How to bleach hair at home: ways without paint

How few girls have light curls from nature, and how many beautiful women dream of joining the slender ranks of blondes! This is not surprising, because the hair of a golden hue gives the image a special tenderness and airiness. But often a radical color change leads to disastrous consequences in the form of loss, brittleness and cross-section of hair. Therefore, there is every reason to switch from chemical paints to less aggressive home remedies. How to lighten hair at home without store paint?
Blonde with flying hair

Lightening is one of the most popular and most dangerous methods of staining strands. Before embarking on beauty experiments, you need to understand what happens to the hair during bleaching.

  • Pigment washed. Under the influence of a brightening agent, its own pigment dissolves and can be washed with water.
  • Structure is broken. As pigment is lost, a void forms inside the hair.
  • Hair goes bad. As a result, curls become light, brittle, vulnerable to external influences.

5 rules for preparing for the procedure

How and how to discolour dyed light brown? Even if you use natural products for clarification, this procedure causes stress to the curls and can cause a deterioration in their appearance and quality. In this case, you can discolor at once in several tones. To minimize risk, start preparing your hair for lightening in two to three weeks. Follow the five rules.

  1. Do not dye your hair. Applying a brightener to dyed hair can lead to unexpected consequences. Instead of the golden blond, your hair can turn blue, green or any other color.
  2. Intensify your care. Regularly apply nutritious balms as well as homemade oil-based masks.
  3. Minimize heat exposure. Completely discard the hair dryer, ironing and curling iron. Do not wash your hair with hot water and do not expose your curls in direct sunlight.
  4. Do not use styling products.. They degrade the quality of the strands. In addition, if particles of varnish or gel remain between them, they can enter into an unpredictable reaction with a brightener.
  5. Refuse frequent washing. Wash oily hair once every two days, normal hair once every three to five days, and dry hair once a week. If you use shampoo daily, you risk washing off the protective fat layer from the skin.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

Is it possible to whiten hair a little with peroxide? If you want to become a blonde, the easiest and cheapest way to bleach your hair with hydrogen peroxide. The main thing is to observe proportions and not resort to the method too often. Remember that hydroperite is able not only to discolor curls, but also can destroy hair follicles if bleaching is carried out often. Apply to dyed hair is not recommended. The procedure is carried out in eight main stages.

  1. Wash your hair. And pat dry with a towel. Leave the curls moist, but water should not drain from them.
  2. Comb the strands well. On matted clarification will be uneven.
  3. Prepare solution. Pour the contents of the vial of 3% hydrogen peroxide into a container with a spray. Dilute with the same amount of water.
  4. Split the strands. Use clamps to ease the process.
  5. Handle strands. Moving from the roots to the ends. After applying the peroxide, immediately wipe the curl with a sponge moistened with clean water.
  6. Wait. The product must be aged from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the original color and the desired result. To enhance the whitening effect, warm your head with a film and a thick towel.
  7. Rinse your head with shampoo. It is advisable to use a sulfate-free agent so as not to further injure the hair.
  8. Apply nourishing balm. Plentifully. And stand for at least half an hour.
If you have long dark curls, do not risk applying peroxide to the entire mass. The best option is to discolor the ends of the hair at home. Just collect the curls in the tail and wipe its tip with a sponge dipped in peroxide. To get a smooth transition, each time increase the cultivated area.

Folk recipes without peroxide

If you want to keep your hair healthy, you need to know how to lighten hair properly without dye. Of course, folk remedies do not give an instant result, but curls from them suffer much less. And some recipes do have exceptional benefits.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice

With lemon juice

Features. If you want to quickly lighten your hair yourself, give the hair a golden hue and a magnificent shine, try to lighten your hair with lemon. The tool will give the hairstyle volume and elasticity.

