do a deep cleansing with a lifting effect, use scrubs and nourish the skin with creams.
- Hard massage. For this procedure, you will need a small towel made from natural fabrics. Daily massage enhances blood circulation and tone the skin. A positive effect is observed when using a solution of sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs. The procedure is recommended in the morning. A wet towel should be intensively clapped on the face, but do not overdo it, there may be bruises. Thanks to the massage, the cheeks are visibly tightened and the complexion is evened out.
- Contrast procedures. The most effective method to remove puffiness. You need to moisten the napkin with hot water, squeeze it slightly, put it on your face and wait until it cools down. Then repeat the operation, but at the same time using cold water. If there are herbs for cosmetic procedures, then as a base, you can use not just water, but infusion. If you do this simple procedure daily in the morning and evening, then literally in a week you can get rid of noticeable sagging skin.
- Cosmetic ice. In the morning, be sure to wipe the skin with ice cubes, especially carefully treat the cheeks. As a basis, it is better to use infusions of medicinal herbs. Effective chamomile, celandine, mint. This procedure allows you to quickly remove swelling and increases the elasticity of the epidermis.
- Compresses for the night. For the procedure, you will need a saline solution and a fabric facial mask. After cleansing the skin, apply a cloth moistened with a solution, hold for a quarter of an hour, then wash and apply a moisturizer with a lifting effect. Compress should be done 2-3 times a week, only with regular procedures can the desired effect be achieved.
Diet for slimming round face. Why cheeks grow
How to lose weight in the face with a diet and how to get rid of fat cheeks? It was easy to eat cheeks, but hard to get rid of. Therefore, you need to stick to a diet. An individual diet is recommended to be made with a specialist, but there are basic rules for everyone. These rules will suit both a guy and a girl.
- Drink more water. The volume of water, about two liters daily, non-carbonated mineral or table, the liquid improves skin hydration and maintains its tone. With a shortage of water, the human body begins to make its reserves, this often becomes the cause of edema. You can drink green tea, but without sugar. It has a tonic effect and reduces the feeling of hunger.
- Fractional nutrition. Eat small meals. As a rule, three main meals are distinguished, and additionally three snacks. Last day food should be ingested no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Careful chewing of food will allow you to tighten your cheeks due to the fact that the muscles of the face will be more actively involved.
- Eliminate harmful foods. During the diet, remove salt and sugar from the diet, they prevent excess fluid from being excreted from the body. You should exclude sweets, broths with a high content of fat, smoked meats, pastries, strong coffee, tea, drinks with gas. Fat can be removed from the cheeks only by strictly restricting oneself in food.
- Eat vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed in food, which guarantees a good result. They have a lot of vitamins, fiber and other beneficial substances. They can be eaten not only raw, but also previously boiled or stewed. When cooking, add a little vegetable oil, but do not use spices.
- Give up alcohol. In order not to wonder how to remove the cheeks or the second chin, stop drinking beer and wine. It is these drinks that lead to swelling.
- Eat fermented milk products. They help reduce weight due to their calcium content. Doctors say that the use of calcium in the amount of 1200 mg per day contributes to rapid weight loss.If you eat hard cheeses or cottage cheese, a useful element will be much easier to absorb by the body.
Losing weight in the face so that cheekbones appear and cheeks fall is rather difficult. It is necessary to combine an integrated approach: diet, proper skin care and exercises for lifting.
Exercise complex
Many women are interested in how to make their face thin with exercise. Reduce the size of the cheeks and change for the better the facial features under the strength of each in about a month. Exercises are selected individually based on the problem that is most relevant.
Tightening facial muscles
Exercise is best done in the morning. It involves the main facial muscles and brings them into tone.
- Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks, tightly compress your lips.
- Place your palms on your cheeks and cover your ears with your fingers.
- Press firmly on your cheeks without letting air out of your mouth.
- It takes 5-6 seconds to complete the exercise. The number of approaches in the range of 5-10 times.
Adjust the shape and size of the cheeks
Exercise can not only eliminate defects in the cheeks, but also get rid of nasolabial folds.
- Curl your lips with a tube, as if pronouncing the letter “O”.
- Press your tongue firmly against your cheek.
- Actively make circular movements with your tongue.
- Repeat the exercise on each side 10-20 times.
Strengthen the muscles of the face and neck
Exercise will help eliminate facial wrinkles around the eyes and strengthen the muscles of the face and neck.
- Open your mouth and fold your lips in the shape of the letter "O".
- Press your lips on your teeth as hard as possible.
- Press your index fingers to the face area under the eyes.
- Smile broadly and return to starting position.
- Repeat the exercise at least 20 times.
Try to move only lips, other parts of the face should be motionless. When properly performed, the muscles around the eyes tighten, you can control this with your index fingers.
Fix the chin
Exercise makes it easy to lose weight in the face and cheeks and get rid of the second chin.
- Sit comfortably in a chair, align your back.
- In this position, throw your head back.
- Grasp the upper lip with your lower lip.
- Hold for a while in this position.
It is not necessary in the early days to strain your neck a lot. After performing this exercise, there should be no discomfort, so the execution time depends on the characteristics of the body.
Get rid of chubby cheeks
The exercise is quite simple and interesting. Models the oval of the face and strengthens the cheeks.
- Take a pencil in your mouth and grip it with your teeth.
- Move the pencil through the air, you can "draw" figures or words.
- The duration of the workout is at least 3 minutes.
Performing gymnastics every day, you can achieve a reduction in roundness of the face. This training involves all the facial muscles.
- Open your mouth wide.
- Wrap your lips inside your mouth and press them against your teeth.
- Strongly tighten your lips and cheeks.
- Sit in that position until muscle fatigue appears.
- After a short break of 5-10 seconds, repeat all over again.
Make cheekbones
The more beautiful the oval of the face, the younger you will look. Performing this simple gymnastics, you can tighten your cheeks and make your face much younger.
- Stand upright or sit down.
- Clearly pronounce the vowels of the alphabet: “A”, “U”, “O”, “S”, “I”, “E”.
- Try to strain all the muscles of the face at once.
The meaning of this exercise is in the tension and work of the facial muscles. With regular performance, the entire face loses weight and cheekbones become more noticeable.
If you are wondering how to remove your cheeks, exercise, proper diet, giving up bad habits and an active lifestyle - they will help you notice positive results in a week. To lose weight, you need to work hard on this.