Capillaries on the face burst: how to remove them using salon and home methods

A skin defect in the form of a vascular network on the face can appear at any age. The expansion of subcutaneous blood vessels in medicine is called rosacea. Bursting capillaries do not cause serious health problems, but they do not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, the question of how to remove capillaries on the face excites many. It is possible to eliminate this cosmetic flaw, but complex care will be required.
Red thread on the face

Cuperosis is characterized by loss of elasticity and expansion of the walls of blood vessels and may indicate the presence of internal diseases. Therefore, the treatment of this skin manifestation should be taken extremely seriously. If your vessels on the face burst, it is advisable to immediately consult a phlebologist and a dermatologist. These specialists will make an overall clinical picture of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If serious health problems are not found, you can contact the beauty salon, where you will get rid of the vascular red mesh in a safe way. But many women manage to cope with this problem on their own.

Reasons for education

Before looking for a way to get rid of capillaries on the face, it is advisable to understand and identify the cause of the formation of the vascular network. This will help fight rosacea more purposefully. If the main cause is eliminated in time, then the treatment will be much more successful.

Girl looking in the mirror

There are a lot of factors affecting the formation of capillary networks on the face. But we can distinguish the main reasons that provoke the development of rosacea.

  • Genetic predisposition. Often weak vessels are hereditary. But rosacea manifests itself mainly in adulthood.
  • Hormonal changes. If the vascular network was formed at the same time as sudden mood swings and weight changes, this may indicate hormonal imbalance. Cuperosis often manifests itself after childbirth, during pregnancy, or during menopause.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol drinks increase blood pressure, causing a short-term spasm, and then vasodilation. Smoking, on the contrary, constricts blood vessels, disrupting the free circulation of blood. This provokes the formation of a grid.
  • Stress and depression. Problems with the nervous system cause pressure surges. With a suppressed psycho-emotional state, the expansion of the walls of the vessels often occurs. Therefore, people with an unstable psyche are most susceptible to the development of rosacea.
  • Improper nutrition. Uncontrolled use of sauces and marinades, spicy and smoked dishes contributes to the loss of elasticity of blood vessels. Too hot food can also provoke the appearance of a vascular network.
  • UV exposure. Excessive exposure to sunlight, stimulates the growth of cells on the inner shell of blood vessels, as a result, they expand. When tanning, free radicals enter the bloodstream, which damage the walls of the capillaries and cause vascular problems.
Be sure to analyze your lifestyle. If the causes of the formation of the vascular network are eliminated, then the treatment will be much more successful. It is much more difficult to remove a broken vessel on the face than to prevent the development of rosacea at an early stage.

Woman examines her face.

Why do capillaries burst

This process mainly occurs due to increased blood circulation in tiny capillaries.With strong pressure on the connective tissue, small vessels are pinched in separate areas and the capillaries burst. This cosmetic defect is often found in people with thin, hypersensitive skin.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally why capillaries burst on the face. But this process can trigger the following reasons.

  • Cosmetic procedures. Too frequent use of various cosmetic salon procedures reduces the elasticity of blood vessels. Regular visits to the tanning bed, chemical peeling and steaming of the face are especially dangerous.
  • External factors. High or low air temperature negatively affects the state of blood vessels. Red capillaries on the face burst after sunburn, frostbite and chapping of the face.
  • Physical exercise. Hard work or strength training can contribute to the formation of rosacea. Capillaries can burst from tension and large loads on the body.
Undetected internal diseases often become the main cause of bursting capillaries. At risk for developing rosacea are people with high blood pressure. Specific drugs and procedures are prescribed only by a doctor. To strengthen the vessels, it is recommended to take vitamins and follow a balanced diet.

What to do if the capillary burst

In many people, capillaries are located on the face close to the skin. Many people are interested in the question, if the vessels on the face burst, what to do and in what ways this problem can be quickly eliminated. Bursting capillaries do not look aesthetically pleasing, but they do not pose a particular threat to health. Therefore, you can ask for help in a beauty salon, where you will certainly be offered a safe removal of the capillary mesh.

Laser capillary removal

Effective beauty treatments

How to remove or remove a broken capillary on the face with cosmetic methods? To eliminate arterial vessels, cosmetologists use various procedures that have proven their effectiveness over time.

  • Laser removal. This safe method allows you to destroy the capillaries pointwise, so the surrounding tissue is not injured. The laser will safely eliminate the problem of spider veins of any complexity.
  • Photorejuvenation. Removal of capillaries on the face is done by beams of bright light. After the session, the skin acquires an even color and elasticity, and the capillaries disappear without a trace. But a positive result appears only after a few regular procedures.
  • Ozone therapy. With the launched form of rosacea, capillaries are removed with ozone oxygen, the cosmetologist accurately injects it into the vessels with a microneedle. After the injection, no scars remain. This method allows you to forget about the ugly red mesh on your face for a long time.
The method of cosmetology treatment should be determined by an experienced specialist. There are many methods for relieving patients of the vascular network. But it is worth remembering that no modern method can completely get rid of the disease. After some time, the dilated vessels will reappear, and the capillaries on the face will be visible.

