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The development of thrush causes a fungus called candida, so in the medical literature the disease is called candidiasis. It has been proven that Candida fungi live in the genital tract of almost all men and women on earth. While the immunity of a woman is in a normal fighting state, it inhibits the development of fungi. But during pregnancy, the woman’s immunity for natural reasons decreases, which provides fertile ground for the active growth of bacteria and microorganisms.
That is why a completely healthy woman, confident in the purity of her sexual partner, could suddenly find unpleasant cheesy discharge from the vagina with a sour smell with pregnancy. In this situation, you need to contact your doctor who will diagnose and explain to you how to cure thrush during pregnancy.
Diagnosis of thrush
Treatment of thrush in pregnant women always begins with a correct diagnosis, therefore it is extremely important not to take any independent measures to combat the disease without consulting a doctor.
Diagnosis of thrush is simple and effective. It is performed in two ways.
- Bacterioscopy (or an ordinary smear from the vagina). The laboratory assistant will examine the discharge under a microscope and with great accuracy will determine the presence of thrush.
- The cultural method. In rare cases, there are symptoms of thrush, but no fungus is found in the smear. Then they take a small part of the vaginal secretions, sow them in a favorable environment for the development of fungi and after five days get the result.
You can identify the development of thrush on your own, if you know how to measure basal temperature, and do it regularly. An increase in temperature above normal (37.1-37.3 ºC) may indicate the development of an infectious process.
How to treat thrush during pregnancy
Thrush during pregnancy in the early stages is treated at home no less effectively than in later ones. Despite the restrictions on taking a number of drugs, with the right treatment, you can get rid of the disease quickly enough. It is important that your doctor prescribe medications and dosages.
Most likely they will recommend you:
- Clotrimazole or miconazole - topical preparations that are considered safe for the fetus during pregnancy;
- Pimafucin - a less effective tablet preparation, which even in large doses does not have a toxic effect on the child.
There are alternative methods of treatment using a decoction of oak bark, calendula and others. The most effective, which is recommended even by gynecologists, consider soda baths.
- In one liter of water, dilute one tablespoon of soda.
- Add one teaspoon of iodine.
- Pour the solution into a basin filled with warm water.
- Sit in the basin for 20 minutes.
- Perform once a day for two to three days.
When using folk remedies, it should be borne in mind that the effect of them will be, but short-term. Unfortunately, after a while, the symptoms may return.And you can completely get rid of them only after taking medications.
Thrush prophylaxis
In order not to suffer the question of how to treat thrush during pregnancy, try to do everything possible to avoid the problem.
- Have you had a thrush before? Be sure to go through a diagnosis with a gynecologist before planning a pregnancy. If pregnancy has already occurred, go see a doctor before the first symptoms of candidiasis appear.
- Follow all the doctor's recommendations and take the necessary tests on time. When examining the body of a future mother, other diseases are often identified that can provoke depression of immunity and the development of thrush.
- Eat well and take the multivitamins that your doctor will prescribe. It is proved that candidiasis often blooms in pregnant women who suffer toxicosis and limit themselves to food.
- Make sure your spouse does not have candida fungi in the genital tract. Take the tests together, and if they are detected, go through the course of treatment.
- Do not take any medicine without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled self-medication with antibiotics and a number of other drugs can stimulate the development of thrush.
- Wear only loose-fitting cotton underwear.
Follow these recommendations, and we hope the question of how to treat thrush during pregnancy does not affect you. If you already have a problem, consult a doctor immediately. Believe me, it’s much easier to cure candidiasis than to courageously deal with its consequences!
How to treat thrush during pregnancy: video