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Lizun is more than just entertainment. It has a positive effect on the neuropsychic state. Adults relax and calm down, fingering and rolling this “chewing gum”. Handgam helps children develop fine motor skills, further develops thinking and imagination, as well as uplifting.
Manufacturing methods
As a rule, for the manufacture of homemade slime, no more than three components are necessary. The basic recipe contains the sodium salt of boric acid (sodium tetraborate) and polyvinyl alcohol. However, there are many options for making slime from improvised means, without unnecessary chemistry.
With polyvinyl alcohol
Features This version of the slice practically does not differ from the purchased one. The toy consists of the following components:
- polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) - possesses gluing and film-forming properties, creates elasticity and flexibility;
- borax - This is sodium tetraborate, mixes easily with aqueous solutions, but not alcohol;
- ordinary water- converts ingredients into liquid consistencies;
- dyes - create colorful toys, are used in the food industry;
- essential oils - create a pleasant aroma.
Instead of polyvinyl alcohol, you can use silicate glue.
Manufacturing procedure
- Dilute alcohol in water to get about 300 ml of the finished solution.
- Heat over about 45 minutes.
- Cool.
- Dilute two tablespoons of sodium tetraborate powder in 250 ml of water (on average, crystals dissolve in a quarter of an hour). Or take two bottles of the finished solution of borax in glycerin.
- Mix three parts of a solution of PVA with one part of a solution from borax.
- Add a coloring base and essential oil if desired.
Without borax
Features If sodium salts of boric acid enter the body, they have toxic and convulsive effects. If one-year-olds are trying to try everything in the house, the toy should not contain this component. Replace it with ordinary baking soda.
Manufacturing procedure
- Dilute 100 g of office glue in half a glass of clean still water.
- Pour a can of gouache here, and blab.
- Place 10 g of sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of clean still water.
- Carefully pour sodium bicarbonate solution into the mixture, shake well.
- Squeeze out excess moisture with your hand.
Peroxide and PVA
Features A denser consistency comes from the hendgam, which is made from hydrogen peroxide, starch and PVA (stationery glue). It is convenient to homogenize the ingredients in a plastic bag, through it you can knead with your hands to the desired consistency.Such a handgam will look like a small ball. It changes shape poorly, but well springy.
Manufacturing procedure
- In a small container, dilute one part of starch in two parts of water.
- Add one part of clerical glue and mix.
- Add peroxide (about a teaspoon) and mix.
With powder and PVA
Features Another option with clerical glue. In addition to it, you will need a washing powder in the form of a gel, a dye and disposable gloves. If the slime turns out to be too thick, gel should be added, if excessively liquid - clerical glue. In this instruction, washing powder can be successfully replaced with the foam used by men to shave. It needs to be added slowly until a thick, uniform piece is formed.
Manufacturing procedure
- Squeeze about 100 ml of PVA glue into the container.
- Add the ink base and mix thoroughly.
- Pour in about 40 ml of powder and mix.
- Knead like a regular dough until the base becomes soft, elastic and no longer sticks to your hands.
With gelatin and plasticine
Features The resulting slime will be resilient, unlike factory toys.
Manufacturing procedure
- Dilute 20 g of gelatin according to the instructions on the packaging, leave to swell for about an hour.
- Boil a quarter cup of clean still water.
- Melt the colored plasticine in boiling water.
- Constantly stirring pour in swollen gelatin.
- Cool.
From care products
Features Shampoo is better to take thick, if it is colored, then you can do without dyes. Depending on the consistency of the ingredients, the solidification time of the mass in the freezer may be increased. In addition, shampoo can be mixed with detergent. Shake the ingredients well and send to the refrigerator for at least a day.
Manufacturing procedure
- Pour 10 ml of shampoo or liquid soap into the container.
- Add toothpaste and mix.
- Pour in the paint base and mix.
- Pour sugar in small portions, stirring constantly until slightly thickened.
- Clean for 20 minutes in the freezer or for an hour at 6-10 ° C.
With flour
Features Handgum made of flour is short-lived, however, it is absolutely safe, even one-year-old children can play it.
Manufacturing procedure
- 400 g flour mixture pass through a sieve into the dishes.
- Pour 50 ml (not more than 10 ° С) of water, followed by as much hot.
- Pour in or pour in coloring matter.
- Knead thoroughly.
- Place in a refrigerator for at least four to five hours.
Technology Tips and Operations
When making a slime yourself, it will be useful to use the following tips.
- Consistency. Each recipe has its own thickener (glue, soda, flour, alcohol, gelatin). By increasing or decreasing its number, you can adjust the consistency of a future toy.
- Painting base. As a dye, Zelenka (alcohol solution), potassium permanganate (as a solution), food coloring matter, and gouache can be used. To make a safe handgam for babies, you should use natural dyes - berry, fruit or vegetable juices. Moreover, it is advisable not to overdo it with flowers, otherwise it can stain clothes and interior items.
- Decoration. In the process of creating a toy, you can show imagination, craft handgams with sparkles, drawings or a small souvenir inside.
- Storage. Store slime preferably in a separate box, in a cool place. It may melt near heating appliances.
During the game, all the trash and dust sticks to the lick, so the toy is short-lived. As it becomes soiled, it should be changed. After operation, you must immediately wash your hands, as they remain particles of mass and dirt, which the handgam managed to collect. In case of allergic reactions, the toy should be thrown out.