If a person by nature has thin and delicate skin, then from youth it is necessary to take care of it carefully. Especially if tiny capillaries appear on the face, because they can burst at any time. Therefore, prevention is the main stage in the fight against rosacea.

Face wipe with ice

Beautician Tips

  • Cosmetic procedures. It is worth abandoning harsh cleansing of the face, do not use scrubs and products with acidic ingredients. You can not visit the solarium, do chemical peeling and steam baths. It is forbidden to manually clean pores, rubbing with ice cubes, vacuum and manual massage.
  • Cosmetics. Buy a capillary cream on your face only after consulting with a dermatologist or cosmetologist first. The composition of creams that help clean the vasculature necessarily include natural ingredients. Grape seed oil is considered the most effective in the fight against rosacea.
  • Hygienic care. Morning contrast shower helps strengthen blood vessels, it is useful to engage in swimming. You cannot wipe your face with a hard towel. Thin skin needs to be constantly moisturized and protected from external negative influences. You can not go to baths and saunas.
For the prevention and elimination of the vascular network, doctors prescribe various vitamin complexes. But before that, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis to determine exactly what vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Face massage

Home Methods: Exercise and Massage

How to remove capillaries on the face at home? For some women, hardware methods do not inspire confidence, so they prefer to be treated for the disease on their own. Folk remedies are used for various skin problems. But they are better used for prevention, if the disease is running, be sure to consult a doctor.

You may notice that special massagers are sold in stores that seem to be able to get rid of the capillary mesh. In no case do not use such accessories to treat the disease. Lymphatic drainage massage helps from rosacea, it improves blood flow and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. At home, you can massage your face yourself: gently tap on your skin with your fingertips for 4-5 minutes (it is advisable to apply a little essential oil, such as rosewood) on the pads.

Facial gymnastics

To strengthen the facial muscles and improve blood and oxygen circulation in the skin tissue, do the following exercises for 7-10 minutes a day.

  1. Lift your head and tighten your cervical and facial muscles as much as possible.
  2. Hold the palms firmly to the cheeks and quickly move them from top to bottom (this is not recommended for exercises involving large areas of the face with rosacea).
  3. Pull your lips out with a tube, feel the tension in your cheeks and freeze in this position for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Distill air from one cheek to another, inflating them strongly.

Green face mask

Options for masks from rosacea

Before using any product, make sure that you are not allergic to the constituent components. For problems with capillaries on the face, exclude all recipes with aggressive ingredients (onions, mustard, citrus fruits, salt, spices).

Green Tea and Ascorutin

This mask should be done two hours before a night's sleep. Askorutin buy at the pharmacy, it contains a lot of vitamin C, which dilutes the blood in the vessels and strengthens their walls. Green tea perfectly tones the skin.

  1. Brew 100 ml of strong green tea.
  2. Mash 2 tablets of ascorutin and add to tea.
  3. Pour in a spoonful of milk and add a spoonful of white clay.
  4. Stir until creamy.
  5. If the mixture is liquid, add some clay.
  6. Apply the composition in a thin layer and leave for 20 minutes.

In problem areas, a thicker layer can be applied. Carefully remove the mask with a damp soft swab. Let the skin rest for 5 minutes and wipe the face with grape seed oil, it helps with couperosis.

Berries and Starch

Berries contain components that strengthen blood vessels, and starch gives the skin elasticity. It is advisable to take only fresh berries.

  1. Mash sea buckthorn, strawberries and lingonberries.
  2. Add a teaspoon of potato starch.
  3. Stir and apply on face.
  4. Hold for 20 minutes, rinse with running water.

Oatmeal in a spoon

Oatmeal and chamomile

This mask is used to relieve redness. The composition is very soft, so it can be done daily until the problem completely disappears.

  1. Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal and dry chamomile into flour.
  2. Add olive oilso that the mixture is creamy.
  3. Apply evenly and remove the dried mask after 20 minutes.

Potato and camomile

Potato juice soothes irritated skin and gives it elasticity. It smoothes wrinkles and treats inflammation.

  1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile in advance.
  2. Grated peeled raw potatoes.
  3. Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. You do not need to wash your face with water; wipe the skin with a decoction of chamomile.

Green tomatoes

Green tomato

The mask is used seasonally, as it will require an unripe tomato. The tool perfectly removes the capillary network and spider veins.

  1. Peel the tomato.
  2. Mash the pulp.
  3. Apply in a thick layer and leave for 15 minutes.

Before using homemade masks, you need to check if you have an allergic reaction to any component. Prepare the mixture according to your chosen recipe and apply a little composition to the wrist or elbow. If redness, itching, and burning do not appear within 40 minutes, you can use this recipe for your face.

Reviews of cosmetologists about masks to eliminate rosacea confirm that with regular use they give a good result. They are mainly used for preventive care, since it is almost impossible to cure this disease at home without resorting to the help of specialists. Do not forget, a positive attitude helps to cope with any problem, so do not despair - a smile on your face works real miracles.

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