How to grow long hair: the right menu and ways to “wake up” the bulb

Regardless of the changing fashion trends, long and healthy hair is always true. Waving shiny curls look impressive both on a walk and in a festive atmosphere. But few can boast of such a treasure. Someone's hair is naturally fragile and slow in growth. And some ladies in search of a new image spoil the curls with dyeing or short cutting. The situation can be corrected by knowing how to quickly grow hair at home.
Beautiful brunette

Shampoos, balms, sprays, serums and other products used for daily care of hair affect mainly the dead tissue, which is the hair. This allows you to maintain the strands in a normal functional state, preventing their cross-section and fragility. But the bulb, which is the source of growth, is hidden under the skin. It is on the root that you need to influence in every way so that the hair becomes long, thick and healthy. Hair regrowth is not a quick matter, here you need to know all the subtleties and adhere to the tips. You need to do this in two ways - increasing blood flow and saturation with nutrients.

The influence of external and internal factors

Is it possible to find out how much hair grows in a month? On average, for a month, the length of the hair increases by 1-1.5 cm. But for someone, hair grows catastrophically slow, adding a few millimeters a month, and someone notes a growth of up to 2 cm. Five main factors influence this process. .

  1. Season. In summer, as a rule, the growth of curls is more intense. This is due to accelerated blood circulation due to high air temperature, as well as an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. In winter, the update process is slowed down.
  2. Times of Day. At night, the cell renewal process is suspended.
  3. Type of curls. Hard curly ones grow faster than straight and thin ones.
  4. Genetics. As a rule, the quality of hair is determined by heredity. During intrauterine development, the future nutrition of the child is affected by the quality of the mother’s nutrition.
  5. Care. The more attention you pay to applying nourishing masks and massage, the longer and healthier the strands will be.
A decisive influence on the condition and growth rate of hair has a lifestyle. Even perfect genetics will not save the hairstyle if you are often nervous, lacking sleep, eating wrong or have bad habits.

Diet features

The surest way to accelerate hair growth is to provide intensive root nutrition from the inside. The easiest way to drink a course of vitamins. But the effect will be temporary. It is important to constantly maintain a normal concentration of nutrients in the body. This can be achieved by rationalizing nutrition. What foods should be included in the diet can be found in the table.

Table - Nutrients for hair growth and products containing them

SubstanceActWhere is contained
Fatty acid- Prevent dehydration of curls;
- give elasticity
- Red fish;
- linseed oil;
- avocado;
- nuts
Protein- “Building material” for hair- Beef;
- pork;
- poultry meat;
- hard cheese;
- beans
Vitamin A- Stimulates the production of keratin and collagen;
- boosts the process of follicular formation
- Carrot;
- butter;
- eggs;
- fish liver
B vitamins- Increase blood circulation;
- improve the digestibility of nutrients;
- contribute to cell renewal
- yeast;
- liver;
- buckwheat;
- nuts;
- oatmeal;
- spinach;
- beans;
- potatoes;
- cauliflower;
- Rye bread;
- milk;
- tomatoes;
- seeds
Biotin- Prevents hair loss- Walnuts;
- Brewer's yeast;
- rice porrige;
- soy
Inositol- For the growth of healthy and strong hair- Walnuts;
- orange;
- melon
Vitamin C- Improves blood circulation;
- awakens the bulbs;
- protects them from destruction;
- normalizes the activity of glands
- Rosehip;
- Bell pepper;
- sea buckthorn;
- kiwi;
- black currant;
- broccoli;
- viburnum;
- citrus fruits;
- red cabbage;
- spinach;
- sauerkraut
Vitamin E- Promotes saturation of hair roots with oxygen;
- stimulates growth;
- gives curls elasticity and shine
- Green pea;
- sunflower oil;
- nuts;
- sea buckthorn;
- cabbage;
- parsley;
- milk
Zinc- Stimulates growth;
- enhances resistance to negative external influences
- the liver;
- Pine nuts;
- beans;
- oatmeal;
- lamb
Coenzyme Q10- Accelerates blood circulation- the liver;
- tuna;
- herring;
- hard cheese;
- eggs;
- black currant;
- milk;
- peanuts;
- orange;
- Strawberry
Herbalists recommend taking a milk-oat broth for a month. Pour a tablespoon of cereal with a glass of liquid and boil for a couple of minutes. Drinking three glasses of broth daily, one can note increased growth of hair.

How to quickly grow hair with folk remedies

If you dream about braids to the waist or want to quickly grow hair after a haircut, adopt effective home procedures. Natural ingredients are the best you can give your hair.

Home masks

The mask for hair growth should include warming components that will stimulate blood circulation. As well as nutrients that will serve as "building blocks" for the strands. You can select the appropriate composition in the following table.

