How to get rid of wrinkles on the neck and decollete: methods, recipes and recommendations

Women over the age of 30 begin to worry about the problem of how to remove wrinkles on the neck and décolleté. The skin can remain fresh and smooth for a long time, but some defects make themselves felt with age. These two areas need constant care with exercise, massage, effective masks and other cosmetics on a natural basis.
Woman looking in the mirror

The neckline zone reveals the secret of age, even when the face says the opposite. Therefore, the causes of wrinkles on the neck must be known before the appearance of the first folds and roughness. The signal for action is the loss of skin elasticity. This happens 25 years or earlier, depending on the genetic predisposition. From youth, you need to take care of your skin, which guarantees the preservation of attractiveness in adulthood.

Causes of aging of the skin of the neck and décolleté

The neck is aging earlier than the face. Excitement and experience leave redness and signs of fatigue on the delicate skin. Therefore, all skin care procedures should apply, and especially to this area of ​​the body. To understand how to get rid of wrinkles on the neck in your case, you need to establish the main causes of wilting.

  • Wrong position of the head and body. Fast excessive movements, a bent pose at the table, a habit of reading while lying down and a bowed head while walking contribute to the appearance of deep wrinkles on the neck.
  • Inadequate hydration. Lack of fluid in the body causes dryness and sagging skin. With age, nutrients begin to be produced in smaller quantities, which causes external changes.
  • Hormonal changes. Inadequate estrogen production leads to loss of firmness and elasticity, and later to deep wrinkles.
  • Reduced cell activity. The structure of the epidermis changes with age, elastin and collagen are not enough, the skin cannot independently maintain smoothness and evenness.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes block the production of beneficial substances in the body and do not allow trace elements to be properly absorbed. Often there is a critical violation of all metabolic processes with constant abuse.
  • Wrong diet. The female body every day needs a certain amount of nutrients that come with food. Monotonous food or lack thereof does not have the best effect on skin health. It is after a sharp weight loss in the neck and neck that flabbiness appears.
  • Sun exposure. In the neck area there are fewer melanocytes that protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. It can cause wrinkles at any age, if you neglect the rules of protection.
The problem of wrinkles must be approached thoroughly, covering all possible factors of occurrence. Working only with certain points will not bring the proper result. You need to constantly do exercises, apply nutritious masks and monitor your diet.

Girl drinks water

Methods of dealing with age-related changes

How are strips removed around the neck and in the decolte zone? If in time to think about how to remove wrinkles and stripes on the neck at home, then you can do without plastic surgery. Daily routines will quickly bring the desired effect, which you just need to maintain.

We maintain a normal natural balance

The youth of the body directly depends on the water balance. Dehydration causes premature aging, and the skin itself, due to loss of elasticity, is no longer able to hold the required amount of moisture. The lack of hydrated molecules leads to sagging of the skin - this is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the neck.

The constant use of sufficient water maintains the necessary moisture level in the skin tissues, increases elasticity and prevents early aging. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day.

Oatmeal in a plate

Making the right diet

With food, our body receives most of the necessary nutrients. It is very important for women to eat 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat every day. With such a diet, a person:

  • not gaining excess weight;
  • keeps fit;
  • gets the necessary energy supply;
  • consumes a varied and wholesome food;
  • preserves youth and beauty.

Good nutrition is the basis for preventing wrinkles in the neckline. If a woman does not receive the necessary substances, then no creams and other methods can stop the aging of the skin.

An improper diet becomes the first cause of skin defects. Such consequences have to be struggled for a long time, sometimes they remain for life. Therefore, a correct and healthy diet will not only help get rid of extra pounds, but also will not harm your skin.

Neck exercises

Useful gymnastics

Neck exercises for wrinkles and lethargy help well. They improve the overall muscle tone and help maintain youthful skin. Such gymnastics is best done every morning after sleep or during work to relieve stress. There are three effective exercises that include all the necessary muscles.

