How to get rid of stretch marks on the body: are all means good

Although they say that nobody pays attention to minor physical defects, the appearance of embossed stripes on the skin forces the girls to send an open swimsuit to the farthest shelf. But do not despair: it is better to think about how to remove stretch marks on the body as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The skin on the stomach is treated with a laser

About 70% of the world's population has telestria. Many want to get rid of stretch marks. And demand creates supply: a huge number of cosmetics and procedures inspire hope for an early skin restoration. But how not to get lost in all this diversity?

Despite the fact that on the Internet you can often see information that strong stretch marks in the form of red and purple scars are not removed ... Getting rid of them is quite real.

Striae and their causes

The mechanism of the formation of stretch marks, called medical striae, has long been known. After rupture of the skin fibers, the lesion sites are “sutured” by connective tissue, and wavy strips with uneven edges of different lengths and widths appear on the body. Why do skin fibers - elastin and collagen - break? Scientists distinguish two factors:

  • stretching of the epidermis;
  • hormonal disruptions.

This may occur:

  • during pregnancy - when the abdomen and chest increase;
  • with weight fluctuations - A quick set of extra kilos or when losing weight, as the skin does not have time to adjust to volume changes;
  • during intense physical exertion - the epidermis is stretched more slowly than muscle mass;
  • in adolescents - an active period of growth involves the transformation of the skeleton and other changes in the body that the skin does not keep up with (teenage rearrangements are called as the main cause of stretch marks on the back, and in girls striae can form on the hips and chest);
  • with metabolic disorders - there is a failure in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the skin becomes inelastic and “tears”.

Stretch marks appear on different parts of the body:

  • on the back - in adolescents and athletes;
  • on the stomach - with excess weight and weight loss, in pregnant women;
  • on hands - with body fat, in athletes;
  • on the chest - during pregnancy and lactation, with a rapid increase in muscle mass, in adolescent girls, with excess weight;
  • on the hips and buttocks - with sudden changes in weight, in athletes, in adolescence, less often during pregnancy.

Prevention: 3 treatments in 2 steps

It’s easier to prevent the appearance of striae than to fight it later. Prevention of stretch marks is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • skin hydration;
  • providing epidermal cells with nutrients and vitamins;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • activation of blood microcirculation;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

To solve these problems, you can do just three procedures, which can be done in two steps.

  1. Cold and hot shower. Begin the session with hot water, and end with cold.
  2. Nutrient application + massage. Rub between the palms a cosmetic product intended for the prevention of stretch marks, and massage the body areas prone to stria with pinching and patting movements.

As a prophylactic drug, you can use:

  • cosmetics for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the body;
  • cosmetics for the prevention of stretch marks;
  • cold pressed vegetable oil (e.g. olive).

To enhance the effect once a week, it is advisable to work out areas of the body subject to stretching with a scrub. You can buy a product, or you can do it yourself by mixing two tablespoons of ground coffee beans with an equal volume olive oil or shower gel.

Skin tone is largely determined by the state of the muscle corset, so rational exercise is an important step for the prevention of stretch marks. It is necessary to select feasible exercises for those parts of the body on which striae may appear, and regularly perform them.

How to remove old and fresh stretch marks on different parts of the body

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks on the body if it was not possible to prevent their appearance? Despite the fact that the answer to this question is in the affirmative, several points should be taken into account, setting out to cure striae.

  • Act without delay. Pink, red-cyanotic, violet striae are considered fresh - they are quite easily eliminated. After about six months, the stripes on the body fade due to the natural withering away of the capillaries. It is not possible to completely remove old stretch marks on the skin: it is only possible to make them less noticeable.
  • Combine different methods. The use of several methods aimed at combating striae at once significantly increases the chances of success.
  • Do not stop. Eliminating stretch marks is a lengthy process, so be patient. It may take several months to achieve a visible result. Procedures should be resorted to regularly, and not from time to time.

Folk and professional cosmetics

So, remove the stretch marks. Fresh striae can be treated at home. Stretch marks can be affected by the use of cosmetics. The easiest way is to go to the store and purchase a product specifically designed to combat stretch marks. Judging by the reviews, the following products have worked well:

  • creams - Mama (Sanosan), 9 mois (Mustella), Bepanthol;
  • lotions - Palmer’s;
  • oils - Weleda, Frei;

Effective in the fight against stretch marks and folk remedies.

Woman with a salt scrub on her back


  1. Mix in equal proportions sea salt finely ground and cane sugar.
  2. Add so much olive oil so that the resulting mass has a paste consistency.
  3. Apply to moist skin with stretch marks in massaging movements, after two to three minutes rinse with warm water.
  4. Repeat once a week.

Massage mixture

  1. Melt a tablespoon of shea butter in a steam bath.
  2. Mix with a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and a tablespoon of almond oil.
  3. Use for massage problem areas.