How to do

  1. Pour a glass of lemon juice diluted with a quarter glass of water into a ceramic container or spray bottle.
  2. Shake the mixture well and let it stand for 15 minutes.
  3. Treat the strands with the composition and leave for a couple of hours. It is advisable to expose the hair under the sun.
  4. Wash your hair with plenty of shampoo and do not forget to apply conditioner.
  5. The following procedures are carried out every three days for a month. Duration - no more than half an hour.
If you have dry and damaged curls, it is better to replace the water in the composition with air conditioning. After applying the mixture, wrap your head in cellophane and a towel.

With camomile

Features. Perhaps the safest method to bleach hair is with the help of chamomile infusion. The option is suitable for hard, thick strands that the grass gently softens and makes more obedient. The fastest effect will be noticeable on blond hair.

How to do

  1. Pour three tablespoons of dry chamomile in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. After four hours, strain the infusion.
  3. Dry, clean hair, soak well with the product.
  4. Put on a shower cap, wrap a towel around your head and stand for an hour and a half.
  5. Rinse off the chamomile with clean water without shampoo.
  6. You can repeat the procedure at least every day until the desired result is achieved.
To reanimate dry hair, add a spoonful of glycerin to the strained infusion. In this case, washing off the composition without shampoo will not work.

Fresh honey and cinnamon


Features. Cinnamon not only has a brightening effect, but also has several more benefits, safely refreshing hair color. We can not say about the heady aroma that remains on the hair until the next wash. And this spice stimulates growth, strengthens the roots and gives the strands a healthy shine.

How to do

  1. Melt two tablespoons of honey and dissolve in the same amount of water. Add three tablespoons of cinnamon and the same amount of your favorite conditioner to the mixture.
  2. Using a comb, spread the product over wet hair and collect it in a bun.
  3. Wrap your head in polyethylene, put on a hat and wait a couple of hours.
  4. Rinse the curls twice with shampoo.
  5. To discolor hair without yellowness, rinse it with water acidified with lemon juice.
Cinnamon can be used not only to bleach hair, but also for coloring strands. So, if you apply it on fair hair, you can get an interesting reddish tint on the output.

With kefir

Features. If you have oily scalp, the best solution is to lighten your hair with kefir. Sour milk products have been used since antiquity as a clarifying and regenerating agent.

How to do

  1. On clean, dry curls, generously apply warmed kefir.
  2. Gather the hair in a bun and wrap your head with foil and a towel.
  3. After two to three hours, rinse your head with shampoo and rinse with chamomile broth.
On black hair, kefir does not work well. To enhance its effect, add lemon juice. A glass of fermented milk product will need a third of a glass of acid.

With onion peel

Features. Onion husks help clarify without harming the hair. The process of bleaching the strands is rather slow, but it will be accompanied by a complete restoration and treatment of split ends.

How to do

  1. Fill a half-liter jar with husk of onion and pour raw materials with boiling water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid, wrap it with a towel and leave it until the liquid has completely cooled.
  3. Dilute the filtered infusion with water in equal amounts.
  4. The resulting composition must rinse the hair after each wash.

With white henna

Features. Lightening hair with white henna is suitable for owners of weakened and dull hair. Without any chemistry, you will get the desired shade and completely heal the curls, but you should not count on bright white locks.

How to do

  1. According to the instructions on the packaging, prepare a coloring composition.
  2. Spread the slurry over clean, damp hair and let stand for 40-60 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair with warm water without any detergents.
  4. To give the strands elasticity and softness, rinse them with water, acidified with vinegar or lemon juice.
Judging by the reviews, esters several times enhance the effect of henna. To speed up the process of clarification, add three to five drops of essential oils of lemon, tea tree and grapefruit to the pulp.

With olive oil

Features. Hair lightening olive oil requires multiple repetition of procedures. But your patience will be rewarded with a healthy shine, elasticity and density of hair.

How to do

  1. A tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers pour half a glass of olive oil.
  2. After 12 hours, strain the clarifying oil and apply to damp, clean hair.
  3. For an hour and a half, the strands should be exposed to sunlight.
  4. Wash your hair with soap and shampoo twice.
  5. Rinse with chamomile broth or water acidified with lemon juice.

