How to treat a cold during pregnancy: safe home remedies

The main rule of a sick pregnant woman is: no self-treatment and urgently to a doctor! But if the malaise became palpable in the evening, and before you visit the doctor you need to do something, use our tips. How to treat a cold during pregnancy so as not to stick out? And most importantly - do not harm the baby!
How to treat a cold during pregnancy: safe means for home use

Colds during pregnancy are common, albeit a very unpleasant thing. Even if you spend 9 months in the apartment, there is no guarantee that the virus will not enter the house with another family member.

In addition, during this period, the female body is especially vulnerable. Immunity decreases due to natural causes: a new person develops in your body, which the immune system considers to be a "foreign" organism and perceives it as a danger. In order to prevent fetal rejection and maintain pregnancy, nature took care of the short-term inhibition of the woman’s immune system - immunosuppression. She also makes the expectant mother extremely susceptible to seasonal diseases.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

To begin with, we will determine when you have the right to prescribe yourself a cold medicine during pregnancy, and when not. Symptoms requiring a mandatory examination by a specialist include:

  • persistence of malaise for three days;
  • increase in body temperature over 38 ° C;
  • pronounced intoxication of the body - weakness, a feeling of weakness, vomiting, headache;
  • the appearance of raids in the throat and “traffic jams” on the tonsils;
  • the secretion of mucus from the nose and sputum is yellow-green in color, the appearance of disseminated blood in the mucus;
  • the occurrence of severe pain in the eyes and forehead, which is aggravated by bending or pressing;
  • shortness of breath, wheezing, severe suffocating cough.

In these cases, only a doctor can tell you how to safely treat a cold during pregnancy. If the ailment is limited to a commonplace cold, you can get by with proven means.


Do not use alcohol-based products. Under the ban of tinctures of immunostimulants: lemongrass, licorice, echinacea, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, temptation and others. They increase blood pressure, which is already extremely unstable in a pregnant woman, and increase the pulse. As a result, the load on the baby's cardiovascular system increases, which in some cases can even lead to the development of serious ailments.

You can use a folk phytostimulator - horseradish. It helps to strengthen local immunity and perfectly helps in the fight against viruses.

  1. Rub the horseradish root on a fine grater.
  2. Mix with sugar in a volume of 1: 1.
  3. Leave in a warm place for 12 hours.
  4. Strain and take one tablespoon every hour for the first two days of illness.

By the way, do not trust too much homeopaths who are popular today who use, at first glance, safe remedies. Perhaps you should make friends with them later, when you adjust the figure or restore breast after childbirth. But pregnancy is not the time to experiment with yourself.


During pregnancy, any thermal procedures are contraindicated. Forget the habit of steaming your feet and hot baths. These methods have nothing to do with the problem of how to treat a cold during pregnancy. Moreover, they can create a real threat of premature birth and miscarriage.

But you can hold your hands under a stream of hot water, this helps to reduce sore throat and reduce the secretion of mucus from the nose.Wrap your neck with a warm scarf, put on socks, warm pajamas and go to bed. It is possible that in the morning you will feel absolutely healthy!

Pregnancy and runny nose

Most of all the troubles in the acute period of the disease brings a runny nose. What is treated for colds during pregnancy, if nasal congestion and copious discharge are overcome? In no case vasoconstrictor drops such as Galazolin or Naphthyzine. Just a couple of days of such treatment, and you can well join the ranks of dependent on their daily use. In addition, these drugs can penetrate the bloodstream and spread through the arteries of the fetus, which leads to impaired development.

Use saline solutions to rinse your nose.

  1. Dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of salt in one cup of lukewarm water and drip into the nose from a syringe.
  2. Buy ready-made salt formulations in a pharmacy (Salin, Aquamaris) and irrigate the mucous membrane several times a day.

Vitamins for colds

Only your doctor can correct your vitamin complex. Do not experiment with vitamin C. It is indeed very effective in the event of a cold, but during pregnancy it increases the risk of uterine bleeding. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink freshly squeezed juices.

Remember that your every decision how to treat a cold during pregnancy can affect the development of the baby. Therefore, before taking any medications, be sure to consult a doctor!

How to treat a cold during pregnancy: video

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