Table - Recipes for home masks for hair growth

Beer- 2 slices of stale rye bread;
- a glass of unfiltered beer (pour bread for an hour and a half)
1 hour
Pepper- 2 tablespoons of pepper;
- the same amount of castor oil;
- a tablespoon of conditioner
1 hour
Mustard- A tablespoon of mustard powder;
- the same amount of sugar;
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
15-30 minutes
Onion- 3 tablespoons mashed onions;
- a tablespoon of brandy;
- the same amount of lemon juice;
- a teaspoon of honey
40 minutes
With Dimexidum- A teaspoon of "Dimexidum";
- a tablespoon of castor oil;
- the same amount of burdock oil;
- 2 capsules "AEvita"
20 minutes
With aloe- 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice;
- a tablespoon of brandy;
- a teaspoon of honey
1 hour
Cinnamon- A teaspoon of cinnamon;
- as much honey;
- 5 drops of cinnamon ether;
- a tablespoon of burdock oil
30 minutes
Tea Room- 2 tablespoons of black leaf tea;
- a glass of vodka (pour tea and insist a couple of hours)
1,5 hour
Garlic- A teaspoon of garlic juice;
- a tablespoon of blue clay (dilute with water to a sour cream);
- a tablespoon of lemon juice
30 minutes
With henna- 2 tablespoons of colorless henna;
- the same amount of boiling water (to steam the henna);
- a tablespoon of lemon juice;
- 5 drops of eucalyptus oil
30 minutes
With nicotinic acid- Ampoule "nicotines";
- a tablespoon of aloe juice;
- 2 tablespoons of burdock oil;
- 20 drops of pepper tincture
20 minutes
Before applying folk methods for hair growth, you need to make sure that there are no allergies to the components of the mask. Put the finished mixture on the bend of the elbow or the area behind the ear. If itching, rash or redness did not appear in ten minutes, then the remedy is suitable for you.

Comb and towel

Massage for sleeping roots

Active stimulation of the growth of hair provides a head massage. To enhance the flow of blood to the hair follicles, indulge yourself in such sessions every other day. There are seven basic tricks, each of which needs to be given two to three minutes.

  1. With your fingertips, knead the area above the eyebrows.
  2. Stroke your forehead in the direction from the eyebrows to the hairline.
  3. With the spiral movements of your fingertips, gently rub the hairline. Start from the forehead, gradually moving behind the ears.
  4. Use your fingers to comb hair from the edge of the growth line to the back of the head. Movement should be slow with intense pressure on the skin.
  5. In circular motions of the fingertips (clockwise), knead the entire surface of the scalp in a chaotic manner.
  6. Light vibrating touches of the fingertips walk along the surface of the head from the growth line to the back of the head.
  7. Smooth the strands from the growth line to the shoulders to soothe the skin after massage.

Scalp scrub

Even if you wash your hair daily, particles of sebum, dust, dead cells and the same detergents gradually accumulate in the pores. Therefore, scrubbing should be a must-have item for head skin care. The basis may be sugar, salt, soda, coffee grounds or ground fruit seeds. Use alone or with the addition of essential oils. The procedure is carried out in five stages.

  1. Pour abrasive into a ceramic container (two tablespoons) and add your favorite essential oil (four to five drops). Esters will do lavender, cinnamon, tea tree, mint.
  2. Wet your hair.
  3. Dip your wet fingers into a scrubbing container so that the particles stick to your skin.
  4. Rub gently into your scalp for two to three minutes.
  5. Wash your hair with shampoo.
Fruit seed scrubs can only be used on short hair. From long curls they are very difficult to wash.

The girl washes her head

Herbal Rinse

To grow long hair yourself, you need to rinse your head with decoctions of herbs after each wash. The technology for preparing the product involves three stages.

  1. A couple of tablespoons of dry grass pour a liter of water.
  2. Put on fire, bring to a boil, then heat for another ten minutes.
  3. Cover the broth with a lid and let it brew until it cools completely.
  4. Strain the liquid through several layers of gauze.

Each medicinal herb is useful in its own way. But if you want to grow hair in a short time, you should pay attention to the funds from the following table.

Table - Herbs for fast hair growth

Nettle- Potassium;
- calcium;
- sodium;
- vitamin C;
- B vitamins;
- iron;
- iodine;
- carotene
- Heals baldness;
- stimulates the activity of bulbs;
- eliminates dandruff;
- smoothes hair that is split
Ivy- flavonoids;
- B vitamins;
- steroids
- Eliminates dandruff;
- reduces the production of sebum;
- compacts the hair shaft;
- strengthens the roots
Calendula- alkaloids;
- phytoantibiotics
- Accelerates cell renewal;
- disinfects the scalp;
- strengthens brittle hair;
- stimulates the activity of bulbs
Hop- Vitamins of group B;
- a nicotinic acid;
- vitamin C;
- tannins;
- formic acid
- Heals baldness;
- eliminates dandruff;
- provides moisture to the strands;
- soothes irritated skin;
- strengthens the roots;
- restores the structure of the hair shaft;
- protects from external negative influences
Parsley- Carotene;
- vitamin C
- Strengthens the bulbs;
- increases blood flow;
- gives shine to hair
Chamomile- antioxidants;
- polysaccharides;
- carotene;
- organic acids
- Moisturizes the skin;
- calms irritation;
- acts against dandruff;
- activates growth;
- retains a shade of bleached hair
Trichologists recommend using herbal decoctions for rinsing with 30-day courses.After this, a break of the same duration should follow, so that there is no addiction to herbs.