Follow-up care

Remember that bleaching does not pass for hair without a trace. Highlighted curls often require careful care. Even if you use natural ingredients for the procedures, loss of pigment can lead to dryness, cross-section and lack of volume. To avoid this, provide clarified hair intensive care using homemade nourishing masks, the recipes of which are described in the table.

Table - Recipes for masks for clarified hair

For elasticity- Liquid or melted honey;
- an equal amount of castor oil;
- the same amount of aloe juice
30 minutes
From yellowness- 2 egg yolks;
- a tablespoon of vodka;
- 5 capsules of vitamin A
1 hour
Recovery- Mashed potatoes of one banana;
- 1 chicken egg;
- a teaspoon of liquid or melted honey;
- 2 tablespoons of yogurt without additives;
- the same amount of burdock oil
1 hour
For volume- mustard powder;
- an equal amount of olive oil;
- as much green cosmetic clay
15 minutes

For the first time, women began to lighten curls in ancient Greece. It was believed that even the goddess Aphrodite supported the blond color of the strands with a cinnamon-onion mixture. The experiments with chamomile, lime, walnut shells and other clarifiers continued until the Middle Ages, when red-haired and fair-haired ladies were persecuted. Golden blond again became the standard of female beauty in the Renaissance. It was at this time that the greatest number of ways were invented how to bleach hair at home.

Girl with long blond hair

Reviews on the effectiveness of natural brighteners

If you want to lighten without the use of paint - then you are in Egypt. There, the sun bleaches hair well. Well, or some other eastern country. Spread hair with clay, as in ancient times, put on a pebble in the sun - and voila! After a couple of days, the hair is bleached!

a guest,

I personally daisy didn’t lighten anything, it just seemed that the hair had acquired some kind of pinkish tint. And you can lighten your hair with lemon. I just squeezed lemon juice directly onto my hair and walked until it was dry. Lightens 1-2 tones. But the hair dries :( you can first try on the lock.


If you want to lighten your hair without harm and quickly a little bit, then use my advice. I buy in pharmacies the usual 3% hydrogen peroxide, apply it abundantly on my hair, cover it with a bag and sometimes wrap it with a scarf on top ... I walk around the house for an hour, sometimes longer (the longer the better). RESULTS: the hair is much brighter .. radically, of course, the blonde did not become like Cree 30% peroxide, but the hair tone became 2 times lighter and after 3 times !!!!! Proven method, girls, I advise!


I am against any chemistry for flushing. Already advised once again I will write. I washed off the paint with a kefir mask. Kefir + olive oil under a plastic bag for an hour. It is washed off at a time and the hair only benefits. I washed away three times from chocolate to walnut. The truth may not wash off evenly.

., 1 child,

The composition proposed by Greta, namely: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vodka or cognac, 1 egg, 30-50 g of kefir, juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of shampoo, lighten daughter’s hair. She is blonde from birth, but has recently begun to get dark. I can say that the recipe works. True, I take the juice of a whole lemon, not half. The egg is not the whole, but I separate the protein from the yolk, because the daughter is allergic to the yolk, the protein transfers calmly. In addition, the yolk is best used for dry hair, it moisturizes well; protein is good for normal and oily. Alcohol works in this recipe as an emulsifier, that is, it combines incompatible products: kefir and lemon juice, does not allow kefir to stir. Further, cognac is preferable to vodka. It (+ egg) was used to lighten hair and give it a beautiful shimmering golden color back in Italy, during the Renaissance. Shampoo, naturally, children's neutral. I use French from the Mustela series.

I whip all the components with a mixer and put on dry hair, then a film and any heat (woolen hat, terry towel, etc.). The longer you wear, the more effective. As a result, not only lightening, but also strengthening and healing of hair.

a guest,

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