Blood purification at home: when it is needed and how to conduct it

Blood is a "fluid organ" and a universal agent for the transfer of everything that came into it from various organs and body tissues. Therefore, how to clean blood at home should excite a person more than once in a lifetime. At the most serious level, blood purification is a set of measures to maintain their own health, carried out regularly.
Blood test from a vein

The need for periodic blood purification or its absence is an ambiguous topic. Although there are certain diseases or life situations, as a result of which toxic compounds appear in the blood. These include:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • poisoning (spoiled food, poison);
  • treatment with drugs with high toxicity (chemotherapy).

At the same time, the human body is “equipped” with a whole set of tools to independently maintain the constancy of internal environments, including the composition of blood, lymph, intestinal microflora and so on. Such mechanisms work autonomously, in addition to our will. They do not require intervention, and part of them (for example, immune defense) do not even tolerate it. In addition, we cannot directly affect the composition of our own blood - only by stimulating its filtering organs.

The composition of the "fluid organ"

How is blood cleansed? The ideal of maintaining a stable blood composition for humans is living in a static environment, absorbing a carefully balanced, but repeating "set" of food and drinks. And since in real life such conditions are unattainable, blood, with all its basic composition (corpuscles, plasma proteins and their proportions) constant, easily responds to new challenges by changing the ratio of its components. In all people and even animals, blood consists of the following components.

  • Blood plasma. Water with dissolved proteins for various purposes. They participate in blood coagulation or, conversely, the resorption of blood clots that are no longer needed. Some of them are related to immunity or the transportation of certain substances. But in aggregate, they make plasma a little thicker than water so that it does not leave the vascular bed due to high fluidity.
  • Shaped Taurus. Visible through an ordinary microscope. They are distinguished by three types: erythrocytes, which carry oxygen and carbon dioxide from cells to the lungs and vice versa; white blood cells that prey on any foreign bodies and substances in the bloodstream and the space between cells; as well as platelets that allow blood to coagulate quickly and clog a rupture in a vessel wall.
Some shaped bodies are heterogeneous. These are white blood cells, which are divided into neutrophils, whose functions are to block / absorb any foreign components, as well as basophils and eosinophils, whose role has not been fully studied. It is believed that they are involved in the development of allergic blood reactions to various stimuli.

What else do you have

A significant percentage of bilirubin, the yellow dye of bile, feces and plasma itself, is also constantly present in the blood, which is formed in the liver during the processing of red blood cells that have outlived their age. That is why with liver disease or massive destruction of red blood cells directly in the bloodstream, the patient experiences jaundice - a jump in the level of bilirubin in the blood.

In it, the presence of precursors of red blood cells, as well as cholesterol, is permissible. Rather, cholesterol, being a component of animal fat, does not dissolve in the blood, therefore, it cannot travel in the vascular bed in its free form.For transportation with a blood stream, its molecules, together with the molecules of a number of other insoluble substances, also receive protein coatings in the liver - “containers”, which can organically come into contact with blood. Science knows two types of such “containers”:

  • low density lipoproteins (LDL) - also called “bad” cholesterol for the tendency to adhere more often to the walls of blood vessels instead of going as intended, into body tissue;
  • high density lipoproteins (HDL) - “good” cholesterol, which less often adheres to the walls of blood vessels and sometimes “removes” already adhered plaques of “bad” cholesterol from them.
Along with the massive breakdown of red blood cells, only two changes in the composition of the blood are really bad. The first is a sharp decrease in the number of normal bodies in the bloodstream amid an increase in the percentage of leukocytes. And the second comes down to the appearance in the bloodstream of megaloblasts - immature bone marrow cells, “progenitors” of bodies of all kinds, which certainly should not be in the vascular bed. Both changes indicate that the patient has cancer of the blood or bone marrow.

Natural filters

Blood is constantly filtered, purging from various components, several organs at once.

  • Liver. It processes old red blood cells and all complex compounds that are in the bloodstream. In particular, not individual vitamins, minerals and sugar, but alcohol, drugs.
  • Spleen. This organ is a place for processing blood cells. However, the spleen is not considered a vital organ, as the liver easily takes over its functions if necessary.
  • Kidney. They purify the blood from metabolic products, especially proteins. But the kidneys are not adapted to the removal of proteins in their pure form, and when they have to do something similar, their parenchyma (filtering tissue) undergoes rapid degradation. If necessary, they can also remove excess sugar, as in diabetes. But for the parenchyma, this ends in diabetic nephropathy.