Hair styling

9 more tips

To make the hairstyle arouse admiration of others, the curls should be healthy and flawless in appearance. This can be achieved if you follow the nine recommendations on how to properly grow hair.

  1. Use sulfate-free shampoos. Such products do not dry the skin. And the optimal level of hydration is one of the key conditions for normal hair growth. Natural shampoos are more expensive than usual and less economical, but these are justified expenses.
  2. Comb carefully. A natural wood comb is an excellent tool for massage the scalp. Make it a rule to make at least 100 brush strokes in one procedure. Such sessions should be carried out in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Trim the ends regularly. At least once every three months, cut a centimeter of length to refresh the hair. It is better to do this on the growing moon from the 2nd to the 13th day of the phase.
  4. Observe the daily routine. An organism exhausted by an intensive work schedule simply does not have the resources to maintain the beauty of its hair. Therefore, an eight-hour night sleep should be your must-have program.
  5. Wear hats. In winter and summer, you need to protect your hair from negative external influences. Both ultraviolet and frosty air are equally detrimental to the bulbs.
  6. Discard tight beams. Stretching your hair with an elastic band, you deprive them of nutrition and provoke severe hair loss.
  7. Have a physical examination regularly. The most common causes of hair problems are chronic diseases and hormonal disruptions. Only treatment can normalize the state of hair.
  8. Do not be nervous. Negative emotions provoke the death of hair follicles.
  9. Temper hair. When washing off the shampoo, start with warm water, gradually lowering its temperature. This will increase blood circulation and allow you to keep your hair longer, judging by the reviews.
Not always the lack of progress in growth is associated with "sleeping" follicles. The pace may be normal, but if the hairs are thin and weak, they simply break off, and the length remains unchanged. To give strands elasticity, use all kinds of balms, conditioners and serums. This is the only way to grow hair.

Since ancient times, long curls have been attributed magical properties. For example, in Sumatra, only long-haired women were allowed to sow rice, which was a guarantee of a rich harvest. In Slavic and Eastern cultures, it is believed that a woman’s long braid is the man’s health, strength and luck. Perhaps that is why the representatives of the stronger sex consider long-haired ladies especially attractive. And also, through curls, a woman absorbs cosmic energy. Thus, there are enough reasons to think about how to grow long hair. In extreme cases, you can grow hair.

Reviews: “A week ago I was dyed, but you can already see how the hair grows back ...”

I grow my hair from scratch for the fourth year. I drink vitamins from time to time the most common. I think this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that I stopped injuring my hair with various styling paints, began to wear a hat in the winter and carefully monitor the tips. Oil mask once a week, I do with almond, coconut, shea and avocado. I also bought a good indelible silicone-free spray, a high-quality comb and hair clips. As a result, for six months now I have not been to the hairdresser, and the ends do not split. Hair grows. By the way, neither clay nor mustard helped me, they just dried me.


At the end of shampooing, I began to rinse my hair with just cold water, and it feels like my hair began to grow even faster, I see by its color, it dyed a little back, and it’s already seen how the hair grows back, it seems to me that rinsing has a positive effect on hair growth.
At the expense of rinsing with vinegar and lemon juice, it really dries the hair, and whoever has the ends dried out is better not to risk it


For growth, it is very good to warm the scalp, thereby stimulating the hair follicles. Rub the skin with pepper tincture. First, dilute a little, otherwise it will burn! You can dilute with oils, but I do this: I dilute with water I put on the roots for an hour, as the burning starts to subside I put an oil mask, while the skin is still warmed up, the oils are better absorbed, you can take any oils: castor, burdock, olive, flaxseed, wheat germ oil, etc. I take several in equal proportions and be sure to add a little Vit oil solution. A and E! and I go another 2 hours! do 1-2 p. a week, several procedures of course will not give anything! The effectiveness of any mask depends on its duration, do 1-2 months!

I read a lot of reviews about nicotinic acid, they write a lot on the Internet, read on the forums, some write that hair grows 1cm. in Week!! ! And some do not see any changes at all! Rub into the skin 1 ampoule per day - 1 month then a half year break!

Dear Tatyana,

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