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Radical methods that provide complete or long-term disposal of vegetation are not suitable for everyone, and they are not cheap. In addition, they are, for the most part, painful. Shaving and depilatory creams are also not an option, because from them the hair becomes even darker and thicker. The best option is discoloration. After the procedure, the hairs become almost invisible. There are four advantages to this approach.
- Availability. Lighting agents, for the most part, are quite inexpensive. Many will be found in the first-aid kit or in the kitchen.
- Painlessness. Light tingling, which is possible during the application of the composition, can not be compared with the pain from hair removal.
- Durability. The effect of the procedure lasts almost a month until the process of natural hair renewal begins.
- Effect on perspective. Clarifiers contribute to the gradual thinning and thinning of hair.
How to bleach or dye the hair on the hands and other parts of the body: peroxide-based products
How to make hand hair less noticeable? The easiest way to discolor the hair on the hands and face with hydrogen peroxide. It is enough to wipe the problem areas with a pharmacy a couple of times a week so that after five to ten sessions the hair becomes light and almost invisible on the skin. But peroxide may not be able to cope with dense or very dark “vegetation”. Will have to strengthen it with other components.
With soda and ammonia
You will need:
- a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide;
- as much warm water;
- a teaspoon of ammonia;
- as much baking soda.
Mode of application
- Mix all the ingredients.
- Spread over the skin.
- Depending on the color and thickness of the hair, the duration of the procedure can vary from 25 to 30 minutes.
- Rinse with cold water.
With shaving foam
You will need:
- hydrogen peroxide;
- the same amount of shaving foam.
Mode of application
- Stir components until smooth.
- Apply on problem areas.
- Rinse off after complete drying.
With lanolin and petroleum jelly
You will need:
- ten drops of hydrogen peroxide;
- three drops of ammonia;
- a teaspoon of shampoo (preferably sulfate-free);
- half a teaspoon of petroleum jelly;
- the same amount of lanolin.
Mode of application
- Mix all the ingredients until smooth.
- Apply the resulting whitening cream to the problem area.
- Wait a quarter of an hour for the product to dry on the skin.
- Rinse with warm water.
With toothpaste
You will need:
- a pair of tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
- as much toothpaste.
Mode of application
- Mix the components.
- Apply to areas with excess "vegetation".
- After a quarter of an hour, remove with a sponge and rinse with water.
With hydroperit
You will need:
- three tablets of hydroperite;
- a tablespoon of water (preferably boiled or distilled);
- half a teaspoon of ammonia;
- a pair of tablespoons of shaving foam.
Mode of application
- Powder the tablets and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
- When the hydroperite particles have completely dissolved, apply the composition on clean, dry skin.
- Rinse off after a quarter hour.
A selection of folk recipes
In search of ways to discolor the hair on your hands at home, do not pass by folk recipes. Natural remedies are much milder than peroxide or paint. Of course, the effect will have to wait longer, but there will be much less harm to the skin.
Features. You can lighten the hair on your hands with lemon if they are soft enough and not too dark. The main condition for applying the method is the absence of an allergy to citrus fruits, since lemon is the only ingredient in the recipe.
Mode of application
- Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and pour it into a container with a lid to store in the refrigerator between procedures.
- Using a cotton pad or brush, distribute the fluid to the problem areas.
- Put your hands in the sun and soak the product for half an hour. If the weather is cloudy, or you lighten in the cold season, the duration of the session increases to an hour.
- Repeat the treatment as the fluid dries.
- Wash your skin with plenty of cold water.
Features. Chamomile will help lighten the hair on your hands yourself. After a week of daily procedures, you will notice that a couple of tones have gone.
You will need:
- two tablespoons of dry chamomile;
- a glass of boiling water;
- a tablespoon of glycerin.
Mode of application
- Steam the chamomile in boiling water for three hours.
- Filter the prepared infusion of chamomile and mix with glycerin.
- Distribute the product on the skin and soak for about an hour.
- Rinse with cold or warm water.
Fuller's clay
Features. Fuller's clay is a greenish-brown powder with a high content of copper and iron. The product is notable for its disinfecting and regenerating properties, which allows you to use it on problem skin.
You will need:
- a teaspoon of clay;
- as much water;
- five to six drops of ammonia.
Mode of application
- Mix all the ingredients until gruel. If the mass is too thick, add more water, and if liquid - clay.
- Spread the composition over cleansed skin and leave for ten minutes.
- Wipe off dried clay with a damp sponge and rinse your skin under running water.
Honey and Cinnamon
Features. Both honey and cinnamon have brightening properties. In combination, they enhance each other's action. To achieve results, you will need from five to ten procedures with an interval of one to two days.
You will need:
- half a glass of honey;
- three tablespoons of cinnamon;
- a tablespoon of hair conditioner or hand cream.
Mode of application
- Mix cream, cinnamon and honey until smooth.
- Spread the composition evenly over the skin so that it completely covers the hair.
- Wash off after half an hour.
Paint lightening
Light hair dye can very well be used to discolor “vegetation” on the body. But such experiments are fraught with the risk of simply burning the skin. Therefore, you must adhere to three key rules.
- Cooking. Before mixing the oxidizing agent with paint, dilute it with an equal amount of water.
- Time. The coloring composition can not be kept on the skin for more than a quarter of an hour.
