How to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip using exercises, folk remedies and cosmetology

As you age, purse-string wrinkles appear - vertical folds above the upper and lower lip. They become noticeable by the age of 40, and with the onset of menopause appear "in all its glory." You can get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip using various measures and procedures. But among all their diversity, it is very important to choose what suits you.
Alluring lips

Facial skin ages with the entire human body, andmenopause, which occurs at the age of 47-50 years, only accelerates this process. The intense accumulation of wrinkles around the mouth is explained by its natural facial expressions. The circular muscle, which serves all the movements of the lips, is attached with its heads not to the bones of the skull, which is characteristic of other muscles, but directly to the skin of the face. Each contraction of the circular muscle causes stretching of the skin around. The epidermis is naturally drier than in other areas, it contains less sebaceous and sweat glands, which causes the appearance of wrinkles in the lips.

Wrinkle smoothing methods at home

In addition to the general aging of the skin and the natural facial expressions of the lips, other factors also matter - the quality of skin care, the number of hours spent under the scorching sun throughout life, the general mobility of the face and individual facial habits.

In a person who is characterized by frowning eyebrows, a vertical fold over the nose will appear and deepen faster. Those who are accustomed to critically tighten their lips, wrinkles around them will appear earlier and become more noticeable over the years. Wrinkled lips - this is not very beautiful and it scares all women.

Extended her lips

Exercises to maintain lip tone

Do not smooth wrinkles over the lips with your hands or fingers, simulating ironing with an iron, since such movements will only lead to an even more severe stretching of the skin between the nasolabial folds, provoking its redness, roughness and other unpleasant consequences. Instead, we will achieve the desired effect using gymnastics.

  • Do a nightly light massage of the area around the lips. The circular muscle of the mouth contracts and decompresses throughout the day, while we are awake, it retains some activity even in sleep. Naturally, she gets tired along with other muscles. Therefore, before going to bed, the area around the lips should be massaged with subtle pressure, in circular movements of the fingertips.
  • Break the habit of tightly squeezing lips. Such facial expressions visually greatly reduce the size of the lips. Negatively perceived by others, because it gives out your negative emotions. Its direct consequence is the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth. Therefore, keep your lips relaxed. You can even slightly raise their tips, imitating a light half-smile - it will decorate and rejuvenate your face better than any makeup.
  • Stop smoking. It can play a significant role in the appearance of purse-string wrinkles due to the hot smoke that swirls over the cigarette, in the immediate vicinity of the skin of the lips. In addition, the smoker squeezes the mouthpiece or cigarette filter, and also drags on, tightening his lips with a new effort. Therefore, ideally, it is better to quit smoking. But if this is impossible, you should abandon the female models of cigarettes and mouthpieces - long, narrow, which are difficult to hold with your lips when smoking.
  • Arrange a circular muscle in your mouth for a little workout. All muscles of the body have the ability to automatically hold those positions in which they stay more often and longer. This explains the inability to relax the lower back and shoulders after a day on their feet. A warm-up for the lips helps to combat the same familiar positions of the circular muscles of the mouth.

Lip massage

All day, when the opportunity arises, you need to repeat the following exercises.

  1. To smooth out wrinkles above the lips, stretch your lips several times in a row with a tube, immediately returning them to their original position.
  2. Teach your lips to accept non-standard positions - this is very useful for the operation of their innervation system, which is responsible for the tone. Fold your lips with a bow, pulling your cheeks tightly, in turn try to stretch forward only one, trying to maintain the usual position of the other.
  3. Turn the upper lip alternately behind the lower lip, and vice versa. After this exercise, you will certainly need to restore the makeup of the mouth, and you need to start it, without forgetting to erase the lipstick.
  4. Take a mirror and several times widely smile at yourself "under the curtain" of gymnastics. In this case, you should press your finger in the middle of both lips, as if showing yourself "T-s-s-s!"

Glassblowers, wind-playing musicians, are at risk of the early appearance of purse-string wrinkles just as much as those who like to whistle songs at their leisure. Therefore, if your professional duties require frequent and tight lip tightening, do not forget to compensate for this load after hours.

Anti-Wrinkle Ice Wipe

To quickly remove wrinkles above the lip, combine facial gymnastics with the following measures:

  • light pat on the cheeks with the pads of the fingers after doing the exercises;
  • inflating cheeks 2-3 times in a row.

These additional methods work as a stretch for the remaining muscles of the body - they help relax the fiber, relieve spasm and improve blood circulation in certain areas.