  1. Lie on your back with your head hanging down. Now try to reach your chest with your chin. For starters, ten repetitions are enough, over time, their number can be increased.
  2. Sit on a chair while keeping your back straight. In this position, rest your chin on your fists, trying to move down, while resisting with your hands. This method was invented by ballerinas for a full stretching of the neck muscles.
  3. The next exercise consists of three stages. At the first, lift your chin up as far as possible, then in the same position, move your shoulder blades back, and then try to kiss the air. The method of yoga, it allows you to permanently get rid of fatigue and tension in the neck, as well as prevent wrinkles and wrinkles.

Neck massage in the doctor’s office

Massage treatments

As an additional remedy, it is recommended to use a neck massage for wrinkles. Immediate results may not be, but a full course will make the neck supple and elastic, and small wrinkles will become invisible. Massage can be performed at home according to the following plan.

  1. Apply a moisturizer.
  2. Preheat the skin by stroking it.
  3. Start moving from the ears, gradually moving to the chest area.
  4. Tap with your finger on your palm for a minute.
  5. Pay attention to the cervical spine.
  6. Swipe the back of your hand several times.
Massage is performed in a comfortable position. Strong movements, tweaks and pressure must not be allowed, otherwise long unpleasant sensations or more serious damage may occur. Each massage movement should not cause pain or discomfort.

Mask for the neckline

Mask recipes and effective wraps

All anti-wrinkle masks have a smoothing property, for which the main ingredient is responsible. Additional substances are often used depending on the intended purpose.

Egg Whitening

It helps not only from wrinkles, but also eliminates comedones on the face. Beauticians recommend using this method no more than twice a week.

  1. Separate the protein from the yolk.
  2. Beat until light foam.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the neck with a brush.
  4. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.
  5. Do not forget to moisturize the skin after the procedure.

Anti-aging peach

After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, acquires a healthy color. For a stronger effect, it is necessary to alternate with wraps.

  1. Take two teaspoons of peach pulp.
  2. Add a decoction of chamomile flowers.
  3. Apply the resulting texture to the skin.
  4. Rinse your neck with warm water after 20 minutes.
  5. Spread a neck area and decollete with a moisturizer.

Neck cream

Gelatin mask

Using gelatin, you can overcome minor defects, give the skin an attractive appearance and prevent the appearance of transverse wrinkles on the neck.

  1. Stir one tablespoon of gelatin with the same volume of water.
  2. Put the resulting mass in a water bath.
  3. Add a few teaspoons of milk
  4. Pour in starch to make the mask look like mashed potatoes.
  5. Apply the mixture with a brush or a small sponge.
  6. Rinse everything off with a sponge and water after the mixture has dried on your neck.

Vitamin Wrap

This procedure is selected individually and includes several ingredients that are applied to the skin with a film or dense tissue. Honey, egg yolk, berries, vegetable oils and cucumbers are used. The wrapping lasts from 20 minutes to one hour. At this time, the skin receives the necessary vitamins and hydration. Methods can be alternated or change the main component of the mixture for the procedure, selecting additional pharmacy products.

Laser Wrinkle Removal

Cosmetology Tips

How to get rid of wrinkles on the neck with the help of a professional beautician? Some of these methods may not work, then you can take the following procedures in the salon.

  • Hyaluronic acid injection A popular and effective neck rejuvenation technique. But its use is not recommended at a young age, when the problem can be solved independently.
  • Chemical peeling. Not suitable for everyone and is used only on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. It is fraught with serious consequences that will look even worse than wrinkles. It is used by women after 40 years, as well as people with obvious skin problems.
  • Photorejuvenation by a laser beam. Cope with extensive skin defects, removes wrinkle nets. This method is relatively safe, and the quality of its implementation depends on the qualifications of the master of cosmetology.

Proper neck care always brings results. If a woman in her youth began to do gymnastics, massage, moisturize her skin, protect it from sunlight, use masks, then the neckline and in adulthood will remain toned and attractive, hiding the age of its owner. And then you do not have to resort to lifting services and contouring, which according to reviews do not always end successfully.

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