  1. Dilute 4 g of mummy in a tablespoon of boiled water and combine the mixture with 100 g of baby cream (any body lotion will also work).
  2. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour and mix.
  3. Apply to problem areas every night after a shower.
  4. Rinse off after two to three hours.


Quickly remove stretch marks on the arms, hips and abdomen will help wraps. As a treatment mixture, you can use:

  • any unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oil;
  • cream with mummy (see recipe above);
  • cosmetic clay diluted with water or oil to a paste consistency;
  • liquid honey.

To enhance effectiveness, the wrapping mixture can be enriched with essential oil (one or two drops per two tablespoons of the composition). In the fight against stretch marks, fragrant hoods have proven themselves well:

  • lavender;
  • neroli;
  • tangerine;
  • rosemary;
  • juniper;
  • incense.

Also, the procedure will require a roll of cling film, loose clothing and a warm blanket. The procedure is carried out in eight stages.

  1. Take a warm shower or bath.
  2. Massage problem areas with a scrub or hard washcloth.
  3. Rinse with clean water, wipe dry.
  4. Lubricate areas of the body with stretch marks with a prepared compound.
  5. Wind up treated areas with cling film.
  6. Wear loose clothing and lie down for 40-60 minutes under a warm blanket.
  7. To take a shower.
  8. Lubricate your skin with stretch mark cream or any other nutrient.

A full course of wraps includes 12 sessions, which are recommended to be resorted to every other day.

Dry lavender and pink sea salt

Cosmetic baths

A relaxing treatment will improve skin elasticity and speed up the process of removing stretch marks. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The most effective courses of cosmetic baths, consisting of 10-12 sessions, which are recommended every other day.


  1. In a bathtub filled with warm water, add five to eight drops of essential oil suitable for controlling striae.
  2. Pre-flavored product must be mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt, honey or milk, otherwise the oil will not dissolve in water.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of mint with a liter of boiling water and let stand on a steam bath for ten minutes.
  2. Filter and pour into a bath filled with warm water.


  1. To prepare a salt bath, you need to mix 500 g of sea salt with 100 ml of any cold-pressed vegetable oil.
  2. Brew 200 g of dry kelp with a liter of boiling water, filter after a quarter of an hour.
  3. Dissolve the infusion together with the salt mixture in a bath filled with warm water.
  4. Wrap the kelp remaining after making the infusion in a small section of gauze and also lower it into water.

Pitfalls of Home Treatment

Although home stretch control techniques are considered safe, safety precautions must be observed.

  • Consult a doctor. It is necessary to exclude contraindications to the procedures, especially in the presence of chronic diseases, skin pathologies.
  • Conduct an allergy test. Before use, it is necessary to check the skin reaction to a cosmetic product, including the composition for wraps. To do this, apply a little product to the bend of the elbow. If after a day there are no unwanted reactions (peeling, burning, irritation), you can use it.
  • Consider possible contraindications. In some cases, the use of cosmetic procedures is dangerous to health. It can enhance the manifestations of existing diseases, lead to exacerbation.

From the table, you can determine the list of contraindications for the use of certain procedures.

Table - Contraindications of home procedures for stretch marks

Wraps- Individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- heat;
- feeling unwell;
- diseases of blood vessels and heart;
- infections;
- gynecological diseases;
- critical days;
- dermatological pathologies;
- oncology;
- varicose veins;
- diabetes;
- hypertension
Cosmetic baths- Individual intolerance to "therapeutic" additives;
- elevated temperature;
- feeling unwell;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- some dermatological and gynecological diseases

With caution and only after consulting a doctor: pregnancy and lactation
When taking a bath from stretch marks, you need to ensure that the chest is located above the water level.

Modern medical equipment

In the specialist's office: radical methods

You can fight with old stretch marks at home, but in advanced cases you have to contact a cosmetologist. Modern medicine offers several methods that can make striae as invisible as possible.

  • chemical peeling - acids applied to the skin “corrode” the damaged epidermis and trigger the regeneration and production of elastin and collagen;
  • ozone therapy - using the injection, an ozone-oxygen composition is introduced, which stimulates the metabolic processes in the skin cells, helping it recover;
  • laser resurfacing - the laser beam “burns out” atrophied cells and activates the growth of new ones;
  • mesotherapy - biologically active substances that start the process of skin renewal are introduced into the problem areas of the skin (most often by injection);
  • microdermabrasion - A type of mechanical grinding through which destructive tissues are removed.
Each of the listed procedures has a number of contraindications, which must be carefully read. It is also worthwhile to first consult with your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of the selected method.

Features of treatment during pregnancy and lactation

Already in the first months of pregnancy (and preferably two to three months before conception), you need to start caring for your skin with the help of specially designed products. Well established themselves:

  • MamaComfort;
  • Indulgent Body Cream (Avent);
  • 9 mois (Mustella);
  • Mama (Sanosan);
  • Destock (Vichy).