Cooling and tonic treatments

  • Every morning, several times circle the area around the lips with an ice cube (freeze herbal infusion or natural juice - you can use it after 8 hours).
  • Wash your face daily, including lips and cheeks, with cool water.
  • Do not use concentrated decoctions and peppermint extracts to cool the lower part of the face - they can irritate delicate skin of the face.

White face mask

Nourishing Natural Mask

It should be borne in mind that the skin in the area around the lips is prone to dryness in everyone, regardless of the type of skin in the remaining parts of the face. For the nutrition of the epidermis, it is always better to use creams and masks based on animal rather than vegetable fat. Our skin does not absorb vegetable oil itself, nor its components - they are absorbed only when swallowed inside. Animal fats are nutritious and very beneficial for the epidermis.


  • fresh cucumber;
  • natural fat sour cream;
  • flower honey.

For dry skin, it is better to replace sour cream with thick cream. If the skin as a whole is not prone to dryness, you can try just fatty yogurt without additives in the form of dye, flavor and pieces of fruit.


  1. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater.
  2. Take 1 tsp. grated cucumber, add 1 tsp. sour cream.
  3. Add 0.5 tsp. honey, mix everything thoroughly without whipping.
  4. Thickly apply the mixture in circular massage movements to the area from the tip of the nose to the folds under the chin, affecting also the folds in the corners of the lips.
  5. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, without the use of cleansers.

This recipe is universal, because the cucumber in it can be replaced or combined with an aloe leaf, carrots, avocado pulp, 1 yolk of a raw egg. For dry skin, it is better to replace sour cream with thick cream. If the skin as a whole is not prone to dryness, you can try fatty yogurt without additives.

As for honey, you can add it or not, replace it with another component, if you want to get some additional effect. For example, if your skin is not prone to dryness and peeling, add 0.5 tsp to the mask, not honey.freshly squeezed citrus juice - lemon, orange, grapefruit. Such a mask will help improve the color of the skin around the lips and tighten it a little.

Fruit acids are not recommended for dry, sensitive and flaky skin. Therefore, to improve its tone, it is better to add, instead of honey, 0.5 teaspoon of carefully strained, strong decoction of natural coffee.

Wipes his face with a cotton pad

Contraindications before applying the mask

When choosing the ingredients for a mask that helps to remove wrinkles over the upper lip with folk remedies, a correctly selected base of animal fat is important - it needs to be absorbed as fully as possible. The remaining ingredients can be varied to your liking. The only thing that should limit your flight of fancy is the absence of allergies to the components that you use to make the mask.

Before carrying out the home procedure, conduct the following test to check the components for an allergic reaction.

  1. Put some used substance (juice, pulp) on the wrist.
  2. Wait. If within 20-25 minutes, the skin does not turn red, and a negative reaction will not occur in a day. You can safely use this component in the preparation of home remedies.

Do not forget about the naturalness of the ingredients - do not use canned vegetables, fruits and surrogate bases like packaged honey, sour cream and other dubious components.

Wrinkle injections

Smoothing wrinkles in a beauty salon

You can remove wrinkles above the lips in a beauty salon in several ways.

  • Full face lift. The purse-string wrinkles are smoothed.
  • Local injections fillers. Organic excipients are introduced under the skin, such as gels, hyaluronic acid preparations or even well-purified subcutaneous fat taken from the patient’s body in another place (for example, from the buttocks).
  • Hardware cosmetology. Laser polishing, iontophoresis, chemical peeling. Usually it is not considered effective when used separately from other techniques.
  • Injections of neurotoxins. This is the use of natural poisons that block the work of nerve endings in this area. The mobility of the circular muscle of the mouth decreases and wrinkles disappear. The most famous drug of this series is created on the basis of the poison secreted by the causative agent of botulism. Therefore, everyone who resorts to rejuvenation in this way should, at a minimum, be sure that they are not allergic to this substance and as an injectable drug.

In pursuit of the anti-aging effect, salon cosmetology rarely uses safe methods or substances. Therefore, the risk that you assume when you contact her should be justified. For example, the extremely poor condition of the skin, high resistance of wrinkles to funds available at home. Therefore, when choosing a clinic, you should always first check its reputation according to customer reviews.

In most cases, the prospect of replenishing once a year the "reserves" of botulinum toxin in the body is not to everyone's liking. And if you don’t think your question of how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip is so critical, it’s best to try to do it at home, with the help of nourishing masks, ice cubes and facial gymnastics.

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