- Taboo. It is strictly forbidden to apply hair dye to the delicate skin of the face, armpits and bikini area.
How to avoid irritation
When treating hair on the hands, feet or face, the lightening composition will certainly come into contact with the skin. Even if you have a healthy epidermis that is not prone to irritation, the chemical reaction will not go unnoticed. Redness, burning sensation, itching, and even a rash are often noted. There are three tips to help avoid these troubles.
- Rinse off the skin. You need to do this with cool water and baby soap. Never rub the skin with a washcloth.
- Moisturize the epidermis. Lubricate clean skin with baby cream or vegetable oil.
- Hide from the sun. For at least a couple of hours, do not expose the treated areas of the body to ultraviolet rays. It is best to carry out the procedures before going to bed so that the skin can recover overnight.
On the human body, there are more than 5 million hair. For genetic or hormonal reasons, they are often harsh and dark. Beauties complex about undesirable "vegetation". This is not surprising, because from ancient times to the present day smooth female skin has been admired. Due to their high cost and soreness, radical methods of dealing with hair scare away ladies. You can solve the problem by knowing how to bleach the hair on your legs, arms and face yourself.
Reviews: “Everything came out 30 rubles and enough for six months”
I once with a fool removed the hair on my hands with a cream depilator, although they were small and light, but now they have grown and stick out, after that I began to remove the epilator, somewhere in the year 2.. in professional stores for salons .. shortcomings - the hair shines, grows dark after a week ... I don’t know why the tip breaks off from the paint, so the hair begins to grow .. from the pros, brightens, becomes thinner. Now I’m thinking of doing photoepilation .. maybe they’ll at least be shorter and less common)))
Girls, I tried to lighten with White Henna! So as not to pinch and dry - copiously greased the legs with Johnson oil before painting. Holds about 7-10 minutes, it stinks terribly !! Very happy with the result :) Hair bleached and became transparent. The skin lightened quite a bit, although I was worried about it. I will now carry out this procedure to the solarium.
Buy chamomile (dry) at the pharmacy. Half a pack of chamomile, take a glass of water, and brew for 4 minutes, you need to insist about 30 minutes. It turns out a slurry, Here it is then necessary to put on the hair on his hands, cover with polyethylene and a towel on top. Leave the mixture on your hands for 2 hours. Then rinse off. Chamomile acts very carefully, irritation never happens. With the constant use of chamomile to lighten the hair on the hands √ the effect is commendable. True, you won’t get white hairs right away, at first the color will be golden, and over time your hair will turn white. The use of chamomile for clarification is very convenient in the summer, when the sun has its brightening effect in combination with this plant.In addition, in the summer, the use of a chemical method dries the skin very much.
a guest,
The problem of the antennae above the upper lip has tormented me for a long time. In the summer they burn out and become invisible, but from the middle of winter until the first tan they become dark and very noticeable on the pale skin of the face. Initially, I plucked them with tweezers, but they began to grow even darker. And although they were slightly thinned, they had to be plucked more and more often. Reviews of girls about bleaching unwanted hair on this site interest me. Having learned that there are two options: a clarifying hair dye or a homemade mixture of hydroperite, ammonia and shaving foam, I chose the first - I was afraid to make a mistake in the proportions of a homemade product.
I chose the Pallete Cream-paint store in E 20 tone “Brightening”. For one application, a half-tube of paint, half a bottle of clarifier and one of two bags of blond activator were enough for me. That is, the packaging of the paint is enough for 2 uses. Mixing well, applied this mixture to unwanted hair on the legs above the knees and on the antennae above the lip.
According to the instructions on the hair, the mixture lasts 30-45 minutes, but for the body, of course, this is a lot. After 10 minutes, I began to tweak and itch in the applied places from the paint, so I washed off the paint on my face immediately, after holding it for 10 minutes, and on my feet I held it for another 5 minutes, having stood for a total of 15 minutes. As a result, on the face, the hairs completely discolored and became invisible, and on the legs they also brightened, but I’ll add another 5 minutes the next time for a better result.
I have no tendency to allergies, but redness of the skin appeared on the face at the places of application of the paint, after forty minutes it completely disappeared. The legs did not turn red, and in the places where the paint was applied, the skin turned a little pale, but this effect also quickly passed. Also, bleached hairs become thinner to the touch. I am completely satisfied with this procedure, unwanted hairs become colorless and almost invisible.
Of course, this method is not suitable for coarse and thick hairs such as in the area below the knees or armpits, since walking with legs overgrown with thick white hair is not an option. But for other places where hair is thinner and thinner I will regularly conduct a similar procedure. Also, this procedure is not suitable for people with various allergic reactions to the chemical composition of the paint.
Lightened hair over the upper lip. my face skin is very fair, and my hair is thin but dark. It looks bad. 1 crumbled tab. gidroperita + a little peroxide (to cover the tablet) + a couple of drops nashat. alcohol - combined in a ceramic cup, mixed, added a little shaving foam. held on face for 10 minutes. at first it was very hot. washed away - super hairs such only in childhood were:) used to be removed with wax, but this is a disaster: we must wait every time when they grow back. if you just wipe it with peroxide, then there was no effect in my case even after several days. laser and photoepilation disappear, because we have a small city, there is no confidence in the existing salons, and this is not for my salary. and so it turned out 30 rubles and enough for six months.