How to wash red wine from a white T-shirt wash from clothes, remove from carpet, remove from sofa

One inaccurate movement - and your favorite outfit is stained with red wine. Is that familiar? It is very difficult to get rid of such pollution. But do not rush to throw away the soiled thing, it can be reanimated if you know the proven methods. How to remove red wine from clothes? There are many popular methods that can surprise the result. When choosing, consider the features of the fabric. And then the spoiled thing will become clean, and will last at least until the next party.
Red wine spilled on a carpet

Why are wine stains considered the most difficult? The answer lies in the chemical composition of the alcoholic beverage. Resistance to pollution is provided by the anthocyanin pigment. After the penetration of the pigment into the structure of the tissue, it is difficult to remove it, and it penetrates almost immediately.

Substances that can dissolve pigment will come to the rescue. Which ones? Those that are easy to find at home are salt, peroxide, citric acid, and vinegar. The main condition is to know what method can be used to clean a particular type of fabric so as not to spoil the thing completely.

Wash red wine: 2 main steps

Tipped over a glass of wine? Act immediately! Otherwise, your favorite T-shirt or elegant pants can forever remain with wine "blots" and divorces. It is necessary that wine does not impregnate fabric fibers. If this is allowed, then the struggle for cleanliness will be long and not always winning. What needs to be done right away?

  1. Blot the blot. This can be done with napkins or absorbent cloth. You must try: it is necessary that the liquid is absorbed as much as possible. Otherwise, the wine pigment will penetrate the structure of the fabric, and then the spots can settle forever.
  2. Sprinkle salt. Sodium prevents the penetration of pigments into the tissue. Salt removes moisture, so sprinkle without sparing. When the salt is wet, shake it off. Sprinkle the stain with a new salt portion. Feel free to use this method in public places. Salt poured onto the contaminated area, although it does not completely remove the stain immediately, however, it “works” for the future. The spotted spot is easily removable.

If the situation with wine occurred at home, you can supplement the first steps with the use of an effective solution. It is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of alcohol in a liter of water is bred. A small piece of laundry soap is also added here. In such a solution, the stained thing is soaked for at least 20 minutes. The solution does not give a chance of stains to remain after washing.

Having gotten dirty, many hurry to wash red wine from clothes, but use hot water. Do not do this: high temperature is unacceptable for some varieties of wine. After such a washing, “blots” can change color to dark green or blue, and it is even more difficult to cope with them.

Red wine stains

If red on white: 3 options

Washing red wine with white clothes is not easy. Stains and traces often remain on the fabric. The task is complicated by the fact that it is not always possible to act immediately: the "blot" dries up and it seems that the thing has lost its appearance forever. Having spilled wine on a white shirt, do not rush to despair. If you know some tricks, it will be easy to win the fight for cleanliness. One of three ways will help to remove red wine stains from white clothes.

  1. Peroxide. Apply peroxide to the contaminated area. Gently rub, leave for ten minutes. Wash clothes and marvel at their cleanliness: peroxide will “stretch” the wine pigment.
  2. Vinegar. Fill the stain with vinegar, leave for half an hour. After washing, the white fabric will turn white again.
  3. Lemon acid. Prepare an auxiliary solution: 2 g of acid is needed per glass of water.Treat the stained area with a cotton swab dipped in the solution. Leave on for seven minutes, rinse the place of contamination. A simple way will help to remove an old stain from white things.
If you just spilled a drink, you can squeeze lemon juice on the same place. The liquid must be collected with a napkin. The juice will lighten the wine pigment, will not let it deeply absorb.

Glasses of wine fell

Help for printed items

It is more difficult to remove a dried red wine stain from clothes if the fabric is colored. But even this is a feasible task. You just need to know which assistants to call.

  1. Manganese solution. Moisten a stain with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, leave for about five minutes. Wash a thing in the usual way. The reviews of the hostesses convince that before washing the pollution treated with potassium permanganate, it is also necessary to apply a solution of peroxide: so the effect will be greater. A teaspoon of the substance must first be diluted in water (take a glass of liquid).
  2. Glycerin and yolk. A mixture of glycerin and raw yolk will help save colored clothes. Components are taken in the same volume. The mixture is applied to the stain for at least two hours, then the item is washed. The method is well applied for old spots.
  3. Sodium hydrosulfate and peroxide. Apply the product purchased at the pharmacy for contamination, wait five minutes, treat the stain with a small amount of peroxide.
Is wine washed off? To keep the color fabric bright, do not use bleach. Store stain removers will help to cope with the problem and get things from grapes or grape juice, but you need to select those that will not spoil the printed items.

Wine poured on a shirt

Type of fabric is important

In search of an effective way to remove red wine stains, be sure to consider the typical features of the fabric. If you ignore the characteristic - you can hopelessly spoil the thing.

  • Cotton clothes. Heated milk will help to save such a thing. They need to soak the stain and leave for ten minutes. After that, the clothes are washed.
  • Wool and silk. Mix glycerin and wine alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. Treat contamination with the solution (use a cotton pad to do this). Leave for two hours. Blot the treated area with a cloth before washing.
  • Denim Jeans quickly absorb wine. Due to the density of denim, it is difficult to fight wine stains on it, so you need to act immediately. Contamination can be treated with salt, soda and even sweet soda. How to remove an old stain of red wine from denim? Mix the dishwashing detergent and peroxide (1: 2) and treat the contamination.
  • Delicate fabric that cannot be washed. A solution of ammonia, glycerin, vodka (1: 1: 3) will help get rid of the stain. A cotton pad is moistened in it and the stain is carefully treated.

So that the wine "blot" does not creep along the clothes, begin to process it from the edges and move to the center. You can erase the stain from red wine in cold water, while hot, on the contrary, promotes the penetration of pigment into the fibers. The French believe that red wine can be neutralized ... white. If you pour white wine on a stain of red, then the pigmentation will really lighten, removing pollution will be easier. However, this method is relevant only for fresh spots and for dense fabrics (for example, denim). If you can’t cope with the means at hand, take the item to dry cleaning, but if you carefully follow the instructions, you won’t have to.

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