The body of immunity - leukocytes or lymphocytes (immune defense of the lymph and the space inside the cells) also contribute to maintaining the biochemical purity of the blood. They capture all unidentified or harmful formations found in it - bacteria, worm eggs, foreign objects. True, their effectiveness has its limitations.

Lymphocytes and white blood cells are unable to penetrate cell membranes. Therefore, viruses and other pathogens that never appear in the free bloodstream are not available to them. Compounds dissolved in the blood, even if they are very dangerous, like quick-acting poisons or excess bilirubin, are also outside their “competence”.

When do you need a cleaning ...

It happens that cleansing the blood can really improve the patient's condition, speed up his recovery or prevent complications of the disease or its therapy. In particular, blood purification at home, by folk methods, or medically, in a hospital, is desirable or even necessary in the following situations.

  • With a hangover syndrome. Ethyl alcohol is synthesized in our own intestines as a stimulant of digestion and metabolism. In excess, it is toxic to the liver and brain, especially its limbic system (it is responsible for adaptation to environmental conditions). Alcohol also inhibits the synthesis of ADH, an antidiuretic hormone that inhibits the activity of the kidneys in urine excretion. Hence all the consequences caused by its overdose, known under the general name of the hangover syndrome: thirst, photophobia, headache, disorientation.
  • In case of poisoning. A potent poison, sprinkled on a person with food for the purpose of killing, cannot be neutralized with a simple blood purification - an injection of an antidote is needed, if not just one. But in everyday life, people are often poisoned by stale or infected food by any pathogens.The poisoning effect here is due to the presence of decay products (ptomains are especially dangerous - products of putrefactive decomposition of animal protein) or the pathogen's vital activity.
  • After chemotherapy. Contrary to popular belief, intracellular antibiotics are prescribed not only for cancer, but also for a number of autoimmune diseases and infections. Their purpose depends on the state of the patient’s own immunity and the properties of the pathogen. To clean the blood and lymph at the end of their course means not only to reduce the toxic effect of the chemotherapy drug on the excretory organs, but also to complete the process of destruction of healthy body cells (they are more resistant to destructive effects than infected or malignant, but not to infinity). Cleaning is permissible only after the end of the chemotherapy course, and not in between sessions. This is a prerequisite, especially in oncology, since even an extremely toxic antibiotic must first do its job.
  • With liver diseases. The liver and spleen are able to perform the functions of cleansing the blood for each other, but help with the disease of one of them will not hurt. Blood purification in such cases can reduce the toxic effects of decay products on other, while healthy organs and tissues.
  • With renal failure. The most famous way to cleanse the blood of toxins (mainly nitrogenous bases), usually excreted by the kidneys, is hemodialysis. Purification of blood with folk remedies in such cases is useless and unacceptable due to a threat to the patient's life. With their help, you can only stimulate the activity of the kidneys before they fail, but not after it.
  • With blood poisoning. In our time, this happens less and less, but in theory almost any pathogens can infect the blood. To do this, they need only a very weakened immunity and an extensive focus of infection (preferably with elements of purulent fusion) anywhere in the tissues. Blood poisoning often ends in death, but the fight against it is blood transfusion and / or repeated cleaning.
A cleansing or blood transfusion can be prescribed even for an infant. They are needed for jaundice of newborns, if it is due to a mismatch of the Rh factors with the mother or another reason that does not allow to hope for its independent completion. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the procedure, as well as infancy. But a competent obstetrician-gynecologist is unlikely to prescribe her about the banal toxicosis - the reason should be serious.

... and when not needed

So, how to cleanse the blood in the body, filtering organs can "take care" without us. And many of the signs of its “pollution” either have nothing to do with its composition, or cannot be “cleaned up”, since the root of the problem lies in the malfunctioning of another mechanism or organ. Among such unrealizable desires, questions are how to cleanse blood of cholesterol and sugar.

Both components are a normal, vital part of the human diet. Without them, the life of our body ends much earlier than even with atherosclerosis with a malignant course. And the pathologies that cause their improper metabolism (atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes mellitus) relate specifically to the incorrect functioning of the metabolic system. Cholesterol and sugar themselves are not directly related to them. And among the most common myths about biochemically "clean" and "dirty" blood, the idea that its purification helps from a number of conditions.

