How to distribute shoes that press: a difficult fight for every millimeter or a task as easy as shelling pears

It often happens that women can not resist the temptation to buy charming patent-leather shoes that shake, but like that. But the joy of a “successful” acquisition passes as soon as corns appear. There is one desire - to go barefoot and return the goods back to the store. The situation can be corrected. There are many ways to stretch shoes at home.
Girl and shoes on the table

Shoes made from natural materials can be easily adjusted to fit the legs. And even make the shoes become a size larger. There are several ways to distribute new shoes without harming the appearance.

Professional approach

If you do not want to bother with folk methods, then you can find store products that can help stretch natural products. And especially lazy people will come to the rescue, ready for a fee to change the size.

  • Stretch spray. In shoe stores, special products are sold that will help fit the shoes to the right foot size. They are sprayed both inside and outside the pair. Before stretching your suede, patent leather or leather shoes a size larger, read the instructions. You can pre-test the spray on old shoes. The average price for 160 ml of funds ranges around 300 rubles (data for July 2017).
  • Workshop. In shoe shops there are shoe stretching services. Specialists act according to the following scheme: shoes are put on pads specially selected for the size of the customer and slowly stretch the material. The disadvantage of this method is that sometimes in the process, seams can diverge. Whether there will be material compensation in this case is an open question. The cost of the service is from 300 rubles (data as of July 2017). The average procedure time is two days.
In shoe stores, they are taken mainly for stretching shoes in the lift and the shaft, that is, in width. It is almost impossible to stretch a pair in length, and in attempts there is a high risk of deforming products. The stretching service is applicable only to products made from natural materials.

How to stretch nubuck shoes at home: ways for different materials

How easy is genuine leather shoes to stretch? Shoemakers are not advised to experiment and work on shoes on their own. It is said that emollients such as petroleum jelly and glycerin fill the “pores” of the skin and prevent it from breathing, essentially turning it into dermatin. If you use the method of freezing, the effect will be, but it is likely that the shoes will stretch in those places where it sat perfectly. Alcohol methods, in turn, dry the materials. Despite the warnings of the masters, home methods are applied and remain relevant. What exactly can you do yourself so that the shoes are dispersed?

Leather black shoes on the grass

Genuine leather: test with boiling water and cold

Natural skin is easier to stretch, as it is able to withstand aggressive external influences and does not deform. It is not recommended to use methods for synthetic materials.

  • Boiling water. Hot water helps to spread shoes made of genuine leather quickly and without consequences. It is enough to pour so much liquid into the boots so that it fills the entire inner part, and immediately pour. Wait for the product to cool slightly and put on. Walk until it dries.If it’s scary to wet, put a packet in each boot.
  • Ice. The method is based on the laws of physics. Put the plastic bags inside the boot and fill it with water for a quarter. Put overnight in the freezer. The liquid, turning into ice, will expand and change the shape of the product. Wait for the liquid to melt and remove it from the shoe.
  • Alcohol. You can use not only pure alcohol, but also vodka, and even Triple Cologne and a window cleaner. Mix them with water in equal proportions, lubricate or spray with a spray bottle on shoes both inside and outside. Carefully process the heel: after such exposure, it will become soft and will not rub. Then put your shoes on a thick toe and wear for several hours.
  • Thick socks. Life hack from our mothers and grandmothers. Wear shoes for several days on wet terry or wool socks. The method is suitable for small adjustments to the size of the product.
  • Vaseline and castor oil. If the shoe is squeezing, you can try to stretch it to size, or even two, combining two substances (1: 1) and generously lubricating the inside of the products. Then place a special block there (you can buy in a shoe or hardware store). With its help, you can stretch the product without deforming the shape. After a day, remove the rest of the processing means with a cotton pad.
So that the alcohol does not dry out the leather shoes, after processing the shoes should be lubricated with heated petroleum jelly. All of these methods can be used for both winter and summer shoes. Only insulated products do not need to be soaked strongly, and after processing it is necessary to dry thoroughly. Please note: you can slightly increase the size of your favorite boots on the fur by removing the insole.

Suede, nubuck, textiles: newspapers can not only be read

Of the methods for posting leather shoes, for products made of nubuck, suede and fabric, only the method with a woolen sock is suitable. Alcoholic products are not suitable because the shoes “under the degree” will remain with stains and cracks, and oil substances will leave greasy spots. Boiling water is too aggressive, and a cold test will forever change shape, and not for the better.

