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Superglue - the name of adhesive compounds, the basis of which is cyanoacrylate, which has long become a household name. This is a Russian adaptation of the Super Glue trademark name, although our superglue has nothing to do with this adhesive.
The composition was invented back in 1942, when a chemist from America to Harry Kuveru worked on improving optical sights. In the course of research, it was possible to obtain an unusual substance that had excellent adhesive properties. But immediately the byproduct was not given due attention. And only in 1958, cyanoacrylate would be appreciated and began to be produced in the form of glue.
3 rules of "clean" work
Even if you carefully work with glue, there is still a high risk that it will fall on your hands and work surfaces - a table or floor. To avoid this, you must adhere to three rules for using instant glue.
- Take care of hand protection. Wear rubber gloves before gluing. Cotton and wool will not work. When such materials come in contact with cyanoacrylate, an esothermic reaction is possible - the formation of heat. And as a result, fire and burn. For the same reason, you cannot glue paper, fabrics with superglue.
- Cover the surface. Cover the table or floor area where you will be gluing with cellophane. If you are constantly engaged in needlework at home and often glue some details, then a large silicone napkin is useful in the household.
- Put on the apron. Also choose polyethylene. This will protect clothing from glue. It is advisable to generally change into a "home" and hide the hair under a headscarf.
How to remove Moment glue from hands and remove super drops from skin
If the above measures are ignored, then be prepared to clean. First of all, manicure will have to save from glue. What to use?
Special "Antique"
Features Hardware and construction stores sell special glue removers. Often manufacturers call them "Antikley". The cost of a 5 g tube varies from 30 to 40 rubles (data for August 2017). The tool allows you to quickly cleanse the dirt, does not cause an allergic reaction.
What do we do
- We take "Antikley" and put on the site contaminated with glue.
- We are waiting for one hour (time is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions).
- The residues are removed in warm water with soap and powder.
Gentle solvent
Features Less safe, but you can quickly wash superglue from your fingers using solvents. In particular, containing acetone (nail polish remover). Gasoline ("Galosha") or white spirit should not be used. These are products for furniture and clothing, but not for the body.
What do we do
- We take a cotton pad and moisten it in a nail polish remover.
- We wipe super drops.
- We rinse the skin with a warm soapy solution.
Features Dimexide is available at the pharmacy. The tool is not only effective, but also budget. The drug is useful in the household not only for war with glue - it is an antiseptic that can also be used in the care of face and hair.
What do we do
- Wet a cotton pad in an antiseptic.
- Keep for several minutes in contaminated areas.
- We rinse the treated area with warm water.
Soap solution and salt
Features One of the most effective and simple ways to get rid of the stains of "Moment" are saline or soap solutions. The process is not fast, so you need to be patient.
What do we do
- Soak pieces of soap in warm water or dissolve table salt (three tablespoons in one glass of water).
- Soak hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
- We rinse with water.
Edible oils
Features The question of how to wipe superglue from the skin of the hands can be closed with these foods. This is a budget and the simplest solution to the problem. It is also absolutely safe for the skin.
What do we do
- Thickly grease the places contaminated with glue with butter or vegetable oil.
- Leave for five to seven minutes.
- Rinse your hands in a soapy bath.
Mechanical stripping
Features The method is tough. Caution is advised so as not to harm the skin. Used pumice, nail file, sandpaper. Great if there are several layers of glue left on the surface of the hands.
What do we do
- We take sandpaper, a nail file or pumice.
- Gently clean the dried stain from the glue.
- Wash off the rest in a warm soapy solution.
How to save tight fabrics and shoes
How and by what means it is possible to wash the Moment glue from thick clothes and shoes is a question that arises when protection was not put on when using the product. Even a small spot can be a farewell chord for your favorite jeans or slippers. But no need to give up and send things to the trash. The methods described above will help. Solvents, Antikley, Dimeksid, oils are suitable for eliminating pollution from glue. The principle of operation is the same: we apply the product to stains from glue. But there are other equally effective solutions to the problem.
Features Before you remove superglue from clothes in this way, you should make sure that it is not smeared over the fabric, but is fixed on it with a dense layer or a thick drop. Low temperatures are the best suited to deal with glue "blots".
What do we do
- We put the product in the freezer.
- We are waiting for a couple of hours before the appearance of spots on the surface of the glue from small cracks.
- We take out the thing from the freezer and three dirt with a metal brush until the glue crumbles.
- We erase a thing manually or in a typewriter.
Features Before you remove the dried Moment glue from clothes, you should know that the mixture is afraid of not only low, but also high temperature conditions. At 80 ° C, it softens and melts. A hot iron is perfect. For delicate fabrics, the method is not applicable.
What do we do
- From the inside and outside of the thing we put a plain cotton fabric that does not fade, or paper.
- On both sides iron the glue stain.
- Iron until the dirt is printed on a cotton cloth or paper.
Features You can just try to remove the “Moment” glue from the clothes, but only if it has not had time to dry yet.
What do we do
- Soak a thing in warm water.
- Lathering the glue stain and three of its laundry soap.
- After removing the dirt, rinse the clothes.
What will help delicate products
For silk, velvet, wool and other delicate materials, it is not recommended to use chemicals, mechanical stress. These methods can damage delicate tissue. Better to choose a more gentle option. Based on the reviews, a solution of citric acid and water is effective. 20 g of powder should be diluted in 200 ml of warm liquid. The product must be applied to the stain, rub a little. After that, the thing should be washed.
You can wash superglue from the fabric with water and soap, powder. This method is only suitable if the contamination is fresh and has not had time to dry. It is mandatory to pre-study the label and determine the permissible temperature and type of washing.
How to wash furniture
Quality furniture is expensive. Therefore, the appearance of any, even non-essential spots, damage on it is distressing. Quickly and effectively remove superglue from furniture in several ways. Their choice depends on what material the interior items are made of.
Features To remove glue stains on plastic products, universal degreasers, white spirit are suitable. They work quickly and without scratches.
What do we do
- We take the white spirit and put it on a cotton pad, a piece of rag.
- Three places contaminated with glue.
- After removing the stain, wipe the surface with a damp sponge.
Features Glue can be dissolved with vegetable or sunflower oil. It is enough to wipe the glass surface with a napkin dipped in fat.Here you can not do without water and detergent: the surface will need to be thoroughly washed. You can also use gasoline, kerosene, acetone. But the most popular recipe with ammonia.
What do we do
- Take a dishwashing liquid (teaspoon) and mix it with ammonia (a tablespoon).
- Three spots of glue and rinse off the residue with warm water.
MDF, particleboard, wood
Features How and how to quickly remove the “second” glue from furniture made of wood, particleboard, MDF is a common question. Interior items made of these materials are very popular and are present in almost every home. Interestingly, a commonplace tool for cleaning such products, too, is surely there in the house.
What do we do
- Take the nail polish remover and wipe the surface.
- After removing the dirt, wipe the area with a wet rag or sponge.
“Moment”, “Elephant” and similar means are able to help out in everyday life. And do not abandon this method of repair work because of its "side effects". They are easy to eliminate, and in a very short time: you need from ten minutes to an hour. The main thing is to take note of tips on how to carefully remove superglue from skin, fabric and various surfaces.