  • From acne. Usually having a hormonal nature or arising due to irritation, poor hygiene, the season (in the summer, sebaceous glands and bacteria are always more active than in winter), the composition of the skin microflora. In a word, from the mass of reasons that are far from the composition or behavior of the blood.
  • From furunculosis. Varieties of acne, in which inflammation affects not only the sebaceous gland, but also the surrounding connective tissue.Most often, furunculosis causes excessive activity of Staphylococcus aureus - a normal component of skin microflora, which can become dangerous if it imbalances or reduces the immunity of the whole body.
  • From psoriasis. An autoimmune disease in which immunity attacks healthy skin cells of a particular type. The allergic nature of psoriasis has been discovered and proven relatively recently. Until that moment, its development was attributed to metabolic disorders, liver pathologies, and unhealthy diet (especially with an excess of animal fats, spices, fried and other dishes that do not fit the description of a healthy lifestyle).
  • For allergies. Immune processes are usually not associated with white blood cell activity. Lymphocytes are more often responsible for their development, since the aggression of leukocytes against any of the body’s own cells is limited by their inability to penetrate into them in order to destroy them. Lymphocytes do not have such a limitation, hence the pattern. Blood purification with such pathologies helps only temporarily remove some of the proteins from it - provocateurs of an allergic reaction. But the “window” of freedom from its symptoms given by cleaning or transfusion of blood rarely lasts more than six months.
  • From cold sores. A viral infection, against which both leukocytes and some of the pathogens inside the cell (beyond its borders) can’t “get” the pathogen and the lymphocytes cannot survive or multiply. In general, cleaning the body from infections of some strains of the herpes virus of B-lymphocytes would not hurt here, but they have not yet come up with ways to do this.
  • With gout. The same metabolic disorder as diabetes, only associated with the excretion of uric acid from the blood. Uric acid is formed by the breakdown of animal proteins or the body's own cells. Usually it is filtered and excreted in the urine of the kidney, simultaneously managing to get a small profit in the form of acidification of the urine (to improve its antimicrobial and disinfecting urinary tract action). But with kidney disease or an excess of uric acid, its accumulation in articular bags begins. The body’s immune defense attacks such “stores”, because normally they should not be in the body. As a result, the entire symptom complex typical of gout is formed. To clean the blood of uric acid, it is necessary to stop the process of protein oxidation in the body. That's why gout is treated by refusing excess portions of meat.
  • In order to lose weight. Probably, in the sense of reducing the level of glucose and complex carbohydrates from food, the excess of which forms fat reserves or improve metabolism due to "restoring order" in the vascular bed. In any case, changes in the composition of the blood do not affect the amount of deposits formed on our buttocks. But their quantity and quality are affected by the calorie content of the food, the level of mobility (especially in relation to this calorie content), the hormonal background (female contributes to weight gain more than male) and many other factors.

Blood purification for autoimmune diseases is prescribed, but only in severe cases, during periods of exacerbation or when there is a chance to temporarily get rid of their manifestations due to the elimination of antibodies already existing there from the blood and plasma. This is not always possible, but the manifestations of the disease always return in the period up to a year. There are restrictions on the number and scale of blood purifications / transfusions for one allergic patient. And to use this method of control over the intensity of manifestations of pathology indefinitely.

The relationship between weight and blood composition can be traced only in one case - with blood cancer, when the patient, as in the case of cancer of any other localization, begins to lose weight. Anemia, accompanying primary malignant lesions of the blood and bone marrow, also contributes to poor health, loss of appetite and thinness.It occurs during the secondary spread (metastasis) of tumors located anywhere in the body, to the liver or bone marrow.

Girl drinks water

Scientific methods for home use

The body is able to cope with most temporary violations of the blood composition itself, but sometimes it helps with a pharmacy. Therefore, the choice of blood purification method directly depends on the reason on which it is carried out. For example, many are interested in how to effectively clean blood from alcohol at home, as this is one of the most common situations in the world.

The most natural, simple and safe way to get rid of ethyl alcohol metabolites at home is to drink plenty of water, since the kidneys will work in a mode of increased activity for about a day (until the ADH level returns to normal), and the residues of the alcohol processed by the liver will leave the body with urine . At the same time, compensation is also achieved for body fluids lost. And to improve the result, you can, at maximum, take an absorbent such as activated carbon in order to remove from the intestine the effects of the past feast that have not yet entered the bloodstream. There is no need for another detoxification for a hangover syndrome, although it is necessary in the last stages of alcoholism after prolonged binge drinking or in the treatment of drug addiction.

How to clean blood in a hospital

Inpatient treatment is distinguished by its high technological effectiveness and efficiency, which is typical for hardware medicine, especially taking into account the advanced software control of equipment.