But how then to distribute suede shoes, moccasins from textiles and synthetic ballet flats? In all these cases, you can try to solve the problem with a special tool for wearing suede.

And of the grandmother's ways, a reception with newspapers is good. Crumple the required amount of paper and shove it inside tight shoes. "Yellow Press", straightening, will adjust the shape of the product. Some suggest wetting prints in alcohol and water for greater effect. But for shoes made of suede, nubuck and fabric, this method with a wet newspaper is not suitable: there may be traces of printing ink.

Leatherette: the “cowboy” method and 5 more ways

Artificial leather almost does not stretch, quickly loses its shape, is deformed and cracked. But do not be discouraged, there are also many ways to stretch tight leatherette shoes. Here are six key ones.

  1. Socks. The already known method will help dermatin ballet shoes to adjust to the shape of the legs, if you wear them for several days with socks.
  2. Liquid cream or petroleum jelly. One way to clean the shoes from the inside. Wait until it soaks (usually it takes two to three hours). Wear shoes and walk for 20-40 minutes.
  3. Wet paper. Stuff the shoe tightly and let it dry. Do not overdo it by pushing periodicals into shoes - efforts may result in deformation of the product. Do not try to speed up the drying process with heaters or a hairdryer: the thermal effect will adversely affect the condition of the material.
  4. Grain or cereal. The method is also called "cowboy". To stretch the narrow shaft of the boots, you need to place packages in them, pour so much any small grains or grains so that it occupies the entire inside of the shoe, and pour water to the top. Grains, swollen, stretched artificial skin in eight to ten hours.
  5. Paraffin. If you press shoes or rub in the lift, dry thoroughly, for the sake of fidelity, even directing warm air from the hairdryer.A paraffin candle, hold it over the fire and work inside the places that cause discomfort: heels, seams, sides. Wait for the paraffin to cool and put on your shoes with socks. Wear it one to two days. After such manipulations, artificial material, as a rule, becomes wider, and the seams cease to rub. Scrape off the rest of the product and coat the wayward shoe with Vaseline.
  6. Laundry soap. Can be used instead of paraffin.
After such procedures to change the shape, dry the product thoroughly and lubricate it with any odorless vegetable oil or special impregnation. So it will be possible to extend the life of the shoes and maintain an attractive appearance.

Girl holds a shoe in her hands

Patent shoes: 2 options

How to quickly spread patent leather shoes and how to stretch patent leather shoes wide? The above methods will not work, since the visible coating can become covered with a network of cracks and stop shining. But you can even carry new shoes out of such material, the main thing is that it be soft and thin. First of all, you can use ready-made tools. A special foam-stretcher for varnish shoes and pads per day will do their job. If you are looking for an alternative solution, here are two options.

  1. Alcohol and water (2: 1). Mix the liquids in the indicated proportions, dip the socks in them, put them on first, and then the shoes. Walk in shoes until dry. It usually takes two to three hours.
  2. Vaseline or cream. Treat the inside of the shoes with any of the means, paying special attention to socks and heels. Insert pads or wear thick socks.
When stretching varnished products, do not use a hairdryer or boiling water. Otherwise, dull spots and cracks will appear.

Pull the rubber

If indispensable companions in rainy weather are made of durable rubber, then, alas, it is not possible to expand narrow shoes. But models made by Soviet standards are a thing of the past. Today, polyvinyl chloride, in other words, PVC, is used to produce waterproof attributes of bad weather. This material is easy to stretch.

But how do you know what rubber shoes are made of? With a heated needle or awl, touch the boots in an area invisible to the eyes, but do not need to pierce them. If the site began to melt, then you have PVC. Here may be the next trick of the seven actions.

  1. Pour boiling water into the boots so that it completely covers the inside.
  2. Wait three to five minutes for the material to become soft.
  3. Pour out hot water from the “wet stings”, wipe with a dry towel.
  4. Put on your socks and then your shoes.
  5. Walk in warm shoes for a few minutes.
  6. Then put it in a basin filled with cold water for an hour.
  7. Dry it.
The method will help not only those who do not know how to increase the size of shoes, but also those who want to fit it into the shape of the foot. But you can walk such boots only after a couple of days, when they are completely hardened.

