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A spot on your favorite pants or skirt is a disaster! And what if your favorite home dressing gown was dyed with hair? How to wash a stain from wine, how to clean your knees from grass, how to wash off a stain from cosmetics, or to wipe a toner from a printer - that's not the point! We are interested in how to reduce a paint stain from your favorite jeans so that there is no toxic smell of solvent - we will get rid of various types of stains in our article.
Oil, emulsion, acrylic and even watercolor paints do not wash well. Why? In their composition pigment and binders. The former are responsible for the saturated color, and the latter - tightly fix the composition on the surfaces. Therefore, sitting on a freshly painted bench, you risk not only the cleanliness of jeans: the fabric merges so quickly and firmly with the dye that it simply sticks and it is difficult to detach from the bench.
5 minutes after an emergency: how to remove fresh paint from jeans
How to clean the paint? The main thing is fast. Until the stain has dried, you have at your disposal a few simple cleaning methods and high chances of a good result. Even dishwashing detergent can defeat elementary fresh paint. How to apply this and other methods?
- Fill your pelvis with hot (but not boiling water!) Water.
- Add four tablespoons of dishwashing detergent to the water (one spoon per liter).
- Foam the water.
- Immerse the jeans in the prepared solution.
- Wipe the area of contamination.
- Leave in water for 10-15 minutes.
- Rub the place of contamination well (the edges of the fabric against each other or with the hard side of the kitchen sponge)
- Wash jeans by adding stain remover for colored materials.
- Before wiping fresh paint off your jeans with gasoline, be sure to protect your hands with gloves.
- Put a thick paper towel or piece of white cotton under the spot.
- Carefully treat the contamination with a gauze swab dampened with plenty of gasoline.
- Wipe the area with gasoline several more times, removing any remaining paint.
- Wash contamination in warm water using foamed laundry soap.
- Wash in a drum in the corresponding mode.
If the spots are eaten ...
It so happens that there is no way to immediately start washing. Or the incorrect cleaning method was initially selected.Then the stain dries, and is fixed with a strong layer in the fibers.
You can remove old paint from jeans at home with the help of Galosha gasoline-solvent. The latter is a more modern name for the “Kalosh” remedy. This type of lighter fluid is named after a chemist named Kalosh, who was the first to receive lightweight fractions of heavy petroleum products.
You will find the product on the shelves of hardware and construction stores under the B-70 index. This product is also called Nefras or Oil Solvent. The product is used for diluting paints, degreasing surfaces, cleaning fabrics. How to remove stains of paint from jeans "galoshes"?
"Galosha" comes to the rescue
- Put on gloves.
- Apply generously with gauze to the desired area.
- Using a medium hard bristle brush, gradually remove paint.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
- Clean the fabric slightly beyond the visible borders of the spot to avoid possible stains.
- Rinse well the cleaned area under the tap.
- Wash in a suitable mode with active powder.
Methods depending on the type of paint
The measures to be taken depend not only on the age of the stain, but also on the type of paint. Different compounds react differently to certain cleaners. For example, for watercolors it is not necessary to use powerful chemicals. The stain can be quickly cleaned with ordinary household soap. Just rub the wet cloth with a bar. And then with an old toothbrush or hard sponge, remove any unwanted color and wash the item.
The same product is able to remove fresh oil blot: make a warm soapy solution (30 g of chips per liter of water) and soak the contaminated area in it for ten minutes. Then the stain is removed with a hard washcloth, periodically soaping again if necessary.
However, laundry soap is not able to remove already dried oil paint from denim and other types of coloring substances. How to remove paint from jeans if it is on a water-based basis, acrylic and absorbed oil?
Emulsion stain remover
- Wet the cloth well.
- Spray a colored stain remover on its surface.
- It is necessary to completely cover the entire stain and slightly go beyond its edges.
- Soak for 15 minutes.
- After this period, rinse the jeans section under the tap.
- Wash jeans as usual in the drum.
Turpentine oil blots
- Treat a piece of fabric soaked in turpentine and folded with gauze several times.
- Remove the paint coat and walk around the area again.
- After that, wash under the tap.
- Wash in a drum with active powder in the appropriate mode.
From acrylic - mechanical cleaning
Acrylic paint from clothes should be tried as soon as possible to remove with a dense napkin, being careful not to rub the substance on the fabric. And if the paint has already dried up, carefully scrape off the layer with a blunt knife or nail file.
Also, the upper dried layer of such paint is conveniently cleaned with a clothes brush. And you can additionally walk with isopropyl alcohol (sold in chemical stores or in specialized online stores). The final step is washing with an active powder.
Tips for light denim lovers
How can paint be removed from jeans if they are sewn from light fabric? One of the most effective and safe means in this case is white cosmetic clay. Combine 20 g of clay and crushed chalk. Add as many Galoshes. For 20 minutes, leave the mixture in a moist, contaminated area. Use a stiff sponge to remove any residue, rinse well under the tap and wash the white jeans with bleach.
And one more cleaning tip: if you couldn’t cope with the stain in one approach, glycerin will help to remove the paint from the jeans. Treat them with a cloth and leave for 10-12 hours. Clean the soft coating and wash the jeans in the car.