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Nature has created eyelids to protect the eyes. But she did not take care of the sufficient density of their skin. The epidermis of this area is many times thinner than on the body and even the face. If you compare its density with the skin on the shoulder, it will be ten times thinner. But the rapid aging of the zone is associated not only with this.
Features of care for delicate skin with a photo. How to apply cream around the eyes
Dermatologists note that oily skin, despite many problems at a young age, is the best gift for every woman. Due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, it is able to moisturize itself without significant outside help, so it ages more slowly than dry.
The skin of the eyelids of the sebaceous glands is extremely small. The epidermis is not capable of self-humidification. Its structure is supported by collagen fibers, which are proportionally small due to the smaller thickness of the skin. In addition, the eyelids, unlike most muscles, are connected not with the bones, but with the facial muscles. They make this skin area extremely active and mobile, and intense facial expressions, as you know, leads to the rapid formation of wrinkles.
When to buy cream. Why you can not apply cream around the eyes
“The delicate skin around the eyes requires special attention,” commented cosmetologist Olga Fem. - Here early, usually the first on the face, wrinkles are formed, and swelling also occurs. But it is not necessary to start “fighting” the signs of aging too early. Typically, skin aging processes in this area start at twenty-five years. At this time, special care products should be purchased. ”
At a young age, that is, up to thirty years, you do not need to use anti-aging cosmetics. According to Olga Fem, the best skin care product for a twenty-five year old girl will be the gel for the skin around the eyes. Gels are made on a water basis, they are quickly absorbed. Their important advantage is the ability to apply makeup as early as fifteen minutes after the care product.
Attention to the composition
“Care products should moisturize and nourish,” says dermatologist Svetlana Zhukovskaya. - You need to choose them according to age. For youthful skin, non-greasy gels are preferred, it is better that they contain plant extracts that improve metabolic processes, vitamins, chitosan. Complexes with hyaluronic acid, allantoin, aloe vera will help to cope with noticeable wrinkles. Collagen and fatty oils should be bought in case the wrinkle network is preserved regardless of facial expressions. ”
The skin of the eyelids retains its own tone until about thirty-five years. Up to this age, it is enough to use a moisturizer to make it look fresh and well-groomed. With aging, the epidermis needs a more serious “nourishment”. In the arsenal of women should be moisturizing and nourishing cream.The latter is based on natural oils, lecithin, squalene, with natural biostimulants, for example, an extract ginseng.
Application Technique
The scheme of how to apply eye cream is no less important than the correct choice of product. The fact is that oversights made by ignorance, nullify the effect of the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics.
Use the following eyelid care technique.
- Clean your skin. Do not apply on eyelids with traces of shadows or mascara. They must be previously removed. To do this, wash, remove the remnants of makeup with a special solution or milk. Already at this stage, your movements should be light, without pressure. Rubbing your eyelids with your hands is unacceptable with a towel!
- Use a tonic. Tonification is an important stage in maintaining the youthfulness of the epidermis, especially as sensitive and delicate as on the eyelids. The tonic contains moisturizing ingredients that improve the tone of the skin. Apply tonic with patting movements on the lower and upper eyelids.
- Squeeze a pea-sized product onto your ring finger. For applying to the eye area, this amount of cream is enough. Larger volume does not absorb. It should be applied with the ring finger. The cushion of this finger is the most tender, since it interacts with surfaces much less frequently than the index and large ones.
- Lightly rub the cream between the ring and thumb. A slightly warmed composition is better absorbed, so that the cream penetrates deeper and faster into the epidermis. For the same reason, do not store funds in the refrigerator. Often you can find recommendations, for example, with a tendency to swelling, that you should use a chilled composition for the eyelids. Cold cream is not absorbed by the skin, it begins to be absorbed by it only when it reaches equal temperature.
- Drive the product with light movements. Apply the composition to the upper eyelid, moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, easily tapping the skin with your fingertips. Go to the lower eyelid and move from the outer corner to the inner one. So you can walk around the eyes “in a circle” several times until the cream is completely absorbed.
The movements should be light and accurate. Delicacy is important here, not the accuracy or clarity of the “kicks." Comfortable pats provide sufficient massage for the sensitive area, activate blood circulation and serve as a prophylaxis of edema.
Why the tool does not work
“Cosmetics will help protect yourself from the first wrinkles,” says dermatologist Svetlana Zhukovskaya. “But it’s important to know not only how to smear the cream around the eyes, but also how to use it as intended.”
Here are a few dermatologist's tips for following the scheme on how to apply the cream around the eyes.
- Use regularly. The most common mistake that women make in eyelid skin care is to use formulations from time to time. In this case, you should not expect results from them. “Any remedy works only with regular use,” Svetlana Zhukovskaya drowns. “And the result, for example, cream from wrinkles around the eyes, is not achieved immediately, but only two to three weeks after the start of use.” Apply twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Include this practice in your daily exercise routine along with a shower, brushing your teeth.
- Apply in advance. Moisturize or nourish the skin around the eyes and immediately go to sleep - the right way to swelling. At least one hour should remain before sleep so that in the morning the eyelids do not look swollen. The same goes for morning care, after which you go outside. It is important to apply the composition at least forty minutes before leaving the house.
- Control the amount. No need to apply cream on the skin around the eyes in large quantities. You will not achieve the best nutrition or hydration effect. On the contrary, get swelling in the morning. “The tissues of this area are highly hydrophilic,” says the beautician Olga Fem.“They are prone to retaining fluid, and a thick layer of care product creates the conditions for the formation of edema.”
- Do not pull! The usual sliding movements with your fingers are not suitable for caring for this area. Only pats that do not stretch the skin allow you to prevent the formation of wrinkles.
- Do not use fatty products. To care for the eyelid area, special formulations are being developed. If they have a fat base, then these are small molecule fatty acids that are well accepted by the skin. Too greasy or not adapted to the epidermis of this type of funds remain on the surface, tighten the skin, which leads to swelling.
If you are regularly worried about swelling of the eyelids in the morning, you should refuse to use the cream for a couple of days. Have the swelling gone? So, the cream will have to be changed. Remained? Redefine your lifestyle: relax more, get enough sleep, do not abuse bad habits and control the amount of fluid consumed.
Use the eye cream for daily care (as in the video). At a young age, it will help to delay the appearance of wrinkles, and at a mature age, it will help maintain a sufficient tone, hydration of the skin. Light tapping movements when applying the right product will provide a good massage without the risk of stretching the skin of the eyelids.