Can sneakers be stretched

Even if sports shoes are tight in the fingers, their size can be slightly increased. Here we need the following approach, which requires only four steps.

  1. Peel the middle potato tuber.
  2. Put the root crop inside the sneaker so that it fills the inside of the sock.
  3. Set aside for a few hours.
  4. The fluid contained in the plant will stretch the material of the sneakers and make it more elastic.
If the boots are made of synthetics and they are small for you, you should refrain from buying. Such material is able to remain unchanged under any impact, even with professional processing.

Related Tips

Before starting the operation to increase the size, pay attention to some nuances. Do not start the procedure as soon as you returned from the store and found that the new things are small for you. Perhaps after a long walk the legs are a little swollen. Better the next day, again carry out a test fitting and, if they press shoes, then proceed to action. Listen to four more tips.

  1. Do no harm. Act carefully. In attempts to increase the size of textile products, it is possible to harm the fibers and completely ruin the shoes.
  2. Try to just smash it. Only purchased models shake frequently.Perhaps you just need to distribute them naturally and the problem will disappear. Opt for shoes with wedge-shaped inserts. They are easy to stretch, and they do not cause discomfort when used.
  3. Buy in the evening. By the end of the day, the legs swell slightly. If you buy a new thing in the morning, then after a few hours you can find that it is small for you.
  4. Consider quality. Choose models of good factory quality made from natural materials. They not only last longer, but are also easier to wear.
Keep in mind that all materials have a tensile limit. Even genuine leather can increase in size in different ways based on the starting material. For example, boots made of kangaroo hide are easier to stretch than from a bull. Remember that no matter how you try, stretching leather shoes in length will not work. Therefore, if the fingers rest on the sock, it is better to refuse the purchase.

All of these methods, judging by the reviews, are effective. Now you know how to distribute shoes that are tight and what to do if the shoes are small. But you do not need to equate expensive high-quality models with all-terrain vehicles. It is possible that expensive material simply can not withstand aggressive mechanical stress. Therefore, first apply in practice more gentle methods. Sometimes it’s enough just to carry shoes for several days and get rid of discomfort. After all, an uncomfortable pair can be returned back to the store, and the spoiled one will only have to be thrown away.

Reviews: “The feeling that the boots are made to order”

It is very difficult to see the shoes of your dreams, to evaluate how comfortable they will be in the future, any discomfort is attributed to the fact that the leg did not adapt simply. I myself like that, just recently bought ballet shoes. Only at home I realized that they are cramped. I had to stretch. Just, with the help of the method with wet socks, I stretched. Only, I still moistened with alcohol from the inside of the ballet. Great help.


At the sports school, we bought (leather) boots end-to-end or a size smaller, then threw out the insoles (making the product easier), put on shoes and went into the shower and, if possible, didn’t immediately take off after the shower. Then they dried away from heat sources such as batteries or the sun (of course), namely, somewhere under the bed, stuffed with paper. After they dried, they were covered with a baby cream, or just a hand cream. After this procedure, you got the feeling that you, like Roberto Baggio, have sewn boots on order.

Ignat dozo,

And I did it like that. poured a large basin of water. Shoes dipped there. I sat down in front of the TV, put the basin in front of me on a chair. Included a series or favorite program, and began to wrinkle shoes. Hands simulating the movements of the legs, she crumpled and bent, after an hour she put inside the bottles filled with water so that they would open the shoes as much as possible from the inside, and set to dry for a day. After drying, the shoes increase in size from about half to 1, it all depends on the quality.


I heard about applying alcohol before and tried it, it turned out (I have one leg a little more than the second). But about the method with boiling water - I don’t even know if it’s worth trying what will remain of the shoes? It’s better to really choose the extra half hour in the store and find your size so that nothing presses.


In addition to slippers and winter boots, I did not have a single pair of shoes that would not rub or squeeze my foot somewhere. Only all the experts with whom I consulted on how to stretch a part of a shoe or shoes along the leg claim that this cannot be done with alcohol-containing substances, for example, the same vodka. But all kinds of oils and hot water are what you need in this case. I personally always do this only with boiling water, because very quickly leather shoes stretch and this method does not require additional costs.


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