Contrast shower and massage, as well as physical activity should be used only after consulting a doctor. In some cases, even despite preventive measures taken, stretch marks after childbirth can still appear, even if you regularly smear your skin with firming creams. You need to immediately begin their treatment. You can deal with stretch marks on the stomach after the birth of the baby using the above home methods. However, it is necessary:

  • consult a doctor;
  • refuse to use essential oils;
  • to prevent the cosmetic product from getting into the baby's mouth;
  • discontinue use of the product in case of undesirable manifestations.
The methods of aesthetic medicine described above during pregnancy and lactation are contraindicated. If you start to work with stretch marks in a timely manner while they are still fresh, you can prevent the need to contact a cosmetologist.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to get rid of stretch marks on the body as efficiently as possible. The choice of the appropriate method depends on the “age” of the striae, and on the individual characteristics of the body, and on financial capabilities. One thing is for sure: when deciding on how to solve a problem, you should rely on the recommendations of doctors, common sense and study the reviews of women who were able to defeat the problem.

Feedback and Results

With the onset of pregnancy, I began to read reviews on the Internet about cream for stretch marks. For me, the main thing is that the price is not sky-high and that there really is an effect. If something was praised, then these funds cost several thousand rubles per tube. But the cream must be used for a long time, at least from the fourth month you need to start, and while you are breastfeeding, but it is generally recommended from the very beginning of pregnancy that the skin is prepared and moistened everywhere. It's how much money you need to spend on these expensive and existing creams, dear mother !!!

AVENT cream in this case is the most !!! Really works! I advise everyone! It helps the skin to properly prepare and become elastic so that it can stretch and stretch back without consequences, without stretch marks! The advice of experienced dermatologists and cosmetologists on this subject, it is important that the composition of the remedy for stretch marks includes:

1. Moisturizing oils of natural origin (preferably shea butter);
2. Also useful for supporting healthy skin are seaweed extracts;
3. If there is collagen in the composition, generally excellent;
4. Less chemistry if you are pregnant, that is, that the product is hypoallergenic and suitable for pregnant women before and after childbirth (lactation) ...


For starters, I’ll say that stretch marks can be defeated at home and very quickly, checked by personal experience ... To begin with, I noticed that stretch marks appeared on my stomach, it saddened me very much and I decided to lose weight - they will shrink and they won’t be visible .. - What a fool I was))) And yet I hardly lost 20 kg in a year, but it didn’t bring me joy at all, my stretch marks turned into SOMETHING. It’s clear that they turned white for a long time, but it looked terrible at the sight, and even more so to the touch (((I just didn’t stay, and various creams, and the vaunted mummy didn’t give visible results, I already despaired ... And suddenly I read a wrapping recipe for tightening the abdomen, and by the way it was written that it would also help with stretch marks, but I didn’t pay much attention to it ... I started making wraps, and somehow I went to the mirror for 3 days ....and there were no stretch marks, but of course they didn’t disappear, just in comparison with what was there, they were almost invisible, I was inspired to continue the course, which consists of 6 days, and now they are not visible at all, a couple of wide ones remained, until the next course ... this is how wrapping for a tummy tuck helped with stretch marks ... Sorry for the verbosity, I am writing a recipe: Honey -1s. L. - liquid, but when you melt it, do not heat it much, otherwise it will lose its properties; Pepper tincture - 2 tsp; Clay 1 s. L.- any clay, I used red, but along the way it was painted. And under the film for 2-4 hours. Do not get too warm - honey does not like HEAT ... I HOPE HELP TO SOMEONE HELP)))


Last year, a course (15 sessions) of ozone therapy was taken, the main goal was to remove the stretch marks that remained after the birth of the child, and they were very old for more than 8 years. My stomach, chest, hips and sides were chipped. Cellulite was removed very well, I was built, the skin became more even, stretch marks on my stomach decreased by 30%. I went to the procedure 2 times a week, and all 2 months of ozone therapy I was like pout, constantly crunching under the skin, and due to the fact that I was injected with ozone in every stretch, I was also at a point because of piercing the skin with a needle. It hurt a lot, it just hurt like hell. And now, a year later, I decided to repeat the course, the pain was forgotten, there were memories of beautiful skin without cellulite. Today I decided to repeat the course, photographed my stretch marks, drank a Nurofen tablet an hour before the procedure, and took an anesthetic spray with me. After ozone therapy, she also did mesotherapy, as they say that the effect will be better. The goal now is to reduce stretch marks on the hips, and take the whole thing to photograph. I can’t put a 5-ku, firstly because it is very painful, and secondly because it only eliminates stretch marks by about 30%, well, let's try it in combination with mesotherapy, sports, and collagen inside.

Natalia Allavdina,

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