  • Detoxification drugs. If the violation of the blood composition or the desired effect is temporary, limited, blood purification begins with the help of intravenous injection of special agents (usually in combination with albumin or vitamins). But there is nothing extraordinary in their composition - all the same absorbents with the addition of sodium chloride, glucose and trace elements that regulate the activity / condition of the heart and blood vessels. The classic representative of this series is Hemodez N (absorbent povidone in combination with magnesium, potassium, calcium in saline). And with alcoholism, the Reamberin drug based on hepatoprotectors of meglumine and succinic acid, the remaining components of which are identical to "Hemodezu N".
  • Plasmapheresis. An extremely popular procedure, which is to replace the patient's own blood plasma with physiological saline.
  • Ozone cleaning. Another injection technique, which boils down to the intravenous administration of normal saline, only enriched with ozone. At the same time, none of the components in the blood leaves it, since ozone (a triatomic oxygen molecule instead of the standard diatomic) does not have the properties of a blocker or absorbent. That is, we are not talking about blood purification. However, ozone injections give the same effect as a walk in the coniferous forest after a thunderstorm - a one-time and temporary saturation of blood / tissues with oxygen, which accelerates the metabolic processes in the cells. Only side effect ozone therapy always one, regardless of the method, a moderate headache for the next two to three hours.
  • Hemosorption. In fact, we are talking about the "distillation" of blood through a filter of activated carbon powder.
  • Hemodialysis. It is carried out by pumping the blood of a patient with renal failure through an "artificial kidney." This is the name of a selectively permeable membrane, on one side of which there is blood, and on the other - a special solution that can absorb target substances from this blood (nitrogenous bases, excess potassium, etc.). The method is used not only for renal failure / failure, but also for poisoning, including drug, alcohol and drug.
  • VLOK. Or intravenous laser blood irradiation. Laser blood purification is its treatment with low-intensity laser radiation through a fiber inserted into a vein with a needle.It is assumed that the procedure increases the activity of red blood cells in the capture and transfer of gases, works as a weak anticoagulant. It normalizes blood circulation throughout the body and filtering organs, leading to a decrease in the concentration of foreign / toxic substances in the blood. In other words, laser blood purification also does not cleanse it by itself - it only creates conditions for its better filtration by the liver and kidneys. There is very little data on the real effectiveness of the method, since tracking a parameter such as the absorption capacity of red blood cells is already difficult. And its monitoring in the next few hours / days after the procedure (so that there is no doubt about her “merit”) is an almost impossible task.
There is a suspicion that the commercial benefits of laser blood irradiation exceed the medical ones. If all its effectiveness is reduced to anticoagulant action, then taking anticoagulants really improves blood circulation and blood filtration. True, this can be achieved much easier, and you won’t even need to administer heparin, dangerous because of its pronounced effect (blood protein - an anticoagulant) - it will be enough just to take the Aspirin tablet.

Plasmophoresis apparatus

Folk ways

Herbs with the properties of blood purifiers are known in folk medicine in abundance, and are used for the slightest reason. Most often among them are called:

  • onion and garlic;
  • knotweed;
  • heliotrope;
  • dandelion;
  • nettles;
  • sagebrush;
  • verbena;
  • a series of.

The ability to beneficially influence the composition of the blood is ascribed even to plants that have firmly entered our diet from other climatic zones like ginger root and lemon juice. Some of these purposes are not without reason, because garlic and onions are rich in volatile. They sanitize both the digestive tract and the blood or urinary tract - all the media and tissues that they come into contact with. It's just that this is not an exclusive property of garlic or onion, since St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle, celandine and many other plants with a high content of volatile, alkaloids, tannins have a similar effect.

Similarly, with lemon, other sour fruits and berries. Their special taste and aroma are due to the high content of food acids - natural antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and weak anticoagulants, as the incomparably more expensive laser cleaning, which we mentioned a little higher. The intake of organic acids in the blood additionally shifts its balance to the acidic side, making it even less favorable for the multiplication of pathogens than before. Plus, they reduce the rate at which new free radicals appear in it — chemically incorrect oxides (oxidation products).

Thus, traditional medicine made the right observation. And you can correct it only in the fact that all these effects are very weak, are indirect in nature and are not critical even with a usual hangover - maximum, with light food poisoning.

Among the really not meaningless recommendations of the healers, there are others who are unreasonable or even capable of leading to the exact opposite result. For example, cleansing a patient’s blood by fumigating the mentioned plants or church incense with smoke is considered to be a method comparable in effectiveness to taking decoctions and infusions from them. The fame of a good product for improving its composition and properties is also used in baking soda.

Meanwhile, if the first statement is simply incorrect, then cleaning the blood at home with soda will only lead to a shift in the balance of both blood and urine to the alkaline side. By nature, the balance of these media, like sweat, is acidic, since an acidic environment is less favorable for the survival of pathogens than alkaline. So, instead of cleansing the blood, you can get a deterioration in the patient's condition, including a more rapid spread of existing infections.

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