5 secrets on how to rotate a hoop and lose weight!

How to twist a hoop to lose weight? Does the result of training depend on the type of hula-hoop? What time is it advisable to practice? How many questions about the simplest body simulator! We answer them in order!
Girl with a hoop

Which of us didn’t do hula-hoop in our childhood? Probably not such a girl! If not during games in the yard, then in physical education classes it was a mandatory useful and fun program. Of course, then hardly anyone thought about the shortcomings of his figure, and each set of exercises with a hoop turned into a real holiday! And why not now please yourself with a simple workout that will help your body become better?

The benefits of hula-hoop exercises for weight loss

  • A large muscle group is involved during training.: abdominal, spinal, gluteus maximus, calves of the legs and thighs. Without a doubt, for a free and easy home fitness, this is a great result. A similar effect is difficult to obtain from other, even professional, simulators.
  • Blood flow is activated to areas in contact with the hoop. This is the main reason for burning fat, and not its "breaking" hula hoop. Blood brings oxygen to the waist and hips - a natural oxidizer of fats. They burn, bringing you extra energy and good mood.
  • Exercises with a hoop for the waist provide a soft massage of the abdominal cavitywhich does not positively affect intestinal motility. Therefore, if you have difficulties with the regularity of going to the toilet, soon enough you will be able to forget about them.
  • And finally, it's just fun! Classes with a hoop for weight loss do not need to be performed slowly and measuredly, as, for example, gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis. You can twist the hula hoop to the music or watching your favorite series. You can attract household members to gymnastics and develop interesting exercises with a hoop for children. All this will help not only to say goodbye to extra pounds easily and simply, but it is also interesting to spend time with the whole family.

Hula Hoop Choice

Why twist a hoop? Before figuring out how to twist a hoop for weight loss, you need to understand the question of its choice. And this is an extremely important point, since each hula-hoop brings a different result from training.

Girl with a hoop for weight loss on a background of the skyThere are 3 types of this sports equipment.

  • Plain plastic gymnastic hoop. It is he who has been familiar to us since childhood. Such an accessory can be made of plastic or metal (an aluminum circle is often found), inside it is hollow. The usual hula-hoop should be used by anyone who is just starting fitness exercises at home. With it, you will go through the initial stage of training, during which the skill of rotation and understanding of the process are developed.
  • Weighted hoop. This simulator is full-bodied, weighs 0.5-2 kg. Coaches do not recommend starting training with him, since increased weight can become an obstacle to the development of rotational “tactics”. At the same time, exercises with a hoop for losing weight of just this type will be most effective, because it increases the load on the muscles and forces the body to remain in good shape all the time.
  • Massage hoop. Such models have an increased cross-sectional area, and their body is equipped with many balls that have a massage effect. To use such a projectile for a beginner means immediately abandoning the desire to twist the hoop in order to lose weight. It is not only heavy, but during the initial training, it will leave a lot of bruises throughout the body.To purchase a simulator of this type should only be when you have already mastered the technique of working with the previous two.

5 Secrets to Using Hula Hoop Effectively Charging with a hoop

Massage hoop for rotation at the waistWhat muscles work when you turn a hoop? In order for the hoop to bring you joy and benefit, use it competently! Consider how much time you need to devote to get the perfect result.

  • Determine exercise time between meals: 2 hours after meals and at least 1 hour before meals. So you create ideal conditions to start the process of burning fat, and not glucose obtained from food. After training, you can drink a glass of plain still water.
  • Training time should be between 30 and 40 minutes. It is known that during the first 20 minutes the body’s consumption of glucose increases, and only then does our body begin to extract reserve energy from fat stores. Do not be discouraged if at first the hula hoop will fall all the time. Train first briefly - up to 10 minutes, gradually increasing the duration. The more confident you learn to rotate the hula-hoop, the more effective your classes will be in a couple of weeks.
  • Keep your feet as close together as possible. Initially, a torsion stand is convenient: the legs are a little further than the width of the shoulders, and the socks are apart. After mastering the skill in this position, change it, trying to bring your legs as close as possible. The smaller the distance between your feet, the more tense the muscles will be during training. And this is obtained not only the active expenditure of energy, but also direct work on tightened hips and elastic booty.
  • Breathe! As deep as possible without holding your breath! Open the window, fill the room with fresh air and saturate your body with oxygen. On the first day of training, dizzy? So, your body has already lost the habit of breathing fully. Give your body maximum oxygen to increase the rate of fat burning. And you will notice the result in the form of a decrease in the waist in a couple of weeks.
  • Do not chat with your body. You have to be tensed like a string, and the rotation is smooth and small in diameter.

That's all the secrets of how to rotate a hoop. Follow these rules to make your body perfect without going to the gym!

Video: how to twist a slimming hoop

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