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Traces of dandelions are often found after washing and drying clothes. Conventional products for white or colored linen cannot remove such impurities - the powder lacks the necessary substances that can dissolve dried milk of a flower. But to remove such spots is quite realistic - for this you can use household chemicals or more gentle home remedies.
How to wash a dandelion from clothes: professional stain removers
Special compounds for cleaning the fabric from contamination are sold. Stain removers are quite safe, they will not spoil clothes and color. You can use several types at once. For example, “Oxy”, “Amway”, “Udalix”, “Eared nanny”, “Vanish”, “Faberlik”, “Sarma” are popular. They are presented in various forms.
Liquid and powder products
Features. The effectiveness of the product will depend on the correct amount. Packages with such substances contain special measuring spoons. As a rule, labels or boxes always contain instructions for using a specific substance. The use of the mixture is very simple.
Getting started
- You need to put clothes in the washing machine.
- Pour ordinary powder.
- Put the necessary amount of stain remover in a special compartment.
- Wash normally.
Cleaning pencil
Features. This is a very convenient stain remover. It is a wide rod, similar in shape to a crayon for children. One of the most popular and effective remedies is the Udalix pencil. It can be used for both color and white clothing.
Getting started
- Dampen a dirty area of cloth.
- You do not need to wet the pencil, it will be moistened from clothes.
- It is necessary to rub the spot thoroughly with a pencil.
- Not all brands form foam, so you can just rub it for a few minutes.
- Soaked laundry should be left on for 20 minutes and then washed as usual.
Features. The name speaks for itself - such substances are best used only for white tissue.
Getting started
- Bleach must be added to the appropriate compartment of the washing machine.
- Pour the detergent into the compartment and start washing.
- To quickly remove stains from dandelions, you can set the washing mode to 90 ° C. The main thing is to make sure that the type of fabric can be processed at high temperature.
Laundry soap
Features. This is one of the most readily available methods to combat dandelion blots.It can also be used for black clothes - the soap does not wash out the color and is easily washed off with water. To remove stains, you will need a laundry soap with a concentration of 72%. It is convenient to leave the fabric soaked overnight. After that, the clothes are washed with ordinary powder.
Getting started
- Before cleaning, moisten the dirty area with warm water.
- Using a bar of soap, rub the stain properly.
- Soak clothes in warm water for about 10 hours.
- Wash normally.
- In case of intense contamination - repeat the procedure several times.
Bile Soap
Features. Withdrawing a dandelion from jeans and other clothes will help gall soap. It has the ability to corrode fats and cope with dandelion juice and other impurities on the fabric. It does not wash color, so it can be used for any clothing.
Getting started
- Before cleaning, moisten the dirty area with warm water.
- Using a bar of soap, rub the stain properly.
- Soak clothes in warm water for about 10 hours.
- Wash normally.
- In case of intense contamination - repeat the procedure several times.
Other household chemicals
Features. How to remove dandelions from clothes if there are no specialized means at hand? For washing, some cleaning products that are originally intended for processing other surfaces: plumbing, floors, carpets, and scale, are suitable. But you need to act carefully, work with gloves. With an illiterate approach, chemicals can not only ruin clothes, but also corrode the skin of the hands. Many ladies respond positively to aggressive cleaning products for hard surfaces. It can be "Domestos", "Vanish", "Duckling". But they should be used only on white clothes - chemistry easily corrodes color. Usually the spots disappear after the first cleaning.
Getting started
- The stain must be thoroughly saturated with the substance.
- Leave for about 10-15 minutes.
- Gently rub the product over the cloth. For the last action, you can use a cotton pad, a soft sponge, or simply take clothes with both hands and rub the contaminated areas together.
- Then you need to send the thing to the washing machine and wash in normal mode with the addition of powder.
What did the economical housewives come up with
Craftsmen also thought about how to remove stains from dandelions from clothes. As a result, there are now many ways how to get rid of herbal stains of varying complexity at home. Many of them, indeed, allow achieving the desired results. But efforts have yet to be made to completely remove pollution.
Lemon juice
Features. The amount of lemon juice depends on the area of dirty areas of clothing. On average, you may need the juice of half a lemon. Lemon can be replaced with citric acid. It has whitening properties, so it is not recommended for bright clothes.
Getting started
- Citrus juice or acid should be treated with dandelion spots and left to soak.
- After half an hour, you need to wash clothes with laundry soap or powder.
- Most likely, one procedure will not be enough to completely remove the stain. Therefore, if necessary, repeat these manipulations several times.
Features. Using a whitening toothpaste and a medium hard brush, you can get rid of light spots from dandelion milk. It is undesirable to use a paste for colored items - clothing may acquire a grayish or dull shade. Repeat the procedure several times.
Getting started
- Turn the clothing inside out and grease the place of contamination liberally.
- Lightly rub the fabric with a toothbrush or sponge.
- Leave for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
- Repeat these steps will be required at least three times, more can be (if necessary).
- After such bleaching procedures, you need to rub a little ordinary powder into the fabric and send the clothes to the laundry.
- A normal amount of powder should also be added to the washing machine.
Peroxide and ammonia
Features. This method is also suitable only for white linen. When working with these solutions, be sure to wear rubber gloves.
Getting started
- It is necessary to mix one part of ammonia with two parts of hydrogen peroxide. For example, 10 ml of the first and 20-25 ml of the second.
- A piece of towel or a cotton pad should be dipped in the resulting composition, depending on the size of the contaminants.
- Then rub with a towel or disc stains.
- At the end - wash clothes in the usual way.
Sunflower oil
Features. Oil can even be used for jackets and other outerwear. Do not be afraid that after oil on the fabric there will be greasy spots. The oil is washed off very well with powder or soap and leaves absolutely no residue.
Getting started
- You need to apply ordinary sunflower oil to the soiled area of clothing and rub it well.
- You can rub sections of fabric against each other, or you can use a toothbrush, soft sponge or cotton pad.
- After oil comes the turn of laundry soap. It is necessary to rub the stain with them until foam is formed.
- Wash the item manually or in a washing machine with powder.
Features. The product perfectly dissolves fatty and acidic traces, so it can also cope with dandelion juice. It is one of the few home remedies that can be used for colored clothing.
Getting started
- It is necessary to lubricate the contamination with the product, and then pat it dry with a napkin.
- The substance must be absorbed into the paper along with the dirt.
- Do this a few times.
- Foam laundry soap thoroughly on clothes.
- Send the item to the laundry as usual.
It is easiest to remove dandelion stains from clothing when they are still fresh. Then the first time even folk remedies can work. Stains that have not yet been exposed to high temperatures in the washing machine or from the iron are also well washed. Heat-treated contaminants are the most difficult to clean. But even after washing, dandelion stains can be removed from clothes. With thorough and repeated cleanings, contaminants will surely disappear.