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According to statistics, 50% of people at least once in their life experienced symptoms of hemorrhoids. Often this disease is diagnosed in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. In people, this ailment is called "sedentary disease," because inactivity leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. A rather high level of hemorrhoids development is also observed in people engaged in heavy physical labor, pregnant women and women in childbirth. What are the most effective treatments for this disease? Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies? How safe is this approach?
Why does hemorrhoids occur and how
What causes pathological changes in hemorrhoidal veins of the anus? The expansion, tortuosity of the veins, the violation of their blood flow, inflammation - all this leads to the formation of painful nodes around the rectum, popularly referred to as "cones." What triggers hemorrhoids? Who is most susceptible to this disease? What are its symptoms, forms and possible complications?
Risk factors
In fact, hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum, with the only difference being that the walls of the rectum are pinched by the swollen and falling nodules of the vessels, causing severe pain to their owner.
The main reason for the development of hemorrhoids is a violation of the outflow of blood in the pelvic and rectal regions; thinning of the walls of veins and blood vessels, the appearance of blood clots and weakening of the muscles in the pelvic area. Some people are genetically predisposed to the appearance of such problems, while others can serve as catalysts for the appearance of hemorrhoids:
- sedentary lifestyle associated with professional activities, sitting position;
- malnutrition, obesity, an abundance of spicy food on the menu;
- alcohol abuse; coffee;
- smoking;
- heavy physical exertion, including sports overload;
- pregnancy, the postpartum period;
- constipation and prolonged straining during an act of defecation;
- tumors in the intestine and rectum;
- prolonged diarrhea;
- anal sex;
- stressful situations, depression.
Also, recently, doctors have been paying attention to the psychosomatic cause of hemorrhoids associated with a chronic form of constipation.
Diagnosis of hemorrhoids
Symptoms may vary depending on the type and stage of hemorrhoids. But there are a number of signs that indicate the development of this disease. These include:
- itching, burning, feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the rectum, anus;
- pain during bowel movements and some time after it;
- scarlet blood in feces or on toilet paper;
- nodes (cones) around the anus are palpated;
- painful and bleeding anus cracks that appear during bowel movements;
- edema, inflammation, eczema of the perianal region (the area around the anus);
- secretion of mucus from the rectum.
Diagnosis of the disease is simple - in 90% of cases, internal hemorrhoids are easy to detect with a digital examination of the rectum - or visually if the nodes fall out.A detailed examination to assess the extent of the disease with ultrasound and colonoscopy can only be prescribed by a doctor.
Forms of the disease
- Sharp. Large, cyanotic, inflamed nodes appear. The pain syndrome is significantly enhanced, due to the large number of receptors on the rectal mucosa. The inflammatory process can capture not only the fallen nodes, but also the areas around them.
- Chronic. There is almost no pain in the nodes, it increases for a short time after bowel movement. The nodes drop out periodically, they can be adjusted with your hands, but at the last stage they remain outside all the time. Often there are bleeding, itching, discomfort in the anus.
Hemorrhoids easily turn into a chronic, sluggish state, against which relapses occur. A person feels quite healthy between exacerbations. But if the disease is not treated, these exacerbations appear more and more often, reducing the quality of life, interfering with plans and ideas.
Possible complications
Treatment of hemorrhoids with exacerbation should be timely, otherwise complications are possible. What applies to them?
- Bleeding. It can be plentiful and long. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Frequent bleeding can lead to anemia.
- Thrombosis. A clot forms in the hemorrhoid. Infringement of the node causes severe pain, which is not associated with bowel movements and is present constantly. Severe edema also appears. Extensive hemorrhoidal thrombosis is often observed in women after childbirth.
Less common: proctitis, colitis, fissures, fistulas, malignant tumors.
In most cases, to cope with an exacerbation, special creams, suppositories or tablets, with a correction of diet and lifestyle are enough. Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is required less frequently. Remember that only a doctor can decide how to treat hemorrhoids in this case.
Methods of treating hemorrhoids in traditional medicine. How to cure hemorrhoids correctly yourself?
What to do when there is already no strength? The treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies is a popular topic in the Internet space. You can find many old recipes in Russian herbalists. Official medicine does not deny the benefits of herbal medicine for hemorrhoids. In pharmacology, the group of antihemorrhoidal plants includes horse chestnut, elderberry, wild strawberry, raw potato, etc.
Of these herbs, homemade decoctions and infusions are prepared for oral and external use. Also, extracts of some plants are added to the composition of pharmaceutical preparations for hemorrhoids.
However, it is important to know:
- natural remedies can relieve symptoms, but do not always affect the cause;
- the effect of folk remedies accumulates for a long time, during which time hemorrhoids can go into a more complicated form for treatment;
- prolonged and uncontrolled use of herbs can cause overdose, poisoning and an allergic reaction;
- in the acute period, it is important to quickly relieve pain, prevent the development of complications, and only medications can cope with this;
- folk remedies have side effects, the manifestations of which are less studied than in classical medicine.
It was generally accepted that synthetic drugs are a “chemistry” that causes great harm to the body. However, herbal treatment is not so harmless, given the percentage of complications that occur after self-treatment with baths and poultices. Hemorrhoids are a disease that develops slowly. He has an insidious property to sharply go into an acute form - with severe pain, inflammation and bleeding, violating all plans and agreements. Immediate medical treatment is required here.
Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids
Often, doctors prescribe several drugs at once: tablets against blood clots and for venous circulation; cream with anesthetic to relieve pain; antiseptic agents for the healing of wounds and cracks; hormones to relieve itching.
It is convenient to use combined drugs in the treatment of hemorrhoids: instead of a whole package of drugs, one tube of cream or a pack of candles is enough. Preparations of this action not only remove pain, but also relieve inflammation, maintain vein tone, reduce capillary permeability, that is, affect the cause of the disease.
Means that contain hormones and antibiotics should be treated with caution and used only under the supervision of a doctor, because they have significantly more contraindications and side effects.
For example, Procto-glivenol cream and suppositories contain an anesthetic lidocaine, which allows you to quickly and reliably relieve pain and tribenoside - it effectively removes inflammation, edema, and tones veins. "Procto-Glivenol" does not contain hormones and antibiotics, interacts well with other medicines. Combined drugs are equally effective for external and internal hemorrhoids.
Sometimes prescribed massage to get rid of stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis. Doctors avoid prescribing folk remedies because no one has tested their safety and effectiveness.
Features of treatment in women and men
According to statistics, 85% of pregnant women and women in labor have hemorrhoids. Not the best situation for male drivers or those representatives of the stronger sex who are engaged in hard physical labor, professional sports.
- How to treat hemorrhoids in women. The principles of treatment are no different from the general approach. It is necessary to pay attention to specific "female" factors - pregnancy, childbirth, blood stasis, inflammation in the pelvis, frequent diets and, as a consequence, constipation. How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy? This issue is solved individually after a face-to-face consultation with a gynecologist and proctologist. Some medications have a strict contraindication during the entire pregnancy, while others do not use candles and ointments in the first trimester.
- How to treat hemorrhoids in men. The principles of treatment are no different from the general approach. It is only important to eliminate the factors affecting the development of this disease in men - diet errors, frequent alcohol consumption, “office life” and sedentary work, prolonged car driving, and lack of exercise. Also, the cause may be loads in the gym, weightlifting, bodybuilding.
Supportive treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids in adults
The diet for hemorrhoids is aimed at preventing constipation, therefore, mechanical provocation of relapse. What can I eat with hemorrhoids?
- A lot of fiber. It is useful to eat raw and boiled vegetables, fresh fruits. For the prevention of constipation recommended: prunes, dried apricots, fresh apricots, apples, peaches, grapes. Of vegetables are especially useful: pumpkin, beets, cabbage, zucchini.
- Adequate drinking regimen. In addition to tea, juices, drinks, fresh kefir, you should use raw drinking water. Lack of water in the body also leads to constipation.
- Fresh dairy products. Fresh yogurt, yogurt, kefir are especially useful.
- Vitamin Complex. In the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids, it is important to replenish the deficiency of magnesium, iron, reserves of vitamins C, A, K, E, P, B.
Exclude or limit foods that cause constipation:
- flour products: white flour bread, rolls, crackers, as well as durum wheat pasta;
- meat dishes: steep broths, boiled lean meat;
- the eggs: especially hard-boiled;
- vegetables: potato, radish, radish, eggplant;
- milk products: kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, which are stored for more than a day;
- berries and fruits: blueberries, quince, pears, persimmons, bananas, pomegranates;
- dishes with starch and gelatin: jelly, jelly, jelly;
- the drinks: strong tea, coffee, alcohol;
- cereals: semolina, fig.
The diet for hemorrhoids is selected individually, since the body can respond differently to the same products.
What else is important for prevention?
- Adjust the lifestyle - move more, walk, but do not overload the body, do not lift weights.
- Monitor the hygiene of the affected area, at the time of treatment, if possible, discard toilet paper in favor of washing with warm water;
- Promptly empty the bowel at the first urge, do not push, do not sit for long in the toilet.
It is better to treat hemorrhoids on your own at home only after consultation and examination by a proctologist. In 90% of cases, hemorrhoids are successfully treated without surgical intervention - with a timely visit to a doctor, the choice of effective drugs against hemorrhoids, nutrition and lifestyle correction.